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Suriadi Simanullang, Development of Interactive Multimedia-Based Lecture Teaching Materials for Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 1 Barus Tapanuli Tengah. Thesis. Indonesian Language and Literature Education. Graduate Program, State University of Medan. 2022.
suriadi simanullang

Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to find out effective interactive multimedia-based lecture materials for class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Barus Tapanuli Tengah, find out the results of developing interactive multimedia-based lecture text materials for class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Barus Tapanuli Tengah, and find out the reasons for using multimedia. interactively in the development of lecture text teaching materials. The benefits of this research are expected to improve the learning process of lecture texts using interactive multimedia as an innovative learning medium. This research is a development research using the Borg & Gall model which aims to develop interactive multimedia-based teaching materials that will be used as teaching materials in lecture text learning. The results of this study were validated by material experts with an average of 98.3% with very good criteria, ( 2) validation results by media experts with an average of 91.16% with very good criteria, (3) validation by design experts with an average of 84.70% with very good criteria, (4) Indonesian language teacher responses with an average of 95% with very good criteria, (5) individual trial results obtained with an average of 78.9% with good criteria, (6) small group trial results obtained with an average of 89% with very good criteria, (7) obtained trial results field with an average of 99.28% with very good criteria, (8) student learning outcomes before using interactive multimedia-based teaching materials are 65.14 and after using interactive multimedia-based teaching with an average score of 83.23 with a very good category. The difference obtained is 18.09.

Keywords: Development, Teaching Materials, Lecture Text, Interactive Multimedia

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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