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211 Teachers Education Model in Future ABS-43

Isnaini, Ibnu Hajar, Wildansayah Lubis



Thematic learning in elementary schools in the implementation of the process of learning interest and learning outcomes are adjusted to the needs of students. Interesting learning and developed according to regional conditions is one of the learning methods developed by teachers to students in facilitating the learning process. Local wisdom is one way in the process of implementing learning which is arranged in the form of supporting teaching materials in the form of LKPD. The process of developing LKPD based on local wisdom is
made and adapted to the needs and circumstances of students to identify the level of validity and effectiveness of learning so as to explain the process of learning interest and student learning outcomes in the research school of SDN 040460 Berastagi. The results showed that the development of the LKPD based on local wisdom was carried out by deepening the material, description, procurement of images, which local wisdom needed to be considered in the implementation of learning. After the development of the LKPD based on local wisdom, further trials were carried out on the experimental and control classes. Before being tested, both class groups were given a pretest to measure initial knowledge. Furthermore, the data were tested for normality and homogeneity to see whether the study population had met the normal and homogeneous criteria.

Keywords: LKPD, Local Wisdom, Thematic, School

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212 Teachers Education Model in Future ABS-70

Teacher ways to Engage Students in Learning Descriptive Text Through Online
Nenglis Sriheri Lumbangaol, Berlin Sibarani, Rahmad Husein

Universitas Negeri Medan


Online learning is learning that takes place over the Internet for a variety of learning purposes. The objectives of this study is to find out the ways of engaging students in learning Descriptive text through online grade VII of Junior High School students. A qualitative descriptive research design was applied and the data were gathered from the teacher and students^sentences during online learning. This study followed the theory of Young (2006) about the effectiveness ways of engaging students in online learning. The data of this study were collected by observation technique. Furthermore, the result showed that there were seven ways to engage students in learning descriptive text through online learning. They were: a) Adapting to student needs, b) Using meaningful examples, c) Motivating students to do their best, d) Facilitating the course effectively, e) Delivering a valuable course, f) Communicating effectively, and g) Showing concern for student learning.

Keywords: online learning, engagement, ICT, descriptive text

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213 Teachers Education Model in Future ABS-76

Development of Learning Devices Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve Students^ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability at SMK Negeri 1 Air Putih
Agus Suyono, Edi Syahputra, Mulyono

Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan



Agus Suyono. Development of Learning Devices Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve Students^ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability at SMK Negeri 1 Air Putih. Thesis. Medan: Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan, June 2022.
This study aims to analyze: 1) the level of validity of the learning devices developed through the Realistic Mathematical Education, 2) the practicality of the learning devices developed through the Realistic Mathematical Education, 3) the effectiveness of the learning devices developed through the Realistic Mathematical Education, and 4) analyzing the improvement of students^ mathematical problem solving abilities by using learning devices developed through the Realistic Mathematical Education. The products developed are: lesson plans, student activity sheets, and student books. The development of RME-based learning devices was developed using the 4-D Thiagarajan development model with 4 stages, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. The subjects in this study were students of class X RPL-1 and X RPL-2 at SMK Negeri 1 Air Putih in the academic year 2021/2022. The object of this research is the developed X grade SMK mathematics learning device. From the results of trial I and trial II, it was obtained: 1) The learning device oriented to the realistic mathematics approach developed met the valid criteria, in terms of: a) content, and b) construct, 2) the learning device developed met practical criteria, in terms of: a) assessment of validators, b) interviewing student and teacher responses, c) feasibility of learning devices, 3) learning devices developed that meet the criteria of being effective, in terms of: a) classical learning outcomes, b) student activities, and d) positive student responses and 4) The students^ problem solving ability in the second trial increased in the moderate category.
Keywords: Development, Learning Devices, Realistic Mathematics Education, Thiagarajan 4-D Development Model.

Keywords: Development, Learning Devices, Realistic Mathematics Education, Thiagarajan 4-D Development Model, Problem Solving Ability.

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214 Teachers Education Model in Future ABS-123

Teachers Manipulate the Descriptive Text Elements in Teaching the Students^ Language Skills
Lenny Bey B, Berlin Sibarani, Immanuel Prasetya Ginting

Universitas Negeri Medan


This research deals with teacher^s manipulation of descriptive text elements. This research investigates the way the way the teacher manipulate descriptive text elements in teaching language skills. This research applied qualitative descriptive method. The participants of the research were three teachers at SMK Negeri 1 Kisaran. The techniques for collecting data were through recording three teachers in teaching descriptive text elements and interviewing three teachers. The result of the research found that the teacher used verbal behavior for manipulating the student by giving questions to the student. There seven verbal behaviors found in this research, such as initiating 32.40%, informing 21.34%, directing 21.72%, listing 12.00%, checking 4.50%, nominating 6.92%, repeating, 1,12%.

Keywords: Teachers manipulation, verbal behaviors, descriptive text elements

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215 Teachers Education Model in Future ABS-162

Sutan Mara Doli Siregar (a*), Deny Setiawan (b), 3nd Anita Yus3

Postgraduate Student at Medan State University, Indonesia1, Medan State University, Indonesia2, Medan State University, Indonesia3


This study aims to analyze and determine the effect of the Problem Based Learning model on the critical thinking skills of Civics students in grade VI SD Negeri 10 Ulu Mahuam. This research is a quasi-experimental research with a quantitative approach. Sampling in this study uses a total sampling technique, where class VI.AAnas the experimental class and class VI.B as the control class. The instrument used is a test of students^ critical thinking skills. For hypothesis testing, two-way Anova was used. The results showed that the average critical thinking ability of students (95.20) was higher than the cooperative learning model (89.00). SD Negeri 10 Ulu Mahuam.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Critical Thinking Ability, Civic

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216 Transformative Learning and Educational Leadership ABS-15

The Effect of Collaborative Leadership and School Climate on the Normative Commitment of MTs Teachers in Asahan Regency
Muhammad Meftah, Aman Simaremare, Arif Rahman

Postgraduate Student at Medan State University Education Administration Study Program, Postgraduate Lecturer at Medan State University Education Administration Study Program, Postgraduate Lecturer at Medan State University Education Administration Study Program


This study aims to determine the Effect of Collaborative Leadership and School Climate on the Normative Commitment of MTs Teachers in Asahan Regency. This type of research uses a quantitative approach to path analysis (Path Analysis). The sample of this study consisted of 80 MTs teachers. Country in the Asahan regency. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires through Google Form. Before the questionnaire was distributed to the respondents, the validity and reliability of the instrument were tested first, then the research data were analyzed descriptively and path analysis with the SPSS program.. The results showed: (1) there was a direct positive effect of collaborative leadership on teachers^ normative commitment, (2) there was a direct positive influence of collaborative leadership on school climate, (3) there was a direct positive influence of school climate on teacher^s normative commitment, and (4) there was the indirect effect of collaborative leadership through school climate on teachers^ normative commitment.

Keywords: Collaborative Leadership, School Climate, Teacher^s Normative Commitment

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217 Transformative Learning and Educational Leadership ABS-146

Agile Methodology in Educational Leadership: Scrum
Kisno (a)*, Syawal Gultom (b), Saut Purba (c), Darwin (d), Sumaryanto (e)

a) Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi dan Manajemen Indonesia (STAMI), Jl. Sutomo No. 271 & 273, Pematangsiantar, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, 21145, d.shinoda85[at]
b, c, d) Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar, Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
e) PT. Emcotama, Jl. Letjen TB.Simatupang No. 84, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


Education world experiences evolution and revolution adjacent to the development of environment and technology. The actors participating in education world are now facing a future challenge which is volatile, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) due to the rapid change in environment and disruption of technology. This paper is a literature review on Scrum, a framework for growing and strengthening complex product adapted from software development and particularly expressed in educational leadership. Scrum is one of agile methodologies worth of implementing with servant leadership. The theory of Scrum as an agile methodology such as transparency, inspection, and adaptation are described and the map of agile manifesto is defined in educational leadership context.

Keywords: Agile Methodology- Education- Leadership- Scrum

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218 Transformative Learning and Educational Leadership ABS-157

The Principal^s Leadership Style and Teacher Performance at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Medang Deras
Frans Hanaekan Rajagukguk

UPTD SMP Negeri 2 Medang Deras


The purpose of this study was to describe the tendency of the principal^s leadership style at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Medang Deras. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data were collected via interviews, observation and documentation studies. Data analysis was conducted by reducing data, presenting data and drawing data in narrative form. The results showed that the principal of UPT SMP Negeri 2 Medang Deras tended to implement democratic and participatory leadership. In the planning process, the principal applied a democratic and visionary leadership style while in the organizing process was carried out with a democratic and participatory leadership style. The implementation process tends to be carried out with a task-oriented leadership style and human relations that prioritizes cooperative relationships and general and personal direction and guidance and the supervision process with a delegative leadership style by conducting direct supervision and giving confidence to subordinates to carry out supervision. This study is in accordance with the existing theory that in the preparation of an organizational structure one must always provide opportunities for subordinates to participate and develop and be responsible for a position given to subordinates.

Keywords: Principal^s leadership, Leadership style, Teacher performance

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219 Transformative Learning and Educational Leadership ABS-235

Ade Amriani (a), Benyamin Situmorang (a), Yasaratado Wau (a)

Universitas Negeri Medan


The era of disruption has indirectly changed the way education is viewed. Teachers must have high competence in producing school graduates who can answer the challenges of modern times. This article aims to describe teacher competencies, identify teacher challenges, and analyze the role of training in teacher competency development in the digital age. The research method is carried out with a study of the literature. The results and discussion of this article found that (1) teacher competencies needed in the digital an include having educational competence, competence for technological commercialization, competence in globalization, competence in future strategies, counselor competence, and (2) teacher challenges in this era, namely having strong competencies and having soft skills, equipping students with 21st-century skills, (3) education and training programs are designed in such a way to be adapted to developments in the digital era so that teachers become competent and professional.

Keywords: Education and training of teachers- competencies- and skills of the 21st century

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220 Transformative Learning and Educational Leadership ABS-236

Maidar (a), Syawal Gultom (a), Darwin (a)

Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to analyze the needs of developing a training model for principals based on acehnese culture ^Seulangke^. The study was conducted using the survey method at 9 (nine) State Junior High Schools in South Aceh Regency. The subjects of the study were 18 principals. The object studied was the principal^s response to the development of a school principal training model based on acehnese culture ^Seulangke^. , the tendency of the principal to implement the training model in the school. Data were collected by interviews, questionnaires and observations. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results of the analysis show that (1) the principal has not carried out coaching for the development of innovative training models, (2) the principal really needs a training model that is in accordance with the context (3) the training models applied so far have not run optimally.

Keywords: training model , Aceh culture, Seulangke.

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221 Transformative Learning and Educational Leadership ABS-237

Ade Amriani (a*), Ari Yondra (b), Yasaratodo Wau (a)

a) Universitas Negeri Medan
b) Institut Modern Arsitektur Tehnologi


This study aims to discuss efforts to improve the quality of education through curriculum management in elementary schools in Subulussalam City, Aceh Province. The research method used in this study is a literature study, aiming to find out about curriculum management in improving the quality of education through quality improvement must be carried out by many parties, ranging from the provincial, district to the school level and even to the classroom, all elements must function in improving the quality of education. To carry out the decentralization of education in the era of regional autonomy, each region must have its own curriculum design for quality improvement, which is the elaboration or implementation of the educational curriculum formulated by the central government. This is in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum, and local governments of even lower levels (schools) are free to describe quality improvement plans so that in the future each district will compete with each other to advance the advancement of education. their respective regions.

Keywords: Curriculum Management, Quality of Education, Human Resources

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222 Transformative Learning and Educational Leadership ABS-238

Mawardi (a*) Sri Indayani (b)

a) Universitas Negeri Medan
b) SMP Negeri 4 Penanggalan


This study aims to find out the direct positive influence of transformational leadership on the innovation of public elementary school teachers in Subulussalam City. This research method is designed using the survey method, the instrument used is a questionnaire. The sample in this study was 38 teachers from a State Primary School in subulussalam city. The results of this study show that there is a direct positive influence of transformational leadership on the innovation of elementary school teachers in Subulussalam City. The conclusion of this study is that there is a direct influence between the transformational leadership of effective principals, the innovation of teachers is high.

Keywords: Influence, Translational Leadership, Innovation, Primary school teacher

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223 Vocational Education and Educational Technology ABS-18

Development of Teaching Factory Learning Model on creative and entrepreneurial subjects in improving student learning outcomes and entrepreneurship motivation at SMK Negeri 1 Siantar
Lora Beatrix Pandiangan

University State Medan


This study aims to see the improvement of learning outcomes and entrepreneurial motivation in students through the development of Teaching Factory Learning Model on the subject of creative products and entrepreneurship. The research method used is the quasi-experimental design in the form of a pretest-posttest control group design which was carried out at one of the SMK Negeri 1 Siantar, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province. In class XII students in the 2019/2020 school year. The data collection used was through a pretest and posttest in the form of an essay. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the use of the learning model of the teaching Factory and conventional methods to see student learning outcomes and entrepreneurial motivation based on the feasibility value of model development obtained an average of 84.73% with very feasible criteria. Based on the results of the t-test calculation for the difference in students^ entrepreneurial motivation between the experimental class and the conventional class, the data obtained that t-count > t-table or 4,214 > 1,997 or in other words H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Keywords: Teaching Factory Learning Model, Factory learning, learning outcomes, Entrepreneurial motivation

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224 Vocational Education and Educational Technology ABS-30

Student Response To TikTok Application As a Science-Biology Learning Media For Middle School Students
Armaya Sari a*), Binari Manurung b), Tri Harsono

a) Postgraduate Student of Biology Education Program, State University of Medan
JL. Williem Iskandar/ Pasar V, Medan, Mail Box 1589, Postal Code 20221, Indonesia.
b) Lecture of Biology Education Program, State University of Medan
JL. Williem Iskandar/ Pasar V, Medan, Mail Box 1589, Postal Code 20221, Indonesia.


This study aims to analyze the perceptions of junior high school students towards learning media using the TikTok application. Learning media is a means that greatly affects the learning process of students in the classroom. During the pandemic and towards the new normal, teachers are very confused about determining the right learning media to give to students. Ideally, learning media should be fun, very close to students and can be used anywhere and anytime. The TikTok application is a social media application that is much favored by junior high school students. The subjects in this study were students of SMP Negeri 6 Tebingtinggi City. Data from this study were collected using Google Foms to see student responses to science-biology learning. The results of the study of student responses to the TikTok application as a science-biology learning medium are: stating the quality of the display of learning media using the TikTok application is attractive, fun and easy to operate as much as 92.14%, states that learning media using the TikTok application increases students^ knowledge in learning as much as 87.97%, stated that students^ motivation to learn increased by using the TikTok application as much as 85.88, and stated that learning activities became fun by using the TikTok application as much as 86.56%. It can be concluded that the feasibility of using the TikTok application as a learning medium is 88.13%, meaning that the use of the TikTok application as a learning medium is very feasible

Keywords: Student responses, TikTok application, Science-biology learning media

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225 Vocational Education and Educational Technology ABS-56

The Development of Mobile Learning-Based Digital Learning Comic in English Subject of Class VIII of SMP Muhammadiyah 16 Lubuk Pakam
Rafiqa Ulfah Rangkuti (a*), R. Mursid (b), Sriadhi (b)

a) Department of Education Technology
Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Medan
b) Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to: (1) determine the feasibility of mobile learning-based digital learning comics used for learning English for class VIII (2) to determine the effectiveness of mobile learning-based digital learning comics in English learning of class VIII. This type of research is research and development that uses the ADDIE product development model. This research was conducted on eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 16 Lubuk Pakam. The research sample was 30 students. The feasibility of mobile learning-based digital learning comics is measured by data analysis based on validation questionnaires by media experts, design experts, material experts, and field trials. While the effectiveness of digital learning comics based on mobile learning is measured by data analysis using n-gain scores based on learning outcomes tests (pretest and posttest). The results of the validation of mobile learning-based digital learning comics by media experts were obtained by 80.56% in the appropriate category, by design experts it was obtained by 92.22% in the very feasible category, and by material experts it was obtained by 93.61% in the very feasible category. The results of field trials on students amounted to 93.13% with a very decent category. The results of the pretest and posttest learning outcomes in the field trial obtained an average n-gain value of 0.70 in the high category with a percentage of 70% in the quite effective category. So it can be concluded that mobile learning-based digital learning comics are very feasible and quite effective to use in learning English for class VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 16 Lubuk Pakam.

Keywords: Digital Learning Comic, English Learning Outcomes, Mobile Learning

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226 Vocational Education and Educational Technology ABS-101

Development of Arabic Textbooks With The Application of The Station Rotation Type Blended Model
Rahmaini (a*), Abdul Hasan Saragih (b), Mukhtar (b)

a) Arabic Study Program, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
b) Educational Technology, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


This research and development aims to: (1) produce a station rotation blended learning (SRBL) learning model for learning Arabic courses- knowing the validity of the SRBL learning model in learning Arabic courses- knowing the practicality of the SRBL learning model in learning Arabic courses- measuring the effectiveness of the SRBL learning model in learning Arabic courses- analyzing student responses to the SRBL learning process. This research method is research and development (R&D) with the Plomp model. The implementation of this research at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) of the Universitas Islam Negeri of North Sumatra (UIN SU) Medan for students in semester II of the 2021/2022 academic year. The development is carried out through expert validation tests: material, learning design, graphic design experts, and trials: individuals, small groups and the field. The data on the quality of this development product were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed- (1) the material expert test is on very good criteria and is suitable for use, (2) the learning design expert test is on the very good criteria and is suitable for use, (3) the learning media expert test is on the very good criteria and is suitable for use, (4) individual trials are on very good criteria, (5) small group trials are on very good criteria, and (6) field trials are on very good criteria. The effectiveness of learning with the developed SRBL model shows more effective student learning outcomes in Arabic.

Keywords: learning model- station rotation- blended learning- Arabic

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227 Vocational Education and Educational Technology ABS-103

Development of Student Worksheets Based on Problem Based Learning Integrated HOTS IPS Subjects
Maslina Sinaga (a*), R. Mursid (b), Sugiharto (b)

a) Educational Technology, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
b) Educational Technology, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia


This research and development aims to (1) Assess the feasibility of PBL-based LKPD integrated HOTS social studies material- and (2) Assess the effectiveness of the PBL-based LKPD integrated HOTS for IPS material. This research method is research and development (R&D) in class VIII SMPN 1 Sei Suka, Batubara. The test results prove that there is a significant difference between student learning outcomes who are taught using the HOTS-integrated PBL-based LKPD and the results of the regular LKPD. The development is carried out through expert validation tests: material, learning design, graphic design experts, and trials: individuals, small groups, and the field. The data on the quality of this development product was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed- (1) the material expert test is on very good criteria and is suitable for use, (2) the learning design expert test is on the very good criteria and is suitable for use, (3) the learning media expert test is on the very good criteria and is suitable for use, (4) individual trials are on very good criteria, (5) small group trials are on very good criteria, and (6) field trials are on very good criteria. The effectiveness of the developed product shows that students^ social studies learning outcomes are more effective using the HOTS-integrated PBL-based LKPD than the regular LKPD

Keywords: student worksheets- problem-based learning- HOTS- social science

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228 Vocational Education and Educational Technology ABS-104

The Effect of STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model with TGT Type and Achievement Motivation on Economic Learning Outcomes
Novrita Debora Butar-Butar (a*), Samsidar Tanjung (b), Dina Ampera (b)

a) Educational Technology, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
b) Educational Technology, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia


This study aims to: (1) determine the economic learning outcomes of students who are taught with the STAD type cooperative learning model and the TGT type cooperative learning model- (2) knowing the economic learning outcomes of students who have high achievement motivation and low achievement motivation- and (3) knowing the interaction between the learning model and achievement motivation in influencing economic learning outcomes. The research population was all students of class XI SMAN 1 Rantau Utara. Sampling by cluster random sampling. One treatment class with STAD type cooperative learning model, and one control class with TGT type cooperative learning model. The research method used a quasi-experimental research design with a factorial of 2 x 2. The data analysis technique used two-way ANOVA at a significance level of = 0.05. The results showed: (1) the economic learning outcomes of students who were taught with the STAD type cooperative learning model were higher than those of the TGT type cooperative learning model, (2) the economic learning outcomes of students who had high achievement motivation were higher than those with low achievement motivation, and (3) There is an interaction between the learning model and achievement motivation in influencing economic outcomes. Students who have high achievement motivation in economics learning outcomes are higher than those with low achievement motivation who are taught with the STAD type cooperative learning model

Keywords: learning model- STAD- TGT- achievement motivation- economy

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229 Vocational Education and Educational Technology ABS-105

The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategies with Expository and Verbal Ability on English Learning Outcomes
Rahmiati (a*), (b) Harun Sitompul (b), R. Mursid (b)

a) Educational Technology, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
b) Educational Technology, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia


This study aims to: (1) to find out the learning outcomes of students^ English who are taught with Contextual Teaching and Learning learning strategies and expository learning strategies- (2) to know the English learning outcomes of students who have high verbal abilities and low verbal abilities- and (3) knowing the interaction between learning strategies and verbal skills in influencing English learning outcomes. The research population was all students of class VIII MTs Miftahussalam Medan. Sampling by cluster random sampling. One treatment class with Contextual Teaching and Learning strategies, and one control class with expository learning strategies. The research method used a quasi-experimental research design with a factorial of 2 x 2. The data analysis technique used two-way ANOVA at a significance level of = 0.05. The results showed: (1) the English learning outcomes of students who were taught with Contextual Teaching and Learning learning strategies were higher than those of expository learning strategies, (2) English learning outcomes of students who had high verbal abilities were higher than those with low verbal abilities, and (3) There is an interaction between learning strategies and verbal ability in influencing English results. Students who have high verbal skills learning English results are higher than those with low verbal abilities who are taught with Contextual Teaching and Learning learning strategies

Keywords: learning strategies- contextual teaching and learning- expository- verbal skills- English

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230 Vocational Education and Educational Technology ABS-131

The Effect Of Learning Strategies and Confidence on the Creativity of Children aged 4 - 6 Years at PAUD
Fitri Mariani (a*) , Samsidar Tanjung (b) , Ema Yulia (b)

a) Eduacational Technology, Postgrade, Universitas Negeri Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
b) Eduacational Technology, Postgrade, Universitas Negeri Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia


This study aims to: (1) whether there is a difference in the creativity of children given the Inquiry learning strategy than that given with the Expository learning strategy, (2) is there a difference in the creativity of children who have high self confidence compared to the creativity of chldrens who have low self confidence, and (3) Is there an interaction between learning strategies and self confidence on the creativity of Children. The research quasi experiment. The instruments used in this study were a figural creativity test and childrens self confidence scale. Analysis of the data used is 2 x 2. The data analysis technique used two-way ANOVA at a significance level of=0.05. The results showed: (1) the creativity of early childrens provided with an inquiry learning strategy was higher than the creativity of children given an expository learning strategy, (2) the creativity of children who have high self confidence is higher than the creativity of children who have low self confidence, and (3) there is an interaction between learning strategies and confidence in the creativity of children. The research results obtained are expected to provide information for PAUD Institution managers and PAUD educators to use inquiry learning strategies in increasing the creativity of childrens in PAUD institutions.

Keywords: learning strategies- confidence- creativity of children

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231 Vocational Education and Educational Technology ABS-139

Development of Interractive Media Based AMUSE Learning Model to improve English Learning Outcome Of Class X Students of MAN Labuhanbatu Utara 2021/2022
Fauziah Nur (a*), Efendi Napitupulu (b), Mukhtar (b)

a) Department of Educational Technology
Postgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Medan
b) Postgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to (1) Produce learning models that are feasible to use,easy to learn and can be used for learning (2) to determine the effectiveness of learning models based on Interractive Media .This research is a type of development that use the product development model Borg ang Gall ang combined with the model^s learning design Dick and Carey. This research was conducted in class X studensts of MAN Labuhanbatu Utara.The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method.The reserceh sample of 72 students consisting of 36 students as an experimental class that was taught using the ^amuse^ learning model based on interractive media and 36 students as a control class that was learned using the inquiry learning model.The result of the hypotesis test study proved that there are significant differences between English learning outcomes that are learned using the interaktif media ^AMUSE^ learning models with English learning outcomes that are learned using Inquiry learning models.This is indicated by the acquitision of data that is significant is 0,006. At a significant level. This is indicated by the acquisition of data, namely the significance value obtained is 0.006. The significance value (sig) < 0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that the ^AMUSE^ learning model based on Interactive Media is better than the Inquiry learning model.

Keywords: interractive media based AMUSE learning model,inquiry learning model,english learning outcomes

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232 Vocational Education and Educational Technology ABS-186

The Effectiveness of Digital Book Learning Media Through the Kvisoft Flipbook Application Based on Problem Solving in Elementary Science Subjects
Annisyah Arifah 1, Hasruddin2, Sumarno3

Postgraduate Students, Medan State University, Indonesia1, Lecturer Postgraduate, Medan State University, Indonesia2, Lecturer Postgraduate, Medan State University, Indonesia3


This research is based on the problem of students^ mastery of elementary science subjects in grade 4 with energy materials. The purpose of this study was to measure the effectiveness of the Digital Book Learning media through the Kvisoft Flipbook Application Based on Problem Solving (PBL) in Elementary Science Learning. The method used is quantitative analysis of 4th grade elementary school students. The results showed that (1) the results of the HOTS posttest were in the high category. (2) minimum mastery achievement can be achieved by a minimum of 65% of students (3) the time used in learning is efficiently used and when teaching takes place there is interaction between students and teachers or between students. (4) students respond positively and are interested in digital book learning media using kvisoft flipbook using a problem solving approach so that it can be said to be effective.

Keywords: Digital Book, Kvisoft Flipbook, PBL

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