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Feasibility of Negotiation Text Module Based on the Qur^an and Hadith for Class X MAN 2 Medan Model Students
Saripah Hannum Siregar(a*), Rosmawaty Harahap(b), M. Surip(b)

Master^s Program in Indonesian Language and Literature Education
Medan State University


The problem of this research is how the feasibility of the negotiation text module based on the Qur^an and Hadith for class X MAN 2 Model Medan students. This study aims to explain the feasibility of the negotiation text module based on the Qur^an and Hadith for class X students of MAN 2 Model Medan. The data collection technique used in this study was in the form of a questionnaire. The data analysis technique for the feasibility of the module used descriptive data analysis. The results showed that the negotiation text module based on the Qur^an and Hadith that was developed was feasible to use based on the results of material expert validation of 93.61%, design expert validation of 76.34%, religious expert validation of 94.53%. The feasibility of the negotiation text module is not only seen from the assessment of the experts, but also from the responses of the module users, namely teachers and students. The assessment of the negotiation text module based on the Qur^an and Hadith by Indonesian language teachers obtained an average score of 94.79%, responses from students through individual trials of 82.41%, small group trials of 85, 19%, and limited field trial of 88.21%. Thus, the negotiation text module based on the Qur^an and Hadith for class X students of MAN 2 Medan Model that has been developed is declared suitable for use in the learning process.

Keywords: Feasibility, Module, Negotiation text, Al-Qur^an and Hadith

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Saripah Hannum Siregar)

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