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151 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-58

Development of Science Student Worksheets (LKPD) Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to Improve Students^ Critical Thinking Skills on Heat Transfer Materials in Class V SD Binjai Private Methodist T.A 2021/2022.
Ebet Elbita Tarigan 1, Nurdin Bukit 2, Naeklan Simbolon 3

Medan State University


The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of developing a science student worksheet (LKPD) based on contextual teaching and learning (CTL) to improve critical thinking skills. This research method is development research. The sample of this research is the fifth grade students of SD Binjai Private Elementary School. Data analysis technique in this research is descriptive study and t test. The research results and conclusions in this study are: 1. 1. For the feasibility test in this development research, namely the results of expert validation tests carried out on 3 experts, namely Indonesian language experts, material experts and learning media experts. From the results of expert validation tests conducted on 3 experts, namely Indonesian language experts, material experts and learning media experts. The score obtained by Indonesian language experts is 42 with a percentage of 87.5% (Valid), then a score by material experts is obtained where the score is 55 with a percentage of 85.94% (Valid). Then obtained a score by learning media experts of 92 with a percentage of 94.56% (Valid). The results of field trials in this study were obtained by the total score obtained from 28 students, the average value obtained was 49.07 with a percentage of 87.63% (Valid) 2. For the effectiveness test, from the results of data calculations obtained tcount = 8.34 From the list of t distributions using probability 1-&#945- = 0.95 with dk n-1 (27-1) = 26, the value of ttable = 4.25 is obtained. So that t count > t table is obtained, thus the hypothesis states ^There is an effectiveness of the Science Student Worksheet (LKPD) Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) on the material ^Heat Transfer^ in Class V SD Binjai Private Elementary School^.

Keywords: LKPD IPA, Critical Thinking Skills

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152 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-61

The Use of Quipper School Applications in Grade XI Drama Learning
Hafizaah Batubara, M. Oky Fardian Gafari, Elly Prihasti Wuriyani

Universitas Negeri Medan


Drama and audio-visual learning is the right combination. Drama performances that cannot be witnessed directly due to the COVID-19 pandemic can be seen through video recordings of drama performances. Distance learning is quite difficult for the process of learning drama with audio-visuals. It takes the right learning media so that the drama learning process can run properly. Quipper School provides audio-visual features needed in the drama learning process. Quipper School is also able to connect students and teachers in one application which makes learning more effective and efficient. This research method uses qualitative research with direct observation research methods. The technique of analyzing research data is through direct observation, namely by looking directly at the drama learning process using the Quipper School application. The results of this study indicate that the use of the Quipper School application in drama learning in grade XI is the right medium and can increase students^ interest in learning.

Keywords: Drama, Quipper School, Audio-visual, Learning media.

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153 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-67

Sawaludin Kahar Hasibuan 1* Abdurahan Adisaputera2 Rosmawaty Harahap3

Program Pascasarjana Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia


This study aims to produce a persuasive speech text material product with the help of podcast media for class IX students of SMP Swasta Nurcahaya Medan, to determine the feasibility of persuasive speech text material assisted by podcast media for class IX students of SMP Swasta Nurcahaya Medan, and the
ffectiveness of persuasive speech text material assisted by podcast
media. for grade IX students of SMP Private Nurcahaya Medan. In research and development methods there are several types of models. The model used in this research is the Research and Development (R&D) Borg & Gall. The results of the study show that: (1) validation from material experts includes, content eligibility 96.87% in the very good category, the feasibility of presenting 91.6% in the very good category and the feasibility of language 90.62% in the very
good category. (2) The results of the validation of the media design experts were stated to be very good with the percentage of skill feasibility assessment aspects on average 93.18%. The aspect of assessing the feasibility of the program with a presentation of 92.5 with a very good category, and (3) the effectiveness of learning materials through student learning outcomes in
the pretest and posttest. The average score at the pretest is 58.90 and at the posttest 88.90. The difference obtained is 30. It can be concluded that learning using persuasive speech text materials assisted by podcast media can improve student learning outcomes.

Keywords: teaching materials, persuasive speech text, podcast

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154 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-87

Application of Contextual Learning-based Interactive Learning Media for Class V Students in Civics Subjects at SDN 250/VI Sinar Gading II
Agung Wibowo (a*), Deny Setiawan (b), Tappil Rambe (c)

Postgraduate Student at Medan State University, Indonesia


Media is an important means of learning in constructing students^ understanding by relating students^ real lives. Interactive learning media can be used offline and online so that they can be accessed anywhere. This study examines the application of contextual-based interactive learning media in Civics Class V subjects. The research method uses a mixed-method by describing the data qualitatively and analyzing the data quantitatively. The results of the application of the media by looking at the results of the pretest and post-test obtained a total pretest score of 1435 with an average value of 57.40 and a total post-test score of 2035 with an average value of 81.40 and by testing the N-Gain score obtained 56.3 or 56% with quite an effective category. So it is proven that the interactive learning media that is applied is effective in learning Civics for the fifth-grade students of SDN 250/VI Sinar Gading II.

Keywords: Application, interactive learning media, contextual, Civics

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155 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-100

The Effectiveness of Animated Video Media to Improve Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulated Learning
Evani Doana Nababan (a*), Motlan Sirait (b), Nurdin Siregar (b)

a) Pascasarjana Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, 20221 Indonesia
b) Departemen Pascasarjana Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, 20221 Indonesia


The importance of media in learning is to clarify so that the message conveyed is not too verbal, transcends the boundaries of space, time, energy and the five senses. Self-regulated learning is still a core problem in the world of education which is quite alarming. One of the factors that influence self-regulated learning is self-efficacy. High self-efficacy is needed in the learning process to achieve the expected self-regulated learning. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of animated video media to increase self-efficacy and self-regulated learning. This research method uses descriptive qualitative research through the provision of questionnaires and interviews to students in two classes. The results obtained showed that through the t test and MANOVA showed a significant value with a value of 0.000 (p &#8804- 0.05), then animated video media was effective for increasing self-efficacy and self-regulated learning.

Keywords: Animated Video- Self-Efficacy- Self-Regulated Learning

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156 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-109

Development of Interactive Mathematics Learning Media by Applying Problem Based Learning Models to Improve Computational Thingking Skills for Class XI High School Students
Yuli Astrinitha Lubis, Asmin, Bornok Sinaga

State University of Medan


To determine the role of problem-based learning models with interactive mathematics learning media developed to improve students^ computational thinking skills at SMAN 1 Sunggal, this study conducted an analysis of : 1) the level of validity, practicality and effectiveness of interactive learning media developed with applying problem-based learning, 2) improving students^ computational thinking skills at SMA N 1 Sunggal. The type of research used is development research, using the Thiagarajan (4-D) development model. In this study, the trial was carried out twice, namely Trial I and Trial II with the research subjects being students of class XI MIPA-1 SMA N 1 Sunggal with a total of 30 students. Then, the object of this research is the developed interactive mathematics learning media. Especially in the Number Pattern material. The research instrument used was a computational thinking ability test, student activity observation sheets and also student response questionnaires to the developed learning media. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The validity of the developed interactive mathematics learning media seen from the results of the validity carried out by the validator is in the valid category, with a score of 3.70. For the practicality of the developed interactive learning media, which can be seen from the learning implementation score, which is 3.75 in the ^well implemented^ category. And for the effectiveness of the developed interactive mathematics learning media, it can be seen from three things including classical completeness, computational thinking ability, student activity observation scores and student response questionnaires. With the results obtained in Trial II, namely, a) 85% of students (25 students) have achieved classical mastery of computational thinking skills, b) The ideal percentage of student activity time for two meetings is 22.1%, 18.9%, 20 .9%, 27.2%, 9.2%, and 1.7%. The average result of the student response questionna

Keywords: Interactive Mathematics Learning Media, Problem Based Learning, Computational Thingking Skills

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157 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-137

Development of Procedure Text Student Worksheets by Utilizing Virtual Games for Class VII Students of SMP Negeri 1 Tanah Jawa
Budi Suprayogo

Universitas Negeri Medan


Efforts to realize independent, creative and innovative learning are the main things behind this research. One way to realize an independent, creative and innovative learning process is to develop LKPD using virtual games. This study aims to determine the feasibility of LKPD with the use of Virtual Games through the results of expert validation and to find out the response of educators and students to the attractiveness of LKPD with the use of Virtual Games.
This research is a type of instructional design development research (Instructional Design) using the ADDIE model. The research subjects consisted of material expert validators and media experts, educators, and students. Experts provide an assessment of the level of material validity and design suitability, while educators and students assess the level of attractiveness of LKPD by using virtual games.
The research results obtained are the feasibility of LKPD with the use of Virtual Games. based on expert judgment, it is categorized as very feasible, with a very good percentage, with a material validation percentage of 96.25% and a percentage of media experts 94%. Educators and students responded positively to the attractiveness of LKPD by using virtual games as learning media, with the percentage of educators responding 91.25%, small group testing 87.3%, and field testing 88.1%. The development of LKPD using virtual games was declared very feasible and received a positive response to be used as a learning medium.

Keywords: Student Worksheets Using Virtual Games, Procedure Text

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158 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-143

The Innovation of STEM-PjBL-based Chemistry Practicum Guide to Improve Science Process Skills and Learning Outcomes of Class XI Students
Maryam Jamilah (a*), Nurfajriani (b), and Ramlan Silaban (c)

(a) Postgraduate Program of Chemistry Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
(b, c)Departement of Chemistry Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia


The current state of education in Indonesia is still a gap between the skills and the competencies required by the market. STEM-based learning is expected to be a reform of education that can improve the quality of human resources (HR) in the era of technology and information. The aim of this study is to obtain a valid and appropriate STEM-PjBL-based chemistry practicum guidebook for class XI according to the BSNP standard, to find out the improvement of student learning outcomes and impact of students science process skills using the developed practicum guide. This study uses the R&D method with the ADDIE development model. The data were analyzed using the normality test, homogeneity test, hypothesis testing with the independent sample T-test, and a test N-gain test. The results showed that the developed STEM-PjBL-based chemistry practicum guidebook was categorized as valid and suitable to to support chemistry learning in schools.

Keywords: Chemistry practicum guide, STEM, Project Based Learning (PjBL), Science Process Skills (KPS), learning outcomes, ADDIE

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159 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-151

Management Information System in the Early Childhood Education
Ditta Manullang,SE,M.Si (a), (b) Prof.Dr.Zainuddin, (c),Dr.Humuntal Banjarnahor(c)

(a) Post Graduate of Educational Management Department,
Universitas Negeri Medan
(b) Lecturer of Educational Management Department,
Universitas Negeri Medan
(c) Lecturer of Educational Management Department,
Universitas Negeri Medan


The implementation of the Management Information System in the Early Childhood Education or it^s called SIM PAUD has taken place in accordance with the needs of model development and obtained the following results:
1. Participants who took part in the learning totaled 60 school of Early Childhood Education from Binjai, Deliserdang Regency, Serdangbedagai Regency, and Tebingtinggi.
2. The learning schedule is carried out according to mutual agreement, with an allocation of 60 hours of lessons as many as 15 meetings so that each meeting is held for 4 hours of learning (1 lesson hour is carried out for 60 minutes).
3. The results of the validation of the Management Information System show that the application can be understood and used by the school. The average value of the SIM PAUD application validation is 3.67 or rounded 4 so that it is included in the good category.
4. After participating in the model trial, all PAUD units have made a national standard learning document. The results of the self-assessment showed an average score of 48.5 which was included in the very good category.
5. There is an increase in learning outcomes obtained by participants before and after carrying out learning by 17.07% with 79.83% absorption in the good category.
6. There is a significant difference in value at the 5% level which can be seen from the value of t > t, namely (6.7 > 2).
7. For PAUD units who want to use the BP-PAUD SIM PAUD application and North Sumatra Dikmas, they can open the PAUD SIM application at the link

Keywords: Management Information System in the Early Childhood Education,Early Childhood Education

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160 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-152

Development Of Sharia Economy E-Module Contextual Based On Student Economic Science Study Program Medan State University T.P 2021/2022
Maulida Sari Harahap (a*), Arwansyah (b), Zulkarnain Siregar (c)

Postgraduate Program, Economic Education, State University Of Medan, Jalan Williem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia


This study aims to determine: (1) the feasibility of a contextual-based Islamic economics e-module for students of the Medan State University Economics study program (2) the effectiveness of a contextual-based Islamic economics e-module for students of the Medan State University Economics study program. This research is a development research with the ADDIE model that has been adapted to research needs. The results showed that contextual-based sharia economics e-modules for students of the Medan State University Economics study program were suitable for use for students of Medan State University Economics Study Program based on material expert validation for e-modules of 86.67% were in the very valid category, validation media experts for teaching materials amounted to 81.67% with a very valid category, validation of design experts for teaching materials was 83.33% with a very valid category. While the assessment of lecturers who support Islamic economics courses for e-modules is 94, 11% in the very good category, the results of individual trials are 92.78% in the very good category, small group trials are 91.67% in the very good category and field trials of 91.11% with a very good category. The contextual-based Islamic economics module is effectively used for students of the Economics Study Program at the State University of Medan based on the results of the t-test where the value of sig 2 tailed is 0.000 <0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted so that there are differences in learning outcomes before and after being given treatment. Using contextual-based Islamic economics e-modules, it can be concluded that the development of contextual-based Islamic economics modules is effective for improving student learning outcomes in Islamic economics courses in the Economics Study Program class at State University of Medan.

Keywords: E-Module Development, Islamic Economics, Contextual-Based, Sigil Application

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161 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-153

Development of Android-Based Mobile Learning Economic Learning Media with Problem Based Learning (PBL) Flows to Improve Learning Outcomes of High School Students at Negeri 2 Binjai Academic Year 2021/2022



The product of this development research is an Android-Based Mobile Learning learning media with Problem Based Learning (PBL) flow to improve student economic learning outcomes. The problem of this research is the low learning outcomes of students at SMA Negeri 2 Binjai. In theory, many influencing factors include still using the usual learning media during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a learning media development research using the ADDIE development model which has 5 stages. The data in the study is in the form of learning outcomes with the average during the Covid-19 pandemic year from 2020-2022. This study aims to develop learning media that are more practical and effective for students to use with smartphones. The research design used (ADDIE), the test subjects in this study were students of XI IS SMA Negeri 2 Binjai T.A 2021/2022. The results of this learning media development process are (1) Android-Based Mobile Learning learning media with PBL Flow is included in the valid category with an assessment of media experts 86.25 %, design experts 92.5% and design experts 98%. Product feasibility test to students Product Results 88.74% and Product Effectiveness 84.69%. (2) Furthermore, to test the hypothesis, the t-test was used by comparing the pretest and posttest learning outcomes. The results showed that (1) the development of Android-based Mobile Learning economic learning media with the PBL flow at SMA Negeri 2 Binjai was feasible to use, (2) The use of Android-based Mobile Learning learning media with the PBL flow could improve the learning outcomes of class XI students in SMA Negeri 2 Binjai.

Keywords: Learning Media, Mobile Learning, Learning Outcomes, Covid-19,Besed on Android, SMA Negeri 2 Binjai

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162 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-179

Application of Animation-Based Civics Teaching Materials to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Class V SD Negeri 101927 Sekip, Lubuk Pakam Distric
Aulia Rahman (a*), Daulat Saragi (b), Yakobus Ndona (c)

Postgraduate Student at Medan State University, Indonesia


The animation module is one of the learning media in the form of print which is packaged systematically and designed attractively and clearly so that it is easy to learn and understand by students independently to achieve learning goals. So this study examines the effectiveness of the animation-based Civics module. The module is used with a step-by-step problem-based learning model for Civics rights, obligations, and responsibilities for grade 5 elementary school. The research method uses a mixed-method with a qualitative approach to describe the research and analyze the data quantitatively. The results of the application of the media by looking at the results of the pretest and posttest obtained the total average value of the pretest 56.2 and the average value of the posttest 83.7 and by analysis of the N-Gain score received 0.629 in the medium Gain category, and the interpretation of the percentage gain is 63% with a quite effective category. So it is proven that the animation-based Civics module which is implemented is quite effective in the Civics subject for class V students at SDN 101927 Sekip Lubuk Pakam.

Keywords: Application, Animation-based Module, Problem Based Learning, Civic.

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163 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-190

Student^s Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Ability through a Realistic Approach in Blended Learning Based on Non-routine Problems in the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan State University
Hasratuddin- M. Amin Fauzi- Budi Halomoan Siregar- Dwi Novita Sari

Medan State University


Abstract. This study aims to analyze the problem-solving and critical thinking skills of students through a realistic approach to non-routine problem-based blended learning in the Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan. This type of research is a semi-experimental research. The research population was all undergraduate students of the Mathematics Education study program (MESP) in 2020. The research sample was taken from 2 classes of the population, namely- 1) MESP 2020 A as an experimental class that is given learning with a realistic approach in blended learning based on non-routine problems, and 2) MESP 2020 B as a control class that is given online learning. The research instrument is a test of problems solving abilities and critical thinking. Data on problem solving abilities and critical thinking were analyzed using two-way ANOVA statistics. The results showed that the problem-solving and critical thinking skills of students who were given geometry learning through a realistic approach to non-routine problem-based blended learning were better than those who were given online learning. Furthermore, from the results of the study it was found that there was no interaction between learning and students^ initial abilities, both on problem skills and on students^ critical thinking skills. This shows that students^ problem-solving and critical thinking skills are always better using realistic learning approaches based on non-routine problem-based blended learning compared to online geometry learning. Thus, the suggestion from the results of this study is that in improving students^ problem-solving and critical thinking skills through a realistic approach to non-routine problem-based blended learning, it is not necessary to classify students into low, medium or high initial abilities.

Keywords: realistic approach- ability- problem solving- critical thinking- blended learning- non-routine.

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164 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-200

The Effect Virtual Laboratory of Self-efficacy Student Learning and Results to The Matter of Harmonic
Ruth Fika Ronauli Simbolon- Dr.Wawan Bunawan, M.Pd., M.Si - Dr.Rita Juliani,M.Si

Universitas Negeri Medan


The state university research aims to understand the influence of self-efficacy and the laboratory for student learning , know the self-efficacy , the study results and the correlation between self-efficacy student learning and results of matter vibration harmonic Class X Senior High School. The kind of research is research a quasi eksperiment pretest-postest two group research and design .The methodology used is descriptive and quantitative methods of correlational study . Subject of study is 30 from the classroom control and 30 variables free from the classroom. The analysis shows that before research, students do pretest as many as 60 % self-efficacy students having lowest and as many as 64 % have low study results.Through different treatment in class variable free, is to self-efficacy increase of 5 % and 15 % in the student learning vibration harmonious simple of matter.Correlation pearson product moment is the strong relationship between self-efficacy and positive and x students study results of matter vibration harmonious simple in high school n banyan 1 with a correlation coefficient 0,796.

Keywords: Self-efficacy, result student learning

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165 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-216

The Use of STEM-Based Worksheets in Biology Learning and Its Relationship with Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Class XI MIA Students in Samosir Regency
Rani Asima Silaen1), Herbert Sipahutar2)

Medan State University


This study was conducted to determine the use of STEM-Based Worksheets in Biology Learning and its Relationship with Creativity and Learning Outcomes of Class XI MIA Students in Samosir Regency. The research was carried out from March to April 2022. This study used a quasi-experimental type of research with a qualitative approach. The use of LKS can contain various activities and activities for students in the form of demonstrations and experiments, aimed at making students more active in learning so that students are able to optimize their creative thinking skills. For students in SMA Negeri 2 Pangururan, students^ learning motivation in class XI MIA2-1A and class XI MIA3-1B data shows that the lowest score for students in class XI MIA2-1A is 26 and the highest is 89 while the lowest score is for students class XI MIA3 - 1B is 58 and the highest is 97. For students of SMA Negeri 1 Palipi, students^ learning motivation in the data shows that the lowest score for students in class XI MIA1-2A is 49 and the highest is 94. the lowest grade XI MIA2 - 2B students were 57 and the highest was 96. Meanwhile, in the learning outcomes of MIA Grade XI students at SMA Negeri 2 Pangururan, the data showed that the lowest score obtained by class XI MIA2-1A students was 10 and the highest was 60. the lowest grade XI MIA3-1B students were 15 and the highest was 65. For data on learning outcomes, the student worksheet (LKS) media method is used and it is also hoped that students are active and can improve their learning outcomes. The implementation was carried out in two cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. In the implementation, an initial test or pre-cycle test was carried out, students scored 69.27 with a total score of 3048, learning outcomes in the first cycle became 79.00 with a total score of 3496, and learning outcomes in the second cycle 87.00 with a total value of 6544.

Keywords: STEM-Based Worksheet, Biology Learning, Creativity, Student Learning Outcomes

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166 Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom ABS-225

Nurawadita Sakinah, Bornok Sinaga, Mariani

Pascasarjana universitas negeri Medan


This study aims to analyze: (1) PjBL-based learning tools assisted by macromedia flash that are valid, practical and effective (2) increasing problem-solving abilities and independent learning of students by implementing PjBL-based learning tools assisted by macromedia flash that were developed. This research is a development research with the Thiagarajan model. The subject of this study involved eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Sunggal for the academic year 2021/2022. Based on the research data, it was found that (1) the PjBL model-based learning device assisted by macromedia flash that was developed was declared valid, practical and effective- (2) There is an increase in the problem-solving ability and independent learning of students after being taught using a PjBL model-based learning device assisted by macromedia flash which was developed

Keywords: Project Based Learning, student independent learning, Macromedia flash, problem solving

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167 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-2

Correlation between Learning Motivation and Mathematics-Creative Thinking Ability
Jonni Sitorus

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Sumatera Utara


The research aims are as follows: describing the student^s learning motivation and mathematics-creative thinking ability- testing their correlations- and calculating the contribution percentage of the learning motivation to the increase in the student^s mathematics-creative thinking ability. The total sample size is 619 students from ten primary schools. Data was collected by two methods, as follows: a questionnaire and a test. There are sixteen questions in the learning motivation questionnaire and one open-ended question on the student^s mathematics creative thinking ability test. The data is analysed quantitatively. The correlation between the learning motivation and the students^ mathematics-creative thinking ability was analysed by using Pearson Product-Moment Correlation with &#9082- = 5% and N = 619. The research showed that 1) desire and wish for success, the drive and need for learning, hope and ambition for the future, interesting learning activities, and a conducive learning environment contribute to the student^s learning motivation- and 2) learning motivation and five of its indicators have positive and significant correlations and have contributed to the increase with a student^s mathematics creativity ability and three of its indicators. Learning motivation and five of its indicators have contributed to the increase in the students^ mathematics creative thinking ability and three of its indicators.

Keywords: Learning motivation, correlation, mathematics-creative thinking ability

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168 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-3

Jonni Sitorus

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Sumatera Utara


This research aims at finding the creatively problem-solving stages by implementing RME. This is qualitative research. Operationally, this research was conducted with some steps: research initiation- data collection & analysis- and data validation test. The results show that there are 4 stages to solve the math problem creatively by implementing RME, namely: 1) a real problem situation stage. The student^s cognitions are to simplify, identify, and analyze the problem. They orient the problem, and try to solve it- 2) mathematics model stage. The student^s cognitions are to formulate models, analyze parts of mathematics ideas, find the main mathematics ideas, connect mathematics ideas to other ones, and state mathematics ideas. They solve the mathematics problem by a mathematization process- 3) evaluation stage. The student^s cognitions are to check, revise, verify, validate, redesign, do metacognition, and do a trial and error system. They evaluate the mathematics results, and 4) mathematics concept stage. The student^s cognitions are to analyze the character and components of mathematics and connect mathematics to other lessons and daily life. They formulate and confirm the mathematics concepts.

Keywords: : rme, mathematics education, problem-solving stage, cognitive knowledge, learning activity

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169 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-24

Diversity of Pollinator Insects in The Vegetable Plantation in Kecamatan Dolat Rayat
Febrina Suci Ramadhoni (a*), Syarifuddin (b), Mufti Sudibyo (b)

a) Postgraduate Student of Biology Education Program, State University of Medan
Jalan Willem Iskandar/Pasar V, Medan 2022, Indonesia
b) Lecture of Biology Education Program, State University of Medan
Jalan Willem Iskandar/Pasar V, Medan 2022, Indonesia


The presence of insect pollinators plays an important role in the pollination process. This is because the insects move the stamens from the anthers to the stigma, causing fertilization. The purpose of this study is to analyse the diversity of insect pollinators in vegetable plantations in 3 villages at Kecamatan Dolat Rayat, Kabupaten Karo. Sampling was carried out on five types of plantation: bean plant, chayote, peas, eggplant, and chilli. At each sampling point, five plots of 1,2m x 10m were established with a spacing of 2m between the plots. Insect pollinator observation technology using sampling scan method combined with insect net. The results of the study identified 7 families of 10 species and 880 individuals. Diversity index that used is The Shannon-Weiner with an average of H = 1,20 in the villages. The most prevalent order was Apidae, and the most abundant species was Apis cerana. The greatest variety of pollen hybrids was found on chayote plantations. Flower anthesis is used as determinant of this observation.

Keywords: Pollination- Fertilization- Shannon-Weiner index- Anthesis

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170 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-34

Differences Of Problem Solving Ability And Student Mathematic Communication Ability By Applying Problem-Based Learning Model And Inquiry Learning Model
Rabiah, Pargaulan Siagian, KMS. Amin Fauzi

Pendidikan Matematika, Pascasarjana universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to analyze: 1) Is there a significant difference between the mathematical problem solving abilities of students who are given a problem-based learning model and students who are given an inquiry learning model? 2) Is there a significant difference between the mathematical communication skills of students who are given a problem-based learning model and students who are given an inquiry learning model? 3) How is the process of answering students who are given a problem-based learning model with students who are given an inquiry learning model? The type of research is experimental, the population in this study is all students of class VIII SMP Laksamana Martadinata with a sample of class VIII-1 as experimental class 1 and class VIII-2 as experimental class 2. The instrument used is a test of students^ problem solving and communication skills. The data analysis technique used is the ANACOVA test. The results showed that 1) Problem-based learning had a more significant effect than the influence of inquiry learning on students^ mathematical problem solving abilities. 2) Problem-based learning has a more significant effect than the influence of inquiry learning on students^ mathematical communication skills. 3) The process of completing the test of students^ mathematical problem solving and communication skills through problem-based learning is more complete than inquiry learning.

Keywords: Problem Solving Ability, Mathematical Communication, Problem Based Learning, Inquiry Learning

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171 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-36


State University of Medan
Basic Education Postgraduate Program State University of Medan


This study aims to analyze: (1) How the difficulty level of students ^understanding of mathematical concepts on integer material in terms of students^ metacognition abilities- (2) How is the process of students^ answers in understanding students^ mathematical concepts on integer material in terms of students^ metacognition abilities. This research is a qualitative descriptive. The ability of students to understand concepts in terms of students^ metacognition abilities consists of three categories, namely, high, medium, and low. Each category of student metacoginisi ability is represented by one student. The results of this study indicate that: The level of understanding the concept in terms of students^ metacognition ability of 25 students with ^high^ ability is 8%, namely 2 students, then 40% ^moderate^ ability is 10 students. Then the ^low^ ability was 28%, namely 7 students, and ^very low^ ability was 16%, namely 4 students. Then in the process of students ^answers to understanding the concept in terms of students^ metacognition abilities in solving problems, students explain the prerequisite material for solving problems, students explain what needs to be done if they do not understand the problems given, explain the strategies / methods used and believe that the answer process is true, students also explain the reasons for choosing the solution strategy, and students also review the answers obtained and conclude the results obtained after solving the problem.

Keywords: Mathematical Concepts Understanding, Integer, and Metacognition Ability

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172 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-62

Development of an Objective Test of Science Subjects Based on Science Process Skills (KPS) in Class IV SDN 101976 Bandar Kuala.
Yuni Noviati 1, Sahyar 2, Waminton Rajagukguk 3

State University of Medan
Postgraduate Basic Education Program


This study aims to develop a KPS-based test for fourth grade students at SDN 101976 Bandar Kuala on Gaya material that has good qualifications (standard test) including validity, reliability, level of difficulty, discriminatory power and effectiveness of distractors. This type of research is development research, using the ADDIE model. The data analysis technique used is qualitative and quantitative. The average ideal percentage result is 98.1%. The results of the quantitative analysis of the quality of the KPS-based test questions are good. Analysis of 40 items in the small group test obtained 35 items (87.5%) were accepted and 5 items (12.5%) were rejected. The large group test obtained (1) 34 valid items (97.1%), invalid questions 1 invalid item (2.9%). the reliability of the questions is included in the ^very high^ category with a value of 0.801. at the level of difficulty with a difficult category of 1 item (2.8%), medium category 30 items (85.8%), easy category 4 items (11.4%) distinguishing power of questions with good category 34 items (97.1%), with sufficient category 0 items (0%), with bad category 1 item (2.9%) distractor effectiveness level with effective category 34 items (97, 1%) and the ineffective category is 1 item (2.8%). From the data above, it can be accumulated that 34 items can be accepted (97.1%) and 1 item is rejected (2.8%).

Keywords: KPS-based test instrument, Science

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173 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-81

Development Acid-Base Titration E-module Based on Blended Learning with Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Application to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Nurhayani (a*), Ramlan Silaban (b), Moondra Zubir (b)

a) Post Graduate School of Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
* nurhayani.eks[at]
b) Post Graduate School of Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia


This study aims to determine expert team^s assessment acid-base titration e-module based on blended learning with the kvisoft flipbook maker application by BSNP and find out the differences improving student learning outcomes taught using acid-base titration e-module based on blended learning with kvisoft flipbook maker application and students taught using teacher^s handbook. The research type used is research and development modified from development ADDIE model. The data sources in this research were 2 expert validators and class XI science students of MAN Batubara totaling 60 students with purposive sampling data collection techniques. The results showed that the expert team^s assessment of the acid-base titration e-module based on blended learning with the kvisoft flipbook maker application by BSNP on the aspect content feasibility average percentage value 86%, language feasibility 88%, and presentation feasibility analysis 85% and concluded that media was very feasible to use and didn^t need to be revised. Furthermore, there are differences improving the learning outcomes of students who are taught with acid-base titration e-module based on blended learning with kvisoft flipbook maker application and students who are taught using the teacher^s handbook.

Keywords: E-module, acid-base titration, blended learning, kvisoft flipbook maker, learning outcomes

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174 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-107

Rohmad Ari Wibowo(a*), Nerli Khairani(b), Edi Syahputra(b)

a) Student of postgraduate Mathematics Education Program, Medan State University, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
b) Postgraduate Mathematics Education Program, Medan State University, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia


This research focuses on: 1) learning about rasionality (validity), feasibility (practicality), and efficacy (effectiveness) of Improvement of Learning Model on Discovery Learning Assisted by Geogebra Applets to Enhance the Creative Thinking Ability of the Students- 2) learning about the revealing of the enhancement of creative thinking ability using the discovery learning model assisted by the geogebra applet that was developed. This study is development research. The Improvement of Learning Model on Discovery Learning Assisted by Geogebra Applets (next called PB-DLGA) was setted out followed by the development stages of the result of the improvement from the model offered by Plump. It was conducted at Junior High School 1 Kutapanjang (SMP 1 Kutapanjang) in Gayo Lues, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The subject of this research were 25 students from VII graders. It used lesson plans, digital moduls, and creative thinking ability test (TKBK) as the tools during the research and gave the results as follows: 1) The discovery learning model assisted by the geogebra applet that was developed had met the rasionality (validity), feasibility (practicality), and efficacy (effectiveness) criteria in terms of their respective criteria- 2) There is an improvement in students^ creative thinking skills using a discovery learning model with the help of the GeoGebra applet which was developed in the first trial, obtaining an average preetest 57.12 and a posttest 74.72 and increased in the second trial with an average score 74.72: preetest 52.6 and posttest score 80.4. Based on the results, it is suggested that the use of Learning Model on Discovery Learning Assisted by Geogebra Applets (PB-DLGA) should be expanded in Mathemathics classes to improve students^ creative thinking skills.

Keywords: improvement of learning, PB-DLGA, discovery learning assisted by geogebra applet, creative thinking ability

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175 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-113

Development of HOTS-Based Learning Tools Using the CTL Learning Model to Improve Students^ Critical Thinking Ability and Self Confidence
Joskar Simbolon(a*), Hamidah Nasution(b), Mangaratua Simanjorang(b)

a) Student of postgraduate Mathematics Education Program, Medan State University, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
b) Postgraduate Mathematics Education Program, Medan State University, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia


The research objectives: (1) Analyze the validity of HOTS-based learning tools with the CTL model on critical thinking skills and self-confidence, (2) Analyze the practicality of HOTS-based learning tools with CTL models on critical thinking skills and self-confidence, (3) Analyze the effectiveness of learning tools HOTS-based learning with the CTL model on critical thinking skills and self-confidence, (4) Analyzing the improvement of students^ critical thinking skills by using HOTS-based learning tools with the CTL model, (5) Analyzing the increase in students^ self-confidence using HOTS-based learning tools with the CTL model. developed. This type of research is a development research with a 4-D development model. The population is students of SMAN 2 Percut Sei Tuan and the samples are taken randomly, namely class XII MIA-1 and class XII MIA-2. From the results of trial I, trial II obtained: (1) The validity of the learning device is valid according to the expert, (2) the learning device meets the practical criteria, namely a) The expert team^s response to the learning device can be used with a few revisions, b) Observer^s assessment on the width of the observation of the implementation of learning which is stated to be well implemented, (3) The learning device meets the effective criteria, namely a) classical student learning completeness has been achieved in the second trial, namely 91.17% b) the formulated learning objectives have been achieved with an average of 79.88% c) students gave a positive response of 89.62% d) the time allocation does not exceed the usual learning time, (4) the students^ critical thinking ability increases, in terms of the N-Gain ability test critical thinking in the first try is 0.35 with moderate criteria, in the second trial it increases to 0.47 with the moderate category, (5) students^ self-confidence has increased, in the first try 79.89 increased to 85.35 in trial II.

Keywords: Development of learning tools, Higher order thinking skills, Contextual Teaching Learning, Critical thinking, Self confidence.

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176 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-129

Wawan Miswanto1, Dian Armanto2, Sumarno3

State University of Medan


This study aims to: produce a HOTS test of geometry that is valid, effective and practical to use in fifth grade elementary school. This research is a research and development type of formative evaluation that has been adapted from Tessmer which consists of two stages, namely- (1) preliminary stage, and (2) formative evaluation stage which includes self-evaluation and prototyping. The prototyping stage consisted of expert reviews, trial I, trial II, trial III and trial IV. The population in this study amounted to 312 fifth grade students from 16 elementary schools in cluster III, Tanjung Pura sub-district. While the sample in this study amounted to 92 fifth grade students from 4 elementary schools. The results showed that the HOTS test of geometry based on realistic mathematics education has been successfully developed from the aspects of validity, effectiveness and practicality as many as 15 questions consisting of 11 multiple choice questions and 4 essay questions. The test validity coefficient is 0.69 (high validity) and the test reliability coefficient is 0.81 (very high reliability). Effectively based on the achievement of learning objectives reaching 80%, classical completeness 88%, positive student responses reaching 85% and efficient learning time. Practically based on the assessment of experts who stated that the questions were feasible and could be used, the teacher^s response obtained an average score of 88.89% (practical).

Keywords: HOTS Test, Formative Evaluation, Test Quality

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177 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-133

Investigation of Critical Thinking skill and Dynamic Exercises of Understudies With the Utilization of Signature Helped CTL Learning Model at Private MTs PAB 1 Medan
Riki Juand(a*), Bornok Sinaga(b), Pardomuan Sitompul(b)

a) Post Graduate State University of Medan
b) State University Of Medan


This study expects to decide the level of understudies^ numerical critical thinking skill by applying the Signature helped CTL learning model, to decide the dynamic exercises of understudies by applying the Signature helped CTL learning model, and to figure out the understudies^ troubles in taking care of numerical issues. Information got through information sheets of understudies^ critical abilities to think were dissected through a subjective methodology and the consequences of perceptions of understudy exercises during learning exercises were investigated in view of rates. This study utilizes information examination of the Miles and Huberman model, in particular information decrease, information show, and end drawing/check information. The subjects in this review included understudies of class VIII-1 MTs Private PAB 1 Helvetia, who were treated through the CTL learning model in the even semester of the 2021/2022 scholarly year, adding up to 30 individuals. In view of the consequences of the review, the typical degree of numerical critical abilities to think of 30 understudies in the high classification remembered 2 understudies for the exceptionally low class, 2 understudies in the low classification, 7 understudies in the moderate classification, 15 understudies in the high classification and 4 understudies in the extremely high classification. Understudies^ dynamic exercises with the utilization of the Signature helped CTL learning model are supposed to be compelling, in light of the fact that they are as per the prerequisites of all pointers being met. Exceptionally high classification understudies have no trouble in tackling critical thinking issues. Understudies with adequate standards experience issues in making an interpretation of issues into numerical models and hardships in doing address numerical systems. In the mean time, understudies with exceptionally low rules experience issues in grasping issues, making an interpretation of issues into numerical m

Keywords: Investigation, Critical Thinking Skill, DynamicExercise

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178 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-165

The types of lichenes in the university area of Sumatra Utara
Desy Ardina (a*), Ashar Hasairin (b), Idramsa (b)

a) Postgraduate Student of Biology Education Program, State University of Medan
Jalan Wiliam Iskandar/Pasar V, Medan 2022, Indonesia
b) Lecture of Biology Education Program, State University of Medan
Jalan Wiliam Iskandar/Pasar V, Medan 2022, Indonesia


Lichenes is a symbiosis between fungi (mycobionts) from Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes, and algae (phycobionts) from Cyanobacteria or Chlorophyceae so that morphology and physiology are one unit. Lichenes corticolous live as epiphytes in the substrate of tree bark branches. Lichenes grow in the university area of North Sumatra where many shade trees are found as the substrate. This research used survey method and morphometric method was used to identify the morphology of lichens. Sampling was found in 4 areas of North Sumatran Higher Education: 1. Universitas Negeri Medan, 2. Universitas Sumatra Utara, 3. Universitas Medan Area, 4. Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia. This study found 22 species of lichenes from 10 families: Cryptothecia striata, Cryptothecia scripta, Arthonia radiata, Cryptothecia granulatus, Arthonia patellulata (Family Athoniaceae), Graphis scripta (Family Graphidaceae), Parmelia caperata, Parmeliopsis ambigua, Flavoparmelia baltimorensis, Hypogymnia physodes (Family Parmeliaceae), Dirinaria applanata (Family Caliciaceae), Lepraria incana, Lepraria lobificans (Family Streocaulaceae), Ochreolechia subviridis (Family Pertusariaceae), Lecanora symmicta, Lecanora strobilina, Lecidella elachoroma (Family Lecanoraceae), Ochroleachia tartarea (Family Orchrolechiacea), Viridothelium virens (Family Trypeteliaceae), Rinodina roboris (Family Physciaceae). The types of lichens found included crustose and foliose thallu types.

Keywords: Lichenes, University, Sumatra Utara

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179 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-187

Development of Flipbook-Based Learning Media to Improve Mathematical Communication skill and Self-Efficacy of Students at Bina Taruna 2 Private Vocational School Medan
Fadhlan Nurgazali

Medan State University
Jl. Willem Iskandar / Pasar V, Medan.


This study aims to determine: 1) the validity, practicality and effectiveness of Flipbook-based learning media to improve students^ mathematical communication skills and self-efficacy at Bina Taruna 2 Private Vocational School Medan- 2) knowing the improvement of students^ mathematical communication skills and self-efficacy by using the developed Flipbook-based learning media. This research is a development research. The development model used in this research is the Thiagarajan model. The results of the study indicate that: 1) the Flipbook-based learning media developed is valid, practical and effective- 2) there is an increase in students^ mathematical communication skills and self-efficacy by using the developed Flipbook-based learning media.

Keywords: Flipbook, Mathematical Communication Ability, Self Efficacy

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180 Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education ABS-196

Miska Khairani1, Idramsa2, Fauziyah Harahap3



Macroscopic mushrooms are very interesting to observe, information about macroscopic mushrooms in rubber plantations in South Angkola District is very limited. The purpose of this study was to determine the macroscopic fungal species and the characteristics of the macroscopic fungi found in the rubber plantation area of South Angkola sub-district. The method used in this research is the roaming method around the rubber plantation. and carried out based on the macroscopic characteristics that distinguish the fungus from the hood, namely the color of the hood, the type of hood, the shape of the stalk, the type of lamellae, the rim of the hood, the presence or absence of a ring, and the type of volva. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results showed that the Order Polyporales (45%), Order Agariales (35%), Order Russulales (5%), Order Auriculariales (5%), Order Dacrymychatales (5%) and Order Hymenochatales (5%). This species diversity is dominated by macroscopic fungi of the order Polyporales. The contribution of this research is in the form of a handbook that will be used as a learning resource.

Keywords: Identification, macroscopic fungi, characteristics, species

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