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Improving The Ability of Problem Solving in Physics Using Android-Based Teaching Materials
Juli Briana(1), Wawan Bunawan(2) and Nurdin Siregar(3)

1Departement of Physics Education, Postgraduate State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia.
2-3 Postgraduate State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia.


The development of science and technology is increasingly encourage the efforts of reformation in the using of technology results in the learning process. This research aims to develop interactive teaching materials to improve the problem solving of high school students. The method used is research and development with the ADDIE development model. The research carried out includes the analysis stage which consists of material analysis, situation analysis, analysis of aspects of teaching materials, and analysis of student characteristics, and the design stage, namely the preparation of storyboards, then the development stage which consists of preparation, manufacture, review and editing, assessment by experts, and the implementation stage, namely the teaching materials trial. The last stage is the evaluation of teaching materials by teachers and students as respondents that aims to determine the quality of android-based interactive teaching materials that have been developed. The results showed that the interactive teaching materials developed were valid and suitable to be used based on a very good assessment category by the experts with a percentage score of 91% by material experts and 95% by media experts. Teaching materials are also practical which can be seen from the results of student needs. The effectiveness of teaching materials can be seen from the impact of these teaching materials which can improve students^ problem solving abilities with an n-gain analysis of 0.49 (medium category). Based on this description, the interactive teaching materials that have been developed are valid, practical, and effective so that they can improve problem solving skills.

Keywords: R&D research, interactive teaching materials, problem solving

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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