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1 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-7

Indra Jaya Purba , Melva Silitonga, Idramsa Idramsa

Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jalan Williem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia


The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Animal Physiology textbook based on higher order thinking skills in the achievement of students^ higher order thinking skills optimally. Type of this research was quasi experiment. The design used was pretest-posttest control group design. The population was the fifth semester undergraduate students in Biology Education Study Program at Medan State University who were taking Animal Physiology course. Sample consisted of 2 groups selected randomly, class A of Biology Education Study Program as experimental group (n = 21 students) and class C of Biology Education Study Program as control group (n = 18 students). For experimental group, learning process used Animal Physiology textbook based on higher order thinking skills meanwhile control group used electronic book or journal of Animal Physiology. Multiple choices and essays test were the instruments for data collection. Hypothesis was tested by t- test used SPSS 16.0 software program and N-gain test. The post-test result showed that the average score in experimental group (71,19) was higher than control group (55,67) with t count (0,000) < &#945- (0,05). H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. Students^ higher order thinking skills in experimental group was significant higher than control group. N-gain result in experimental group was 0,59 in the category of ^Good^. It can be concluded that the effectivity of Animal Physiology textbook based on higher order thinking skills was good to enhance students^ higher order thinking.

Keywords: Animal Physiology, Higher Order Thinking, Textbook

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2 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-13

Football Talent Scouting Application Development Sport Search Method Based on Android. Medan: Postgraduate Program, Medan State University, 2022.
Ahmad Zulyaden, Rahma Dewi, Afri Tantri

Postagrude, Sport Science, Magister Sport
Medan Of State University


This study aims to (1) produce a football talent scouting application product for students aged 11-15 years, (2) find out the use of soccer talent scouting applications using the android-based sport search method. This research is a development research with the Borg and Gall approach model through 8 stages, namely: (1) potential and problems, (2) information gathering, (3) product design. (4) Design validation. (5) Design revisions, (6) small-scale trials, (7) revisions of small-scale trials, (8) large-scale trials, and (9) Final Products. The subject of this study was a soccer school coach (SSB) in Medan City with licenses D, C, and B. The trials carried out included two stages, namely small group trials with 10 coaches and large group trials with 25 coaches.
The results of this study are (1) a football talent scouting application product to identify and evaluate the potential for soccer talent of students aged 11-15 years, (2) The feasibility level of this product is known through a validation assessment of material and media experts. For the validation of the first material expert, the level of achievement is 90.00% in the Very feasible category and the second material expert validation is the level of 94.00% in the Very Eligible category and validation of the media expert at the level of 96.15% in the Very Eligible category. This product also went through a small group trial phase with an achievement rate of 77.67% in the Eligible category. Meanwhile, at the trial stage for this large group of products, the achievement rate was 87.27% in the Very Eligible category. Thus, it can be concluded that this talent scouting application product is suitable / very feasible to use.

Keywords: Talent Scouting, Football, Sport Search, Application

Keywords: Talent Scouting, Football, Sport Search, Application

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3 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-14

The Development of Inquiry Instructional Model Based on Blended Learning for Teaching Profession Course
Susmaini1, Abdul Hasan Saragih2, dan Mukhtar3

Teknologi Pendidikan State University of Medan


This research is based on problems related to the application of inquiry instructional model based on blended learning to improve student learning outcomes. The aim of the research is to find a valid, practical and effective learning model. The methodology used is research and development with the model used by Gall, Gall and Borg. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Medan. The products produced are model books, lecturer manuals, student manuals, textbooks and learning applications that have been validated by experts and practitioners and then field trials are carried out. The research findings show that the resulting inquiry instructional model based on blended learning is valid based on expert and practitioner validation, has a level of practicality, and is effective in improving student learning outcomes

Keywords: Inquiry, Blended Learning

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4 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-16

Development of Scaffolding-Based Discovery Learning Model to Improve Students^ Economic Learning Outcomes At SMA Negeri 1 Salak, Pakpak Bharat Regency In Academic Year 2021/2022
Arliana Arfani Solin1, Eko Wahyu Nugrahadi2, Saidun Hutasuhut3

University State Medan


This study aims to modify and develop the syntax of the Scaffolding-based Discovery Learning Model in class X IIS SMAN 1 Salak, Pakpak Bharat Regency which can support learning and assist teachers in delivering material in the learning process. This development research uses a 4D development model. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Salak Pakpak Bharat. The sample in this study was class X IIS1. The results of this study are the Scaffolding-based Discovery Learning Model developed that meets the eligibility requirements (valid) to be used as a learning tool in economics subject in class X IIS1. Products developed, based on the assessment of material aspects,learning design experts carried out by experts and the results of student responses with a percentage of 85% in the ^very feasible^ category and student learning outcomes using Scaffolding-based Discovery Learning Model, the developed learning model had increased changes.
Keywords: Discovery Learning Model , Scaffolding, Learning Outcomes

Keywords: Discovery Learning Model , Scaffolding, Learning Outcomes

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5 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-22

Ulfah Rani Daulay, Abdurrahman Adisaputera, Evi Eviyanti

State University of Medan


This research is a development research that aims to produce a product in the form of multiliteracy-based teaching materials. The product development of this research is based on the Borg & Gall development research model proposed by Sugiyono. The development of teaching materials is carried out by applying various types of literacy according to Waskim in each part of the module including basic literacy, library literacy, media literacy, technological literacy, and visual literacy. As a result, basic literacy activities include reading material and writing assignments, media literacy in the form of using digital media and print media during the learning process, library literacy in the form of directing students to understand the basics of libraries, technological literacy, namely the use of various technologies such as cellphones and laptops, and visual literacy in the form of various images related to learning materials. All of these literacy activities can improve students^ ability to understand learning.

Keywords: teaching materials, multiliteracy, development

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6 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-28

The Effectiveness Of Developing Teaching Materials For Writing Explanatory Texts Sourced From The Interpretation Of The Quran In Class XI MAPN 4 Medan
Rahma Nurhidayati Maha, Rosmawaty Harahap, Wisman Hadi

Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan
Jl. William Iskandar Psr. V, Indonesia


the effectiveness of teaching materials in the form of modules obtained an average pretest score of 67% in the ^Enough^ category and an average posttest score of 86.4% in the ^Very Good^ category. Seen an increase in the value between the pretest and posttest through the calculated difference of 19.4%. So that the overall results of the study show that explanatory text teaching materials sourced from the interpretation of the Qur^an are declared effective for use in the learning process

Keywords: Module teaching materials, explanatory texts, texts from the interpretation of the Quran

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7 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-29

Mira Silfia, Prof. Dr. Asih Menanti, M.S., S.Psi, Dr. Aman Simare-mare, M.S



This study aims to improve the reading ability of children aged 5-6 years in Bungong Kupula Kindergarten. This study was designed using a 4-D model (four D model) consisting of 4 main stages, namely: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The research was conducted during the 2020-2021 academic year pandemic. The data collection techniques for this study were 1) a questionnaire validation sheet from a team of experts, 2) a questionnaire response sheet for students and teachers, 3) an observation sheet for the reading ability test of children aged 5-6 years. The results showed that the busy book media was very feasible and effective to use in improving reading learning which had implications for the average score of the child^s initial test, which was 34.54 and in the final test it increased to 68.18 with an increase in the value of 33.64.

Keywords: busy book media, reading ability

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8 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-35

Development of Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) Learning Model Collaborative Investigation Group in Improving Ability to write Report Text of Observation Results for Class X SMK Negeri 11 Medan
Hans Pranata Purba

a) Medan State University Jalan
Jalan Jalan Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate 20221, Indonesia



HANS PRANATA PURBA (NIM) 8196191001, Development of
Auditory, Intellectual, Repetition (AIR) Model Collaborative Investigation Group in Improving Ability to Write Text Reports on Observation Results of Class X Students of SMK Negeri 11 Medan. Thesis. Postgraduate Indonesian Literature and Language Education Study Program, Medan State University, 2022.
This research is motivated by the existence of problems in learning to write text reports on observations. The problem stems from the complexity of the material process for writing observational report texts, which often become material that is less attractive and students^ enthusiasm in learning material for non-creative observations of reports. Based on this, this study aims to produce an auditory, intellectualy, repetition (AIR) collaborative investigative group model in improving the ability to write observational report texts for Class X SMK Negeri 11 Medan. The research method used is the research and development method of the Thiangarajan system (1974- 6-9) using 4-D Define, Design, Develop, Deseminate. The development stages are the initial study phase, initial product development, and product testing. The results of material expert validation on the feasibility of the material obtained an average of 89.1%. with the category ^Very good^ For the graphic assessment by design experts obtained an average of 95.1% with the category ^very good^. Product trials were carried out in three stages: individual testing, small group trials, and limited field trials. Individual trials with an average of 86.1% in the very good category, small group trials with an average of 91.2% in the very good category, and limited field trials with an average of 88.99% in the very good category. The effectiveness of the collaborative group investigative AIR model on the observation report text material was declared effective. This is evidenced by the test of student learning outcomes in writing the text of the observation report.

Keywords: learning model, air, investigation group, development

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9 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-45

Development of Teaching Materials for Writing Folklore Texts Based on Text Engineering for Class X Students of SMA Negeri 1 Kualuh Hulu, Labuhan Batu Utara Regency
Sustika Maharani

Indonesian Language Education. State University of Medan (UNIMED)
Jl. Willem Iskandar / Pasar V, Medan, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
Kotak Pos 1589, Kode Pos 20221
Telp. (061) 6613365, Fax. (061) 6614002 / 6613319
E-mail : humas[at]


This study aims to obtain teaching materials for writing folklore texts based on engineering texts and also to find out: (1) Describe the process of developing teaching materials for writing folklore texts based on engineering texts, (2) Describe the feasibility of writing engineering-based folklore texts. text, (3) Describing the effectiveness of developing teaching materials for writing folklore texts based on text engineering. This type of research includes Borg and Gall research and development. The subject of this research is teaching materials for writing folklore texts based on text engineering. The population of this research and development is the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Kualuh Hulu, Labuhan Batu Utara Regency. The research sample amounted to 30 students and 2 teachers. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained: (1) The process of developing teaching materials on the material of writing folklore texts based on text engineering begins with needs analysis, interviews and literature surveys. Based on the results of the needs analysis, interviews with Indonesian language teachers and a literature survey, it was concluded that the development of text-based engineering teaching materials was needed by teachers and students in the learning process, (2) The feasibility of the teaching materials developed for writing folklore texts based on text-engineering was based on an assessment. material experts obtained an average percentage of 84.9% included in the ^Very Good^ category. The results of the validation of learning design experts obtained an average of 83.84% with the criteria of ^Very Good^, (3) The effectiveness of the teaching materials developed in the material for writing folklore texts based on text engineering, proved effective based on student learning outcomes in the folklore text writing test with a difference an increase in value of 23.33%.

Keywords: teaching materials, folklore texts, text engineering

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10 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-46

Nurdiana Nasution (a*) Elly Djulia (b) Ashar Hasairin (c)

Universitas Negeri Medan


Books used to gain knowledge are textbooks. However, not all knowledge is contained in textbooks, so supporting books such as non-text books are needed. One of the important material to be included in non-text books is biodiversity because diversity in Indonesia is very high which has values &#8203-&#8203-including economic and consumptive values &#8203-&#8203-that can be utilized for humans and the environment. Shallot variety Sitapak is one of the biodiversity that needs to be preserved in Samosir Regency. This research includes R & D (Research And Development) research which will be carried out in February 2021-February 2022 at Medan State University. The data collection technique used is the documentation technique of the book^s feasibility data by a team of experts. The data analysis technique is done by converting the score into a value and then interpreting it, with the formula P = x 100. The instruments in this study are validation sheets for validators and student responses to books. The results showed that the non-text book characterizing the Sitapak Shallots was declared feasible and could be used based on the material expert validator with an average score of 94.2% (very good), learning design expert with an average rating of 89.9% (very good). . Based on linguists with an average rating of 86.6% (very good), and based on layout experts with an average rating of 81.75% (very good). Thus, the Sitapak variety of shallot non-text book was declared feasible to be produced and used.

Keywords: Book development, non-text books, characterization, Sitapak shallots

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11 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-52

Anggi Damora Sari (1*), Khairil Ansari (2), Wisman Hadi (3)

Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Postgraduate Program, Medan State University


The achievement of learning objectives in the classroom depends on the creativity of the teacher as a facilitator. Teachers are required to be creative and innovative so that the desired learning objectives can be achieved. Planning in teaching and learning activities is the main thing that must be done so that learning can run effectively. Based on the results of initial observations made by researchers on January 26, 2021 at MTs. Aisyiyah North Sumatra, students still experience obstacles that often arise in teaching and learning activities, especially in procedural text material. The low ability of students in writing, especially on procedural text material, becomes a problem in the learning process that must be resolved. The obstacle experienced by students in the procedural text material is the limited knowledge of the students about the linguistic rules in the procedure text. Students^ ability in writing procedural texts is evidenced by the acquisition of student assignments with an average score of 65.71 and still not passing the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) in the Indonesian language study area, which is 75. The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of using teaching materials for procedure texts with the theme of Medan Traditional Culinary in improving student learning outcomes. This research is included in the type of research and development (R&D) using data analysis on the assessment of learning outcomes in writing procedure texts using qualitative analysis techniques. The effectiveness of teaching materials for procedure texts with the theme of traditional Medan culinary shows an increase of 17.21% from 65.71% pretest results to 82.92% posttest results. The overall results of this study indicate that the teaching materials of procedure texts with the theme of Medan traditional culinary are declared effective to be used in the learning process.

Keywords: Teaching materials, procedure texts, Medan traditional culinary

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12 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-63

Improving The Ability of Problem Solving in Physics Using Android-Based Teaching Materials
Juli Briana(1), Wawan Bunawan(2) and Nurdin Siregar(3)

1Departement of Physics Education, Postgraduate State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia.
2-3 Postgraduate State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia.


The development of science and technology is increasingly encourage the efforts of reformation in the using of technology results in the learning process. This research aims to develop interactive teaching materials to improve the problem solving of high school students. The method used is research and development with the ADDIE development model. The research carried out includes the analysis stage which consists of material analysis, situation analysis, analysis of aspects of teaching materials, and analysis of student characteristics, and the design stage, namely the preparation of storyboards, then the development stage which consists of preparation, manufacture, review and editing, assessment by experts, and the implementation stage, namely the teaching materials trial. The last stage is the evaluation of teaching materials by teachers and students as respondents that aims to determine the quality of android-based interactive teaching materials that have been developed. The results showed that the interactive teaching materials developed were valid and suitable to be used based on a very good assessment category by the experts with a percentage score of 91% by material experts and 95% by media experts. Teaching materials are also practical which can be seen from the results of student needs. The effectiveness of teaching materials can be seen from the impact of these teaching materials which can improve students^ problem solving abilities with an n-gain analysis of 0.49 (medium category). Based on this description, the interactive teaching materials that have been developed are valid, practical, and effective so that they can improve problem solving skills.

Keywords: R&D research, interactive teaching materials, problem solving

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13 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-66

Development of Persuasive Text Teaching Materials based on the Discovery Learning Method in Class VIII SMP GKPI Padang Bulan Medan TP 2021/2022
Ayu Adryani Siahaan

Medan State University Postgraduate


This study aims to develop persuasive text teaching materials based on the discovery learning method for class VIII junior high school students. This study uses the ADIIE development model which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Research teaching materials products get an average assessment of material experts 97.82% in the very appropriate category, 96.2% in the design expert assessment in the very appropriate category, the Indonesian language teacher assessment in 90.3% in the very feasible category. Tried the product three times, namely individual trials, small groups and limited field, with the average number of individual student assessments being 89.1%, trials on small groups of ten students with an average of 90.8% and a limited field test was conducted on 30 students of SMP GKPI Padang Bulan Medan with an average of 92.4 very feasible categories. The effectiveness of persuasive text teaching materials assisted by the discovery learning method is obtained from student learning outcomes carried out in two stages, namely at the pre-test and post-test. The results obtained at the pre-test were 2,132 with an average of 71, this value was categorized as ^enough^ and did not meet the KKM score of 75. After using persuasive text teaching materials assisted by the discovery learning method and post-testing the total score of students increased to 2,431 with an average of 81 categorized as ^good^. This shows that persuasive text teaching materials assisted by the discovery learning method bring good development and are effectively used by class VIII students of SMP GKPI Padang Bulan Medan.

Keywords: teaching materials, persuasive texts, discovery learning

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14 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-68

Alexander Sinaga1* Oky Fardian Gafari2 Mara Untung Ritonga3

Program Pascasarjana Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia


This study aims to describe the process of developing metacognition-based essay writing teaching materials, validating the development of metacognition-based essay writing materials for class XII students of SMAS Nur Cahaya Medan, and the effectiveness of teaching materials for essay writing based on metacognition for class XII students of SMAS Nur Cahaya Medan.
This type of research is research and development based on the Borg and Gall development model. The test subjects consisted of material experts, design experts, Indonesian language teachers and students of SMAS Nur Cahaya Medan. Data on the quality of these products were collected through questionnaires and essay writing tests. The results of this study indicate that
the validation by material experts is declared feasible with an average acquisition of 91.48% in the very good category, the feasibility of presenting 94% in the very good category, the feasibility of presenting 94.00% in the very good category, the feasibility of language being obtained 93.75% in very good category, language feasibility obtained 93.75% in very good category, graphic feasibility obtained 90.00% in very good category, validation by design experts
with an average acquisition of 90.00% in very good category and validation by material experts with an average of 90.00% obtained in the very good category. The average individual trial results obtained were 85.04% in the good category, the small group trial results obtained an average of 86.26% in the good category, and the limited field trial results obtained an average of 94.85% in the very category. good. The effectiveness of teaching materials shows that the
average value of the pretest (initial test) is 70.68% in the sufficient category and the average posttest score (the final score) is 81.40% in the good category.

Keywords: materials, teaching, writing, essays, metacognition

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15 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-71

Development of Imagination Game Media in learning to Write Narrative Text
NIKO HENDRA DELAHOYA SIREGAR Dr.Wisman Hadi.,M.Hum., S.Pd Dr. Malan Lubis., M.Hum



NIKO HENDRA SIREGAR NIM 8206192005 Development of Imagination Game Media in learning to Write Narrative Text in order to see the results of imagination games for Class VII Nasrani Middle School 2 Medan. Thesis: Indonesian Language and Literature Education. Medan State University Postgraduate Program, 2020.
This study aims to determine the media imagination game in learning to write narrative texts for seventh grade students of SMP Nasrani 2 Medan, and find out the results of the development of imagination game media in learning to write narrative texts for grade VII students of SMP Nasrani 2 Medan and find out the appropriate reasons for using it. media imagination games in a media development in writing narrative texts. This study aims to determine the results of the development of media imagination games in writing narrative texts for seventh grade students of SMP Nasrani 2 Medan. The method used in this research is the Research and Development (R&D) method which is aimed at the proposed Borg & Gall model. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The results of material validation on aspects of growth are 90.55% in a very good category, (2) The results of media validation are on average 86.16% with a very good category, (2) Results media validation an average of 86.16% with a very good category, (3) Validation results from educators obtained an average of 95.5% in a very good category, (4) individual validation results 87.21%, (5) The results obtained from field trials are limited with an average of 89.43% categorized as good. This proves that the developed imagination game media can improve student learning outcomes, so that the imagination game media in learning to write narrative texts is used in learning.

Keywords: Development, Imagination Game Media, Narrative text

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16 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-72

The Validity of Encyclopedia Ethnomedicine Ethnic Mandailing in the Mount Sorik Marapi Area as a Student Learning Resource
Ummi Zaimah, Ashar Hasairin, Diky Setya Diningrat

Medan State University


This study aims to determine the validity of Encyclopedia Ethnomedicine Ethnic Mandailing in the Mount Sorik Marapi Region as a Student Learning Resource in Ethnobotany Subjects according to material experts, learning experts, design experts, responses from lecturers, and also responses from students. This type of research is development research using the ADDIE model. This research only reached the development stage. The results showed that based on the assessment of material experts of 85.5%, learning experts of 91.75%, and design experts of 96.67%, the average assessment of biology lecturers was 91.33%, and the average assessment of students by 89.33%. It can be concluded that the Encyclopedia of Ethnomedicine is appropriate to be used as a learning resource that can be used by students to support learning in ethnobotany courses.

Keywords: Encyclopedia, Ethnomedicine,Validity

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17 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-79

Feasibility of Negotiation Text Module Based on the Qur^an and Hadith for Class X MAN 2 Medan Model Students
Saripah Hannum Siregar(a*), Rosmawaty Harahap(b), M. Surip(b)

Master^s Program in Indonesian Language and Literature Education
Medan State University


The problem of this research is how the feasibility of the negotiation text module based on the Qur^an and Hadith for class X MAN 2 Model Medan students. This study aims to explain the feasibility of the negotiation text module based on the Qur^an and Hadith for class X students of MAN 2 Model Medan. The data collection technique used in this study was in the form of a questionnaire. The data analysis technique for the feasibility of the module used descriptive data analysis. The results showed that the negotiation text module based on the Qur^an and Hadith that was developed was feasible to use based on the results of material expert validation of 93.61%, design expert validation of 76.34%, religious expert validation of 94.53%. The feasibility of the negotiation text module is not only seen from the assessment of the experts, but also from the responses of the module users, namely teachers and students. The assessment of the negotiation text module based on the Qur^an and Hadith by Indonesian language teachers obtained an average score of 94.79%, responses from students through individual trials of 82.41%, small group trials of 85, 19%, and limited field trial of 88.21%. Thus, the negotiation text module based on the Qur^an and Hadith for class X students of MAN 2 Medan Model that has been developed is declared suitable for use in the learning process.

Keywords: Feasibility, Module, Negotiation text, Al-Qur^an and Hadith

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18 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-80

Teaching Chemical Equilibrium in High School Using Android-Based Interactive Multimedia
Fathia Namira (a*), Zainuddin M (b), Ajat Sudrajat (b)

a) Department of Chemistry Education, Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia
b) Department of Chemistry Education
Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia


An abstract is this study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes using the developed multimedia, knowing the effect of learning motivation towards student learning outcomes and knowing student responses to the use of android-based interactive multimedia. The study used the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model. The sampling technique was purposive sampling in class XI MAN 2 Model Medan. The data collection instruments included student learning outcomes and questionnaires on motivation and responses. The learning instrument data from the pretest and posttest were composed of multiple-choice questions analyzed with the Rasch model assisted by the Winstep program. Analysis of data on motivation and learning outcomes by correlation and linear regression test using SPSS. The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes with an average N-Gain of 0.66 in the medium category, the impact of learning motivation students towards learning outcomes with a percentage of 12.3%, and student responses obtained results of 81.25% in the excellent category.

Keywords: Interactive multimedia- Android- Motivation- Student learning outcome- Chemical equilibrium

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19 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-82

Dahratul Laila, Malan Lubis, Khairil Ansari



This study aims to explain podcast-based semantic modules for sixth semester students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, FBS Unimed. The results showed that the podcast-based semantic module that was developed was feasible to use based on the results of material expert validation of 97.25%, design expert validation of 94.5%, and media expert validation of 84.4. Lecturers of semantic subjects obtained an average score of 82.6%, student trials through individual trials were 81.13%, small group trials were 82.6%, and field trials were 87%. The semantic module based on the 2019 Regular B class student podcast that has been developed is declared feasible and effective to use in the learning process

Keywords: Feasibility, Module, Semantics, Podcast

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20 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-84

Implementation Innovative of e-Module On learning Non-Metallic Chemistry Based on KKNI Curriculum
Elsa Febrina Tarigan (a)*, Nurfajriani (b), Zainuddin Muchtar (b)

a) Pascasarjana Pendidikan Kimia Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr .V, Medan

b) Departemen Pascasarjana Pendidikan Kimia Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr .V, Medan


TThe pandemic has become a concern in the field of education, which has made the conventional learning system switch to online- this means that educators innovate to create innovative teaching materials that access online and offline. The research objectives were to aim (1) The improvement of student learning outcomes after being taught e-modules- (2) Student learning outcomes that met the minimum competency standards- (3) Student responses to e-modules.This study used test instruments and student response questionnaires. The research sample was 31 students of UNIMED chemistry education class 2020. The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes that achieved the high N-gain criteria of 0.74 and met the minimum competency standard, namely 80, and student responses were 89.04% in the excellent category, so the innovative KKNI-based e-module on oxygen and sulfur materials can be used as a reference for learning resources.

Keywords: Innovative Learning, KKNI, Inorganic Oxygen and Sulfur

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21 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-85

Student Worksheet Development (LKPD) Social Science on Contextual Based of Class VII in SMP Swasta Tiara
Rabiatul Adawiyah Hasibuan, Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid K M.Pd, Dr R. Mursid M.Pd

Department of Education Technology, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, jalan william iskandar pasar V Medan estate, Medan 20221, Indonesia


This research aims to know (1) The contextual-based LKPD for Social Studies learning that was developed is suitable for use in class VII students of SMP Swasta Tiara, (2) To find out the Student Worksheet Development (LKPD) contextual based social studies learning that is linked is effective for grade VII SMP Swasta Tiara.
This research was conducted at Junior High School (SMP) Swasta Tiara at Deli Serdang. Research on the development model used is the Dick and Carey model. For sample research trials of individuals as much as 3 students, small groups of trials as much as 9 students and a sample test as many as 32 students. Trial results are obtained from the learning design expert 2 people, 2 people, media expert and 2 expert material.
The results showed (1) teaching materials of Student Worksheet Development (LKPD) Contextual based social science learning is appropriate for use in social science subjects, (2) The use of teaching materials used in the learning process of social science wit-a count of tcount = ttable > 4.56 = 4.42, (3) Social Science Learning outcomes of class VII students with economic material using Student Worksheet Development (LKPD) teaching materials are higher than student learning outcomes using Ordinary Learning.

Keywords: Contextual-based Student Worksheet (LKPD), Ordinary student worksheets (LKPD)

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22 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-88

Suriadi Simanullang, Development of Interactive Multimedia-Based Lecture Teaching Materials for Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 1 Barus Tapanuli Tengah. Thesis. Indonesian Language and Literature Education. Graduate Program, State University of Medan. 2022.
suriadi simanullang

Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to find out effective interactive multimedia-based lecture materials for class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Barus Tapanuli Tengah, find out the results of developing interactive multimedia-based lecture text materials for class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Barus Tapanuli Tengah, and find out the reasons for using multimedia. interactively in the development of lecture text teaching materials. The benefits of this research are expected to improve the learning process of lecture texts using interactive multimedia as an innovative learning medium. This research is a development research using the Borg & Gall model which aims to develop interactive multimedia-based teaching materials that will be used as teaching materials in lecture text learning. The results of this study were validated by material experts with an average of 98.3% with very good criteria, ( 2) validation results by media experts with an average of 91.16% with very good criteria, (3) validation by design experts with an average of 84.70% with very good criteria, (4) Indonesian language teacher responses with an average of 95% with very good criteria, (5) individual trial results obtained with an average of 78.9% with good criteria, (6) small group trial results obtained with an average of 89% with very good criteria, (7) obtained trial results field with an average of 99.28% with very good criteria, (8) student learning outcomes before using interactive multimedia-based teaching materials are 65.14 and after using interactive multimedia-based teaching with an average score of 83.23 with a very good category. The difference obtained is 18.09.

Keywords: Development, Teaching Materials, Lecture Text, Interactive Multimedia

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23 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-92

Development of Teaching Materials to Write Canva-Shaped Biographical Texts for Students of Class X of Private Vocational School Teladan Pematangsiantar
Decy Damayanti Sipayung(a*), Rosmawaty Harahap (b), wisman Hadi (b)

a Master Student of State University of Medan (Unimed), Medan, Indonesia. *decysipayung58[at]
b Lecturer in State University of Medan (Unimed), Medan, Indonesia.


This research aims to (1) the process of developing a kanva-shaped biographical text text module in students of class X of Private Vocational School Teladan Pematangsiantar, (2) the feasibility of a canva-shaped biographical text module in students of class X of Private Vocational School Teladan Pematangsiantar, (3) the effectiveness of canva-shaped biographical text modules in students of class X of Private Vocational School Teladan Pematangsiantar. This type of research is research and development using the Borg and Gell development model. Data collection techniques are carried out by the dissemination of questionnaires and written tests in the form of descriptions on the material of the procedure text. The results showed that (1) The process of developing teaching materials is carried out with 10 stages, namely potential problems, data collection, product design, product validation, design revision / improvement, product initial trial, product revision / repair, usage trial, product revision / repair, and mass product . (2) the feasibility of teaching materials in the form of developed modules is declared suitable for use based on the validation of material experts and design experts. Material experts include aspects of content/material feasibility, presentation feasibility, language feasibility and suitability of canva-shaped biographical text themes with an overall average value of 96.75% with ^excellent^ criteria. Design experts obtained an overall average value percentage of 85% with the ^excellent^ criteria. Design experts obtained an overall average value percentage of 85% with the ^excellent^ criteria. The average percentage is obtained from the feasibility aspects of infographics and the theme of biographical texts in the form of canvas. Media experts obtained an overall average score percentage of 85% with the ^excellent^ criteria. The average percentage is obtained from the indicators of writing display assessment, image display, femininity, and cohesio

Keywords: Biographical Text, Canva, Teaching Materials

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24 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-93

Development of Learning Media Based on Visualization of Computation Chemical Calculation Results
Suriati Nilmarito 1*, Asep Wahyu Nugraha 2, Nurfajriani 3

1,2,3Post Graduate School of Chemistry Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Address Correspondence : suriatinilmarito[at]


This study aims to determine the feasibility of learning media for electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions based on the visualization of computational chemical calculations. This type of research is development research that refers to the ADDIE model. This study uses a modified BSNP validation sheet which is validated to 4 validators, namely 2 chemistry teachers, material experts and 2 media expert lecturers. The results of the validation of the feasibility of learning media based on the visualization of computational chemistry calculations on electrolyte and non-electrolyte solution materials based on the BSNP obtained an average percentage of content eligibility of 95% (very feasible), an average percentage of language eligibility of 96% (very feasible), and the average percentage of presentation eligibility is 92% (very feasible). From the average percentage value of the three aspects, 94% is obtained, meaning that the media is very feasible to use.

Keywords: Learning media, Visualization, Computing

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25 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-95

The Development of Web-Based Learning Media in Class VIII English Subjects at SMP Muhammadiyah-16 Lubuk Pakam
Wulan Junita (a*), Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid, M.Pd (b), Dr. R. Mursid, M.Pd (b)

Educational Technology, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan


This study aims to: a) determine the feasibility of developing web-based learning media in English subjects- b) knowing the effectiveness of web-based learning media in English subjects. This research uses a development research approach (Research and Development) with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The results of this study show that: a) the feasibility of web-based learning media in English subjects obtained by media expert validation with an average mean score of 4.45 with a percentage of 89% very feasible interpretation- design expert validation with an average mean score of 4.6 with a percentage of 92% interpretation is very feasible- expert validation of the material with an average mean score of 4.5 with a percentage of 90% of interpretation is very feasible- trials of individual students with an average score of 4.3 with a percentage of 86% very high acceptance interpretation- student group trials with an average score mean of 4.5 with a percentage of 90% of interpretation of very high acceptance. b) the effectiveness of web-based learning media in English subjects shows a significant difference between student learning outcomes in experimental classes, namely students who are taught using web-based learning media in English subjects and student learning outcomes in control classes, namely students who are taught without using web-based learning media in English subjects at a significance level of 0.05 or 5%. The result of the t-test showed that the posttest of the experimental and control group showed that tcount > ttable was 3.225 > 1.677. The results of the average score of the posttest experimental group were higher 88% than the control group 64%. Thus, it can be concluded that the web-based learning media developed is feasible and effective to be used to improve student learning outcomes.

Keywords: Research and Development, Learning Media, Web, English

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26 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-97

Development Innovative ebook of Biochemisty Metabolism Integrated Learning Video to Improve Learning Outcomes and Learning Motivation of Chemistry Education Students
Day Dosmayhot Simaremare (*), Ramlan Silaban, Nurfajriani, Marham Sitorus

Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Kimia dan Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Negeri Medan
Jl. William Iskandar Medan 20221


Education is very important role in the formation of quality human resource, because that educator must be creative and innovative. Innovation in learning can be in the form of developing teaching materials using technology. This study aims to produce e-books assited by kvisoft flipbook maker as a learning media and learning resource in Biochemistry metabolism learning so as to increase student motivation and learning outcomes. This research with the ADDIE model. The data colection instrument used was validation questionnaire based on the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed the feasibility of innovative an e-book of Biochemistry Metabolism integrated with learning videos, with an average score of 3.45 and include in the valid, limited trial use of e-books show effectieved result in improved learning outcomes with an N-gain score of 0.74 and motivation with an average score of 85%.

Keywords: e-book biochemistry metabolism, learning outcomes, learning motivation

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27 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-108

Development of Reference Book for Orangutan Feeding Plants in Ketambe, Southeast Aceh
Mintana Khoiriah Lubis (a*), Ashar Hasairin (b), Fauziyah Harahap (b)

a) Biology Education of Postgraduate school Universitas Negeri Medan, Jalan Willem Iskandar, Pasar V Medan Estate, North Sumatera 20221, Indonesia
b) Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jalan Willem Iskandar, Pasar V, North Sumatera 20221, Indonesia


Abstrack: The aim of this research was to develop a reference book for the introduction of Sumatra orangutan fodder (pongo abelii) in ketambe. The study usse the research and development model of thiagarajan, which consists of four stages. The subject of this study is the general public. The results of the product trial assessment for individuals are 96.01%, small groups 95.41% and limited groups 82.25%. The result can be concluded that the book introduction of type orangutan plants is categorized as valid for additional information to the general public.

Keywords: development research, reference books, orangutan food

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28 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-110

The Implementation Of the Prototype Curriculum in UPTD SMP Negeri 1 Datuk Lima Puluh Batubara Regency
Tobok Luhut Situmorang

UPT. SMP Negeri 1 Datuk Lima Puluh


The prototype curriculum focuses on achieving contextual learning that adapts to the students^ needs and development. Up today, this curriculum has been implemented in 2,500 school movers in 111 districts/cities and 34 provinces in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the prototype curriculum in UPTD SMP Negeri 1 Datuk Lima Puluh Batubara Regency. A total of 21 teachers and 205 students became the population as well as the sample and the evaluation model applied was CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Output). A questionnaire compiled based on aspects and indicators of CIPP in the prototype curriculum and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. This study found that 96.40% of teachers and students considered the infrastructure and book procurement aspects in the very good category. Other findings showed that less than 45% of teachers and students stated that their understanding of the prototype curriculum was still minimum including the learning and assessment process, parental involvement, and coaching for teachers. Nearly 70% of respondents considered that one of the prototype curriculum products, namely the Profil Pelajar Pancasila, was in the good category. In short, the implementation of the prototype curriculum needs to get better improvements in the context, input, and especially the process aspects.

Keywords: prototype curriculum, CIPP, School movers

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29 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-114




Collaborative skills are skills to actively participate in building positive relationships with others. These skills are important to have to demonstrate high productivity, full responsibility and respect for others to support skills in the 21st century. However, according to observations, the results showed that students of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, State University of Medan still have low 21st century skills with a percentage of 61.22%. Therefore, this study aims to test the effectiveness of developing the integrated Self-Discovery and Exploration (SDE) Taxonomy of Organisms module to improve students^ collaboration skills. This module is a modification of the Discovery Learning concept based on the assignment of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework. This study uses the Research and Development (R & D) method which specifically measures the effectiveness of the developed module. Data collection techniques through observation. The research instrument uses the accuracy sheet for student collaboration skills achievement. The results of the study were analyzed through t-test and calculated the percentage of students^ collaboration skills achievement. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the learning outcomes of students^ collaboration skills in the experimental and control classes with tcount of 73,724 and ttable of 1,697 (tcount > ttable). The average score of the experimental class students^ collaboration skills was 74.36% and the control class was 4.28%. Thus, it can be concluded that the development of the integrated Self-Discovery and Exploration (SDE) Taxonomy of Low-Level Organisms (SDE) module has proven to be effective in improving students^ collaboration skills.

Keywords: Collaborating Skills- Module- Self-Discovery and Exploration- Taxonomy of Low-Level Organisms

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30 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-115

Development of Student Worksheet (LKPD) Fiction Text Based on Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Class VII Santa Lucia Sei Rattan Private Junior High School
Pernando Sitohang (a), Mara Untung Ritonga (b), Malan Lubis (c)

Magister Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (M,P.d)
Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED)



Pernando Sitohang, Nim 8206192001, Development of Student Worksheets (LKPD) for Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS)-Based Fiction for Class VII Students of Santa Lusia Sei Rotan Private Junior High School.

This study aims to develop a Student Worksheet (LKPD) fiction text based on higher order thinking skills (HOTS) of Indonesian language and literature for class VII SMP Private Santa Lusia Sei Rotan and to find out the students^ higher order thinking skills. The sample used in this study is the questions contained in the LKPD for Indonesian class VII subjects. The research method used is research and development using the 4-D method, namely (1) the definition stage- (2) the design stage (design)- (3) the development stage (develop)- and (4) the dissemination stage. The results of the research are HOTS-based fiction worksheets. The results of the assessment from colleagues obtained 85.25% in the good category. The results of the validation of the LKPD design by design experts are 92.5% with very good criteria. The results of the validation of learning materials by material experts are 93.33% with very good criteria. This is evidenced in the effectiveness test of HOTS-based fiction worksheets for class VII SMP Private Santa Lusia Sei Rotan obtaining an average pretest score of 68.7 with the lowest score of 59 and the highest score of 84. While the posttest average score of 81 with the lowest score 69 and the highest score is 94. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the HOTS-based fiction student worksheets can improve student learning outcomes, especially in fiction text material.

Keywords: Fiction Text, HOTS Based, LKPD

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