Indra Jaya Purba , Melva Silitonga, Idramsa Idramsa

Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jalan Williem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia


The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Animal Physiology textbook based on higher order thinking skills in the achievement of students^ higher order thinking skills optimally. Type of this research was quasi experiment. The design used was pretest-posttest control group design. The population was the fifth semester undergraduate students in Biology Education Study Program at Medan State University who were taking Animal Physiology course. Sample consisted of 2 groups selected randomly, class A of Biology Education Study Program as experimental group (n = 21 students) and class C of Biology Education Study Program as control group (n = 18 students). For experimental group, learning process used Animal Physiology textbook based on higher order thinking skills meanwhile control group used electronic book or journal of Animal Physiology. Multiple choices and essays test were the instruments for data collection. Hypothesis was tested by t- test used SPSS 16.0 software program and N-gain test. The post-test result showed that the average score in experimental group (71,19) was higher than control group (55,67) with t count (0,000) < &#945- (0,05). H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. Students^ higher order thinking skills in experimental group was significant higher than control group. N-gain result in experimental group was 0,59 in the category of ^Good^. It can be concluded that the effectivity of Animal Physiology textbook based on higher order thinking skills was good to enhance students^ higher order thinking.

Keywords: Animal Physiology, Higher Order Thinking, Textbook

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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