Development of Imagination Game Media in learning to Write Narrative Text
NIKO HENDRA DELAHOYA SIREGAR Dr.Wisman Hadi.,M.Hum., S.Pd Dr. Malan Lubis., M.Hum



NIKO HENDRA SIREGAR NIM 8206192005 Development of Imagination Game Media in learning to Write Narrative Text in order to see the results of imagination games for Class VII Nasrani Middle School 2 Medan. Thesis: Indonesian Language and Literature Education. Medan State University Postgraduate Program, 2020.
This study aims to determine the media imagination game in learning to write narrative texts for seventh grade students of SMP Nasrani 2 Medan, and find out the results of the development of imagination game media in learning to write narrative texts for grade VII students of SMP Nasrani 2 Medan and find out the appropriate reasons for using it. media imagination games in a media development in writing narrative texts. This study aims to determine the results of the development of media imagination games in writing narrative texts for seventh grade students of SMP Nasrani 2 Medan. The method used in this research is the Research and Development (R&D) method which is aimed at the proposed Borg & Gall model. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The results of material validation on aspects of growth are 90.55% in a very good category, (2) The results of media validation are on average 86.16% with a very good category, (2) Results media validation an average of 86.16% with a very good category, (3) Validation results from educators obtained an average of 95.5% in a very good category, (4) individual validation results 87.21%, (5) The results obtained from field trials are limited with an average of 89.43% categorized as good. This proves that the developed imagination game media can improve student learning outcomes, so that the imagination game media in learning to write narrative texts is used in learning.

Keywords: Development, Imagination Game Media, Narrative text

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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