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Biotechnology |
ABS-25 |
Boosting Plant Growth and Plant Secondary Metabolite Production Using Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) : A Case Study on Medicinal and Industrial Crops Titah Rigel Anjalani (a), Nurul Jadid (a*)
a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Interest and research progress has been made since the discovery of nanotechnology in 1959. Nowadays, Elicited plant in vitro cultures are gaining more interest for their potential in the production scale of industrially for application of these technology. The addition of nanoparticles, for instance, important to improve plant secondary metabolites. Nanoparticles recently emerged as new chemical elicitors acting as signaling agents affecting several processes in plant metabolism encompass their antimicrobial effects and enhancement of secondary metabolites. Moreover, their effects on seedling growth also reviewed. Among all nanoparticles, silver-nanoparticles are well-known for their antimicrobial and hormetic effects, with appropriate doses, led to the improvement of plant biomass as well as secondary metabolite accumulation. This review aims at highlighting and stating recent efforts toward evaluation of the integration of nanotechnology with plant tissue culture and especially conveyed on improving plant secondary metabolites. Here, we focus on medicinal plants and industrial crops: Stevia rebaudiana and Saccharum spp. We emphasized this review on the effect of AgNPs on plant growth and development, physiological, and phytochemical aspects. This updated review might provide a new perspective and alternative tools to enhance plant productivity and could be scaled up for the industrial production of pharmacologically potential metabolites.
Keywords: In vitro culture- Nanotechnology- Saccharum spp.- Secondary metabolite- Silver-nanoparticles- Stevia rebaudiana,
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| Corresponding Author (Nurul Jadid)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-35 |
Germinated Red Rice and Kefir Milk: Functionality and Potency in Food Product Florencia Angel Meliana(a), Catarina Aprilia Ariestanti (a*), Tri Yahya Budiarso (a)
a) Duta Wacana University, Faculty Biotechnology
Red rice is an Indonesian local food that contains bioactive compounds such as phenol and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA), can act as antioxidant. Thus, it has a potency to be developed as an ingredient to produce functional food. Kefir milk is a product contains lactic acid bacteria and yeast and can act as probiotics. The aim of this study was to see the effect of kefir milk added with germinated red rice flour on LAB and yeast, antioxidant activity, and its phenol and GABA content in the end product. Red rice was germinated under 28 and 34 degree celcius in order to increase the antioxidant, phenol, and GABA content. Total LAB and yeast colonies were counted. Antioxidant capacity was done using 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Total phenol and GABA content were measured using Spectrophotometry UV-Vis technique. Results showed that kefir milk combined with germinated red rice-flour can enhance the growth of LAB and yeast. Antioxidant capacity was increased up to 59.95% with phenol and GABA content of 3.577 mg/100mlGAE and 47.329 mg/100g respectively. The results indicated that addition of germinated red rice-flour in kefir milk can enhanced its functionality. Hence, it has a potency as functional food ingredient.
Keywords: Antioxidant, GABA, Germinated red rice, Kefir milk, Phenol
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| Corresponding Author (Florencia Angel Meliana)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-115 |
New Isolated Strain of Thermophilic Bacteria for Promising Urease Producer Endry Nugroho Prasetyo(a*), Garnish Septiani Fidarliyan(a)
a) Gedung H, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Urease is an hydrolysing enzyme which is produced by ureolytic microorganisms that convert urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. Microbial derived urease has wide applications in biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, construction, and geotechnics. Various ecosystems such as soils, oceans and different geological formations can be a good source of urease producing microbes. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize rapidly urease producing thermophilic bacteria from the volcano crater. Sixteen urease producing bacterial isolates were screened and selected using qualitative urease activity assay. Three isolates were expressed high level of urease activity as determined by a chromogenic assay. The isolates were further characterized with regard to their biochemical, morphological and enzymatic profile properties. The results of this research were mostly classified as Bacillus which are able to grow up to temperature 60 degree Celcius. Various subtrates were as well utilized to produce different activity of urease. The highest urease activity was achieved at 3000 U/ml which was produced at temperature 50 degree Celcius.
Keywords: thermophilic bacteria- urease- biochemistry- volcano crater- ureolytic
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| Corresponding Author (Endry Nugroho Prasetyo)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-121 |
Enzymatic and Microbial Biogrouting Using Various Substrates Fida Alya Putri Rimansa, Danu Risqi Yudiargo, Fellycita Kartika Afriliona, Frida Ayu Wahyuwati, Izzatul Islami, Karimatul Millah, Nadhifah Astari Putri, Endry Nugroho Prasetyo*
Gedung H, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Urease is an hydrolising enzyme produce by ureolytic microorganism which convert urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. It is synthesized by a wide range organisms like bacteria, fungi, and some plants. Source of urease-producing microbes is generally distributed in soil and aquatic environments. Urease applications is used in medicine, agriculture and geotechnics. Nowadays, urease is as well extensively used as new alternative replacement of grouting material. The aim of the study was to determine effect of various substrate for grouting applications using enzyme and whole microbes. The result showed that highest strength of grouting materials was achieved using enzyme applications comparing to whole microbes.
Keywords: Urease- Biogrouting- Alternative- Substrate- Whole microbes
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| Corresponding Author (Fida Alya Putri Rimansa)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-123 |
antiproliferative effects of combined cisplatin and ginger extract on triple negative breast cancer cells (a) Sadia Anwari, (b) Praseetha Prabhakaran
a) Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Kabul University, 1001, Kabul, Afghanistan. anwari1995[at]graduate.utm.my
b) Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science, UTM, 81310, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. praseetha[at]utm.my
Triple negative breast cancer is a diverse disease that typically affects younger women and has a higher rate of motility than other types of breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to determine the antiproliferative effects of combined cisplatin and ginger extract on TNBC cells. MTS assay, caspase 3 assays kit , and isobologram analysis were used to investigate the growth inhibitory effect of CISGE, the ability of CISGE to induce apoptosis, and the interaction between cisplatin and GE. On MDAMB231 cells, cisplatin, GE , and combined of cisplatin and GE were tested. Cisplatin, GE, and CISGE inhibited cell viability in a dose-dependent manner. The phenotype of solo cisplatin treated cells was differentiated, whereas the phenotype of GE treated cells was apoptotic. When compared to single dosages, the combination of CISGE enhanced apoptosis considerably, with apoptotic rates of 1.52 and 1.77 percent, respectively. In addition, the combination of CISGE had a strong synergistic impact on MDAMB231 cells. Finally these findings imply that the CISGE therapy strategy could be an effective anticancer agent for TNBC
Keywords: triple negative breast cancer, cisplatin, ginger extract
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| Corresponding Author (Sadia Anwari)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-124 |
Microbial Urease Extracted from Urban Sewer Bacteria Responds to Different Temperature Karimatul Millah, Danu Risqi Yudiargo, Fellycita Kartika Afriliona, Fida Alya Putri Rimansa, Frida Ayu Wahyuwati, Izzatul Islami, Nadhifah Astari Putri, Endry Nugroho Prasetyo*
Gedung H, Departement of Biology, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Urease is an enzyme produced by ureolytic microorganisms that hydrolyzes urea to ammonia and carbamates. Microbial urease is applied in medicine, biotechnology, agriculture, and construction. In the construction industry, urease plays a key role in the precipitation of calcium carbonate which depends on the rate of urea hydrolysis. The rate of urea hydrolysis is mainly influenced by temperature, pH, and substrate concentration. This study aims to determine the effect of temperature on the activity of urease produced by bacteria isolated from urban sewer. The urease activity was tested using the chromogenic method and the temperatures were set at 20, 40, and 60 degrees Celsius. The results of this study indicated that temperature affects urease activity up to 60 degrees Celcius which decreases the enzyme activity.
Keywords: Activity- Bacteria- Urban sewer- Urease- Temperature
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| Corresponding Author (Karimatul Millah)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-125 |
New Isolated Agriculture Waste Bacteria Urease Activity Responds to the Various Buffer Concentration Nadhifah Astari Putri, Danu Risqi Yudiargo, Fellycita Kartika Afriliona, Fida Alya Putri Rimansa, Frida Ayu Wahyuwati, Izzatul Islami, Karimatul Millah, Endry Nugroho Prasetyo*
Gedung H, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Urease is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea, which carries out the decomposition of urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia. This enzyme acts as a unique catalyst for its concrete action on urea, thus generating the preferred nitrogen source of many organisms. urease is abundantly found in plants and bacteria. This study aimed to determine the effect of buffer concentration from newly isolated agriculture waste bacteria urease activity. The concentration was set ranging from 10 - 200 mM. Enzymatic activity of urease was conducted by using phosphate buffer. The activity of the enzyme was assayed by the chromoghenic method. Furthermore, the result of this study showed that the best urease activity was achieved using phosphate buffer concentration at 100 mM.
Keywords: Agriculture waste- Bacteria- Buffer concentration- Phosphate buffer- Urease
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| Corresponding Author (Nadhifah Astari Putri)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-126 |
Urease Production of New Isolated Acidophilic Bacteria at Different pH Levels Danu Risqi Yudiargo, Nadhifah Astari Putri, Fellycita Kartika Afriliona, Fida Alya Putri Rimansa, Frida Ayu Wahyuwati, Izzatul Islami, Karimatul Millah, Endry Nugroho Prasetyo*
Gedung H, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Urease is an enzyme produced by ureolytic microorganisms which hydrolyzes urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide as final end products. The activity of urease can be determined by measuring the amount of ammonia produced. Ammonia levels can be detected using the Nessler method as urease activity. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of pH variation on urease production by new isolated acidhophilic bacteria from urban sewer. The variation of the pH was set between 4 to 7 in 40 degree Celcius incubation temperature while stirring at 150 rpm. The result showed that the highest activity of urease was achieved in the pH 5 by 1500 U/ml.
Keywords: Activity- Bacteria- Enzyme- pH- Urease
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| Corresponding Author (Danu Risqi Yudiargo)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-127 |
Allium sativum Methanolic Extract Effect on Urease Production Using New Isolated Alkaline Bacteria Fellycita Kartika Afriliona, Danu Risqi Yudiargo, Fida Alya Putri Rimansa, Frida Ayu Wahyuwati, Izzatul Islami, Karimatul Millah, Nadhifah Astari Putri, Endry Nugroho Prasetyo*
Gedung H, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Urease is an enzyme produced by ureolytic microorganisms that can hydrolyzes urea to ammonia and carbon dioxide. Microbial urease has also been studied in clinical samples because it is associated with the level of pathogenic microorganisms virulences. Urease producing microbes can be isolated in different ecosystems such as soils and geological formations. This study aims to determine the optimum activity of urease production using gram negative bacteria in the presence of natural inhibitor (Allium sativum extract). The production of the enzyme was determine using Nessler method. The result showed that low concentration of Allium sativum inhibited the production of urease activity at 5000 ppm concentration.
Keywords: Allium sativum- Inhibitor- Urea- Urease- Ureolytic
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| Corresponding Author (Fellycita Kartika Afriliona)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-128 |
The Production of Urease by New Isolated Gram Negative Bacteria Using Different Substrates Frida Ayu Wahyuwati, Danu Risqi Yudiargo, Fellycita Kartika Afriliona, Fida Alya Putri Rimansa, Izzatul Islami, Karimatul Millah, Nadhifah Astari Putri, Endry Nugroho Prasetyo*
Gedung H, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Urease is an enzyme that contains nickel which produced by ureolytic microorganism. Urease catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea to carbon dioxide and ammonia. Microbial urease has wide applications in biotechnology, construction, and geoenvironmental engineering field. Several organic urea based substrates from agricultural waste are often used as urease production media. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various substrate for urease production. Two isolates of Gram negative bacteria were selected for urease fermentation while measuring its qualitative activity. The result showed that the highest urease activity was achieved with addition of urine as a substrate compared to others.
Keywords: Gram negative bacteria- Substrate- Urea- Urease, Urine
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| Corresponding Author (Frida Ayu Wahyuwati)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-129 |
Analysis of Fruit Colors in Three Maturation Stages of Several Types of Chili Pepper Based on Morphology, Physiology and Molecular Estri Laras Arumingtyas, Rosina Monica, Rodiyati Azrianingsih, Mufidah Afiyanti
Biology Department,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Brawijaya University,
Jl. Veteran,
Cakra Hijau, G1M8 and HV-149 chili plants are species of Capsicum frutescens that have varied fruit color characters. The purpose of this study was to compare the morphology, carotenoid content and analyze the variation of the Psy1 gene from the three types of chili plants. The observed characters were plant height, number of branches, color, flower position and shape, fruit color, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight and number of seeds. Carotenoid content was measured from 3 stages of fruit ripening using a spectrophotometer. Psy1 gene profiles were analyzed by sequencing, aligned, compared with Capsicum annuum cultivar Sirenevyjy shokolad Psy1 gene (MT313933.1) on NCBI. The results showed that the plant height, number of branches, length and diameter and fruit weight of the three types of chili pepper were significantly different, while the number of seeds was not significantly different. The carotenoid content of the three types of chili was not significantly different, but based on the stage of fruit ripening, it was significantly different. When compared with the reference varieties, the Psy 1 gene from the three types of cayenne pepper experienced a transversion mutation from guanine to thymine, while when compared between the types studied, the G1M8 strain experienced a point mutation in the form of substitution from cytosine to guanine and the HV-149 variety experienced an insertion mutation. in the form of adenine at the base position 271. The difference in color changes in the ripening process of the three types of chili pepper may be related to the different profile of the Psy1 gene.
Keywords: chili pepper, fruit color, maturation, Psy1
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| Corresponding Author (Estri Laras Arumingtyas)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-130 |
Effect of Various pH on Urease Production from Newly Isolated Gram-negative Bacteria Izzatul Islami, Nadhifah Astari Putri, Danu Risqi Yudiargo, Fellycita Kartika Afriliona, Fida Alya Putri Rimansa, Frida Ayu Wahyuwati, Karimatul Millah, Endry Nugroho Prasetyo*
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Urease (urea amidohydrolase, is a nickel metalloenzyme capable of hydrolyzing carbon-nitrogen bonds in linear amides, such as urea, and producing ammonia and carbon dioxide. Urease applications can be found in the medical industry, food, and biosensors. Variations in pH, ranging from acidic to alkaline, affect cell physiology and protein conformation that can have an effect on urease production and activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum pH of urease production from Gram negative bacteria isolated from urban sewer. The production and activity of urease were assayed using the Bradford and Nessler method respectively. The result showed that the urease activity was achieved at 1500 Unit/ml in alkaline pH after partial purification using ammonium sulphate salting out technique.
Keywords: activity, Gram-negative bacteria, pH, production, urease
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| Corresponding Author (Izzatul Islami)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-140 |
a) Mahasiswa Universitas Jember
Jl. Kalimantan Tegalboto No.37, Krajan Timur, Sumbersari, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68121
b) Universitas Jember
Jl. Kalimantan Tegalboto No.37, Krajan Timur, Sumbersari, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68121
Malaria is an infectious disease caused by plasmodium. The pathogenic mechanism responsible for severe malaria symptoms in Plasmodium falciparum infection is the adhesion of infected erythrocytes (IE) to the microvasculature in vital organs, resulting in organ failure and death, which is mediated by P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1). It is a complex protein, the head structure of PfEMP1 consist of Duffy binding-like (DBL) domain (alfa,beta,gama,delta) and cysteine-rich interdomain region (CIDR) domain (alfa, beta, gamma, delta). The DBL beta2 PfEMP1 domain toxicity test was conducted to obtain information as the basis for the development of peptide-based vaccines.Observation of the toxicity test was carried out by injecting the peptide at a dose of 750 ug in male and female rats. The results of the study during 14 days of observation that there was no weight loss and weight gain of rats, rats did not show any toxic symptoms. The results of IL 6 and TNF alfa examination with ELISA showed no statistically significant difference between the control group and the treatment group. This study shows that the DBL beta2 PfEMP1 recombinant protein from P.falciparum is not toxic so it can be used as a candidate for peptide-based malaria vaccine.
Keywords: Malaria, DBL beta2 PfEMP1 recombinant protein, Acute toxicity test
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| Corresponding Author (Leny Yulia Widia Sari)
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Biotechnology |
ABS-145 |
EFFECT OF VARIATIONS TEXTURIZED SOY PROTEIN CONCENTRATION ON MEAT TASTE IN PLANT-BASED FROZEN FOOD PRODUCTS Kennis Rozana1*, Nuraini Kartikasari1, Dediek Tri Kurniawan2, Nonny Aji Sunaryo3, Harsalim Aimunandar Jayaputra4
1. FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang
2. FE Universitas Negeri Malang
3. FT Universitas Negeri Malang
4. FT Politeknik Negeri Malang
Innovation in the food sector is the most promising innovation, especially since the need for food will be directly proportional to population growth which continues to increase throughout the year. Among the many types of food, frozen food products have a much greater demand than other types of food. Frozen food products are claimed to be more practical for consumption in various activities. The development of non-animal-based frozen food needs to be developed to be an option for vegetarians and groups of people who want to maintain health. This study was conducted to determine the optimal concentration of texturized soy protein as a substitute for meat in non-animal frozen food products while considering the delicious taste that everyone likes. Variations in the concentration of texturized soy protein used were 3%, 5%, and 7%, respectively, of the total amount of all ingredients. Based on the results of research conducted, it is known that a 5% concentration of texturized soy protein produces frozen food products with the same taste, colour, texture, and aroma as animal-based frozen food products in general.
Keywords: Non-animal food, texturized soy protein, food innovation
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| Corresponding Author (Kennis Rozana)
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Botany |
ABS-8 |
Distribution and Concentration of Metal in Acacia from Revegetation Land of Bangka Tin Mining Eka Sari (a,b), Andhika Puspito Nugroho (c), Endah Retnangingrum(c), Irfan Dwidya Prijambada(d*)
a) Doctoral Program in Tropical Biology, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Teknika Selatan, Sekip Utara, Sleman 55281, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Department of Biology, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Jl. Raya Balunijuk, Merawang, Bangka 33172, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Teknika Selatan, Sekip Utara, Sleman 55281, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
d)Graduate School of Biotechnology of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
* irfan_prijambada[at]mail.ugm.ac.id
This study aims to measure and characterize metal accumulation in Acacia organs were carried out, as well as to reveal their relation to the physical, chemical, and metallic properties in the soil from the revegetation land of the Bangka Island tin mining. This research was conducted on three different lands, namely: forest, tin mining revegetation land > 5 years, and tin mine revegetation land < 5 years. Samples were taken in the form of rhizosphere soil and roots, stems and leaves of Acacia. The soil attached to the roots of Acacia was taken slowly, then the physical and chemical properties of the soil were analyzed. Some metals were measured both in the soil and in Acacia organs, such as: Pb, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Mo, Ag, Sn, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Al. Data were analyzed by using multivariate statistical analysis with principal component analysis biplots (PCA biplot), and Pearson correlation analysis with a significance level of 0,05 using Past 4.03. The results of the physical and chemical analysis of the soil have been reported in previous reports. Most of the most abundant metals were found in the roots of Acacia in the forest, namely Sn (24,67 ppm), in GM, namely: Pb (39,70 ppm), in RT, namely Sn (15 ppm). The highest TF value in tin mining revegetation land < 5 years (Mn>Sn>Zn>Ag>Cu) and BCF (Fe>Al>Ag>Cu>Cr>Mn>Sn>Zn>Pb>Co>Ni) as well as BAF (Fe>Al>Ag>Cu>Mn>Sn>Zn>Ni>Pb>Co>Cr) highest in tin mining revegetation land > 5 years. Acacia has been tested as a phytoremediator of Mn, Sn, Ag, Cu, Zn metals with a phytoextraction strategy from the revegetation area of the Bangka Island tin mine. Concentrations of three metals Cr, Cu, Fe were toxic to Acacia roots. Most of the metal distribution was in the roots. Soil physico-chemical properties contribute to high metal content in Acacia roots, including: P and K potential, P and K available, total of exchangeable cations, Ca, Mg, H, PH H2O, and base saturation.
Keywords: Acacia, Metal Accumulation, Bangka, Phytoremediator, BAF, BCF, TF
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| Corresponding Author (Eka Sari Sari)
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Botany |
ABS-36 |
VEGETATIVE CHARACTERS OF SALT RESISTANCE AND SENSITIVE CORN UNDER SALINITY STRESS Kelik Perdana Windra Sukma(a), Budi Setiadi Daryono(b*), Diah Rachmawati(b), Purnomo(b)
a) Doctoral Program, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. TJl. Teknika Selatan, Sekip Utara, Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281
b) Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. TJl. Teknika Selatan, Sekip Utara, Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281
* bs_daryono[at]mail.ugm.ac.id
Salinity stress is one of abiotic factor can decrease cultivated plant. Corn as the third most cultivated cerealia after wheat and rice is also influenced by salinity or salt stress. ^Elos^ is one of Madura local corn that has resistance to salt stress. ^Elos^ can be crossed with salt sensitive corn (^Bonanza^) in order to know inheritance of the resistance. But first, it^s necessary to compare the character of both cultivars under salt sress. The Seedlings of 7 days after planting were planted on polybag containing soil and sand (1:1) which its salinity were 0, 3 and 6 mmHos/cm, replicated 20 times. 23 vegetative characters were observed. The results are the ratio of stem and leaf size treated with salinity with control of ^Elos^ were higher than ^Bonanza^. Chlorophyll content in ^Bonanza^ were significantly different in each treatment while in ^Elos^ were not. The carotene content of both cultivars were not significantly different in each treatment. Qualitative characters in both salinities were generally the same except the color of first leaf sheath. ^Elos^ was red purple while ^Bonanza^ were green. Plant size, chlorophyll content and first leaf sheath color can be the marker of resistance corn to salinity.
Keywords: salinity, corn, character, ^Elos^, ^Bonanza^
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| Corresponding Author (Kelik Perdana Windra Sukma)
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Botany |
ABS-43 |
BIOINSECTICIDE GRANULAES FROM THE LEAF OF WARU (Hibiscus tiliaceus) ON Spodoptera litura F. TO INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY OF PAKCOY (Brassica chinensis) Kristanti Indah Purwani, Cindy Widya Aulia, Annisa Nur Fitriani
Departmen of Biology, Faculty Sains and Analitical Data, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
Waru plant (Hibiscus tiliaceus) is a plant that contains active compounds of saponins, alkaloids, and flavonoids that can be used as bioinsecticides. This study aims to determine the effect of bioinsecticide application from the active ingredient of hibiscus leaf (Hibiscus tiliaceus) with granules formulation in preventing the attack of armyworm (Spodoptera litura) on pakcoy (Brassica chinensis) plants. The method used in this research is maceration extraction then the extract is compressed into granular form with different formulations and the addition of several additional ingredients, K1 is a water control treatment, K2 is a control treatment of hibiscus leaf extract with a concentration of 45%, K3 is a control treatment of additives with water composition 45 ml + cassava flour 25 g + CMC 20 g + husk 10 g, P1 is treatment 1 with the composition of hibiscus leaf extract 45 ml + cassava flour 20 g + CMC 25 g + husk 10 g, P2 is treatment 2 with extract composition hibiscus leaf 45 ml + cassava flour 25 g + CMC 25 g + husk 5 g, and P3 is treatment 3 with the composition of hibiscus leaf extract 45 ml + cassava flour 25 g + CMC 20 g + husk 10 g. The test of the effectiveness of bioinsecticides was carried out by spraying application of liquefied granules at a dose of 20 g/l. The research design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 repetitions. Observational data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA statistical test. From the results of the research that has been carried out, it is found that the characteristics of good granules to be used as biopesticides are hard textures, dark green in color with irregular round shapes. Administration of bioinsecticides with granular formulations from hibiscus leaf extract (H. tiliaceus) gave an effective effect on the mortality of armyworm larvae (S. litura F.) in pakcoy (B. chinensis) with a mortality of 43% at P1, 47% at P2 and 43% at P3. The administration of bioinsecticides with granular formulations from hibiscus
Keywords: Bioinsecticide, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Spodoptera litura
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| Corresponding Author (Kristanti Indah Purwani)
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Botany |
ABS-71 |
The response of cowpea genotypes (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) toward drought stress Dwi Setyo Rini* and Hartati Saman*
*Research Centre for Genetic Engineering,
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Indonesia
Jalan Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 46 Cibinong, West Java, 16911 Indonesia
Drought is a major environmental constraint for agriculture affecting the growth and development of plants. Due to its effect, drought can be drastically altered the agricultural production in the world. This research was conducted to study the response of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) as a legume plant having a high nutritional value related to its protein and fiber contents. Our previous research has identified cowpea genotypes, namely Carolina and Pinu Pahar, as drought-sensitive and tolerant genotypes to drought stress, respectively. In this study, the results at the pod filling stage indicated that the relative ratio of root : shoot DW (dry weight) of Caroline and Pinu Pahar genotypes watered in every seven days, showed 1.04-fold and 2.5-fold inductions, respectively as compared to their control conditions. The data of leaf dehydration assay after 20 minutes presented that the leaves of Caroline genotype lost 60.9% of total leaf weight, whereas Pinu Pahar genotype only decreased by 27.8% of leaf weight. The expression of CPRD12 (Cowpea Clones Responsive to Dehydration12) was analyzed in this study. In the dry conditions for 15 days, the transcript level of CPRD12 (Cowpea Clones Responsive to Dehydration12) gene more increased in drought-sensitive cowpea genotype as compared to drought-tolerant genotype.
Keywords: cowpea, CPRD12, drought stress, water loss
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| Corresponding Author (Dwi Setyo Rini)
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Botany |
ABS-78 |
Revealing the identity of a Palaquium gutta specimen of Bogor Botanic Gardens using DNA Barcoding Prima Wahyu Kusuma Hutabarat, Muhammad Rifqi Hariri, Fauzi Akbar
Research Center for Biosystematic and Evolution, National Research and Innovation Agency- State Islamic University of Walisongo
Living collections of botanic garden have been one of reliable reference in species determination. Bogor Botanic Gardens^ (BBG) 2019 database recorded about 25% of Sapotaceae collection were identified to genus or family level only. Furthermore some specimens may have incorrect identity due to complexity of vegetative character or reproductive characters which is not always available. Identification of a historical and economical important species, Palaquium gutta, has a long problematic due to its complex morphology until now. A field morphological observation led the possibility of misidentification of a BBG specimen of ^Palaquium gutta^. By employing the ITS region and generating a phylogenetic tree, we revealed the true identity of the specimen. The DNA barcoding is a powerful method in supporting conventional morphological assessment, particularly reidentification or confirming a Palaquium gutta spesimen of Bogor Botanic Gardens.
Keywords: Gutta percha, Sapotaceae, Internal transcribed spacer, Payena acuminata, identification
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| Corresponding Author (Prima Wahyu Kusuma Hutabarat)
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Botany |
ABS-101 |
Ethnobotany of Ngurisan Ritual by Sasak Tribe in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia Slamet Mardiyanto Rahayu (a*), Luchman Hakim (b), Jati Batoro (b), Kurniasih Sukenti (c)
a) Doctoral Student of Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Jl. Veteran, Lowokwaru, Malang, Indonesia
b) Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Jl. Veteran, Lowokwaru, Malang, Indonesia
c) Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Mataram
Jl. Majapahit, Gomong, Mataram, Indonesia
Sasak is a native tribe of Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The Sasak Tribe communities still maintain their traditional rituals- one of them is the Ngurisan Ritual (NR). NR is a ritual tradition of cutting the baby^s hair, which is carried by his father brought around the line of people (guests salvation) who read sholawat, while taking turns cutting the baby^s hair by using scissors, only the ends of the hair are cut, which aims to remove hot hair (hair section clumping) in order to avoid bad luck and at the same time carry out sunnah of the Prophet. This study aims to analyze the diversity of plants used in NR by the Sasak Tribe in Central Lombok Regency. The study was conducted in Sengkol Village, Mertak village, Kuta Village, and Sukadana Village with an ethnobotany approach through surveys using interviews and participatory observations. The data were analyzed qualitatively using descriptive statistics. There are 21 species belong to 15 families of plants used in the NR. The Sasak Tribe plant various types of these plants in cultural landscape units, namely: leah (homegarden), kebon (garden), and bangket (rice fields). This is an effort to conserve various plants that are useful in the NR.
Keywords: Tradition, Lombok Island, Cultural Landscape, Plant Conservation
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111 |
Botany |
ABS-142 |
Inventarisation of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) In Pandeglang District Banten Mujijah1,a) and Issirep Sumardi2,b)
1(Doctoral Program Biology, Faculty Biology of Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta)
2(Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta)
a) Corresponding author: mujijah[at]gmail.com
Abstract. Pandeglang is one of the regencies in Banten Province which is famous as an agricultural area that produces various types of agriculture as well as vegetables. Eggplant is one of the Familia Solanaceae^s cultivars, a source of vitamins and minerals (Ansari et al. 2021). Solanaceae grows all over the world (Gunasekar & Kannan. 2018). Has a lot of variation, especially in the fruit depending on the cultivar. The large variety of shapes is very interesting to study, especially in observing morphological characters. Based on the results of research that has been carried out in Pandeglang Regency, Banten, it was found that there were approximately 13 cultivars, namely Ratih purple, Antaboga purple, Mustang, Panjalu, Green Long, Purple Wren, Striped Green Wren, Big Striped Green Wren, Purple Green Wren, Green Wren, Big green Wren, White Wren, Short Purple. Characterization results Based on the morphological characters of the eggplant cultivar, the highest plant size was the long green cultivar + 150 cm, and the shortest cultivar was the large striped green cultivar + 82.5 cm.
Keywords: Cultivar, Eggplant, inventarisation, Characterization, Pandeglang Banten
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| Corresponding Author (Mujijah Mujijah)
112 |
Botany |
ABS-150 |
Early Exploration of The Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) in Ternate Island by Using Morphology Approach Nurhasanah 1,2,a), Karuniawan A 1, b), Sundari 2) and Hidayah L.2)
1 Department of Agricultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran
2 Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Khairun
a)Corresponding author : nurhasanah[at]unkhair.ac.id
Abstract: Ternate island was one of Wallace^s lines for the center of biodiversity in the North of Molucca. One unique name of plant related to Ternate island was the butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.). Here, we explored butterfly pea in Ternate island by using the morphology approach. All plant was collected directly on the field based on information obtained from the local community before it was analyzed descriptively. In our study, we found eleven accessions spread among the island. There were three types of plants: wild, domestication, and cultivation. The leaf morphology is elliptic, ovate, and acute, with the number of leaflets from five to 7. The flower^s characteristic bears the blue and dark blue color of petals- petals consist of one large petal as the vexillum and two pairs of petals in the middle of the large petal. It has a diadelphous stamen with vary number of anthers, a single pistil with a higher position than stamen, fused of 5 sepals. The fruit has a linear-oblong shape. Inside the fruit, there is various a number of seed from 3 to 10 in one pod. Seed shapes are kidney or square.
Keywords: Exploration, Clitoria ternatea, Morphology, Ternate Island
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| Corresponding Author (Nurhasanah MSi)
113 |
Botany |
ABS-152 |
Exploration of the Phytotoxicity Potential of Oxalis Weed: Inhibition of Germination of Mustard Seeds (Brasica rapa var parachinensis) by Oxalis latifolia Ethanol Extract. Rahmi Masita, Ailia Nur Fadlilah, Aura Putri Agatha
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang
Pest control, especially weeds, is a major challenge in sustainable agriculture. As a competing crop for agricultural crops, weed control requires careful herbicide selection and application strategy. Herbicide reduction in sustainable agriculture can be done through interactions between plants or allelopathy in plants. In this study, Oxalis latifolia weed was extracted using ethanol as a solvent and tested for its inhibitory activity on mustard greens (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis). The ethanolic extract of O. latifolia was dissolved in distilled water at a concentration of 20 mg/ml and 33 mg/ml. Germination inhibition test was carried out on petri dishes lined with filter paper and 20 green mustard seeds were placed per petri dish. The extract and control treatments (aquades) were repeated 3 times each and were observed for 3 days. The results obtained showed that the extract of O. latifolia inhibited 100% of green mustard seed germination. This high inhibition value still needs to be studied further to determine the mechanism and minimal inhibition concentration.
Keywords: Oxalis, herbicide, allelopathy, ground vegetation, diversity
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114 |
Environmental Engineering |
ABS-44 |
WATER QUALITY MONITORING SYSTEM USING NODE-RED AND NODEMCU BASED ON IOT Haidar Ali (a), Renaldi Dwi Saputra (a), Nandang Mufti (a,c*), Siti Zulaikah (a), Muladi (b)
a) Department of Physics, Faculty of Matematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia.
b) Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia.
c) Center of Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy (CAMRY), Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia.
This real-time water quality monitoring system is a system development concept to support the 4.0 industrial revolution. This monitoring system is based on IoT which is integrated with the Node-RED platform so that it can be monitored in real-time. This study aims to create a real-time monitoring system, display monitoring results using the Node-RED platform, calibrate the device, and validate the device with standard laboratory tools. The main components used are microcontroller NodeMCU ESP32, DS18B20 temperature sensor, pH4502C sensor, and Gravity Sensor TDS Meter. This research begins with building a hardware and software system, then the output value will be displayed on the Node-RED platform. The calibration results on the pH sensor are read in the form of voltage. At a voltage of 0.97 V produces a pH of 4.27, a voltage of 1.46 V produces a pH of 6.21 and at a voltage of 2.40 V produces a pH of 10.25. Temperature sensor validation produces the highest error with 0.89% and the lowest error reaches 0.02%. The pH sensor gets the highest error value of 0.58% and the lowest is 0.07%. In the validation of the TDS sensor, the lowest error value is 0.24%, while the highest is 2%.
Keywords: monitoring, water, IoT, NodeMCU
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115 |
Environmental Engineering |
ABS-46 |
Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things Using Microcontroller Renaldi Dwi Saputra, Haidar Ali, Saparullah, Sunaryono, Sukarni, Muladi, and Nandang Mufti
1. Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang 65145, Indonesia
2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang 65145, Indonesia
3. Centre of Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy, Universitas Negeri Malang 65145, Indonesia
Water is a crucial element for all life on earth. The fact that the earth is made up of 71% water is undeniable. But actually, only about 1% of the remaining fresh water can be consumed by humans. This little water faces various threats such as human activities, industry, and various other activities that pollute the environment which causes the health quality of the water to be threatened, so it is necessary to have a device that can guarantee water quality in a safe condition so that it does not become a source of disease for living things. Water quality monitoring devices can be built using the ESP32 microcontroller and sensors such as temperature, TDS, EC, salinity, and turbidity programmed via Arduino IDE. The data monitored are sent and stored to a MySQL via the internet. Then the stored results are displayed through the NodeRed user interface. Sensors are calibrated according to the characteristics of each sensor and then validated with a standard Hanna Instrument 98194 Multiparameter measuring instrument. The results show that the sensor measurement results have an R-square value above 85% which indicates that the system built shows results that are calibrated with standard measuring instruments
Keywords: Water Quality, IoT, Microcontroller, Smart System
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116 |
Environmental Engineering |
ABS-60 |
Monitoring of Water Quality and Plankton Composition in Porong Estuary, Sidoarjo Uun Yanuhar, Muhammad Musa, Herly Evanuarini, Nur Sakinah Junirahma and Nico Rahman Caesar
Brawijaya University
Disposal of Lapindo mud which carries nutrients and other dissolved organic matter into the Porong estuary, can cause the death of aquatic organisms due to high contamination and disturbance of aquatic ecosystems. The presence of phytoplankton can provide information about the current state of the Porong estuary. The purpose of this study was to report water quality and plankton composition in the Porong estuary. The method used in this study is a survey method with a descriptive approach. Determination of the sampling point using purposive random sampling technique with three stations. The research variables observed included water quality parameters including temperature, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Total Organic Matter (TOM), pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), nitrate, ammonia, orthophosphate, salinity, and observations of phytoplankton in the waters. The water quality values at stations 1, 2, and 3 respectively for TSS, pH, DO, BOD, TOM, nitrate, ammonia, orthophosphate shows a less than optimal value. Water conditions based on plankton abundance 24,678 cells/mL, 44,904 cells/mL, 18,312 cells/mL were euthropic. The average of water quality parameters classified as less than optimal. Relatively, station 1 is the station with the best conditions between stations 2 and 3.
Keywords: water quality- plankton- porong- estuary
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| Corresponding Author (Uun Yanuhar)
117 |
Environmental Engineering |
ABS-76 |
Stikes Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan
Neonates are a group that is prone to experience health problems that require treatment to maintain their lives. Neonates will often undergo invasive procedures that cause pain, increasing morbidity. Healing touch is a non-pharmacological intervention to reduce pain in neonates. This study aims to determine the effect of touch therapy (healing touch) toward reducing pain scale in neonates in NICU Room of Dr Mohamad Saleh Hospital, Probolinggo .This research was pre-experimental with one group pretest posttest design. Data was taken at NICU on August 2021 by accidental sampling, the number of respondents was 15 infants aged 0-28 days. The healing touch intervention was performed once for 15 minutes after the invasive procedure. Pain scale measurement using NIPS. Data collection includes coding, editing, and tabulating then the data is analyzed by using the Pairet Samples T Test. The results of the Paired Samples Test analysis showed that r = 0.000 so that r = 0.000 < = 0.05. From the results of this analysis, it can be concluded that H1 is accepted, which means that there is an effect of healing touch on the reduction of pain scale in neonates in NICU room at the Mohamad Saleh Hospital, Probolinggo .Healing Touch is a complementary therapy that can be used as an option to help overcome pain complaints in neonates so that it can be applied in the treatment room.
Keywords: Pain, Healing Touch, Neonates.
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| Corresponding Author (Sunanto .)
118 |
Environmental Engineering |
ABS-81 |
Disaster Mitigation Skill Up by Applying Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy (DRR) on Disaster Impact Estimation: A Study From Villages With High Disaster Incidence Achmad Kusyairi1,a), Widya Addiarto2,b) and Achmad Junaedi3,c)
1,2,3Department of Nursing, STIKes Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan, Probolinggo, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: achmadkusyairi[at]stikeshafshawaty.ac.id
Abstract. The impact that will occur if preparedness is low can lead to more severe impacts of disasters (floods) such as those that occur in fatalities, serious injuries, many victims who are displaced and diseases arise from damaged environmental conditions. The research aims to Skill Up Disaster Mitigation through Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy (DRR) for Disaster Impact Estimation. Mitigation activities through Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) include Disaster Risk Assessment Methods, Seasonal Calendar Analysis, and Table Top Applications. By knowing the level of vulnerability and hazard as well as the amount of capacity they have, the community is able to plan actions to be taken. Disaster reduction strategies include activities aimed at realizing community resilience against the impacts of natural, technological and environmental disasters as well as changing the pattern of protection against disasters into disaster risk management by carrying out strategy development activities, risks into sustainable development activities.
Keywords: Disaster Mitigation, Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy, Disaster Estimation Impact
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| Corresponding Author (Achmad Kusyairi)
119 |
Environmental Engineering |
ABS-118 |
Identification of Leachate Flow Using Resistivity Method of Wenner-Schlumberger Configuration at Mrican Landfill, Jenangan District, Ponorogo Regency Hanif Izzuddin Zakly, Yoyok Adisetio Laksono, Daeng Achmad Suaidi, and Siti Zulaikah
Departement of Physics
The Mrican landfill in Jenangan Subdistrict, Ponorogo Regency is a type of controllerd landfill with an area of 1.7 ha and an average waste per day of 70 tons. The Mrican landfill at this time was declared overloaded. The study was conducted to determine the distribution of leachate water using the Wenner-Schlumberger configuration geoelectric method with the estimation of the leachate water resisiivity value below 10 Ohmm. The research that has been carried out using 4 passes, track 1 with a track length of 100 m and sepation between electrodes of 10m obtained a small recissivity anomaly of 6.75-7.45 Ohmm. However, on track 1, the location is located away from the landfill location so it is suspected that it is only surface water. On track 2 with a trajectory length of 200 m and a sepation between electrodes of 20 m, a small recissivity anomaly of 6.8-9.45 Ohmm was found . The result is also suspected to be leachate water does to track 2 passes through a pile of garbage. On track 3 with a track length of 100m and sepation between electrodes of 10 m, a very small resistivity anomaly of 1.92-5.45 Ohmm is leachate water with a depth of more than 24.8 m. On track 4 with a track length of 100 m and a sepation of 10 m, an anomaly of a small resistivity of 3.46-6.29 Ohmm with a depth of more than 24.8 m was leachate water from the Mrican landfill. A small resistivity of 1.92-6.8 Ohmm which is suspected to be leachate water from the Mrican landfill collected on the southeast side of the landfill with the direction of the leachate water concentration tending towards the east out of the waste center with a total volume of 1,375,785.25 cubic meter.
Keywords: geoelectric, leachate, wenner-schlumberger, Mrican landfill
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| Corresponding Author (Hanif Izzuddin Zakly)
120 |
Environmental Engineering |
ABS-122 |
Application of 3D Resistivity Method on Detecting Groundwater in Kalisangkrah Hamlet Field, Sumberoto Village, Donomulyo District, Malang Regency Reta Lola Oftaviana, Yoyok Adisetio Laksono, Siti Zulaikah
department of physics universitas negeri malang
Ground water is a major need for human daily life. Groundwater needs tend to increase so that new water sources are needed. However, the increase in development causes the land for water drilling to decrease. This study aims to identify the presence of groundwater as a source of clean water in drought-stricken areas, namely in Sumberoto Village, Donomulyo District, Malang Regency. The method used is the geoelectric method of resistivity of the Wenner-Schlumberger configuration. The data was processed using Res2Dinv software to produce resistivity contour in 2D. The data is then processed into 3D resistivity contours using Rockworks software. Based on geological maps and 3D resistivity contours, the area can be estimated to have 2 layers of soil consisting of clay and limestone. The reciprocity value obtained is 10 ohm meter - 300 ohm meter at a depth of 25 meters, thus indicating that the area has a low groundwater potential.
Keywords: Groundwater, Geoelectricity, Wenner-Schlumberger Configuration, Donomulyo
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