Development of Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) Learning Model Collaborative Investigation Group in Improving Ability to write Report Text of Observation Results for Class X SMK Negeri 11 Medan
Hans Pranata Purba

a) Medan State University Jalan
Jalan Jalan Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate 20221, Indonesia



HANS PRANATA PURBA (NIM) 8196191001, Development of
Auditory, Intellectual, Repetition (AIR) Model Collaborative Investigation Group in Improving Ability to Write Text Reports on Observation Results of Class X Students of SMK Negeri 11 Medan. Thesis. Postgraduate Indonesian Literature and Language Education Study Program, Medan State University, 2022.
This research is motivated by the existence of problems in learning to write text reports on observations. The problem stems from the complexity of the material process for writing observational report texts, which often become material that is less attractive and students^ enthusiasm in learning material for non-creative observations of reports. Based on this, this study aims to produce an auditory, intellectualy, repetition (AIR) collaborative investigative group model in improving the ability to write observational report texts for Class X SMK Negeri 11 Medan. The research method used is the research and development method of the Thiangarajan system (1974- 6-9) using 4-D Define, Design, Develop, Deseminate. The development stages are the initial study phase, initial product development, and product testing. The results of material expert validation on the feasibility of the material obtained an average of 89.1%. with the category ^Very good^ For the graphic assessment by design experts obtained an average of 95.1% with the category ^very good^. Product trials were carried out in three stages: individual testing, small group trials, and limited field trials. Individual trials with an average of 86.1% in the very good category, small group trials with an average of 91.2% in the very good category, and limited field trials with an average of 88.99% in the very good category. The effectiveness of the collaborative group investigative AIR model on the observation report text material was declared effective. This is evidenced by the test of student learning outcomes in writing the text of the observation report.

Keywords: learning model, air, investigation group, development

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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