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The Development of Web-Based Learning Media in Class VIII English Subjects at SMP Muhammadiyah-16 Lubuk Pakam
Wulan Junita (a*), Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid, M.Pd (b), Dr. R. Mursid, M.Pd (b)

Educational Technology, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan


This study aims to: a) determine the feasibility of developing web-based learning media in English subjects- b) knowing the effectiveness of web-based learning media in English subjects. This research uses a development research approach (Research and Development) with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The results of this study show that: a) the feasibility of web-based learning media in English subjects obtained by media expert validation with an average mean score of 4.45 with a percentage of 89% very feasible interpretation- design expert validation with an average mean score of 4.6 with a percentage of 92% interpretation is very feasible- expert validation of the material with an average mean score of 4.5 with a percentage of 90% of interpretation is very feasible- trials of individual students with an average score of 4.3 with a percentage of 86% very high acceptance interpretation- student group trials with an average score mean of 4.5 with a percentage of 90% of interpretation of very high acceptance. b) the effectiveness of web-based learning media in English subjects shows a significant difference between student learning outcomes in experimental classes, namely students who are taught using web-based learning media in English subjects and student learning outcomes in control classes, namely students who are taught without using web-based learning media in English subjects at a significance level of 0.05 or 5%. The result of the t-test showed that the posttest of the experimental and control group showed that tcount > ttable was 3.225 > 1.677. The results of the average score of the posttest experimental group were higher 88% than the control group 64%. Thus, it can be concluded that the web-based learning media developed is feasible and effective to be used to improve student learning outcomes.

Keywords: Research and Development, Learning Media, Web, English

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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