Development of Teaching Materials to Write Canva-Shaped Biographical Texts for Students of Class X of Private Vocational School Teladan Pematangsiantar
Decy Damayanti Sipayung(a*), Rosmawaty Harahap (b), wisman Hadi (b)

a Master Student of State University of Medan (Unimed), Medan, Indonesia. *decysipayung58[at]
b Lecturer in State University of Medan (Unimed), Medan, Indonesia.


This research aims to (1) the process of developing a kanva-shaped biographical text text module in students of class X of Private Vocational School Teladan Pematangsiantar, (2) the feasibility of a canva-shaped biographical text module in students of class X of Private Vocational School Teladan Pematangsiantar, (3) the effectiveness of canva-shaped biographical text modules in students of class X of Private Vocational School Teladan Pematangsiantar. This type of research is research and development using the Borg and Gell development model. Data collection techniques are carried out by the dissemination of questionnaires and written tests in the form of descriptions on the material of the procedure text. The results showed that (1) The process of developing teaching materials is carried out with 10 stages, namely potential problems, data collection, product design, product validation, design revision / improvement, product initial trial, product revision / repair, usage trial, product revision / repair, and mass product . (2) the feasibility of teaching materials in the form of developed modules is declared suitable for use based on the validation of material experts and design experts. Material experts include aspects of content/material feasibility, presentation feasibility, language feasibility and suitability of canva-shaped biographical text themes with an overall average value of 96.75% with ^excellent^ criteria. Design experts obtained an overall average value percentage of 85% with the ^excellent^ criteria. Design experts obtained an overall average value percentage of 85% with the ^excellent^ criteria. The average percentage is obtained from the feasibility aspects of infographics and the theme of biographical texts in the form of canvas. Media experts obtained an overall average score percentage of 85% with the ^excellent^ criteria. The average percentage is obtained from the indicators of writing display assessment, image display, femininity, and cohesio

Keywords: Biographical Text, Canva, Teaching Materials

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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