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Environmental Engineering |
ABS-157 |
The Content Of SLS In Orsentry Shampoo Bar To Determine The Level Of Foam Produced Ajeng Daniarsih (a*), Dina Febriyanti (b), Devi Mariya Sulfa (c), Syalwa Dida Wuryanti (d)
a,b,c,d) State University of Malang, Department of Biology,
Jalan Cakrawala 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had a good impact on reducing air pollution, due to activities carried out at home or working from home. On the other hand, with decreasing levels of pollution, there is an increase in water pollution due to foam and chlorine produced from household products, especially cleaning agents. One of the cleaning products as well as beauty products with a high intensity of use is shampoo. This high level of usage has an impact on the health of users and the environment. This is related to the use of chemicals in products that have an impact on household waste pollution and the accumulation of plastic waste. The purpose of this study was to the bioavailability of Orsentry shampoo bar products made from ash-burning rice straw (merang). This study used an experimental method with ANOVA analysis using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) approach. Orsentry shampoo bar is expected to be a substitute for shampoo products with a low level of water pollution.
Keywords: water pollution, Orsentry shampoo bar, biodegradable
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| Corresponding Author (Dina Febriyanti)
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Microbiology |
ABS-28 |
Preliminary Evaluation of The Face Masks Degradation in Seawater and Mangrove Water Anna Rakhmawati (a), Bernadetta Octavia (a), and Siti Marwati (b)
a. Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b. Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The worldwide huge utilization of disposable face masks driven by the Covid-19 pandemic has arisen as a significant environmental impact. The aims of this study are to (1) evaluate the weight loss masks- (2) calculate the release of microfibers- (3) count the total bacteria on masks- (4) establish the link between different mask types, newly masks and used masks degradation in different physicochemical condition, respectively. Mask degradation was also supported by Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX) analysis. Two types of masks, black duckbill and blue surgical, were obtained from a local market. To provide a degradation preliminary study of a face mask dumped in the aquatic environment, we carried out in seawater from Parangtritis Beach and Wanatirta Mangrove water Yogyakarta. Five cm diameter of masks were incubated in 20 ml water with a static condition for 30 days at room temperature. There is no weight reduction for all treatment. The used masks release more microfiber and total bacteria than newly masks respectively. The result indicated that the disposable face masks did not completely disintegrate after 30 days in seawater and mangrove water.
Keywords: bacteria, degradation, mask, microfiber
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| Corresponding Author (Anna Rakhmawati)
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Microbiology |
ABS-40 |
ENZYMATIC DEGRADATION OF OIL PALM EMPTY FRUIT BUNCH USING LACCASE FROM Trametes hirsuta EDN 082 Fitria Maulita (a), Anja Meryandini (a), Dede Heri Yuli Yanto (b*), Sri Listiyowati (a), Maulida Oktaviani (b), Oktan Dwi Nurhayat (b)
a) IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
b) Research Center for Applied Microbiology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong Bogor, Indonesia
Enzymatic degradation of lignocellulosic biomass of oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) by laccase of white rot fungus Trametes hirsuta EDN 082, has good potential in bioethanol production. This study aimed to analyze changes in the structure of lignin resulting from enzymatic degradation by laccase extract from T. hirsuta EDN 082. Enzymes are produced by solid-state fermentation (SSF). OPEFB lignin was then enzymatically hydrolyzed in a shaker incubator for 24 hours using crude laccase extract from T. hirsuta EDN 082. Chemical structure analysis was carried out using Py-GCMS, which detected lignin degradation products, namely phenol, creosol, syringalacetone, isoeugenol, benzaldehyde, and guaiacyl alcohol. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) showed a change in the functional group band at 1161-1645 cm-1.
Keywords: Laccase- White rot fungus- Lignocellulosic biomass
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| Corresponding Author (Fitria Maulita)
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Microbiology |
ABS-97 |
Potential of ZnO Nanoparticles with Soursop Leaf Extract (Annona muricata L.) as Bioreductor for Antifungal Candida albicans Awil Endar Pramesti1, a), Siti Imroatul Maslikah1, b), Sri Rahayu Lestari1, and Aisy Hanifah1
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang Street 5, Malang City, East Java, Indonesia, 65112
b)Corresponding author: siti.imroatul.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
Candidiasis is an infection caused by Candida albicans, a species that causes mucosal and systemic infections of the genitals, digestive tract, and respiratory tract. Treatment of candidiasis using antibiotics has side effects if used in the long term. Technological developments in the field of nanoparticles are very popular among researchers. This is because nanoparticles have a good ability compared to larger particles. The element of Zn in the form zinc oxide, is carried out by green synthesis in synthesizing nanoparticles by using plant extracts. Soursop leaf extract (Annona muricata L.) contains alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and tannins that act as bioreductants in the synthesis of metal nanoparticles. The purpose of this study was to analyze the potential and determine the most effective concentration of ZnO nanoparticles from soursop leaf extract as antifungal agents in C. albicans. This experimental study used complete randomized design with concentrations 0.1 mg/ml, 0.5 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ml, 3.0 mg/ml, and 5.8 mg/ml. The antifungal activity test results stated that there was potential for ZnO nanoparticles from soursop leaf extract as antifungal agents in C. Albicans. The most effective concentration was found at a concentration of 3.0 mg/ml with an inhibition zone diameter of 14.38 + 0.42 mm.
Keywords: ZnO Nanoparticles, Soursop Leaf Extract, Antifungal, Candida albicans
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Microbiology |
ABS-103 |
Efficacy Antibacterial Activity of ZnO Nanoparticles Result Green Synthesis using Soursoup Leaves (Annona muricata L.) against Cutibacterium acnes Aisy Hanifah1, a), Siti Imroatul Maslikah1, b), Sri Rahayu Lestari1, and Awil Endar Pramesti1
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
b)Corresponding author: siti.imroatul.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
Acne vulgaris (AV) is a global health issue of skin infection diseases, can be caused by bacteria Cutibacterium acnes. AV treatment using topical or oral antibiotics has side effects and causes bacterial resistance. ZnO nanoparticles have potential as antibacterial agents. Generally, nanoparticles synthesized through physical and chemical methods. However, both methods have disadvantages that producing toxic residues and high operating costs. This research used green synthesis method (environmental friendly), using soursop leaf extract (Annona muricata). Soursop leaf extract contains secondary metabolites like flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, and terpenoids have the potential as reducing and capping agents to prevent agglomeration of nanoparticles. The aim of study to determine the potential and effective concentration of ZnO nanoparticles as antibacterial against Cutibacterium acnes. Experimental research based on completely randomized design with 4 treatments: 32 mg/ml, 64 mg/ml, 128 mg/ml, 256 mg/ml. Data analysis through one way ANOVA test (p<0.05), followed by Duncan test (p<0.01). The results showed that ZnO nanoparticles had antibacterial activity, there were significant differences between treatments, concentration of 32 mg/ml has minimum antibacterial effect with diameter of inhibition zone 16.6 mm, and the most effective concentration was 256 mg/ml with diameter of inhibition zone 22.5 mm.
Keywords: antibacterial agents, nanoparticles, ZnO, soursop leaf extract
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| Corresponding Author (Siti Imroatul Maslikah)
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Microbiology |
ABS-104 |
Isolation and Biochemical Screening of CaCO3 Precipitating Bacteria from Malang Southern Coast as An Anticorrosion Agent Zulkifli, Muhammad Mauludi1- Rozana, Kennis1- Kartikasari, Nuraini1- Prabaningtyas, Sitoresmi1- Witjoro, Agung1- Utomo, Muhammad Andry Prio1*
Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and natural Scince, Universitas Negeri Malang
Corrosion is a phenomenon which unavoidable in marine environment. Corrosion in steel causes significant losses for marine infrastructure. There are several methods to avoid corrosion. Unfortunately, those methods have negative effect to human and environment health. One of environmentally friendly method that employs calcium carbonate (CaCO3) precipitating bacteria can be an alternative to prevent corrosion since it does not release harmful substance. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to isolating calcium carbonate precipitating bacteria from calcareous beaches in Southern part of Malang and evaluate its specific biochemical characteristics to be applied as anti-corrosion agent. Bacterial isolation was conduct using selective Zobell Marine Agar + CaCl2 media. The biochemical characteristics of the growing colonies that observed were crystal production, biofilm production, and oxygen demand test.
Keywords: CaCO3 precipitating bacteria, biochemical screening, Malang Southern Coast, anticorrosion
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Mauludi Zulkifli)
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Microbiology |
ABS-114 |
OPTIMIZATION CONCENTRATION OF ETIL ASETAT FRACTION Orthosiphon aristatus TO ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY Propionibacterium acnes IN VITRO Ike Widyaningrum, Dian Novita Wulandari, Nuri Amalya, Putri Nabila Khalisa
Universitas Islam Malang
Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) is one of the bacteria that causes acne that requires various alternatives, one of which is antibiotics. Ethyl acetate is known to be a semipolar solvent. Nowadays, cosmetic preparations using herbs are starting to develop. In this study, the Orthosiphon aristatus plant fractionated with ethyl acetate was used. The concentrations used were 100,000 ppm, 75,000 ppm, 50,000 ppm, and 10,000 ppm. The antibacterial activity testing method used is ZOI (Zone of inhibition) by observing the clear zone. Based on phytochemical tests, it is known that the ethyl acetate fractionation of Orthosiphon aristatus leaves contains flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpeneoids. The results of the research obtained are known that the increasing concentration of the ethyl acetate fraction of Orthosiphon aristatus, it is known that the clear zone produced is also increasing.
Keywords: Orthosiphon aristatus, Propionibacterium acnes, Ethyl acetate, antibacteria
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| Corresponding Author (Ike Widyaningrum)
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Microbiology |
ABS-132 |
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
Many studies support the ability of actinomycetes to produce antibiotics, but the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria requires new sources of antibiotics. The potential for actinomycete exploration is very promising when carried out on mangrove soils. This is due to the unique function of the mangrove ecosystem, namely as a barrier to the spread of toxins from land to water. The purpose of this study was to isolate and screen actinomycetes from the mangrove soil. Soil samples were taken from mangrove soil at a depth of 10 cm from the surface. The isolation medium used was Actinomycete Isolation Agar (AIA) media supplemented with the antibiotic amoxicillin 2mg/100mL. Pure cultures of actinomycetes were tested for their inhibitory ability against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli. The results of the isolation process obtained three actinomycetes that have the potential to inhibit the test bacteria. The three actinomycetes isolates showed a strong inhibitory ability in the range of 1.5cm against Staphylococcus aureus. The conclusion of this study, the three types of actinomycetes have the ability to inhibit the test bacteria, with the greatest potential shown by isolate C1.
Keywords: Actinomycetes, Screening, antibacterial, mangrove soil, Wonorejo Surabaya
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| Corresponding Author (Endah Prayekti)
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Microbiology |
ABS-133 |
SCCmec Type III Dominant in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Isolates From Surgical Wards Inpatients, Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Mardiana Lelitawati1,2a), Kuntaman Kuntaman3, Eko Budi Koendhori3, Dewi Santosaningsih4, Aima Insana5
1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
2. Department of Microbiology, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga/Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia
3. Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University/Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital, Malang, Indonesia
4. Medical Laboratory Technology, Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin
MRSA strains can grow and spread quickly due to the ability to obtain and utilize mobile genetic elements such as SCCmec. Identification of SCCmec type in a health care centers is important to know the likely source of the spread of MRSA. This study aimed to analyze the distribution of SCCmec type in isolates of MRSA taken from surgical ward inpatients in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. The samples were 30 isolates identified as MRSA colonization in nose and throat from previous studies. Isolates were inoculated onto Mannitol salt agar (MSA) then subcultured onto Brilliance MRSA 2 Agar followed by catalase and coagulase test. 30 DNA template have been amplified with PCR metode for detection of SCCmec type. The result showed that 30/30 isolates (100%) contained SCCmec type III (HA-MRSA). Most of the admission patients in surgical wards were referral patients from secondary hospital so that patients possibly enter the wards already with HA-MRSA colonization. Discharge patients were mostly hospitalized for a long time with the duration of hospitalization was 6 to 132 days with average 35.4 days. Hospitalizations allow the spread of MRSA from patients infected or colonized with MRSA SCCmec type III to healthcare worker or otherwise.
Keywords: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, SCCmec type, Surgical Ward, Dr. Soetomo Hospital
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| Corresponding Author (Mardiana Lelitawati)
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Microbiology |
ABS-135 |
The Clonal Spread of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Strains by Antibiogram Finger-Printing from Discharge Patiens in Surgical Wards and Medical Wards Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia Aima Insana1a), Kuntaman Kuntaman2, Marijam Purwanta2, Mardiana Lelitawati3,4
1. Medical Laboratory Technology, Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin, Indonesia
2. Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga/Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia
3. Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
MRSA is a major pathogen associated infections acquired in the hospitals cause increased morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to analyze clonal spread of MRSA strains from discharge patiens in Dr.Soetomo Hospital based on antibiogram finger-printing. The samples were 49 isolates patients on discharge in surgical and medical wards colonized with MRSA in nose and throat. Isolates were taken from stock culture of MRSA collected from nose and throat in previous studies. The antibiogram test was carried out using 12 antibiotics by diffusion agar method in Muller Hinton Agar. Antibiotic resistant pattern of MRSA were used to classify antibiogram type. Isolates were considered to belong to different antibiotypes if at least one or more difference was observed. Antibiogram analysis of 49 isolates showed 18 types. Type 24, the predomimant resistance pattern was ciprofloxacin, cefoxitin, gentamicin, penicillin and tetracycline occured in 17 isolates (34,7%) consisted of 10 isolates (59%) from surgical wards and 7 isolates (41%) from medical wards. It showed high spread of MRSA between patiens in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. Clonal spread analisys in surgical and medical wards showed no significant difference, MRSA nose usapan (p = 0,642) throat usapan (p = 0,698).
Keywords: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus- MRSA- finger-printing- antibiogram- clonality
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| Corresponding Author (Mardiana Lelitawati)
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Microbiology |
ABS-143 |
Bacterial endophytes Achromobacter xylosoxidans growth and quinoline secondary metabolite production in modified C:N ratio sugar cane juice Siti Zubaidah, Rahmi Masita, and Fauzi AKhbar Anugrah
Department of Biology, faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Endophytic bacteria Achromobacter xylosoxidans in previous studies were known to produce metabolites similar to their host plants on agar media. In this study, sugarcane juice was used as the medium by modifying the ratio of carbon and nitrogen (C/N) as an alternative for producing secondary metabolites of endophytic bacteria. The results of the analysis of the water content of sugarcane juice showed that the total carbon and nitrogen were 1.08% and 0.003%, respectively. Bacteria were grown on a modified medium by adding urea so that the C/N ratio of the media became 3:1, 5:1, 7:1, 9:1, and 11:1. In addition to different C/N ratios, the optimization medium used the same initial pH of the medium was 5,6, 7, 8, and 9, and growing at three different temperatures 23˚-C, 30˚-C, and 37˚-C. The growth medium and the optimum growth conditions for A. xylosoxidans were 9:1 C/N ratio, pH 7, and the optimum temperature was 30˚-C with biomass of 1.09 X 108 CFU/ml. Moreover, based on the results of the qualitative Thallequin test, it is concluded that the bacteria A. xylosoxidans still has the potential to produce quinine and quinidine metabolites in the treatment of sugarcane juice medium urea.
Keywords: Quinoline alkaloid, Cinchona, Media, Culture, A.xylosoxidans
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| Corresponding Author (Fauzi Akhbar Anugrah)
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Microbiology |
ABS-155 |
Potential Energy Comparison Among Marine Microalgae for Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Rifka Fachrunnisa (a*), Sheela Chandren(b), Nuraini Kartikasari(a), Muhammad Andry Prio Utomo(a)
a) Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
b) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Earth is more covered by oceans, not many have explored in depth how abundant potential energy from the oceans including from the phytoplankton. Indonesia as a maritime country is believed to be one of the countries capable of developing microalgae-based renewable energy. Because there is very little explanation about its diversity and potential in Indonesia, this study intends to explore the potential energy that can be generated from the metabolic processes of six types of marine algae consisting of three groups of green algae (Chlorella sp. Spirulina sp. Oscillatoria sp.) and three others from the diatom group (Skeletonema sp., Chaetoceros sp., Thalassiosira sp.) the results of this search are expected to be developed into Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC).
Keywords: Marine Microalgae- DNA Extraction Method- DNA barcoding
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133 |
Microbiology |
ABS-156 |
Marine Microalgae DNA Extraction Methods: A Comparative Study Nuraini Kartikasari (a*), Rifka Fachrunnisa (a), Sheela Chandren(b), Muhammad Andry Prio Utomo(a)
a) Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
b) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
The recent study of microalgae identification involves molecular research work to facilitate the identification process. It is because identification based on morphological characters is quite difficult due to the similar features of microalgae. There were several methods that can applied to extract the microalgae DNA. However, obtaining DNA from microalgae requires long cultivation times to produce enough cells and many steps are needed for the extraction of DNA, requiring significant time and cost also some cannot be applied for all microalgae species. Therefore, this research aimed to study the optimization of DNA extraction method for different species, protocol simplification, and microalgae and DNA amount.
Keywords: Marine Microalgae, DNA extraction, comparative study
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| Corresponding Author (Nur aini Kartikasari)
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Physiology |
ABS-13 |
Combination of Purple Sweet Potato and Black Soybean Tempeh Extract toward Lipid Profile Levels in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats Abdul Gofur1*), Esha Ardiansyah1, Clara Kartika Aprilia1, Khoirum Imawati1 Mochammad Fitri Atho^illah2, Siti Nur Arifah1, Agung Witjoro1, Sri Rahayu Lestari1, Mardiana Lelitawati1
1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang no. 5, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia.
2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia.
Type 2 diabetes leads to hyperglycemia and obesity caused by insulin resistance. Obesity is caused by high-fat diet or high-sucrose, thus induces fatty liver. Furthermore, increasing on lipid metabolism has an impact on liver mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance. Liver mitochondrial dysfunction releases liver enzymes into the bloodstream. This study aimed to determine the effect of purple sweet potato extract (PSP) and black soybean tempeh (BST) on lipid profiles and liver enzymes including SGPT and SGOT. Type 2 DM rats were induced by feeding high-fat diets, 10% sucrose and then were injected intraperitoneally with multiple low doses of streptozotocin (STZ). The rats were treated for 30 days and divided into 5 treatment groups. At the end of treatment, rats were sacrificed and serum and liver were collected. Serum levels of profile lipid and liver enzymes were measured by spectrophotometric methods. One-way ANOVA analysis showed that PSP and BSB had a significant effect (p<0.05) on increasing HDL by 30 mg/dL and decreasing LDL by 6.7 mg/dL, total cholesterol by 58.5 mg/dL, triglyceride by 82 mg/dL, glucose by 104.7 mg/dL, SGPT by 31 U/L and SGOT levels by 151 U/L compared with DM rats (negative control)
Keywords: purple sweet potato, black soybean tempeh, lipid profile, T2DM, liver enzymes.
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| Corresponding Author (Abdul Gofur)
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Physiology |
ABS-14 |
Evaluate the energy needs of workers Merry Sunaryo
Faculty of Health, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
Nutritional status is one of the elements in determining the physical condition or physical quality of a person or certain community groups. Basically work is a physical activity that always requires energy that comes from intake. The more physical activity, the more energy needs. Workers are a group of people who need sufficient energy. This study aims to meet the energy needs of workers. This type of research is quantitative with a cross sectional design. The method used is observational. The results showed that most of the workers^ nutritional status was abnormal, namely obesity, overweight, and underweight. In terms of energy needs, most of them are still not in accordance with the energy activities carried out. So that the energy needs of workers do not match the energy intake consumed by workers. Suggestions that need to be done by workers are to do a calorie diet according to the energy needs and workload or type of activity of the workers.
Keywords: Nutrition, Energy needs, workers
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Physiology |
ABS-92 |
Effect of Organic Fertilizer on Beach Sand Planting Media on Growth, Chlorophyll and Capsaicin Levels of Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) Sidiq Permana Putra, Innovatyandra
Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Department of Tropical Biology, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Cayenne pepper is an agricultural commodity that is very important for the Indonesian people because of the Indonesian people^s fondness for consuming spicy food. However, in recent years, the availability of chili has decreased. The evidenced by the average increase in the price of cayenne pepper from 2015-2019 of 8.20% per kilogram. Based on this problem, it is necessary to make an effort to increase the availability of chili. Marginal land can be used for cayenne pepper cultivation. This study aims to determine the effect of organic fertilizer on beach sand planting media on the growth and chlorophyll content of the cayenne pepper plant. The method in this study was to use a completely randomized design with 5 replications with a concentration of organic fertilizer per polybag- P0 = 0 Kg, P1 = 1,25 Kg, P2 = 2,5 Kg, P3 = 3,75 Kg dan P4 = 5 Kg. The observed data were analyzed statistically by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and further tests with the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) with a significance level (p ≤- 0.05). The results of the data analysis showed that the greater the concentration of organic fertilizer per polybag increased the plant height, amount of fruits, fresh weight of fruit, chlorophyll, and capsaicin levels of Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.).
Keywords: Capsicum frutescens, capsaicin, chlorophyll
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| Corresponding Author (Sidiq Permana Putra)
137 |
Physiology |
ABS-96 |
The Effectiveness of Balance Strategy Exercise with ROM Exercises to Reduce the Risk of Falling in Parents Grido Handoko Sriyono 1,a, Nur Hamim 2,b, Achmad Junaedi 3,c
Departement of Nursing, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan, Probolinggo East Java, Indonesia
Falls are an accident and the most common cause of injury to parents. Many kinds of sports exercises have been done to prevent falls, including balance and muscle strength exercises. But there are still shortcomings so that the problem of falling in parents is still common. Objective: Research to find out the effectiveness of the effect of Balance Strategy Exercise (BSE) with Range of Motion (ROM) exercise to reduce the risk of falling in elderly people in elderly homes. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post test method without a control group. A total of 40 parents from two nursing homes, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling to assign parents to the BSE or ROM by the same amount. The intervention was given for 30 minutes per session, and was administered three times a week for three weeks. Fall risk is measured using Timed Up and Go (TUG). Data analysis used paired t-test, Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney U-test. The results showed a significant difference between the research data before and after the intervention in the BSE group (p = 0.001) and the ROM group (p = 0.001). However, the ROM group showed a significantly higher score reduction than the BSE group after the intervention (p=0.008). Lower limb ROM exercises are better for reducing the risk of falling in parents living in elderly homes than BSE. Suggestions that this exercise can be applied as a fall risk prevention program for parents in elderly homes.
Keywords: ROM, Exercise,BSE, Parents
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Physiology |
ABS-99 |
Intention to Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables in Early Childhood Judging from The Theory of Planned Behavior Yessy Nur Endah Sary, Iit Ermawati1,Ririn Wahyuningtyas Tuti
Department of Midwifery, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan, Probolinggo, Indonesia
Low consumption of fruits and vegetables can lead to chronic diseases in early childhood. The purpose of this study was to analyze the intention to consume fruits and vegetables in early childhood in terms of the Theory of Planned Behavior. The research was conducted in Sidopekso Village, Kraksaan District, Probolinggo Regency, East Java. This is a quantitative study with a cross sectional design. The instrument in this study is a questionnaire attitude toward behavior, subjective forms and perceived behavioral control of early childhood intentions to consume fruits and vegetables that have been tested for validity and reliability. Test data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the regression coefficient of attitude toward behavior was -0.215, subjective forms was -0.285, perceived behavioral control was -0.245. The coefficient of determination is a value that can explain how well or accurately the regression model obtained explains the diversity of existing data. Adjusted R Square of 0.641. This value means that the regression model or independent variable consisting of attitude toward behavior, subjective forms and perceived behavioral control is able to explain 64.1% of the diversity of data on the variable of intention to consume fruits and vegetables in early childhood. The role of parents or caregivers, health workers and stakeholders is highly expected to continue to provide counseling about the importance of consuming fruits and vegetables in early childhood
Keywords: intention, fruits and vegetables, early childhood, theory planned behavior
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| Corresponding Author (Yessy Nur Endah Sary)
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Zoology |
ABS-7 |
Effect Black Soybean Tempeh Extract against Liver Enzymes in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats Esha Ardiansyah1, Clara Kartika Aprilia1, Khoirum Imawati1 Mochammad Fitri Atho^illah2, Siti Nur Arifah1, Agung Witjoro1, Sri Rahayu Lestari1, Abdul Gofur1*)
1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang no. 5, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia.
2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia.
*Corresponding author: abdul.gofur.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
Abstract. Type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance, which is characterized by hyperglycemia and obesity. Obesity is caused by high-fat diet or high-sucrose, which causes fatty liver, so that lipid metabolism increases as well as liver mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance. Liver mitochondrial dysfunction releases liver enzymes into the bloodstream and blood levels of SGPT and SGOT increase. This study aimed to determine the black soybean tempeh exract on lipid profiles and liver enzymes. The rats were made type 2 DM by feeding high-fat diets, 10% sucrose and then were injected intraperitoneally with multiple low doses of streptozotocin. The rats were treated for 30 days with 4 treatment groups: normal, negative control, positive control and treatment. At the end of treatment, rats were sacrificed and blood was taken from the heart and liver was collected. Blood is centrifuged to get blood serum. Serum levels of profile lipid and liver enzymes were measured by spectrophotometric methods. One-way ANOVA analysis showed that BST had a significant effect (p<0.05) on increasing HDL by 29 mg/dL and decreasing LDL by 11.5 mg/dL, total cholesterol by 75.5 mg/dL, triglyceride by 104 mg/dL, glucose by 98 mg/dL, SGPT by 40 U/L and SGOT levels by 178 U/L.
Keywords: Keywords: black soybean tempe extract, HDL, LDL, total cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, SGPT, SGOT, DM Type 2.
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| Corresponding Author (Esha Ardiansyah)
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Zoology |
ABS-18 |
Intelligent Hunting Mode of Orca Behavior for Computational Model of Artificial Algorithm A.N. Afandi
Universitas Negeri Malang
The orca is referred to as the killer whale where Orcas consume a variety of prey, often specializing in particular kinds of marine mammals like seals and other dolphin species. Orca hunting techniques are inventive and sophisticated and evolved physiologically in reaction to their prey. The hunting activity in this strategy is particularly intriguing since it may be used for instruction, social learning, or even teaching younger group members how to hunt effectively. By choosing prey based on strength and speed before catching everything, hunting can be seen as a significant aspect of orca society. In this work, a piece of artificial intelligence called the Orca Algorithm is built on a hunting method that considers these preferences. The Selection Stage, Speeding Stage, and Ambushing Stage are processes used in the development of the Orca Algorithm. Searching for a maneuver that will result in the desired outcome while speeding is an intelligent mechanism. The selection stage is used to choose the ideal target from all potential targets for catching the intended prey. In addition, the Orca number, Wave factor, Prey number, and Hunting cycle are characteristics of the Orca Algorithm. In this study, Orca Algorithm is applied to a dynamic problem associated with flexible loads. The simulation results show that the Orca Algorithm finds the best solution to the problem in the fewest iterations. The computations used to determine demand changes over all periods are fast and smooth, with strong convergence characteristics. In addition, the problem features various characteristics as well as changing usage to cover the whole length solution. Another activity related to service/shopping uses 35,350 EV while the vehicle drives for leisure time around 55,250 and 7,950 for another purpose. Moreover, the EVs have charged in a total power of 3,177.8 MW distributed for a pattern of 2,535.8 MW for two trips and 62.1 MW one way.
Keywords: Hunting, Behavior, Orca, Model, Computation
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| Corresponding Author (AN Afandi)
141 |
Zoology |
ABS-49 |
Climbing Ability and Position of D. melanogaster Pupae that Have Been Exposed to Lead for Generations Solikhah1, a), Iin Hindun1, b), Diani Fatmawati1, c), Siti Zubaidah2, d), Hendra Susanto2, f), and Ahmad Fauzi1, g)
1 Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144)
2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang (Jl. Semarang No. 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia).
Cases of environmental pollution caused by lead are increasing day by day. The purpose of this study was to analyze the behavior of D. melanogaster who had been exposed to lead. D. melanogaster wildtype strain which had been exposed to lead for 10 generations at concentrations of 1000 ppm, 1500 ppm, and 2000 ppm were selected as research subjects. After five generations of exposure were discontinued, tests of climbing ability and duration of climbing of adult D. melanogaster were performed, as well as observation of the pupation position of D. melanogaster. The results of data analysis using one-way ANOVA informed that the difference in lead concentration had a significant effect on climbing ability but had no significant effect on the length of time to climb and the position of the pupa. In conclusion, differences in lead exposure levels do not always have a significant effect on all behavioral parameters.
Keywords: Drosophila behavioral studies, Heavy metal, Plumbum, lead
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| Corresponding Author (Solikhah Solikhah)
142 |
Zoology |
ABS-50 |
The Condition of Drosophila^s Wings That Have Been Exposed to Lead for Generations Indah Permatasari1, a), Iin Hindun1, b), Diani Fatmawati1, c), Siti Zubaidah2, d), Hendra Susanto2, f), and Ahmad Fauzi1, g)
1 Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144)
2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang (Jl. Semarang No. 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia).
Lead is a toxic heavy metal that can pollute the environment. This study aimed to determine the condition of the wings of Drosophila melanogaster that have been exposed to lead. Nine D. melanogaster wildtype strains that had been exposed to 1000, 1500, and 2000 ppm lead were selected as research samples. The data collected consisted of wing length and number of damaged wings. The results showed that there was a significant effect of lead concentration on wing length. On the other hand, only one sample in the 1500 ppm treatment experienced wing damage. The results of this study showed that wing damage due to lead exposure was not inherited in D. melanogaster.
Keywords: Drosophila behavioral studies, Heavy metal, Plumbum, lead
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| Corresponding Author (Indah Permatasari)
143 |
Zoology |
ABS-51 |
DNA Isolation and Amplification of the Cytochrome b Gene from Drosophila melanogaster Ahmad Fauzi1, a), Diani Fatmawati1, b), Diana Khoiroh1, c), Siti Zubaidah2, d), Hendra Susanto2, e), and Poncojari Wahyono1, f)
1 Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144)
2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang (Jl. Semarang No. 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia).
Drosophila melanogaster is the most popular model organism in the field of Biology. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, the utilization of this organism is still far from optimal. This study aimed to isolate DNA and amplify the cytochrome b gene of D. melanogaster. The stages of the research were 1) culturing D. melanogaster- 2) sample treatment process- 3) DNA extraction and purification- 4) test the results of DNA extraction- 5) cytochrome b gene amplification- and 6) analysis of cytochrome b gene amplification results. G-Spin TM Total DNA Extraction kit successfully isolated the genome of D. melanogaster. In a thermo-cycler that was set with a lid temperature of 104C, pre denaturation 94C for 5 minutes, denaturation 94C for 1 minute, annealing for 1 minute, elongation 72C for 2 minutes, and post elongation 72C for 5 minutes, the cytochrome b gene was amplified at annealing temperatures of 57C and 58C. These findings are expected to initiate and encourage wider use of D. melanogaster in various research fields in Indonesia, particularly in molecular studies.
Keywords: cyt b gene, DNA extraction, fruit files, model organism, PCR amplification
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| Corresponding Author (Ahmad Fauzi)
144 |
Zoology |
ABS-52 |
Allium sativum Repellent Test against Drosophila melanogaster Savira Amilda Wakhidya 1, a), Poncojari Wahyono 1, b), Elly Purwanti 1, c), Dwi Setyawan1, d), and Ahmad Fauzi1, e)
1 Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144)
In contrast to its role as a model organism in the laboratory, Drosophila melanogaster act as pests in agriculture. The purpose of this true-experimental study was to determine the effect of Allium sativum as a repellent for D. melanogaster. The process of making repellents using the maceration method while testing the effectiveness of repellents using Y pipes. Concentration of A. sativum (10, 20, 30, and 40%) and pipe length (35 cm and 50 cm) were positioned as independent variables while the number of flies perched was positioned as dependent variable. The results of the two-way analysis of variance test showed that the difference in the concentration of A. sativum had a significant effect on the number of perch of D. melanogaster while the length of the pipe had no significant effect. The best concentration was shown at a concentration of 40% with a repulsion percentage of 87.5%. The results showed that Allium sativum had potential as a repellent for D. melanogaster.
Keywords: fruit fly, natural insecticide, natural pesticide, pest repellent
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| Corresponding Author (Savira Amilda Wakhidya)
145 |
Zoology |
ABS-53 |
Effect of Ocimum basilicum powder on the estrus behavior of the female Timor deer (Rusa timorensis) in Maliran Dita Fitria Anggraeni 1, a), Sukarsono 1, b), Fuad Jaya Miharja 1, c), Husamah1, d), and Ahmad Fauzi1, e)
1 Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144)
Deer are included in the category of vulnerable to extinction. A decrease in the estrus period can reduce the birth rate in deer. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of basil powder (Ocimum basilicum) on the estrus behavior of female Timor deer in Maliran (Blitar, Indonesia). This true experimental design study involved 4 female deer with each treatment with basil powder 0mg/2.5L, 5000mg/2.5L, 6000mg/2.5L, and 7000mg/2.5L. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test showed that there was a significant difference in the behavior of urinating [H(3) = 34,204, p < 0.000], standing tail [H(3) = 33,325, p < 0.000], shouting [H(3) = 37,980 , p < 0,000], standing heat [H(3) = 41,412, p < 0,001], kissing other female [H(3) = 36,092, p < 0,000], walking around the fence [H(3) = 22,109, p < 0.000), and kissing other male [H(3) = 21.603, p < 0.001] given different doses. Basil powder with a dose of 7000mg/2.5L had the highest average on each behavior. The results of this study showed that basil powder was able to increase the average estrus behavior of female deer.
Keywords: deer population, estrus period, mating behavior, mating success
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| Corresponding Author (Dita Fitria Anggraeni)
146 |
Zoology |
ABS-66 |
Extract of Coffee Pulp as Biopesticide for Spodoptera litura L caterpillars in mustard Plants (Brassica juncea L) Dewi Puspita Sari, Harlita, Umi Fatmawati, Meti Indrowati, Slamet Santosa
Doctoral program, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Indonesia
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher and Training Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta Indonesia
Coffee pulp contain flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and saponins that can be used as an alternative to vegetable pesticides for caterpillars on mustard plants.This research aims to determine the effect of coffee pulp extract on mortality and feeding activity of Spodoptera litura caterpillars on mustard plants.This study used an experimental methods and Completely Randomized Design through 2 test stages,namely a preliminary test using probit LC50 and the main test which consists of 2 tests, namely the mortality test and eating activity. The data from the caterpillar mortality test were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis and the feeding activity test was analyzed using one-way ANOVA SPSS 25 test. The results of the research in the preliminary test obtained LC50 concentration of 15%. The results of main tests showed that the highest mortality of caterpillars was at a concentration of 25% extract with a P0 of 100% and the lowest mortality was at a concentration of 0% with a P0 of 0%. The highest caterpillar feeding activity was at a concentration of 0% with a percentage of eating activity at 100% and the lowest feeding activity occurred at a concentration of 25% with a percentage of eating activity at 10%
Keywords: biopesticide, coffe pulp, caterpillars, mustard leaf
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| Corresponding Author (Dewi Puspita Sari)
147 |
Zoology |
ABS-113 |
Gastropod Community Structure in Mangrove Types of Sonneratia alba, Ceriops tagal, and Rhizophora apiculata at Tiga Warna CMC, Malang Taufiqurrahman Akbar, Insafitri, Wahyu Andy Nugraha
Marine Science Study Program, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
CMC Tiga Warna is a village located in Sitiarjo Village, Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency. This research was conducted at the CMC Tiga Warna location. The location was used as a research location because there are mangrove and gastropod ecosystems. This study aims to determine the structure of the gastropod community in the mangrove species Sonneratia alba, Ceriops tagal, and Rhizopora apiculata, to determine mangrove density, gastropod density, the relationship between mangrove density and gastropod density and environmental parameters at CMC Tiga Warna. Observations of gastropods using a 1m x 1m transect at 5 observation points at each station and mangroves using a 10m x10m transect at each station. The research location was determined using purposive sampling method. The research location was divided into 3 stations based on the different types of mangroves. Station 1 species Sonneratia alba is located in West Clungup, station 2 species Ceriops tagal is located in Clungup, and station 3 species Rhizopora apiculata is located in famous stump. Identification of mangrove and gastropod species based on identification book. Data analysis used linear regression. The environmental parameters at the location are fairly good because they are in accordance with quality standards. Based on the results of the identification found 7 species of gastropods at the three stations. The results of the calculation of the community structure at station 1 obtained (H^) moderate, (E) moderate, and (D) low results. The community structure located at station 2 showed low (H^), (E) low, and (D) high results. The community structure located at station 3 shows that (H^) is low, (E) is low, and (D) is high.
Keywords: Gastropods- Mangroves- CMC Tiga Warna, Community structure
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| Corresponding Author (Wahyu Andy Nugraha)
148 |
Zoology |
ABS-117 |
Origin of land snails Lissachatina fulica in Indonesia based on CO1 gene of mitchondrial genome Lora Purnamasari,1Meilisha Putri Pertiwia), Tantry Agnhitya Sari, Achmad Alfian, Jajang Miharja, Achmad Farajallah
IPB University
Jl. Agatis Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
The IUCN committee has categorized bekicot (Achatinidae, Lissachatina fulica) as the top hundreds of the World Worst Invasive Alien Species. This species is widely distributed including in Indonesia and also host of some parasites. Thus, this non-native species is kind of pests, agriculture pest in specific. This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity of land snail, Lissachatina fulica in Indonesia. We used the sequence of CO1 gene of mitochondrial genome to trace the origin of L. fulica in Indonesia. The samples were obtained from various cities in Indonesia. Then, the leg muscle was biopsied using a needle number 18 and being used as a sample for the source of DNA molecules. In result, 19 samples got haplotype identified from 56 polymorphic sites. Moreover, genetic haplotype diversity is 0,846 0,0052 and nucleotide diversity is 0,02979 0,01288. In addition, it has 0,000 0,424 for genetic distance and 0,73439 for fixation index. This value of fixation index indicates multiple re-entry of L. fulica in Indonesia. In conclusion, L. fulica genetic diversity in Indonesia is high and the phylogeography analysis forms 2 main clades which can differentiate among sites.
Keywords: genetic diversity, Indonesia, land snail, Lissachatina fulica
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| Corresponding Author (Meilisha Putri Pertiwi)
149 |
Zoology |
ABS-149 |
Pregnancy and Delivery Behavior of the Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb) in the Bekantan Rescue Center, Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia Anni NURLIANI1)*,Amalia REZEKI2,3), Siti ISTIQOMAH1), RUSMIATI1), and Ferry F. HOESAIN3)
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Lambung Mangkurat University, South Kalimantan 70714, Indonesia
2Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, South Kalimantan 70123, Indonesia
3Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia Foundation, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan 70117, Indonesia
The proboscis monkey is a long-nosed monkey from Borneo Island that delivers a single offspring after a gestation of five or six months. The pregnancy and delivery behavior of the proboscis monkey, which existed in Bekantan Rescue Center, Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia Foundation, was interesting to be observed to provide scientific information for better understanding and successful reproduction in the future. In the current study, a pregnant female proboscis monkey, approximately ten years old, was observed during the last term of pregnancy and during the delivery period. The unique behavior during pregnancy shown were prone posture, being spoiled, and wanting to be stroked on its stomach. The signs of labor noted were the female appeared to be anxious shortly before the birth and often showed the characteristics of posture, such as standing, squatting, and crouching repeatedly. The birth occurred at 10.00 P.M and with a duration of approximately 30 minutes. The four stages of the delivery process were dilatation of the cervix, delivery, pushing out of the placenta, and recovery. The other delivery behavior was reaching, licking the hand, and consuming the placenta.
Keywords: Behavior, delivery, pregnancy, proboscis monkey
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