The Development of Inquiry Instructional Model Based on Blended Learning for Teaching Profession Course
Susmaini1, Abdul Hasan Saragih2, dan Mukhtar3

Teknologi Pendidikan State University of Medan


This research is based on problems related to the application of inquiry instructional model based on blended learning to improve student learning outcomes. The aim of the research is to find a valid, practical and effective learning model. The methodology used is research and development with the model used by Gall, Gall and Borg. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Medan. The products produced are model books, lecturer manuals, student manuals, textbooks and learning applications that have been validated by experts and practitioners and then field trials are carried out. The research findings show that the resulting inquiry instructional model based on blended learning is valid based on expert and practitioner validation, has a level of practicality, and is effective in improving student learning outcomes

Keywords: Inquiry, Blended Learning

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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