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181 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-197

Analysis of Mathematical Communication Difficulties and Student Mathematics Problem Solving in the Application of Realistic Mathematics Education Approach in 10th Grade of Sultan Iskandar Muda Senior High School
Gomgom Sibarani, Mangaratua M. Simanjorang, Mukhtar

State University of Medan


This study aims to describe: (1) student mathematical communication skills in the application of RME, (2) student mathematical problem solving abilities in the application of RME, (3) student difficulties in mathematical communication and mathematical problem solving in mathematical problems with RME. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Based on the research data, it was obtained that: (1) The level of student mathematical communication skills in the trigonometric comparison in right triangle, student who had the ability of the medium category had the highest proportion, while for the ability of the low and high categories had the same proportion, ( 2) The level of student mathematical problem solving ability on trigonometric comparison in right triangle, student who have the ability in the low category have the highest proportion followed by the proportion in the medium category, and the ability in the high category has the lowest proportion, (3) Difficulty in mathematical communication and student mathematical problem solving of trigonometric comparison on right triangle in the application of RME are the difficulties of fact, concept, operation, and princip.

Keywords: Mathematical Communication Skill, Mathematical Problem Solving Skill, Realistic Mathematics Education

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182 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-201

Siti Hafizah Al Khairiyah Bintang (a*), Fauziyah Harahap (b), Melva Silitonga

Postgraduate Student of Biology Education Program, State University of Medan
Jalan Wiliam Iskandar/Pasar V, Medan 2022, Indonesia


This study was conducted to determine the effect of growth regulators (ZPT) on callus induction of mangosteen (Garciniamangostanal. ) from leaf sources grown in vitro. The study was carried out from February 2022 to June 2022. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 treatment factors, namely: (a) the first factor concentration of 2,4D consisted of 4 levels, namely: 0 ppm, 1, 5 ppm, 3 ppm and 4.5 ppm. (b) the second factor of vitamin concentration consists of 3 levels, namely: 0 ppm, 1 ppm and 2 ppm. Callus appears first begins with the warping of the explant. Explants that grow are characterized by the appearance of white spots on one or several parts of the explants. The data from the observation of the fastest callus formation in the MediaV2+D3 treatment was the 2nd week. Meanwhile, the time for callus to appear was at the latest in the V2+D1,5 media treatment, which was the 12th week. The height of the callus pile observed at week 12 after planting was carried out by calculating the callus height that grew from all explants. The results of data analysis showed that the V1+D0 media treatment resulted in the highest number of Callus Pile Height 0.60 at 12 WAP observations. The lowest callus heap height yield was obtained from treatment with an average number of callus 0.33 roots. The average growth of the Callus Pile Height responded to an increase in the number of roots. The results of data analysis showed that the V2+D0 media treatment resulted in the highest number of callus widths of 1.36 at 12 WAP observations. The results of the lowest number of callus widths were obtained from the treatment of Media V0+D1,5 and V2+D1,5 with an average number of callus widths of 0.06. The average growth of callus width gave a response to an increase in the number of leaves. Callus color is influenced by growth regulators. The addition of hormones with increasing concentrations tends to show a light green color on longer-lasting callus. Explants that do not

Keywords: In vitro, ZPT, Vitamin, 2.4 D

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183 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-206

Siti Hafizah Al Khairiyah Bintang (a*), Fauziyah Harahap (b), Melva Silitonga

Postgraduate Student of Biology Education Program, State University of Medan
Jalan Wiliam Iskandar/Pasar V, Medan 2022, Indonesia


This study was conducted to determine the effect of growth regulators (ZPT) on callus induction of mangosteen (Garciniamangostanal. ) from leaf sources grown in vitro. The study was carried out from February 2022 to June 2022. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 treatment factors, namely: (a) the first factor concentration of 2,4D consisted of 4 levels, namely: 0 ppm, 1, 5 ppm, 3 ppm and 4.5 ppm. (b) the second factor of vitamin concentration consists of 3 levels, namely: 0 ppm, 1 ppm and 2 ppm. Callus appears first begins with the warping of the explant. Explants that grow are characterized by the appearance of white spots on one or several parts of the explants. The data from the observation of the fastest callus formation in the MediaV2+D3 treatment was the 2nd week. Meanwhile, the time for callus to appear was at the latest in the V2+D1,5 media treatment, which was the 12th week. The height of the callus pile observed at week 12 after planting was carried out by calculating the callus height that grew from all explants. The results of data analysis showed that the V1+D0 media treatment resulted in the highest number of Callus Pile Height 0.60 at 12 WAP observations. The lowest callus heap height yield was obtained from treatment with an average number of callus 0.33 roots. The average growth of the Callus Pile Height responded to an increase in the number of roots. The results of data analysis showed that the V2+D0 media treatment resulted in the highest number of callus widths of 1.36 at 12 WAP observations. The results of the lowest number of callus widths were obtained from the treatment of Media V0+D1,5 and V2+D1,5 with an average number of callus widths of 0.06. The average growth of callus width gave a response to an increase in the number of leaves. Callus color is influenced by growth regulators. The addition of hormones with increasing concentrations tends to show a light green color on longer-lasting callus.

Keywords: In vitro, ZPT, Vitamin, 2.4 D

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184 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-207

Siti Hafizah Al Khairiyah Bintang (a*), Fauziyah Harahap (b), Melva Silitonga

a) Postgraduate Student, State University of Medan
Jalan Willem Iskandar/Psr. V 10 Medan Estate, Indonesia
b) Lecture of Biology Education Program, State University of Medan
Jalan Willem Iskandar/Psr. V 10 Medan Estate, Indonesia


This study was conducted to determine the effect of growth regulators (ZPT) on callus induction of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostanal. ) from leaf sources grown in vitro. The study was carried out from February 2022 to June 2022. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 treatment factors, namely: (a) the first factor concentration of 2,4D consisted of 4 levels, namely: 0 ppm, 1, 5 ppm, 3 ppm and 4.5 ppm. (b) the second factor of vitamin concentration consists of 3 levels, namely: 0 ppm, 1 ppm and 2 ppm. Callus appears first begins with the warping of the explant. Explants that grow are characterized by the appearance of white spots on one or several parts of the explants. The data from the observation of the fastest callus formation in the MediaV2+D3 treatment was the 2nd week. Meanwhile, the time for callus to appear was at the latest in the V2+D1,5 media treatment, which was the 12th week. The height of the callus pile observed at week 12 after planting was carried out by calculating the callus height that grew from all explants. The results of data analysis showed that the V1+D0 media treatment resulted in the highest number of Callus Pile Height 0.60 at 12 WAP observations. The lowest callus heap height yield was obtained from treatment with an average number of callus 0.33 roots. The average growth of the Callus Pile Height responded to an increase in the number of roots. The results of data analysis showed that the V2+D0 media treatment resulted in the highest number of callus widths of 1.36 at 12 WAP observations. The results of the lowest number of callus widths were obtained from the treatment of Media V0+D1,5 and V2+D1,5 with an average number of callus widths of 0.06. The average growth of callus width gave a response to an increase in the number of leaves. Callus color is influenced by growth regulators.

Keywords: In vitro, ZPT, Vitamin, 2.4 D

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185 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-9

Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes in English and Javanese Short Stories on Lost Sons and Genuine Love
Ihsani Diah Anjariah1^* Anni Holila Pulungan2^* Rahmad Husein Napitupulu3

English Applied Linguistics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia


This study is about the realization of derivational and inflectional morphemes in English and Javanese. The objectives of this study are to investigate the kinds of derivational and inflectional in English and Javanese short stories, how the English and Javanese words formed by derivational and inflectional, and to explain the realization of derivational and inflectional morphemes in English and Javanese. This study is designed in descriptive-qualitative research. The source of data is English and Javanese short stories namely 1) Oedipus Rex and Sangkuriang, 2) Beauty and the beast and Lutung Kasarung. The data of the study is the words of English and Javanese. The kinds of derivational and inflectional proposed by Fromkin (2014). The findings of the study showed that It was found that some kinds of derivational and inflectional occurred in English and Javanese short stories. In English derivational, there were two types found namely prefix and suffix. The kinds of prefix which found in English short stories were 9 words. It is dominated by dis-, which comprised 4 of 9 words. The kinds of suffix found in the data analysis were 54 words. The most frequently found was -ly, which comprised 21 of 54 words. While, in Javanese, the kinds of prefix which found in Javanese short stories were 24 words which dominated by n- and ng-. The kinds of suffix found in the data analysis were 34 words. The most frequently found was -ne, which comprised 13 of 34 words. In English inflectional, there were six kinds found in English language. The kinds of inflectional which found in English short stories were 92 words which dominated by -s singular third person, which comprised 42 of 92 words.

Keywords: Keywords: Derivational, Inflectional, English short stories, Javanese short stories

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186 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-27

Interpretation of the Amaedola Text of the Nias Diaspora Community as an Effort to Preserve Nias Culture and Its Utilization as Cultural Reading Material
Oratna Sembiring, Dr. Abdurrahman Adisaputera, M.Hum, Mara Untung Ritonga, M.Hum., Ph.D.

State University of Medan


This research explores the oral tradition of the amaedola (idiomatic expression) which shows the richness of Nias culture, but it is feared that this oral tradition will become extinct because most of the younger generation do not understand it and are unable to use it. This phenomenon occurs in the Sibolga diaspora community shows a situation where the amaedola oral tradition can only be used by traditional leaders aged 60 years and over. In addition the relevant research on the topic and the references are very limited. The research aims to explain: (1) the interpretation of the amaedola text of the Nias diaspora community according to Paul Ricoeur theory, (2) the maxim of the amaedola text, (3) the use of research results as the development of cultural reading materials and literacy material material for the Oral Tradition and The Cultural Tourism Of North Sumatra courses. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. This study documented 418 amaedola texts and interprets them into Indonesian. In addition, 10 categories of amaedola function were found according to Leech^s maxim theory which was later developed into a cultural reading book entitled: ^Amaedola Niha Khoda An Interpretation of the idiomatic expression of the Nias Diaspora Society^ which can be used as cultural reading material and literacy material for the Oral Tradition and The Cultural Tourism Of North Sumatra courses.

Keywords: interpretation, amaedola, cultural reading

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187 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-41

SITI AMINAH 1, Dr. Abdurahman Adisaputra, M,Hum 2, Dr. Daulat Saragi, M,Hum



SITI AMINAH. NIM 8186182011. Development of Literacy-Based Conference (Audio) Teaching Materials ^Love Animals and Plants^ SDN 105270 Puji Mulyo Sunggal District, Deli Serdang Regency. Master in Basic Education. Medan State University. 2021.

This study aims to develop teaching materials for literacy-based conference skills. The research method used is a research and development method that refers to the 4-D model which includes four stages, namely the definition, design, development and dissemination stages. The development phase is the initial study phase, initial product development and product testing. The results showed that 1) The results of the needs questionnaire that had been distributed showed that the respondents had never used teaching materials for listening skills based on literacy in the sub-theme of loving animals and plants. 2) material expert validation includes, audio learning media validation, and learning design expert validation. The validation of the learning design got an average score of 88.33% with the criteria of ^very good^ and the results of the validation by material experts got an average score of 92.96% with the criteria of ^very good^ and the validation of the audio learning media got the results of 93, 26% in the ^very good^ category. 3) Trial of learning products in the form of developing listening skills teaching materials based on the sub-theme of loving animals and plants to respondents of 32 students consisting of 3 class teachers who got an average result of 80.59% in the ^good^ category. After using the development of literacy-based listening skills, students experienced an increase in learning outcomes, namely 09.78% compared to before using the development of literacy-based listening skills. Thus teaching materials for literacy-based listening skills loving animals and plants can improve student learning outcomes and make students learn to be more independent, active and cultivate literacy through teaching materials.

Keywords: teaching materials, conference skills, literacy

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188 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-44

Jimly Qardhawi Gultom, Ibrahim Gultom, Erond Litno Damanik

a). Social Anthropology Postgraduate Student, Postgraduate Program, Medan State University
Jl. William Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan, 20221 Indonesia.


This article discusses interfaith dialogue education in Medan City, in this article discusses: (1) The purpose of establishing the Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community (YIPC) in Medan City, (2) Programs from YIPC Medan in increasing interfaith dialogue between people religion in Medan City and (3) What has been achieved by YIPC Medan so far in increasing interfaith dialogue between religious communities in Medan City. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach, data collection techniques using observation and interviews. The results of this study explain the establishment of YIPC in Medan City is to provide interfaith dialogue education for students to become agents of peace in the midst of society, the importance of the role of students in maintaining inter-religious harmony is to create a harmonious community life in peace, in this is the way and role of YIPC Medan to maintain harmony is by holding inter-religious dialogues that discuss inter-religious relations such as holding Student Interfaith Peace Camp, Scriptural Reasoning, World Interfaith Harmony Week, commemoration of religious holidays, and others.

Keywords: YIPC Medan, Interfaith Dialogue, Religious People

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189 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-54

Development of Folklore Learning Materials Based on Deli Malay Culture with the Assistance of Quizizz for Class X MAN 2 Medan Model Students
Hanniza Karini (a), M. Oky Fardian Gafari (b), Mara Untung Ritonga

a) Postgraduate Program, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Medan State University
Jalan William Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan 20221, Indonesia
b) Postgraduate Program, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Medan State University
Jalan William Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan 20221, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the results of developing folklore learning materials based on Malay deli culture with the help of Quizizz in class X MAN 2 Model Medan. This type of research is development research based on the 4-D development model. The test subjects consisted of class X MAN 2 Model Medan students. The results showed that the validation of the material experts included the feasibility of the content of 86.3%, the feasibility of presenting the learning material 85.4% in the good category, the aspect of language assessment 83.3%. Design expert validation includes 85.7% initial design, 82.1% content design, 83.3 digital module typography, and 91.6% illustration. The limited trial obtained a score of 81.4%. The expanded trial obtained a score of 94.6%. The results of the effectiveness of developing folklore learning materials based on Malay deli culture with the help of Quizizz on the field model 2 manegeri students were obtained from the results of research on product effectiveness tests based on pretest and posttest The results of pretest students before using Quizizz on folklore based on Malay deli culture with an average of 63% on the ^enough^ criteria and for the value of students after the development of folklore learning materials based on Malay deli culture with the help of Quizizz is 84% on the ^good^ criteria it can be concluded that learning using the development of folklore learning materials based on Malay deli culture with the help of Quizizz can improve results student learning. This research has implications, namely that the product developed will make a practical contribution, especially in the implementation of the learning process for teachers as additional teaching materials to make it easier for the material being taught to be independent or classical. Furthermore, students can improve the quality of learning, especially in folklore writing activities.

Keywords: learning materials, folklore, Quizizz

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190 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-60

The Study of Semiotics and Moral Values in Folk Stories in Pakpak Bharat Regency and Their Use as Literary Reading Materials
Wira Manik, Dr. Malan Lubis,M.Hum ., Dr.Surya Masniari Hutagalung,M.Pd.

Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program, Medan State University, Medan, Indonesia


Semiotics is a branch of science that studies signs in literary works. Charles Pierce said there are three types of signs that can be identified, namely icons, indexes, and symbols. Currently, the government is aggressively implementing moral education because the current state of the young generation is very concerning with the many cases of immoral acts committed by teenagers. One effort that can be made to instill moral education is through literature learning in schools. Schools need to provide quality reading materials that contain moral values. This study aims to determine the study of semiotics and moral values contained in folklore, especially in Pakpak Bharat district, and their relevance as literary reading material at SMP Negeri 2 Satu Atap Salak, especially the Lae Une Folklore. This is qualitative research with descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques using library techniques, notes, interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique uses interactive analysis proposed by Charles Sanders Pierce. The resource people in the study were two teachers of SMP Negeri 2 Satu Atap Salak and thirty-three junior high school students. . Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that in the semiotic studies contained in the Lae Une folklore in Pakpak Bharat Regency there are signs, namely beautiful, seven, oning-oningen, 8 icons, 18 indexes which have interpretations in the Lae Une Folklore in Pakpak Bharat Regency. The meaning of semiotics in the Lae Une story is divided into objects into icons, indices, and symbols along with the moral message obtained from the Lae Une story, namely in terms of customs, it teaches us to always obey the prevailing customs in terms of humanity, reminding us to always help every human being who difficult in discriminately and from a spiritual point of view to teach to always believe in God Almighty.

Keywords: Semiotics, Moral Values, Lae Une, Reading Material, Pakpak Bharat Regency, Charles Pierce

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191 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-64

Development of Teaching Materials for Fantasy Story Text Based on Local Wisdom of Pakpak to Seventh Graders of Salak State Junior High Scool Pakpak Bharat Regency
Juliati Boang Manalu, S.Pd.

Universitas Negeri Medan


Teaching materials are all forms of tools used to assist teachers in carrying out teaching and learning activities. Teaching materials used by teachers will affect student achievement in achieving learning objectives. The use of teaching materials for fantasy story texts in learning Indonesian at the State Junior High School 1 Salak, Pakpak Bharat Regency still relies on teaching materials produced from the Ministry of Education and Culture and is not based on Pakpak local wisdom.
An important aspect that is inseparable from culture is local wisdom. Alternative teaching materials can also be used by utilizing the existing conditions in the environment around students. The introduction of local wisdom in the form of oral traditions such as Pakpak folklore packaged in the form of digital comics in addition to supporting student learning outcomes will also provide awareness for students about their culture and region. This is evidenced in the test of the effectiveness of the fantasy story text material based on Pakpak local wisdom in seventh grade students of the State Junior High School I Salak, Pakpak Bharat Regency, who obtained an average student pre-test score of 69.87. with the lowest score of 56 and the highest score of 85. While the average post-test score of students was 90.06 with the lowest score of 77 and the highest score of 98. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the fantasy story text material is based on Pakpak local wisdom using comics teaching materials. effective digital and can improve student learning outcomes, especially in fantasy story text material.

Keywords: Keywords: Fantasy Stories, Pakpak Local Wisdom, Digital Comics

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192 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-65

Nur Cahaya Bangun1 Rosmawaty Harahap2 Malan Lubis3

Program Pascasarjana Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia


This research is a study of spatial planning and its current function. This study
aims to describe and analyze the symbols of power and carvings of the Si Walu
Jabu traditional house because symbols and carvings are important components in
the construction of the Si Waluh Jabu traditional house. This study uses
descriptive qualitative research methods, seeks to analyze and interpret the
meaning of the object under study based on facts in the field, uses key informants
as data sources, uses primary and secondary data through in-depth interviews,
field observations, documentation of activities, references related to this research
and data from the internet. The data analysis technique used in this research is the
semiotic model of Charles Sanders Peirce. The results of this study were from
four carvings that became the focus of the research, namely the Head of the
Buffalo, the Roof of Ijuk, the Painting on the Roof, and the Dragging. have in
common, namely the prayers and aspirations of the Karo people for the present
and the future

Keywords: traditional house, Karo tribe, spatial planning, interior

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193 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-74

Rasmita Br Karo, Berlin Sibarani, Siti Aisyah Ginting



The objective of the study was to describe how people use the ethnic language in inter and intra ethnic communication. A qualitative descriptive research design was applied. The data of this study were the utterances which is uttered by the people in Lawe Tawar. The subject of this research were Batak Toba ethnic, Karo ethnic, Simalungun ethnic, Pak-Pak ethnic and Nias ethnic at the age 18-50 years old. The instruments used for this study were observation and in-depth interview. The data was analyzed by using interactive models of Miles & Huberman (2014:8) technique. The results of the study show several findings the use of the languages in inter-ethnic in three ways i.e :(1)no ethnic language is used totally in inter-ethnic communication,(2)Ethnic language used in code mixing of different levels, (3)ethnic language used in code switching while the language use in intra ethnic such as:(1)using their own ethnic language,(2)using other ethnic language,(3)using Bahasa Indonesia and other ethnic language in code mixing.

Keywords: Language Use, language choice, inter-intra ethnic

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194 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-78

Types of Language Style Used by Host and Guest in Nebeng Boy
Mey Ramenawati Silalahi, Meisuri, Masitowarni Siregar

Universitas Negeri Medan


Abstrack: This article was aimed at analyzing the language style Boy William and Rita Ora in Nebeng Boy based on Martin Joos (1967) theory. They were frozen style, casual style, consultative style, formal style and intimate style. This article applied descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research were taken from the vlogshow video and the video transcript on yotube. The type of language style that used by the Hosts and guest in Nebeng Boy was casual style because the conversations are dominant in using short and simple ones.

Keywords: Language Style, Nebeng Boy

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195 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-89

Gender Humor Discourse in Friends Comedy Series
Lailan Syafrina Dewi (a*), Anni Holila Pulungan (b), Widya Andayani (c)

a) Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan, Jalan Williem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia
b) State University of Medan, Jalan Williem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia
c) State University of Medan, Jalan Williem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia


This study deals with Gender Humor Discourse in Friends Comedy Series. The objectives of this study are 1) to verify the type of gender humors used in Friends comedy series, 2) to describe how gender humors realized in Friends comedy series, and 3) to explain the reason of realizing gender humors in Friends comedy series as the way they are. This study applied critical discourse analysis approach to conduct a qualitative descriptive method. The data of this study is drawn from scripts consisted clauses of gender humor discourse in Friends comedy series. The techniques for collecting data are observing the plot of the comedy series and selecting episodes which the one that contained the most humor in friendship then download the episodes selected to be observed, after that make documentations by trimming the scenes for making the transcript of dialogues from cut scenes and finding expressions appeared of all players in the comedy series to be observe. The results of study found that there were twenty-six clauses consisted humor types found in this study namely: Affiliate types were six (23%), Self-enhancing types were five (19%), Aggressive types were seven (27%) and Self-defeating types were eight (31%). It can be concluded that self-defeating types is the most dominant types occur in Friends comedy series. From one forty-four clauses in Friends comedy series, there were ten realizations of humor in ^Friends^ comedy series found namely: Pun, Riddle, Joke, Satire, Parody, Anecdote, Farce, Irony, Sarcasm and Wit. From ten forms of verbal humors farce is the most dominant kind of verbal humors occur in Friends comedy series. The last there were three reason of realizing humors discourse namely: Universal joke, Cultural Joke and Linguistic joke.

Keywords: Gender- Humor- Discourse- Comedy Series

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196 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-99

YUNITA SARI HARAHAP. NIM 8186191004. Development of Learning Materials for Procedure Texts Containing Local Culture Using Lectora Inspire for Students of SMP Negeri 1 Nibung Hangus Thesis. Indonesian language and literature education. Medan State University Postgraduate Program. 2021.
Yunita Sari Harahap

universitas negeri medan


This study aims to determine the results of the development of text learning materials that are charged with local culture using lectora inspiration by students of SMP Negeri 1 Nibung Hangus. This type of research is development research based on the 4-D development model. The test subjects consisted of seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Nibung Hangus. This research has the benefit that the product developed will provide benefits, especially in the teacher^s learning process as additional material to provide convenience to the material being taught. Furthermore, students can improve the quality of learning, especially in writing procedural texts.

Keywords: Keywords: learning materials, procedure text, lectora inspire.

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197 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-106

Diah Ekowati Utami

Universitas Negeri Medan


This research deals with describing Javanese language variations maintenance in Dusun Kampung Banjar Labuhanbatu Utara. This research is conducted by using qualitative method. This research aims to examine the factors affecting the Javanese language maintenance in Dusun Kampung Banjar, to find out the ways in maintaining the Javanese language in Dusun Kampung Banjar, and to find out the reasons why the speakers of Javanese people maintain their language in Dusun Kampung Banjar. The data were collected from nine persons (male and females) of Javanese people using the observation and interview. The observation was used to examine the factors affecting Javanese language maintenance in seven domains. The data were analyzed by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014). There are seven factors affecting Javanese language maintenance in the Dusun Kampung Banjar namely- Etno Linguistics Vitality (16.33%), Family Domains (16.33%), Neighborhood Domains (18.37%), Workplace Domain (10.2%), Religion Domain (18.37%), Educational Domain as a new insight in this research (6.12%), and the last Practice Traditional Domain (14.28%).

Keywords: language maintenance, the factors affect, Javanese people in Dusun Kampung Banjar

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198 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-111

Types of Flouting Maxim of Humor in American movie The Upside
Mutiara Aisyah, Anni Holila Pulungan, Siti Aisyah Ginting

Universitas Negri Medan


The aim of this research was to find out the types of maxim that flouted to create humor in the movie The Upside. The research was conducted in descriptive qualitative research design. The data of this research is the script of The Upside movie become the source of data which is represent the flouting maxims of Cooperative Principle to create humor. Then the data were analysed by read and write technique or attentive observation. The result of this study, the types of flouting maxim were maxim quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relation and maxim of manner. The most flouted maxim to create humor were maxim quality.

Keywords: Flouted Maxim, humor

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199 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-120

Kinship Level between Javanese and Sundanese Language in Medan North Sumatra
Indah Asriani Siregar (a*), Amrin Saragih (b), Siti Aisyah Ginting (c)

Universitas Negeri Medan


The aims of this study to determine the level of kinship. This study used a mixed method, employing 300 Swadesh vocabulary lists that have been modified to fit the Austronesian languages. The source of the data in this study is the informants who are the native speaker of Javanese and Sundanese language who live in Medan Tembung and Medan Timur, to pronounce the Javanese and Sundanese 300 Swadesh Vocabulary list.The Lexicostatistics approach was used to analyze the data. The result of data analysis revealed that there were 137 word pairs or 46% out of 300 swadesh vocabulary list. The kinship level of Javanese and Sundanese Languages is in the Language of Family group.

Keywords: Lexicostatistics, Kinship Level, Separation time, Phonemic Corresponence

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200 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-144

Delmi Rohdearni Saragih

Universitas Negeri Medan


This research aimed to describe the translation method used by the translator in Emma Heesters song lyrics album. Besides, the author also intended to analyze the reason why such translation method was chosen to be used. The author used descriptive qualitative research as the method. The objects of this research were five song lyrics of Emma Heesters albumnamely: Maafkan Aku, Pura-pura Lupa, Lebih dari Egoku, Cinta Luar Biasa and Hanya Rindu that have been translated into English and sung by Emma Heesters. In collecting the data, documentation technique was used, in which the author collected both Indonesian and English version of the song lyrics. The author analyzed the data by using Newmark^s theory. The result showed that the mostly translation method used was emphasizing the target language, even some part of the song lyrics were still emphasizing on the source language. Then, the reason why translator tended to use the translation method emphasizing on the target language because it had to be managed that the translation could be match with the intonation or tone of the song. Besides, the gender of the singer also caused this matter because some parts of the lyrics were modified so that they were match with the female singer, while the original version was sung by a male singer.

Keywords: Translation, Method, songs lyrics

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201 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-156

Types of Metaphorical Expression of Markobar in Mandailing Natal
1. Muhammad Ardillah Nasution 2. Sumarsih 3. Rahmad Husein

Universitas Negeri Medan


This research dealt with the Metaphorical Expression of Markobar in Mandailing Natal. The objectives of this study were: 1) to investigate types of metaphorical expressions in wedding ceremony of Mandailing Natal . The data were obtained from metaphorical expressions are found in wedding ceremony. This research applied qualitative research design. The data were collected through observation by taking video recording. The findings of this study showed that: 1) there are three types of metaphorical expressions, they are conceptual metaphor, poetic metaphor, and conventional metaphor. Conceptual metaphor was found 27.02 %, and poetic metaphor was found 40.54%, also conventional metaphor was found 32.43%. In this case showed that Mandailing Natal culture has its roles and procedures.

Keywords: Metaphorical Expressions- Types of Metaphorical Expressions - Mandailing Natal Wedding Ceremony

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202 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-166

Preventing of Tsunami by Using Oral Tradition Smong as a Means of Children Literature in Elementary School
Fauziah Husna

Postgraduate of Education, Language, and Literature, University of Medan


Simeulue oral traditions called Smong are the result of a tsunami natural disaster in 1907 that taught how to protect oneself from the tsunami. Nevertheless, the current generation rarely sings Smong and story. Children on other islands must also know their history, in addition to being required for school students in Simeulue to know their history because it is useful as a science in coping with natural disasters. Smong oral tradition and its use as literary reading material in elementary schools were investigated. Using qualitative data collection methods such as observation and document review, the research writing method employs quantitative data collection methods. Smong can be used as literary reading material in elementary schools, according to this report, by translating the original form of Smong, which is a chant in Acehnese, into children stories that use more practical terms and use appropriate illustrations.

Keywords: Simeulue- Smong- Children Literature

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203 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-167

Nurfitri Sembiring, Mara Untung Ritonga, Elly Prihasti Wuriyani

Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan


This study will discuss the character values contained in the novel Sang Perempuan Keumala which can be used as inspiration for women today. The formulation of the problem of this research is how the character of Admiral Malahayati is found in the novel Sang Perempuan Keumala. This study aims to describe the character of Admiral Keumalahayati found in the novel Sang Perempuan Keumala. The method used is historical research with a literature study approach using the methods (1) heuristics- (2) source criticism- (3) analysis- and (4) historiography. After analyzing the character of Keumalahayati in the novel Sang Perempuan Keumala, several characters were found, namely Leadership, Courage, Curiosity, Nationalism, Responsibility, and Religion. Based on the results of the character analysis, it is hoped that the character of Admiral Keumalahayati can be an example and inspiration that can be applied in everyday life.

Keywords: Admiral Keumalahayati, Character Value, feuminism

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204 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-168

Kayani Panjaitan, Khairil Ansari, Malan Lubis

Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Program Pascasarjana Unimed


Teaching materials are all forms of tools used to assist teachers in carrying out teaching and learning activities. The teaching materials used by teachers will affect the achievement of students in achieving learning objectives. This study aims to produce teaching materials for modules assisted by animated films in fabled text learning in grade VII students of SMP Swasta Katolik Assisi Medan. Data analysis through questionnaires shows that students still depend on books produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture with material content that has not been adapted to the local area of students and the teaching materials used are less innovative, creative and contemporary. Teaching materials in the form of fable story text modules on animated films were developed as a medium to support interesting learning in writing fable story texts. This is evidenced by the effectiveness test using the Gain Test on the animated film-assisted fable text module in grade VII students of SMP Swasta Katolik Assisi Medan with an average pretest score of 60.94 students with the lowest score of 45 and the highest score of 70. Meanwhile, the average posttest score of students was 83.44 with the lowest score of 75 and the highest score of 95. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the fable story text module assisted by animated films is feasible and effective for use in learning to improve student learning outcomes, especially in fable text materials.

Keywords: module, fable text, animated film

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205 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-189

Development of Ecology-Based Exposition Text Teaching Materials in the New Normal Era for Grade VIII Students of Kalam Kudus Christian Junior High School Pematangsiantar
Meilicien Rajagukguk, Mara Untung Ritonga, Abdurahman Adisaputera

Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Program Pascasarjana UNIMED


Teaching materials are all forms of tools used to assist teachers in carrying out teaching and learning activities. The teaching materials used by teachers will affect the achievement of students in achieving learning objectives. This study aims to develop teaching materials for ecology-based exposition texts in the new normal era for grade VIII students of SMP Kristen Kalam Kudus Pematangsiantar. Data analysis through questionnaires shows that students still depend on books produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture with material content that has not been adapted to the local area of students and the teaching materials used are less innovative, creative and contemporary. Teaching materials in the form of fable ecology-based exposition text modules were developed as an interesting learning support medium in writing exposition story texts. The use of this ecology-based module can also help rationalize abstract material in an interesting way This is evidenced by the effectiveness test using the Gain Test on the ecology-based exposition text module in the new normal era in class VIII students of SMP Kristen Kalam Kudus Pematangsiantar with an average pretest score of 60.94 students with the lowest score of 55 and the highest score of 70. While the average posttest score of students was 83.44 with the lowest score of 75 and the highest score of 98. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the ecology-based exposition text module is feasible and effective to be used in learning to improve student learning outcomes, especially in exposion text materials.

Keywords: Module, Exposition text, Ecology.

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206 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-209

Code-Mixing by Kindergarten Learners at Nanyang Zhi Hui Medan
Grace Emeli Tobing, S.S

Universitas Negeri Medan


The aim of the research is to analyze the Code-Mixing that is performed by Kindergarten-A learners at one of kindergarten school in Medan, Indonesia. The focus of the research is to find kinds of Code-Mixing found in the interaction between the learners. The participants of this study are twelve students in the age range of 4-5 years old. This research uses qualitative methods to analyze the data which is obtained from the conversation. To conduct this research, the researcher uses the theory of Muysken (2000).

Keywords: code-mixing, kindergarten learners, interaction

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207 Social, Language and Cultural Education ABS-210

Translation Techniques in Children Story Book.
a. Siti Khadijah Harahap b.Masitowarni Siregar c. Meisuri



This study aims to analyze translation techniques by using Molina & Albir theory (2002) in the children story book themed religious Yan Hajj The Journey of A Lifetime. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The source of data is the children story book English version as the source text (TS) and Indonesian as the target language (TL). Based on the analysis, it is found that: In the translation of the children story book, there are 10 translation techniques used, namely literal, calque, established equivalent, generalization, borrowing, linguistic amplification, particularization, transposition, modulation and adaptation The most dominant translation technique used in translating the children story book is literal technique.

Keywords: Children story book, Translation Techniques

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208 Teachers Education Model in Future ABS-8

Akum Laksana

Universitas Negeri Medan


The low student learning outcomes caused by the lack of student activity in the teaching and learning process is the background of this research. The problem in this study is whether there is an effect of the Inquiri learning model with a scientific approach on the physics learning outcomes of eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Badar.
The population in this study were all students of class VIII totaling 120 people, with a total sample of 60 people consisting of 2 classes, with class VIII 1 being taught using the Inquiri model and class VIII 2 being taught using the conventional learning model. As a data collection tool, a test of students^ physics learning outcomes was used in the form of 20 multiple-choice questions, which had been tested for validity and reliability.
The results of the research carried out obtained the average and standard deviation for classes taught using the Inquiry model were X1 = 15.77 and S1 = 3.500 while for classes taught using the conventional model were X2 = 13.56 and S2 = 3.095. For the t-test using a significant level of a 0.05 and degrees of freedom 58 obtained tcount = 2.732 and a table with the same significant level of degrees of freedom seen from the distribution table obtained tiabel = 1.672.

Keywords: Inquiry Model, Scientific Aproach, Evaluation, Physics

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209 Teachers Education Model in Future ABS-10

Teaching Modals through Markobar in Pabagas Boru Ceremony as Mandailing Oral Tradition
Asrita Sari (a*) ,Sumarsih(b), and Rahmad Husein (c)

Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan


The objective of study was to investigate modality categories in the texts of markobar in pabagas boru ceremony as teaching modals for 11th grade students at SMA Islam Plus Adzkia Medan. Markobar is an oral tradition of Mandailing tribe. Markobar means ^speaking^. The study was a qualitative research. the participants comprising 14 positions in markobar in pabagas boru ceremony, two atobangon (expert of markobar) in Padangsidimpuan were the data source of study. The participants were 11th grade students at SMA Islam Plus Adzkia. The data of the study were 66 clauses containing modality delivered by participants orally. The theory used was modality theory proposed by Halliday (2004). In addition, the data gained were analyzed based on Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014) namely, data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing/ verification. Thus, the study showed that modalization and modulation categories were found in the texts of markobar in pabagas boru ceremony. The dominant meaning in modalization was probability (39%) meanwhile usuality was only 1,5 %. Then, in modulation category, the dominant category was obligation (49%) and inclination was only 10,5%. In conclusion, modals used by the participants means that the students had understood about modality categories.

Keywords: Modals, Modality, Markobar in Pabagas boru Ceremony, Mandailing Oral Tradition.

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210 Teachers Education Model in Future ABS-37

Nina Agustina Ritonga1, Daulat Saragi2, Yusnadi3

State University Of Medan
Basic Education Postgraduate Program State University Of Medan


Cooperative Learning Think Pair Share and interest in learning to student learning outcomes. The research was conducted on fifth grade students at SD Negeri 097522. This research was a Quasi Experimental Design type. Data analysis using SPSS 22.0 with 2x2 factorial. The instruments used are Civics learning outcomes tests and learning outcomes instruments. This study aims to analyze: (1) the effect of the cooperative learning model is higher than the direct learning model- (2) Civics learning outcomes of students who have high learning outcomes are higher than students who have low learning outcomes (3) the interaction between cooperative learning models and (4) student learning outcomes in influencing student Civics learning outcomes. The results of the research show: (1) There is an effect of the cooperative learning model on student learning outcomes of Civics in grade IV SD Negeri 097522 Siantar- (2) Civics learning outcomes of students who have high interest in learning are higher than students who have low learning outcomes- (3) There is an interaction between the cooperative learning model and learning outcomes on student learning outcomes in Civics at SD Negeri 097522 Siantar.

Keywords: learning outcomes, cooperative learning model, TPS.

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