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31 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-116

Development of Short Story Text Materials in Sigil Assisted E-Modules for Class XI Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Medan
Nur Viasri Bako (a*), M. Joharis Lubis (b), Elly Prihasti Wuriyani

Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program of Postgraduate School of Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia 2022


This study aims to determine the results of the development of short story text material in an e-module assisted by sigil in class XI students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Medan. This type of research is development research based on the Brog and Gall development model. The test subjects consisted of class XI students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Medan. The results showed that: (1) material expert validation included content eligibility 94.31% on very good criteria, 92.71% presentation feasibility on very good criteria, and language eligibility 88.88% on very good criteria, (2) validation design experts with an average of 97.91% on very good criteria, (3) individual group trials of 86.80% on very good criteria, (4) small group trials of 90.04% on very good criteria, (5) The field group test was limited to 92.12% on very good criteria, (6) The effectiveness of the module in improving student learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes based on the pretest and posttest showed the difference from pretest to posttest the value obtained was 28.59% with an average pretest of 58.75% and an average posttest of 87.34%. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the short story text material in the sigil-assisted e-module that was developed was feasible and effective to be used by class XI students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Medan in short story text learning. The implication of this research is to provide convenience for teachers in delivering material by using e-modules assisted by sigils as learning resources in schools and for students to improve student learning outcomes in writing short stories.

Keywords: short story text, e-module, sigil

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32 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-118

Development of Problem Solving-Based Business and Energy E-Modules to Improve Students Higher Order Thinking Skills
Rini Lestari Dalimunthe(a*), Derlina (b), Rita Juliani (b)

a,b) State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
* rinidalimunthe16[at]


The problem faced so that research was made is that Problem Solving-based teaching materials have never been used in the learning process. This study aims to develop problem solving-based business and energy e-modules, as well as determine the level of validity of the developed business and energy e-modules. This type of research is an educational development research using a 4-D model. This model consists of four stages, namely define (definition), design (design), develope (development), and desseminate (dissemination). The instruments used are observation sheets, questionnaires, and learning outcomes tests. The e-module was tested on teachers and 30 students at SMA N 11 Medan. The results of the validity of the e-module were analyzed using a Likert scale. The results of the validity of the media expert obtained an average value of 88.3% and the validity of the e-module material expert obtained an average value of 90.5% with the category having high validity. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the problem solving-based business and energy e-module to improve student HOTS developed was valid.

Keywords: e-module- Problem Solving- 4-D Development Model

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33 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-119

Development of PhET Simulation Assisted Experimental Module on Elastic Materials and Hooke Law in High School Students
Utia Rahmah (a*), Makmur Sirait (b), Juniastel Rajagukguk (b)

a,b) State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
* utiaarahmah[at]


This research is aimed to determine the results of the validity of the developed PhET simulation-assisted physics experimental e-module. The research carried out is a type of Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model. The population in this study were all students of class XI IPA 3 semester I totaling 36 people at SMA Negeri 1 Medan. The instruments used in the study were media expert validation questionnaires, experimental expert validation questionnaires and practicality questionnaires. The results obtained from the validity aspect which was developed from input by media experts, an average score of 92.05% was obtained in the very feasible category and for the expert assessment of the experimenter the average score was 94,46% in the very feasible category. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the developed PhET simulation-assisted physics experiment e-module was valid and practical.

Keywords: Physics experiment e-module- PhET simulation- ADDIE

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34 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-121

Development Of Pisa-Based Questions For Fluid Materials In SMA
Lusi Mardiah(a*), Sahyar(b), Derlina (b)

a,b) State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
* lusi.mardiah96[at]


Abstract. The research objectives were to analyze: (1) the feasibility of PISA-based test questions for fluid material in high school, and (2) the validity, reliability, discriminating power, level of difficulty, and distractor effectiveness of PISA-based objective tests for fluid material in high school. This research is research and development (R&D) with the Borg and Gall development model. The research sample was one class XI MAN 1 Medan which was selected by simple random sampling. The research method used is development research. The resulting questions were validated by experts, then continued with small group and field group tests. Testing the validity of the PISA questions was done by using a biserial point correlation test. Reliability using Cronbach^s alpha formula, level of difficulty, discriminating power and effectiveness of distractors. Qualitative studies are carried out by asking for expert considerations, including studies of material, construction, and language aspects. Quantitative studies were conducted based on content validity.

Keywords: PISA.,Fluida

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35 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-122

Development of Explanatory Text Teaching Materials Assisted by Digital Scrapbook Media for Class VIII Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Medan.
Uswatun hasanah, Khairil Ansari, M. Oky Fardian Gafari



This study was using research and development (R&D) model proposed by Borg and Gall which aimed to know (1) developing process of teaching material in explanation text with digital scrapbook, (2) output of teaching material, (3) appropriateness of teaching material, (4) effectiveness of teaching material. The result of research showed that (1) the developing teaching material with processing 10 stages and appropriating with model proposed by Borg and Gall., (2) the output of product was teaching materials of explanation text using digital scrapbook with the different style and content, (3) the validation of teaching materials was appropriated to be used based on experts^ validation which consist of the value of content, presentation, and language appropriatness got score 91.16% with excellent level, expert of design which consist of graphic aspect successfully with score 86.00% with excellent level, and expert of media which got score 87.50% with excellent level. Meanwhile for individual assessment avarage score range ini 86.98% with excellent level. Small group discussion^s score was 87,11% with excellent level. Limited field training discussion^s score was 88,04% with excellent level, (4) effectiveness of teaching material of explanation text with paper clip or digital scrapbook revealed that there was improvement total score 17.04 from prestest assessment was 65.53 to be postes assessment was 82.57. Overall this study indicated that teaching material of explanation text considered was feasible and effective to be used in process learning and teaching. The implications of this study were (1) teaching material was developed could be used in learning and teaching process, (2) teaching material was developed could improve insight of teacher in increasing the quality and creating valuable learning, (3) teaching material was developed can be used as one of alternative teaching materials in learning of explanation text.

Keywords: teaching materials, explanatory text, scrapbook.

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36 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-125

Development of Teaching Materials for Folklore (Hikayat) in Digital Form for Students of Class X SMA Negeri 1 Stabat Langkat Regency
Utami Widya Putri (a*), M. Oky Fardian Gafari (b), Wisman Hadi

Indonesian Language And Literature Education Study Program Of Postgraduate School of Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia 2022


This study aims to determine the results of the development of teaching materials of folklore (hikayat) in digital form for students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Stabat Kabupaten Langkat. This type of research is a development research based on the Brog and Gall development model. With test subjects consisting of students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Stabat Langkat Regency. This research has the implication that the product developed will provide a practical contribution, especially in the implementation of the learning process for teachers as additional teaching materials to facilitate the material being taught can be independent or classical. Furthermore, for students to improve the quality of learning, especially in folklore (hikayat) material activities.

Keywords: teaching materials, folklore (saga), digital media (moodle).

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37 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-126

The Marginalization of Women in the Novel Women Who Cry to the Black Moon by Dian Purnomo: A Study of Feminism.
Emeninta Prihartini Sitepu Mara Untung Ritonga, Ph.D Dr. Elly Prihasti



This study aims to describe the form of women^s marginalization in the novel Women who cry to the Black Moon by Dian Purnomo. In conducting this research, feminism literary criticism theory was used to examine the forms of marginalization of women in the novel. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis method. The results of this study indicate that there are 13 data on the marginalization of women. The source of the data obtained is in the novel Wanita who cries to the Black Moon by Dian Purnomo. The data of this research are in the form of dialogues of the characters, narration, behavior and thoughts of the characters in the novel that describe marginalization. The results of this study indicate that the marginalization of women in Dian Purnomo^s novel Wanita Yang Crying to Bulan Hitam obtained 13 data citations in the form of (1) limiting various women^s actions, (2) accepting unilateral decisions, (3) controlling women^s sexuality, (4) demands on the needs of men, (5) and control the wealth and economic resources.

Keywords: marginalization, women, feminism

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38 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-127

Development of Biographical Text Teaching Materials Based on Higher Level Thinking Skills for Class X Senior High School.
Annisa Nadya Ramadhana

Thesis, Postgraduate Indonesian Literature and Language Education Study Program, Medan State University



ANNISA NADYA RAMADHANA, Development of Biographical Text Teaching Materials Based on Higher Level Thinking Skills for Class X Senior High School. Thesis. Medan: Postgraduate Indonesian Literature and Language Education Study Program, Medan State University, 2022

The development of teaching materials based on higher order thinking skills or often called HOTS in the form of modules organized according to the needs of students in the 2013 curriculum. The objective of this research is to produce teaching materials based on advanced thinking skills that are valid, practical and effective for learning. The research uses development (R&D) with the Brog and Gall development model that has been adapted to the demands of research. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire validation sheet, tests, and student response questionnaires. For data analysis techniques, we used validation analysis from experts, practicality analysis through practitioner questionnaires (teachers), effectiveness analysis through tests,and adopted student responses. Based on the results of the study, it showed that the results of material validation consisting of content, presentation, and language were 84.86% in the very good category- evaluation validation was 92.21% in the very good category- the results of teacher responses were 82% in the very good category- and the students^ ability to understand the questions. The high-order thinking skills (HOTS) questions are 40,829 in the moderate/enough category (40.829) with a student response rate of 86% in the very practical category. This shows that higher-order thinking skills are already contained in the module so that it can be considered an alternative for teachers in the selection of teaching materials that are oriented towards higher-order thinking skills so as to support the learning process.

Keywords: Teaching Materials, HOTS, Biographical Text.

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39 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-128

The development of Short Story Writing Teaching Materials Using Concept Map Method with Lectora Inspire Media in Grade XI of SMA Negeri 1 Tigapanah, Kabupaten Karo.
Ebta Yani Br Ginting (a*) Abdurahman Saputera (b) Evi Eviyanti

Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program Of Postgraduate School of Universitas Negeri Medan, indonesia


This study aims to develop short story writing teaching materials using the concept map method and to find out: (1) How is the process of the developing short story writing teaching materials using the concept map method with lectora inspire mediaa for class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Tigapanah, (2) How is the feasibility of the developing short story writing teaching materials using the concept map method with lectora inspire media in class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Tigapanah?, (3) How is the effectiveness of the developing short story writing teaching materials with the concept map method in class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Tigapanah? This type of research is research and development based on the Plomp research model. The subject of the research trial consisted of learning materials experts, learning design experts, class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Tigapanah for limited group trials and thirty-six students for field trials. The data collection instrument used a response questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that the overall teaching material for writing short stories using the concept map method developed is effective for use as a learning medium for class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Tigapanah, KabupatenKaro.The results showed validation from learning material experts (88.32%), learning design experts (95.54%), limited field trials (83.25%), and field trials (84.76%) which overall stated that short story writing teaching materials were using the concept map method. ^very good^. The results of the effectiveness of teaching materials for writing short stories using the concept map method with lectora inspire media were obtained from the results of research on product effectiveness tests based on pretest and posttest. The results of the pretest of students before using teaching materials for writing short stories with the concept map method with an average of 70% on the ^enough^ criteria and for students^ scores after using teaching materials for wr

Keywords: teaching materials, short story writing, concept map method, lectora inspire

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40 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-130

Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on Multiliteration for Ability to Develop Exposition Texts in Class X Students of SMA Negeri 1 Salapian
Karolina Br Sitepu, Abdurahman Adisaputera, Malan Lubis

Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study, Program of Postgraduate, Medan State University, Jln. Willem Iskandar psr. V Medan Estate 20222 North Sumatra


Interactive learning media based on multiliteracy is designed to be used by students at school and at home. This study also aims to help Indonesian teachers in Indonesian learning at school. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Salapian by taking samples for testing using interactive media based on multiliteracy in Class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Salapian using the R&D method by Borg and Gall (2003:570) which consisted of the preliminary study stage, initial product development and product trial. The value of the daily test results before using interactive media as a pretest and test scores using interactive media as a posttest were then compared to determine whether or not there was an effect after using this interactive media. The final result of this development research is that the difference between the pretest and posttest is 9.47, the increase in score is greater than before.

Keywords: Media, Interaktif, Indonesian, multiliteracy.

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41 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-132

Development of Procedure Text Teaching Materials Assisted by Powtoon Media for Class VII Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sibolga
Rizky Handayani Maulana, Khairil Ansari, Syamsul Arif



This study aims to determine (1) the process of developing procedural text teaching materials assisted by powtoon media for class VII (2) the form of procedural text teaching materials using powtoon media developed in class VII (3) the feasibility of procedural text teaching materials (4) the effectiveness of procedural text teaching materials assisted by powtoon media. This type of research is research and development using the Borgnd Gall development model. The data collection technique was carried out by distributing questionnaires and written tests in the form of descriptions of the procedural text material. The results showed that the process of developing teaching materials was carried out in 10 stages that went well. The material expert covers aspects of the feasibility of the content, the feasibility of the presentation obtained an average score of 89.80% with very good criteria. Design experts covering the feasibility aspect of graphics obtained an average score of 88.38% with very good criteria. Individual trials obtained an average score of 86.81% with very good criteria. The small group trial obtained an average score of 87.50% with very good criteria. Limite trials obtained an average score of 88.08% with very good criteria. The effectiveness of teaching materials for procedural texts showed an increase of 10.37% from 73.53% pretest results to 83.90% posttest results. Overall, the results of this study.

Keywords: teaching materials, procedure text, powtoon media

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42 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-134

Alhamidatul Wardah Ritonga, Malan Lubis, Wisman Hadi

Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study, Program of Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan,
Indonesian, 20221


Maintenance and language shift (language maintenance and shift) are two interrelated things. Language retention arises due to a shift in language in a language society. Therefore, both present simultaneously. Language shift usually occurs in regional languages. Language maintenance can be done through the family environment. The family environment is an important aspect in children^s language development. In this paper, the position of regional languages in the family environment is described. It also explained how to maintain regional language through the family environment in the daily activities of children at home.

Keywords: language retention, regional languages, family environment

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43 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-136

Policy Implementation Learning from Homes in State High Schools of Medan City based on SE Kemendikbud Number. 15 of 2020
Jamal Thahir Karo Karo

University of Medan state


the purpose of this study is to: Describe the communication process in the implementation of the policy of Learning from Homes in Public High Schools in Medan City based on SE Kemendikbud Number. 15 of 2020, which consists of a process transmission, clarity, and consistency.

This study employs a descriptive method along with a qualitative research methodology. The Head Branch of the South Medan Education Office, Principals, and Teachers of State Senior High Schools in Medan City provided data from interviews, documents, observations, and field notes regarding the implementation of the Public SMA Learning from Home policy in Medan City based on the SE Kemendikbud number 15 of 2020.

The outcomes of this study include the communication process for the implementation of the Learning from Home policy at a State Senior High School in the city of Medan- the process of transmitting information on policies is communicated from top to bottom by organizing socialization, coordination, issuing learn and Sharing teacher programs in the SIM PKB Guru application, and work meetings as for workshops training online that are not required for teachers- Because there is no determination of important and meaningful material, so that policy implementers still do not fully understand the contents of the policy, and the communication process is used consistently as long as the policy is still in effect

Keywords: Policy Implementation Learning from Homes

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44 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-140

Development of Physics Teaching Materials with Guided Inquiry Model to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Students in Class XI High School
1. Jeneva Samosir 2.Motlan 3.Alkhafi Maas Siregar

Universitas Negeri Medan


The purpose of this study was to develop a guided inquiry-based teaching material to see an increase in student learning activities and at the same time improve students^ critical thinking skills. The place where the research was carried out was at SMA Negeri 2 Balige, which is located in Jl. Pelajar Soposurung Balige, for class XI students. The type of research is Research & Development (R&D). The research started from a preliminary study, analysis of student needs, literature study, and field observations, followed by designing a guided inquiry-based teaching material which was assessed by examiners of material experts and design experts as well as by school teachers and then tested on students. The results showed that the teaching materials developed were valid and suitable for use based on the very good assessment category by the examiners with a percentage score of 89.70% by the material expert team and 93.22% by the design expert team. Teaching materials are also practical which can be seen from the results of student questionnaires which state that these teaching materials meet the needs of students. The effectiveness of teaching materials can be seen from the impact of these teaching materials which can improve students^ critical thinking skills and student learning activities. Based on this description, the teaching materials developed based on guided inquiry are valid, practical and effective so that they can improve students^ critical thinking skills

Keywords: R&D research, guided inquiry, critical thinking skills

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45 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-141

Development of Creative Thinking Skills Test Instruments Momentum and Impulse
1.Dyna Mayshella Purba 2.Togi Tampubolon 3.Juniastel Rajagukguk

Universitas Negeri Medan


To find out the creative thinking skills possessed by students needs to be carried out and evaluation. One of the evaluations in education can use a test that functions to obtain information. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of creative thinking skills test on Momentum and Impuls material. Research participants were first grade students of senior high school. who had received Momentum and Impuls material. The type of research used is research and development (R&D). The research carried out refers to product development in the form of a creative thinking skill test instrument. Before the test instrument for creative thinking skills was tested on students, the test was validated first. The product development subjects consist of content or material experts, instrument experts, and linguists. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis technique. From the results of small group and large group trials, 10 test instruments on Momentum and Impulse material were declared valid. The conclusion obtained after the research is the characteristics of the creative thinking skills test instrument developed were declared valid with high interpretation, reliable with very high interpretation, and the level of difficulty and discriminatory power was classified as good- The research participants^ creative thinking skills were quite adequate.

Keywords: Development, Creative Thinking Skill Test, Momentum and Impulse, Valid, Reliable

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46 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-142

Widya mita rahmadani nasution, syahmi edi, mufti sud

State Universitas of Medan(UNIMED)


Development of a non-text book on Environmental Literacy-based Plastic Waste Management as a Learning Source for High School Students in Asahan. Thesis. Medan State University Postgraduate Program. 2022.
This study aims to: (1) determine the feasibility level of non-text books on environmental literacy-based plastic waste processing in Asahan according to material experts: (2) determine the feasibility level of non-text books on environmental literacy-based plastic waste processing in Asahan according to learning designs- (3) knowing the response of Biology teachers to non-text books on environmental literacy-based plastic waste processing- (4) knowing the response of students to non-text books on plastic waste processing based on environmental literacy- (5) determine the effectiveness of non-text books on environmental literacy-based plastic processing in improving environmental literacy of high school students.
This study uses descriptive data analysis techniques. The development of this non-text book is carried out using the Thiagarajan development model, namely 4-D (Four-D Models). The research instrument is an assessment sheet for material expert validators, learning design experts and assessment of Biology teacher responses and student responses. The results of the assessment of the feasibility of the contents of the book from material experts are included in the ^Very Good^ category with a percentage of 90.2%. The results of the design expert^s assessment included the ^Very Good^ category with a percentage of 93%. The results of the responses of Biology teachers and students to books get a percentage of 90.6% and 90.7% in the ^Very Good^ category. The results of the test of the effectiveness of non-text books on environmental literacy-based plastic waste processing are quite effective with an N-Gain percentage of 70.6%.

Keywords: Nonteks Books, plastic waste, environmental literacy

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47 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-145

Development of PISA-Based Questions For Electricity in SMA
Wahyuni Teresia(a*), Sahyar(b) and Karya Sinulingga(b)

a,b)Departement of Physics Education, Postgraduate State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia.


The research need for improvement of test instruments in learning because usually only the form of Lowder Thinking questions is available so that students are less trained in discussing and understanding the Electicity material in Science Standards. This study aims to develop PISA-based test instruments with objective type questions for Electricity material in high school in accordance with good test qualification standards reviewed from validity, reliability, different power, difficulty level, and effectiveness of the distractor. This research uses research and development using ADDIE design with analysis, design, development, and evaluation. The research sample was one of class X MIA SMA Negeri 1 Beringin wich was selected by simple random sampling. The analysis stage obtained the results of the lack of variation in assessment and students still lack pisa-based physics problems, especially electricity material. The physics material developed includes static and dynamic electricity. On the design stage obtained the results of 50 questions based on PISA science literacy competencies classified into three competency standards, namely: explaining scientific phenomena, evaluating and designing scientific research, interpret scientific data and evidence. The validator of this research are two lecturers and two teachers. Realibity using Cronbach^s alpha formula, and qualitative studies are carried out by asking for expert considerations, icluding studies material, construction, and language aspects.

Keywords: PISA, Electricity

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48 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-148

Siti Halimatus Sa^diyah 1* M. Joharis Lubis2 M. Oky Fardian Ghafari3

Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program of Postgraduate Scholl of Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia 2022


This study aims to determine the needs of teachers and students in learning anecdotal texts in class X so that it will produce products in the form of anecdotal text teaching materials containing local cultural values of Gayo didong art for class X students as companion teaching materials. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) which was developed by Borg and Gall. The results of this study are (1) the process of developing teaching materials which was developed through the needs analysis stage by distributing questionnaires to 34 students and 2 Indonesian language teachers, it is known that the teaching materials to be developed are needed in the teaching and learning process, the next stage is task analysis, and planning or product design. (2) based on the results of the validator team^s assessment (two material experts and two design experts) as well as the assessments of two teachers and thirty-four students, the teaching materials are feasible and can be used as complementary teaching materials with an average score of 81.14%. The results of the validation of material experts as a whole got a percentage of 88.08% with very good criteria, and the design assessment got an average percentage value of 81.03% in good category. (3) teaching materials were tested in three stages, the first stage was tested on three people, the second stage was carried out on nine people, and the third stage was tested on thirty-four students. The results of the final score are known that there is a significant increase in the value between before using the developed teaching materials (pretest) and after using the developed teaching materials (posttest) which is 10.76% so it can be concluded that the developed teaching materials are effective for use in the learning process. teach. The implications of this research are: improving student learning outcomes, making it easier for students to make anecdotal texts related to local cultural values so that they can indir

Keywords: teaching materials, anecdotal texts, cultural values

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49 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-149

Development of Propehetic Value-Based Short Text Learning Materials Using Photonovela Media for Class XI Students SMK Kesehatan Hafsyah Medan
Ayu Andini 1* M. Joharis Lubis 2 Wisman Hadi

Universitas Negeri Medan


Development of Prophetic Value-Based Short Text Learning Materials Using Photonovela Media For Class XI Students SMK Kesehatan Hafsyah Medan

Ayu Andini 1* M. Joharis Lubis 2 Wisman Hadi 3
Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program of Postgraduate Scholl of Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia 20221

This study aims to produce short story text learning material products based on prophetic values using fotonovela media for class XI students of Hafsyah Health Vocational School Medan, to determine the feasibility of short story text learning materials based on prophetic values using fotonovela media, and the effectiveness of short story text learning materials based on prophetic values using fotonovela media. for class XI students of Hafsyah Health Vocational School Medan. This research method is research and development ( research and development).) based on the Borg and Gall development model. The results showed that: (1) validation from material experts included 90% content eligibility in the very good category, 92% presentation feasibility in the very good category and 86% language eligibility in the very good category. The validation results from media design experts were stated to be very good with an average percentage of 86%. (2) a wider trial of 97.7% with a very good category, and (3) the results of the effectiveness of learning materials through student learning outcomes in the pretest and posttest . The average score at the pretest was 64.6%, and at the posttest was 84.5%. The difference obtained is 20%. It can be concluded that short story text learning material based on prophetic values using fotonovela media is feasible and can improve student learning outcomes.

Keywords: Learning material, short story text, photonovela media

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50 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-150

The Effect of Learning Cycle 7E Model toward the Result of Students Learning Based On Critical Thinking Skill and Mastery of Concept on Light Materials and Optic Tool at Second Grade Students of SMP NEGERI 1 Barusjahe T.P 2018/2019
Anna Martina Br Tarigan (a*)Hebron Pardede (b) Drs. Juliper Nainggolan (b)

(a,b)University OF HKBP Nommensen Medan, Medan, Indonesia



This research is aimed to know the effect of learning cycle 7E model toward the result of students learning based on critical thinking skill and mastery of concept on light material and optic tool at second grade students of SMP NEGERI 1 Barusjahe T.P 2018/2019. Type of this research was True Experimental Design with Pretests - Posttest and Control Group Design. Population of this research was all of second grade of SMP NEGERI 1 Barusjahe T.P 2018/2019 consisted of six classes and there were 130 students. Sample of this research consisted of two classes that chosen randomly with Sample Random Sampling Technique. It was VIII-1 as experimental class and VIII-3 as control class. Instrument of this research observation sheets to knew activity of students learning and objective test in multiple choices to know the result of students learning. After gave the differences treatment got average value of posttest experimental class 71,55 with standard deviation 10,62 and data value of posttest control class 47,26 with standard deviation 14,01. By t-test of posttest data experimental class and control class for &#945-= 0, 0,05 and dk =58 got t-observed= 7,780 and t-table = 1,671 with t-observed > t-table then Ha accepted and Ho refused, so that it can be concluded that there was the effect significant Learning Cycle 7E model toward the result of students learning based on critical thinking skill and mastery of concept on light material and optic tool at second grade students of SMP NEGERI 1 Barusjahe T.P 2018/2019. Meanwhile, the correlation of its variable indication has significant effect by regression test with the result Y= 62,44 + 0,12 X.

Keywords: Learning Cycle 7E and the result of learning.

Keywords: Learning Cycle 7E and the result of learning

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51 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-158

Development of 3D Animation-Based Learning Media With a Scientific on the Sub-theme of Colonial National Events in Class V of SD Negeri 085115 Sibolga.
Rukmini Elysa Simanungkalit(1*), Samsidar Tanjung(2), Wildansyah Lubis(3)

Postgraduate Basic Education Study Program
Medan State University


Rukmini Elysa Simanungkalit, NIM. 8186182017. Development of 3D Animation-Based Learning Media With a Scientific on the Sub-theme of Colonial National Events in Class V of SD Negeri 085115 Sibolga. Thesis of the Postgraduate Basic Education Study Program. Medan State University. 2022.

This research aims to: (1) determine the feasibility of 3D animation video-based learning media with a scientific on the sub-theme of the colonial era national event at SD Negeri 085115 Sibolga. and (2) Knowing the effectiveness of learning media based on 3D animation video with a scientific on the sub-theme of the national events of the colonial era effectively at SD Negeri 085115 Sibolga. This type of research is Research & Development (R&D). The development model used is a 4-D development model. The research method consists of two stages, namely the first stage to develop learning multimedia and the second stage to test the effectiveness of the product. The results of the study indicate that the developed teaching media products are very feasible by going through several stages of revision/improvement. The percentage of scores obtained include: (1) The material expert^s assessment is in the very appropriate criteria with an average score of 4.50, (2) the media expert^s assessment is in the very appropriate criteria with an average score of 4.76, (3) The design expert^s assessment is in the very feasible criteria with an average score of 4.73. The effectiveness of the learning device was concluded based on the results of the post-test students in the second trial the percentage of classical completeness was 88.89% with 25 students or 88.89% declared complete, and 2 students or 11.11% declared incomplete. 3) The practicality of student learning media is concluded based on the teacher^s response- the teacher^s response to the learning media in the second trial reached 89.28% which was included in the very practical category. Assessment of student learning outcomes based on

Keywords: Research Development, 3D Animation Video Media and Scientific

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52 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-159

Development of Science Student Worksheets Based on Science Process Skills to Improve Students^ Critical Thinking Skills on Single and Mixed Substances Class V SDN 158468 Lumut 5
Nora Deselia Saragih (1*) Nurdin Bukit (2) Sriadhi (3)

Graduate Program
State University of Medan.


Nora Deselia Saragih. (8186182002). Development of Science Student Worksheets Based on Science Process Skills to Improve Students^ Critical Thinking Skills on Single and Mixed Substances Class V SDN 158468 Lumut 5. Graduate Program, State University of Medan. 2022.
This research is based on the use of Student Worksheets and the learning process that has not developed science process skills. This study aims to determine the feasibility of Science Process Skills-based Science Student Worksheets to improve students^ critical thinking skills in science learning and also to determine the effectiveness of using Science Process Skills-Based Science Student Worksheets to improve students^ critical thinking skills which were developed according to the assessment of experts, teachers. homeroom teachers, and students. The reason for doing this research is because science learning outcomes are still low and science learning tends to only use printed teaching materials. This research is a development research through 4D model by Thiagarajan. The results showed that: (1) based on material expert validation with an average score of 3.66 and media expert validation with an average score of 3.66, the Student Worksheet developed was included in the very good criteria and was declared very valid and worth using. (2) Science Student Worksheets based on Science Process Skills are said to be effective in learning with the assumption that students^ science scores are higher when using Science Student Worksheets. Meanwhile, students^ critical thinking skills increased by a percentage of 76% in the first test and 88% in the second trial. (3) Based on the data on students^ critical thinking mastery before using the Science Student Worksheet, an average score of 60 was obtained, while after using the Student^s Worksheet, the students^ critical thinking mastery data obtained an average of 75 with a gain score of 0.49 which was in the medium category. Based on these data, Science Student Worksh

Keywords: Science Student Worksheet, Science Process Skills, Thinking Skills Critical.

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53 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-160

Sayrbaini Saleh, Ibnu Hajar, Deny Setiawan


This research is based on problems related to the application of a contextual learning model based on Islamic values to improve students^ religious attitudes which has not been maximally carried out so far. The research objective was to find a valid, effective, and practical learning model to improve students^ religious attitudes. The methodology used is the Plomp model of research and development (R & D). The research subjects were students of class V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Medan City, while the object of this study was the development of a contextual learning model based on Islamic values in fostering students^ religious attitudes. The products produced are model books, lesson plans, teacher books, student books, and LAS, the entire product has been validated by design experts, material experts, and linguists then continued with field testing so that it is suitable for use. The research findings show: that the product of the contextual learning model based on Islamic values that are produced is valid based on expert validation, has a level of practicality and effectiveness in increasing students^ religious attitudes, and the ability of teachers to manage learning is a good category and student learning activities during the learning process have increased. The study concludes that the resulting learning model product is valid based on expert validation, and has a level of practicality and effectiveness to improve students^ religious attitudes. used as a reference for developing a more comprehensive Civic Education learning model.

Keywords: Keywords: Contextual, Citizenship Education Based on Islamic Values

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54 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-163

Development of Project Based Learning Models to Improve Creative Thinking Ability of Class XI Students of SMK N 1 Panyabungan
Murni Cania Marpaung, Edi Syahputra, Mangaratua M Simanjorang

Universitas Negeri Medan


This research is categorized into Research and Development research (research and development). This research includes development research using the ADDIE development model to develop an integrated STEM Project Based Learning learning model on Three Dimensional material and all required research instruments. This study used a limited trial to 24 students of class XI Accounting at SMK Negeri 1 Panyabungan. The results showed that: Based on the normalized gain index, it was found that in the first trial there was an increase in the creative thinking ability of students with the ^low^ criterion with a score of 0.30 (g 0.3) and in the second trial there was an increase in the score with the ^medium^ criterion. ^ with a score of 0.42 (0.3 < N-Gain 0.7)

Keywords: Model development, Project Based Learning, STEM, Creative Thinking Ability

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55 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-164

Development of a problem based learning model assisted by Autograph to improve the problem solving ability of students in class XI of Mentari Bangsa school Medan
Febry Astika Susan Sirait, Pargaulan Siagian, Edi Syahputra

Postgraduate Mathematics Education study program, Medan State University


This research is categorized into Research and Development research (research and development). This research includes development research using 4D model to develop Project Based Learning learning model assited by Autograph on Turunan Fungsi material and all required research instruments. This study used a limited trial to 30 students of class XI at senior high school Mentari Bangsa. The results showed that: Based on the normalized gain index, it was found that in the first trial there was an increase in the problem solving ability of students with the low criterion and in the second trial there was an increase in the score with the ^medium^ criterion. The increase is also seen from the acquisition of an average N-gain score of 2,50 which is in the high category.

Keywords: Learning development, problem based learning, problem solving ability

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56 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-169

Differences In Students Mathematical Representation Ability Taught With Problem Based Learning Model and Missouri Mathematics Project In Class X High School Students
Amelia Sidabutar, Waminton Rajagukguk, Amin Fauzi

Universitas Negeri Medan


This research aim to know (1) Differences in the mathematical representation ability of students who are taught through a problem based learning with students who are taught through a missouri mathematics project, (2) Interaction between learning model and early mathematics ability on students mathematical representation ability. This research is quasi-experimental research. The population taken in this study were students of class X SMA Negeri 2 Bagan Sinembah and the sample is chosen random sampling. Instrument used consisted of math pre-ability test and Post-test of students mathematical representation ability. Data analysis was carried out using two-way ANOVA. The results showed that (1) There are differences in the mathematical representation abilities of students who are taught through the problem based learning with students who are taught through the missouri mathematics project model, (2) There is no Interaction between learning model and early mathematics ability on students mathematical representation ability.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Missouri Mathematics Project, and Students Mathematical Representation Ability.

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57 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-170

LKPD Development Using an Open-ended Approach to Improve Students^ Numerical Metacognition Ability in Class VIII SMP Negeri 20 Medan
Ananti Pratiwi, Kms Muhammad Amin Fauzi, Arnita

Universitas Negeri Medan


The purpose of this study is to describe: 1)increasing the ability of numerical metacognition through LKPD using the Open Ended approach 2)Knowing the nature of LKPD using a quality Open Ended approach. Data analysis used the Tessmer model of developmental assessment type. This analysis was carried out through two processes, namely the first process of developing LKPD using the Open Ended approach with the Tessmer improvement model, and the second process of LKPD experimenting using the Open Ended approach which will be developed in class VIII. In the results of experiment I and experiment II, there are: 1)LKPD using the Open Ended approach to achieve the developed numerical metacognition ability has reached indicators of validity, practicality and effectiveness- 2)The results of testing the increase in numerical metacognition capacity using the LKPD with the Open Ended approach that has been developed can be seen from the N-gain value in the first experiment as much as 0.43 increasing to 0.49 in the second experiment, meaning that it is in the medium category.

Keywords: LKPD Development, Tessmer model, Open Ended Approach, Numerical Metacognition.

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58 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-171

Development of Learning Devices Based on Problem Based Learning Models in Improving Student^s Concept Understanding Ability in 1 Sitahuis Junior High School
Wes Waruwu, Magaratua Simanjorang, Mulyono

Postgraduate Mathematics Education study program, Medan State University


The research aims to: (1) describe the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of learning tools developed through a problem-based model for eighth grade students of junior high school 1 Sintahuis (2) Analyzing the improvement of students^ conceptual understanding ability after using the developed device. This research uses the learning device development model of Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel, namely the 4-D model (Four D Model). This research was carried out in class VIII A in the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year Middle School. The results showed that (1) the problem-based learning model learning tools in improving students^ mathematical concept understanding skills that were developed had met the valid, practical, and effective criteria- (2) Increasing the ability to understand mathematical concepts by using a problem-based model developed from the average N-gain value in the first and second trials.

Keywords: Learning development, problem based learning, Concept understanding ability

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59 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-172

Development of Macromedia Flash-Based Learning Media Using The Student Team Achievement Division Learning Model to Improve Student^s Spatial and Resilience in 8th grader Of MTs Mardiyah Islamiyah
Putri Dahlena Pulungan, Faiz Ahyaningsih, Izwita Dewi

State University Of Medan


study aims to: (1) analyze the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of learning media based on Macromedia Flash that has been developed- (2) describe the improvement of students^ spatial abilities and resilience through the development of learning media based on Macromedia Flash- This research is a development research, with a 4D (four-D). The subject of this research is learning media with the subject of flat-sided space construction in class VIII of MTs Mardiyah Islamiyah. The results of : (1) The developed learning media had met the criteria of being valid, practical and effective- (2) the increase in students^ spatial ability was obtained from the increase in the average spatial ability indicator of students in the 1st and 2nd trials- (3) an increase in the average resilience of students between trials, from 87.5 in trial 1 to 91.3 in trial 2.

Keywords: Learning media development, Macromedia Flash, Student Team Achievements Division (STAD), ability spatial,resilience

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60 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-173

Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on Open Ended Problem Approach Assisted by Visual Basic with Excel to Improve Creative Thinking Ability of Students at Al Manar Private Junior High School
Elvi Fitriani Rangkuti, Kms. M. Amin Fauzi, Bornok Sinaga

Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to: (1) describe the validity, practicality and effectiveness of interactive learning media based on an open ended problem approach assisted by visual basic with excel to improve creative thinking skills in Al Manar Private Junior High School- (2) Describe the improvement of students creative thinking skills based on an open-ended problem-assisted visual basic approach that was developed. This type of research includes development research using the Tesmer model. The research was carried out in T.A 2021/2022 for class VII students. The results showed: (1) Mathematics learning media based on an open-ended problem approach assisted by visual basic with excel to improve students creative thinking skills that were developed already met the valid, practical and effective criteria. (2) Increasing students creative thinking skills using learning media developed on rectangular and square material seen from the average results increased from 75.80 to 82.60.

Keywords: creative thinking skills, open ended problem approach, visual basic

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