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61 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-174

Analysis of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Through Application of Think Aloud Pair Problem Solving Learning Model in State Junior High School Al Manar
Sylvia Elvina Nasution, Prof. Dr. Asmin, M.Pd , Dr. Asrin Lubis, M.Pd

Universitas Negeri Medan


The research aims: 1) to determine the problem solving ability of students applying the think aloud pair problem solving model to Al Manar junior high school students- 2) Knowing the difficulty of students completing the mathematical problem solving ability test is taught to apply think aloud pair problem solving learning. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The research was carried out in T.A 2021/2022 for class VII students. The results showed: 1) The level of mathematical problem solving ability of students with medium and high abilities had the highest proportion, followed by students with low abilities- 2) Difficulty In the high category, students have no difficulty. In the medium category, students have difficulty understanding concepts so that students are confused in solving problems. In the low category, students have difficulty in all indicators of problem solving abilities.

Keywords: Problem Solving, Think Aloud Pair Problem Solving.

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62 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-175

Heppi Gultom

Universitas Negeri Medan


Development of a contextual learning model based on school and family collaboration in inculcating character with Serfisona content in Santa Melania Sarudik Kindergarten. This thesis discusses the development of a contextual learning model based on school and family collaboration in planting character with Serfisona content in Santa Melania Sarudik Kindergarten. This study aims to describe the development, impact, and development factors of contextual learning based on school and family collaboration in inculcating characters with Serfisona content in students in Santa Melania Sarudik Kindergarten. This research belongs to the type of development research or what is called research and development (R&D). Sources of research data are principals, teachers, parents and students of Santa Melania Sarudik Kindergarten, Central Tapanuli Regency. Data collection techniques using observation, questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that the implementation of the contextual model was carried out through a learning process with collaboration between schools and parents combined with the use of guidebook media. The implementation of contextual strategies has an impact on improving the quality of learning and increasing students^ appreciation of the character of Serfisona, especially discipline and responsibility. The implementation of contextual strategies is influenced by several factors, namely: existing facilities and infrastructure, teacher academic competence and qualifications, teacher activity in teacher deliberation activities, and parental activity in inculcating character at home by using contextual guidebook media with Serfisona content.

Keywords: Contextual, Serfison Character, Collaboration Between School And Parents

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63 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-176

Khoirunnisa Rambe, Muhammad Yusuf, Indra Maipita

Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to see the learning motivation in improving student learning outcomes through developing comics teaching material with the Think Pair Share learning model in social studies subjects. The type of research used is research and development (R&D) in the form of pretest-posttest control group design which was carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Huristak, Huristak District, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra Province, in class VIII, the academic year of 2021/2022. The data collection used was through pretest and posttest in the form of multiple choice. The results showed a significant difference between the use of the comic teaching material and conventional methods to see student learning outcomes based on the feasibility value of developing teaching material obtaining an average of 88. 45% with very decent criteria. Based on the results of the 2-way ANOVA test calculation to see the difference in student learning outcomes between the experimental class and the control class, a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05 was obtained so it can be concluded that there is a difference in social studies learning outcomes with the developed teaching material, a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05 can be obtained, it can be concluded that there is a difference in learning motivation with the developed teaching material, also obtained a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is an interaction between comic teaching material and the Think Pair Share model developed with motivation and learning outcomes or in other words, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Keywords: Think Pair Share learning model, learning motivation, learning outcomes.

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64 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-177

Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Objective Tests on Lingkungan Sahabat Kita Theme in Grade V Elementary School
Dewi Ramadhani(a), Sahyar(b), and Zulkifli Matondang(c)

(a) Postgraduate Student, Medan State University, Indonesia
(b), (c) Lecturer of Postgraduate School Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia


Abstract. The study aims to develop Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) instrument test in Lingkungan Sahabat Kita theme to standars qualifications of good test based in validity, reliability, difficulty index, discrimination index and distractor effectiveness. The resulting product is objective test HOTS instrument include cognitive dimention in Anderson and Kratwohls taxonomy. The type of research is development research using the ADDIE model. The data analysis technique used is qualitative and quantitative. The result of qualitative test analysis show that quality of the test was good with percentage of validity is 98,5%. Quantitative analysis of HOTS test quality of 50 items in small group obtained 82% was valid and 18% was invalid. In the large group was obtained 92,6% items valid and 7,4% items invalid. The reliability test having excellent reliability in 0,918. The difficulty index of 95,1% items in medium category and 4,9% items in easy category. The discrimination index of 51,3% items in excellent category, 26,8% items in good category, 14,6% items in good enough category and 7,3% items in bad category. 83% items was effective and 17% item was ineffective. Based on these results was concluded that the objective HOTS test developed on Lingkungan Sahabat Kita theme has good standard test qualifications and can be used as an instrument for learning outcomes on that theme.

Keywords: Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Objective test, Lingkungan Sahabat Kita Theme.

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65 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-178

Development of Learning Devices Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Models to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills for Junior High School Students
Nur Aini Irma, Mulyono, E. Elvis Napitupulu

Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to: (1) analyze how the validity, practicality and effectiveness of mathematics learning tools developed using contextual-based learning- (2) analyzing the improvement of students^ mathematical communication skills using contextual-based learning tools after they were developed. The research subjects are 7th grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Medan in the 2021/2022 academic year. While the object in this study is a learning device using the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model. The results showed that: (1) The learning tools based on the contextual teaching and learning model that were developed were declared valid, practical and effective- (2) there was an increase in mathematical communication skills seen from the N-Gain score in the first trial with a score of 0.43 and in the second trial the value with a score of 0.61.

Keywords: Development of Learning Devices, Mathematical Communication, Contextual Approach (Contextual Teaching and Learning)

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66 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-180

Development of Geogebra Assisted Problem-Based Learning Tools to Improve Critical Thinking Skills for Junior High School 1 Stabat
Supianto, Ani Minarni, , Hasratuddin, ,

Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to: 1) produce quality problem-based learning tools (valid, practical and effective) for grade VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Stabat- 2) Analyzing the improvement of mathematical critical thinking skills of SMP Negeri 1 Stabat students after being taught using Geogebra-assisted Problem Based Learning tools- This research is included in development research using the Thiagarajan 4D learning device development model (four-D model). This research was conducted at junior high school 1 Stabat T.A 2021/2022. The results showed that: 1) Geogebra-assisted problem-based learning tools in improving students^ mathematical critical thinking skills that were developed had met the valid, practical and effective criteria- 2) The improvement of students^ critical thinking skills in the first and second trials can be seen in the average critical thinking ability in the posttest results of the first and second trials.

Keywords: development of problem-based learning tools, geogebra, critical thinking skills

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67 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-181

Development Of Flash-Based Learning Media To Improve Mathematics Problem Solving Ability In Stabat Putra Jaya Junior High School
Setia Budi, Dian Armanto, Waminton Rajagukguk

Universitas Negeri Medan


Research to: (1) describe the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of flash-based learning media that have been developed- (2) Produce valid flash-based learning media development products to improve mathematical problem solving abilities. This research is a development research. The development model used is the ADDIE model. From the results of this development obtained: (1) The learning media developed are valid, practical and effective, (2) Practically developed learning media is seen from the responses of experts who state that the learning media can be used with little or no revision. The learning media used developed effectively, seen from the classical student learning completeness has been achieved, positive student responses to the components of learning media and learning activities are developed- and the teacher^s ability to manage learning got an average score which was in the good category.

Keywords: Development of learning media, multimedia flash, mathematical problem solving ability

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68 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-182

Mhd.Iqbal Hasrul1, Indra Maipita2, Eko Wahyu Nugrahadi3

Universitas negeri medan


The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic has inevitably led to a pattern of learning that uses information technology media. This research uses Research and Development (R&D) method with 4D type because in this study a teaching media in the form of video-based on Camtasia studio was developed on the subject of Creative Product and Entrepreneurship for class XI students at SMK-BM Panca Budi, Medan, Academic Year 2021/2022. The results of the feasibility study on the developed teaching video learning media obtained the percentage of the average overall score was 86.4% included in the ^very feasible^ category, which means that the teaching video learning media that has been developed is proven to be suitable for use in the teaching and learning process. The results of the independent test sample output above, it was taken from homogeneous data by looking at the equal variance assuming that the significance value (2-tailed) obtained was 0.00 < 0.05 with statistical tests using the t-test with test results showing tcount = 30.349 > ttable =1.680 with &#945-= 0.05 and df = 44 or in other words Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Keywords: Teaching Video Development, Camtasia-Based, Student Learning Outcomes

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69 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-183

David Examen Sihombing, Mangaratua M. Simanjorang, Mulyono

Universitas Negeri Medan


The research aims: (1) to analyze how the validity, practicality and effectiveness of learning tools developed through problem-based learning algebra models in class VII junior high school 4 Tarutung- 2) analyze how to increase mathematical connection skills using a device developed through an algebraic material model in class VII junior high school 4 Tarutung- This research is categorized in Development Research using the learning development model of Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel, namely the 4-D model (Four D Model). The results of the research show that: (1) The learning tools of the Problem Based Learning Model are valid, practical and effective- (2) Increasing students^ mathematical connection abilities using problem based learning learning models on algebraic material.

Keywords: Development of learning tools, Problem Based Learning, mathematical connection ability,

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70 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-184

Development of Teaching Style Animation Video Tutorials for Middle School PJOK Teachers in Humbang Hasundutan Regency in 2021. Thesis. Medan: Medan State University Postgraduate Program.
Abdon Hasugian *(a), Hariadi (b), Novita Sari Harahap (b)



This study aims to produce an animated video tutorial development of teaching style for PJOK junior high school teachers in the Humbang Hasundutan district. This research was conducted on teachers of the PJOK SMP Humbang Hasundutan district from December 2021 to March 2022. The type of research used in this research is development research with Research & Development (R&D) research design from Borg and Gall. This research was conducted with 9 stages of research, namely, (1) Research and information collecting, (2) Planning, (3) Developing preliminary form of product, (4) Preliminary field testing, (5) Main product revision, (6) Main field testing, (7) Operational product revision, (8) Operational field testing, (9)Final product revision.the sampling technique used purposive sampling with a Phase I trial of 10 PJOK teachers and Phase II trial of 20 PJOK teachers at the Humbang Hasundutan Regency Junior High School. Furthermore, from the Phase I trial, which amounted to 10 people, it showed a figure of 81,4% with the Very Eligible, then from the Phase II trial which amounted to 20 teachers of PJOK SMP, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, it showed a figure of 94% in the Very Eligible. On the basis of the data obtained, the development of animated video tutorials for teaching styles for PJOK junior high school teachers in the Humbang Hasundutan district was declared feasible to be developed as teaching materials for teaching styles based on animated video.

Keywords: Video Tutorial, Animation, Teaching Style

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71 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-185

Mayanti Pasaribu (1), Elly Prihasti Wuriyani (2), Khairil Ansari (3)

Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Postgraduate Program, Medan State University


This study aims to explain the feasibility of the Indonesian poetry study module based on the theory of genetic structuralism at the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra. The data collection technique used in this study was in the form of a questionnaire. The data analysis technique for the feasibility of the module uses descriptive data analysis. The results showed that the results showed that the results of material validation included content feasibility with an average of 90.31% with very good criteria, presentation feasibility with an average of 93.75 with very good criteria, and language aspect assessment with an average of 93 ,40% with very good criteria. Product trials were carried out in three stages: individual trials, small group trials, and limited field trials. Individual trials with an average of 78.33% with good criteria, small group trials with an average of 82.91% with good criteria, and limited field trials with an average of 82.79% with good criteria. Thus, the Indonesian poetry study module based on the theory of genetic structuralism at the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra, which has been developed is declared suitable for use in the learning process in the Indonesian poetry study course.

Keywords: Feasibility, module, Indonesian poetry study, genetic structuralism

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72 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-188

Development of Teaching Material with Implementing Virtual manipulatives that Oriented to Problem-Based Learning to Increase Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills of 8th Grade Students of SMP Swasta MARS Pematangsiantar
Budiaman Sipayung, Mulyono, Arnita

Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to describe : 1) the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of teaching materials developed by implementing virtual manipulatives and oriented to problem-based learning, 2)critical thinking and problem solving skills improvement of 8th grade students of SMP MARS Pematangsiantar by using teaching materials developed by implementing virtual manipulatives and oriented to problem based learning. This research is a development research. The development model used in this research is the Thiagarajan model. The results showed that : 1) the teaching materials developed by implementing virtual manipulatives and problem-based learning were declared valid, practical and effective- 2) there is an increase in critical thinking and problem solving skills of 8th grade students of SMP MARS Pematangsiantar by using teaching materials developed by implementing virtual manipulatives and oriented to problem-based learning. In the first trial there was an increase in critical thinking skills of 0.35 and problem-solving skills of 0.44 with moderate criteria (0.3<g<0.7). Likewise, in the second trial there was an increase in critical thinking skills 0.42 and problem solving skills 0.53 with moderate criteria (0.3<g<0.7)

Keywords: Virtual Manipulatives, Problem-Based Learning, Critical Thinking Skills, Problem Solving

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73 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-191

Development of textbook based on science literacy on ecosystem to improve science learning outcomes in class v SDN 101783 Saentis regency of Deli Serdang
Rizki Aria(a), Fauziyah Harahap(b), Sriadhi(c)

(a) Postgraduate student of Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
(b),(c), Postgraduate Lecturer of Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia


This study aims to develop a science literacy-based textbook, test its feasibility and effectiveness. The development of the textbook uses a 4D model development procedure. Data collection instruments are in the form of assessment sheets for material experts, media experts, design experts, and learning outcomes tests. The method used in analyzing the data is using a quantitative descriptive technique which is stated in the rating scale category. The results of the development of the textbook product that have been validated state that the textbook product developed is feasible to use. The results of student learning completeness on the pre-test and post-test have differences. This shows that science literacy-based textbooks are more effective than commonly used textbooks.

Keywords: Textbooks, Science Literacy, Learning Outcomes

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74 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-192

Netty Herawati Henrika Turnip

Universitas Negeri Medan PPS DIKBIN


The development of hand puppet aimed to increase the students^ speaking skill. Students actively involved using the hand puppet by presents the text that they^ve been working on. The subject of this research are 30 students of the 5B class at SD RK No. 1 Sibolga. The trial media development is using MANTAP method (Five-Staged Method) that has been modified by the results of Bord and Gall^s design which included (1) The Introduction Research Phase, (2) The Model Development Phase, (3) The Model Validation Phase, (4) The Effectiveness Test Phase, and (5) The Dissemination Phase. During interview process with Indonesian Language teacher, it was found that learning activity to achieve to achieve the students^ speaking skill based on KD 4.3 are usually using the discussion method. Then one of the students delivered the results by reading. This method doesn^t support all the students^ participation in speaking, only active students involved. This happens because the lack of media concrete that involves all students who are individuals. So the purpose of this development research is to develop hand puppet as a creative media to increase the students^ speaking skill based on validation and media practice. Product validity can be seen by the approval result from media expert through validation process where the score obtained 80% of valid category, and validation result obtained 92% with very good category, and media validation result with a score of 88,9% while practicality data is known from the increase of student^s presentation by pretest result is 68,7% to 81% post-test result. From the results, it is obtained both from validation and practicality results, that the hand puppet media can be said as creative media and worth to use as learning media to increase students^ speaking skill.

Keywords: Media Development, Hand Puppet, Speaking Skill.

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75 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-193

Erfiani Humairah, Hasruddin,Yusnadi

1Postgraduate Student, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia, 2,3Lecturer Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia


This study aims to determine whether the developed flipbook-based electronic textbook has met the BSNP standard, and to find out the improvement in students^ higher order thinking learning outcomes. This development research uses the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model. The data analysis technique was carried out by observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests of higher-order thinking learning outcomes. The results showed that the results of standardizing the development of flipbook-based electronic textbooks based on the BSNP conducted by expert validators of textbook feasibility obtained 90.71% declared very feasible. Meanwhile, for the media feasibility value by IT experts, a score of 90% was obtained with very decent criteria, and the increase in participant learning outcomes had reached the high N-Gain criteria with a score of 0.72 with high information with an average posttest of 87.4. The results of the t test obtained the results of the sig value. = 0.000 <0.05 then Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that there is an increase in learning outcomes in high-level thinking skills of grade VA students at Al-Ulum Private Elementary School

Keywords: Electronic Textbooks, Flipbooks, Science Learning, Learning Outcomes

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76 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-194

Yulia Utami1, Muhammad Yusuf2, Fitrawaty3



This study aims to develop learning media. Development of Edmodo-Based Learning Media With Zoom Meeting Application and Whatsapp Social Media to Improve Students^ Learning Outcomes and Student Motivation at SMA Swasta Jaya Krama Beringinwhich can support learning and assist teachers in delivering material in the learning process. This development research usesthe ADDIE approach. This research was conducted in SMA Swasta Jaya Krama Beringin. The sample in this study was class X MIA1 and X MIA2. The results of this study are Edmodo-based learning media With Zoom Meeting Application And Whatsapp Social Mediawhich was developed to meet the eligibility requirements (valid) to be used as a learning tool in economics subject for classes X MIA1 and X MIA2. The product developed is based on the assessment of material expert validators, learning design expert validators, and media expert validators. With the average results obtained by 85% in the ^very feasible^ category and student learning outcomes using the development of Edmodo-based learning media With Zoom Meeting Application And Whatsapp Social Mediaexperiencing effective changeused in economics subject. The learning outcomes of students who use Edmodo media with the Zoom Meeting application are higher than those of google classroom and Whatsapp media. Then, there is an interaction between learning media and motivation on student economic learning outcomes. The use of Edmodo with the Zoom application is better for students who have high motivation, while students who have low motivation are better using Google Classroom and WhatsApp.

Keywords: Edmodo-Based Learning Media Development With Zoom Meeting Applications And Whatsapp Social Media, Motivation, Learning outcomes

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77 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-195

Development of Android-Based Interactive Multimedia on Odd Semester Chemistry Materials for Class X SMA/MA
Sandy Yudha (a*), Nurfajriani (b), Ramlan Silaban (b)

a, b) Magister Pendidikan Kimia, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan
Jl. William Iskandar Ps V, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia.


The Abstract is This study aims to develop android-based interactive multimedia for chemistry subjects for class X odd semesters that are valid, practical and effective. This research is a development research. The development model used is the ADDIE model (analyst, design, development, implementation, evaluation). The validation subjects consisted of two material experts, a media expert, and two chemistry teachers. The data collection method used is a questionnaire with a likert scale. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis technique and qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The results of this study are an Android-based interactive multimedia which was developed based on the design (storyboard) that was designed, according to a review by two material experts, the average was in the valid category (93%), according to a media expert^s review, it showed a valid category (88%), and according to a review of ten chemistry teachers showed an average in the good category (86.67%). Thus this interactive multimedia is said to be valid, practical and effective and can be used for further research.

Keywords: Interactive Multimedia- Android Based- Chemistry

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78 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-198

The Influence of Learning Approach and Interpersonal Intelligence on Student Learning Outcomes
Muhammad Ishaq1, Daulat Saragi2, R. Mursid3

Postgraduate Program Students at Universitas Negeri Medan1, Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan23


This study aims to: (1) analyze differences in Civics learning outcomes of students taught with an experiential learning approach compared to students taught with a direct instruction approach- (2) analyzing the differences in learning outcomes of students who have high interpersonal intelligence compared to students who have low interpersonal intelligence- and (3) analyze the interaction between experiential learning approach and interpersonal intelligence in influencing student learning outcomes in elementary school. The sample in this study was 50 students of Class V Elementary School 056587 Pantai Sampah, Bahorok District. Collecting data in this study through interpersonal intelligence questionnaires and learning outcomes tests. Hypothesis testing is done by using the Two Way Anova test. The results showed that: (1) Civics learning outcomes of students who were taught with the experiential learning approach were higher than those of the direct instruction approach (Fcount = 6.157 and sig. 0.017 <0.05)- (2) Civics learning outcomes of students who have high interpersonal intelligence are higher than students who have low interpersonal intelligence (Fcount = 5.098 and sig. 0.029 <0.05)- and (3) There is an interaction between the learning approach and interpersonal intelligence in influencing student Civics learning outcomes (Fcount = 4.285 and sig. 0.016 < 0.44).

Keywords: Experiential learning, direct instruction, interpersonal intelligence, learning outcomes

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79 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-199

Development of Science Textbooks Based on Science Process Skills to Improve Critical Thinking Skills for Class V SDS PAB 25 Medan
Desy Crismas Silaban(a), Retno Dwi Suyanti(b), Wawan Bunawan(c)

(a) Postgraduate Student of Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
(b),(c) Postgraduate Lecturer of Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the development science process skills-based science textbooks. This study use 4D (four D) model from Thiagarajan development procedure. The research method used to analyze the data is descriptive quantitative which is expressed in the rating scale score category. The results of this development research in the form of textbooks were declared suitable for use in the field. The results of the study for improving learning outcomes obtained an average pre-test of 62.24 while the post-test was 78.8. This is shows that science textbooks based on science process skills was effective to improving students^ critical thinking than conventional textbooks on the subject of Energy and Changes.

Keywords: Textbooks, Science Process Skills, Learning Outcomes

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80 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-202

S.Lamriana Hutagalung,Khairil Ansari,Waminton Rajagukguk

1 post grade student, Universitas Negeri MedanIndonesia,2,3 Lecturer postgraduate,universitas negeri Medan, Indonesia


This research is a development research that aims to produce interactive media products that use the jigsaw method to improve the discourse understanding skills of fourth grade students at the Pilot Elementary School in Pematang Siantar. Model development using 4D by Thiagarajan. The 4D steps are define, design, develop and disseminate. Validation tests were carried out by media experts, material experts and linguists. The validation results stated that the media was valid with an average value of 4.2 from media experts, from material experts 4.3 and from linguists obtained an average value of 4. While the effectiveness of using interactive media on the jigsaw method in understanding discourse can be seen from the value of n gain with a score of 0.7% with a very high category. Based on the results it can be said that the interactive media produced is declared suitable for use.

Keywords: Interactive Media, Jigsaw Method, Understanding Discourse

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81 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-203

Development of Research-Based Gastropod Diversity Textbooks in Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra.
Paiman*- Tri Harsono- Hasruddin.

Universitas Negeri Medan



Paiman. NIM 8206174004. Development of Research-Based Gastropod Diversity Textbooks in Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra. Medan State University Postgraduate Program (UNIMED).2022.

This study aims to develop textbooks on gastropod diversity, determine the feasibility of books that are validated by material experts, learning design experts, layout experts, teachers, and students, and see the effectiveness of these textbooks in biology learning carried out in class X SMA Private Exemplary Tanajawa. The research design uses a 4D (four-D) development model which consists of 4 stages, namely- defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. Validation test (material aspects, learning design aspects, layout aspects) and practitioners using a Likert scale. The data was obtained using a questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that: (1) the results of the validation of the Gastropod diversity textbook were feasible with an average validation value of 81.34%, (2) the results of the validation of the material aspect of 85.92% in the appropriate category, (3) the results of the validation of the design aspects learning is 83.44% in the appropriate category, and (4) the results of the validation of layout design aspects are 83.44% in the appropriate category, and (5) the average percentage of teacher and student responses is 90.50%, very good. The results of the effectiveness test using the t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental class compared to the control class, and the results of the N-Gain post-test effectiveness test in the experimental class were 0.63 in the medium categories. This means that the Gastropod diversity textbook can be used in biology learning in class X SMA and can be circulated especially in Simalungun Regency.

Keywords: Textbooks, Feasibility of Textbooks, Effectiveness.

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82 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-204

(a) Dwi Mentari Arya, (b) Sahat Siagian, (b) Samsidar Tanjung

(a)Graduate Program, Educational Technology, Medan State University
(b)Graduate Program, Educational Technology, Medan State University


This study aims to produce a design and implement the results of the e-module design based on the discovery learning learning model in the cosmetic subject of the Cosmetology Study Program students at the State University of Medan and then to determine the response between lecturers and students towards the development of an e-module based on the discovery learning learning model in Cosmetics subject for students of the cosmetology education program at the State University of Medan. The learning model applied in the development of this electronic module is a discovery learning model. The type of research used in this research is research and development with the ADDIE development model.
The subjects of this research are Semester 2 students of the cosmetology study program at the State University of Medan in the 2021/2022 academic year. To find out the response of students and lecturers to the cosmetic e-module, it was obtained using a questionnaire method. The results obtained show that (1) The results of the design and implementation of the e-module based on the discovery learning learning model that has been developed in the cosmetic subject for second semester students of the cosmetology education study program have been successfully implemented based on several tests conducted. (2) The results of the student response data analysis showed that the average response score was 43, if it was converted into a response classification table, it was included in the positive category. Meanwhile, for student responses to the development of e-modules, the average response score was 64.84, if converted into a table for classifying student responses, they were included in the positive category.

Keywords: Development, E-module, Discovery Learning, Cosmetics

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83 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-205

Development of Project Based Learning Interactive Multimedia for Puff Pastry Courses for Catering Students
(a)Dwi Maya Sevrina, (b)Harun sitompul, (b) R. Mursid

(a)Postgraduate Program, Educational Technology, Medan State University, Jl. William Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate Medan (20221)
(b)Postgraduate Program, Educational Technology, Medan State University, Jl. William Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate Medan (20221)


The objectives of this study are to: (1) produce learning media to produce multimedia interactive learning based on Project Based learning for Puff Pastry Courses for Catering Students at the State University of Medan (2) to determine the level of validity of learning media developed in various learning media for students. Project Based Learning-based Interactive learning media was developed using several software consisting of Adobe Flash Professional CS6.
This research is a development research (Research and Development). The development model used is the Borg and Gold instructional design model which consists of: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, (5) evaluation . This research was conducted at the State University of Medan with the research respondents being third semester Catering students. The product feasibility testing phase was assessed by 2 media experts, 2 material experts and 2 design experts and then carried out the revision stage. The data analysis technique was carried out by calculating descriptive statistics.
The results of the study are: (1) learning media products Puff pastry products on the basic competence of analyzing puff pastry bread. The feasibility of the product based on media expert validation obtained a score of 88.37% with a ^good^ interpretation. For the feasibility of the results of the material expert validation, the average score was 97.78% with a ^very good^ interpretation. Through the results of the validation of Project Based Learning-Based Interactive learning media that were developed very well, they were used as learning media.

Keywords: Multimedia, Project Based Learning Puff Pastry

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84 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-208

BRIAN DEVANI *(a), Suprayitno (b), Indra Kasih (b)



This study aims to determine the product development process research, effectiveness and efficiency, and the impact of development Basketball Passing Learning Module With Game Concepts in Medan City High School. The research approach applied in This product development is research and development (R&D) by Borg & Gall (1983). This development model is implemented in 8 the stages are: Research and Information Collecting, Planning, Develop Preliminary Form of Product, Preliminary Field Testing, Operation Field Testing, Operational Product Revision, Main Field Testing, and Main Product Revision. The test subjects were students from SMA Negeri 3 Medan consisting of a small group trial of 20 students and a large group of 90 students. Instruments used for collecting data in this development research is a questionnaire or questionnaire. The results showed that the developed module effective and efficient and can improve the passing ability of students who supported by the acquisition of a score of validation results in small group trials by learning experts and material experts obtained a percentage of 82.45% with very good category and large group trials get a percentage 90.8%. In addition, the results of respondents from obtaining group trial scores small as many as 20 students is 80.8% with good category and trial large group with 90 students is 83.12% with very category good. This means that this learning module is feasible to use.

Keywords: Learning materials, Passing, Game Concepts, Medan City High School

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85 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-211

Julina Sri Wahyuni Simanjuntak (a), Bornok Sinaga (b), Mangaratua Simanjorang (b)

a) Postgraduate Student, State University of Medan, Indonesia
b) Postgraduate Lecturer, State University of Medan, Indonesia


This study was conducted based on low metacognition ability and mathematical connection of students. The aim of this study was to determine: (1) there are differences the metacognition abilities of students used cooperative learning type TPS with PBL, (2) there are differences the mathematical connection abilities of students used cooperative learning type TPS with PBL, (3) the process of student answers by TPS is different with PBL. This study is a quasi experimental research. Descriptive analysis is intended to describe the students^ answers. Inferential analysis of data was done by ANACOVA. The results showed: (1) The ability of metacognition used TPS is different with PBL with F* = 6.127 is greater than Ftable = 4.05, (2) The ability of mathematical connection used TPS is different with PBL with to F* = 11.36 is greater than Ftable = 4.05, (3) The process of student answers by TPS is different with PBL.

Keywords: metacognition, mathematical connection, tps, pbl

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86 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-212

The effect of environmental-based differentiated learning design on student learning outcomes SD Negeri 24 Gorat Pallombuan
Ronny Sitanggang1,Dede Ruslan2,Anita Yus3

a) Universitas Negeri Medan
Jalan William Iskandar, Pasar V, Medan Estate, 20221 Indonesia
b) Department of Postgraduate Primary Education


This study aims to see the effect of oriented learning design on student learning outcomes of Civics. The population in this study were elementary school students. While the samples in this study were 24 students in grade 5a and 24 students in grade 5b. Collecting data in this study using Experiments. In class A, a differentiated learning design based on the environment is applied, while in class B, a differentiated learning design is applied with the material from the area where I live. The research method in this study used quantitative research. The results of this study explain that the writing skills of students who are taught by the storytelling method are higher than those of the direct learning method (Fcount = 23,476 and sig. 0.000 > 0.05).

Keywords: learning design, environment, learning outcomes

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87 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-213

Ade trya Amanda, Eko wahyu nugrahadi,Fitrawaty



This research aims to develop Leaflet Learning Media Based on Think Pair Share Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Social Studies Subject in Class VIII at SMP Negeri 2 Kotapinang which can support learning and assist teachers in delivering material in the learning process. This development research uses the 4D development model. This research was conducted in SMP Negeri 2 Kotapinang. The sample in this study was class VIII1 as the experimental class and class VIII2 as the control class. The results of this study are Leaflet Learning Media Based on Think Pair Share Model developed to meet the eligibility requirements (valid) to be used as a learning tool in social studies subject for class VIII. The product was developed, based on the assessment of material experts, media experts, and learning design experts carried out by experts and the results of student responses with a percentage of 88.8% in the ^very feasible^ category and student learning outcomes using Leaflet Learning Media developed is undergoing increasing changes.

Keywords: Keywords: Leaflet Learning Media, Think Pair Share model, Learning outcomes

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88 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-214

Syahril Sinaga, Thamrin, Kustoro Budiarta

Medan State University


This research is motivated by the results of observations regarding the low learning outcomes of students. One of the reasons is that the learning process is still dominant using the lecture method and is limited to the use of student handbooks. This causes the learning process to be less effective. This study aims to determine the feasibility of creative and entrepreneurship product (PKK) teaching materials developed using the project-based Adobe Animate application and to determine the effectiveness of project-based creative and entrepreneurship products (PKK) teaching materials in improving student learning outcomes of class XI OTKP at SMK Raksana 2 Medan. The type of research used is research and development (R&D) with the ADDIE model with 5 main stages, namely: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. The data collection used is through non-test and test. Based on the results of research on PKK teaching materials using the project-based Adobe Animate application with material design concepts and product/service packaging in class XI OTKP at SMK Raksana 2 Medan, it is feasible to use based on an average value of 88.51% with very feasible criteria. Furthermore, the use of Creative Product and Entrepreneurship (PKK) teaching materials using the project-based Adobe Animate application effectively improves student learning outcomes with an average pre-test score for the experimental class was 59.80 and a post-test score was 79.80 and t-test calculations for differences in student learning outcomes between the experimental class and the control class, the data obtained that tcount > ttable or 32,682 > 1,671 or in other words Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Keywords: Development of Creative Product and Entrepreneurship (PKK) Teaching Materials,Project-based Adobe Animate Applications, Learning Outcomes.

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89 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-215

The effect of the modellus-based PBL model on the critical and creative thinking of class IX high school students on wave material
Mawar P.Ketaren1, Juniastel Rajagukguk2 Motlan3

Postgraduate Program of Medan State University


The aims of this research is to describe the ability of students to think critically and creatively in on problem based learning (PBL) learning model based on Modellus software on wave physics material. Research plan which is used is quasi experiment with the 2 groups pretest-postest design with a sampling technique of cluster random sampling. Sampling was carried out on students of class XI IPA SMA Chandra Kumala. The sample in this research will consist of two classes which are: experimental class, a class that was taught using a problem based learning (PBL) model based on the Modellus software and another class was used as a class control class that was taught using a problem based learning (PBL) model without using software Modellus. The instrument used is an instrument of critical and creative thinking that has been validated by experts. The research design used was a quasi-experimental design with a two-group pretest-post-test design. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive quantitative data analysis technique. The quantitative descriptive analysis technique was obtained from a descriptive questionnaire which was then quantified in order to get the results in the form of numbers. The results obtained indicate that there is a significant effect on students^ critical and creative thinking skills using the Modellus software-based Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on wave material.

Keywords: Model problem based learning (PBL), Modellus software, critical and creative thinking

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90 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-219

Development of Thematic Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom Values to Improve Fourth Grade Student Learning Outcomes in Elementary Schools, Kecamatan Palipi Kabupaten Samosir
Ester1, Surya Dharma2, Dede Ruslan3

Medan State University Postgraduate Program


This study aims to describe the level of feasibility and effectiveness of developing thematic teaching materials based on local wisdom values to improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students. This research was conducted at the Elementary School in Palipi District, Samosir Regency. The subjects of this study were all fourth grade students of the Palipi District Elementary School, Samosir Regency for the 2021/2022 academic year, totaling 30 students. This research method is the development research of Borg and Gall. The results showed (1) Based on the results of the validity of linguists 90.38%, learning design experts 85.41% and material experts 75%. From the results of the validation of the developed learning design, this is included in the very good criteria and is declared valid and feasible to use- (2) the development of thematic teaching materials based on local wisdom values to improve student learning outcomes is categorized as practical because the results of student responses from trial I and trial II have increased- and (3) Based on the results of research on thematic teaching materials based on local wisdom values to improve student learning outcomes, it is said to be effectively used in learning assuming the value of student learning outcomes is higher when using thematic teaching materials based on local wisdom values to improve student learning outcomes. . The results of the effectiveness of teaching materials are 92% which are in the very good category. so that in the final conclusion, thematic teaching materials based on local wisdom values are very feasible and effective to be developed as teaching materials in the learning process. It is hoped that these teaching materials will be able to improve the learning outcomes of elementary school students.
Keywords: Thematic Teaching Materials, Local Wisdom, Learning Outcomes

Keywords: Keywords: Teaching Materials, Thematics, Learning Outcomes

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