Development of Persuasive Text Teaching Materials based on the Discovery Learning Method in Class VIII SMP GKPI Padang Bulan Medan TP 2021/2022
Ayu Adryani Siahaan

Medan State University Postgraduate


This study aims to develop persuasive text teaching materials based on the discovery learning method for class VIII junior high school students. This study uses the ADIIE development model which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Research teaching materials products get an average assessment of material experts 97.82% in the very appropriate category, 96.2% in the design expert assessment in the very appropriate category, the Indonesian language teacher assessment in 90.3% in the very feasible category. Tried the product three times, namely individual trials, small groups and limited field, with the average number of individual student assessments being 89.1%, trials on small groups of ten students with an average of 90.8% and a limited field test was conducted on 30 students of SMP GKPI Padang Bulan Medan with an average of 92.4 very feasible categories. The effectiveness of persuasive text teaching materials assisted by the discovery learning method is obtained from student learning outcomes carried out in two stages, namely at the pre-test and post-test. The results obtained at the pre-test were 2,132 with an average of 71, this value was categorized as ^enough^ and did not meet the KKM score of 75. After using persuasive text teaching materials assisted by the discovery learning method and post-testing the total score of students increased to 2,431 with an average of 81 categorized as ^good^. This shows that persuasive text teaching materials assisted by the discovery learning method bring good development and are effectively used by class VIII students of SMP GKPI Padang Bulan Medan.

Keywords: teaching materials, persuasive texts, discovery learning

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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