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Allium sativum Repellent Test against Drosophila melanogaster
Savira Amilda Wakhidya 1, a), Poncojari Wahyono 1, b), Elly Purwanti 1, c), Dwi Setyawan1, d), and Ahmad Fauzi1, e)

1 Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144)


In contrast to its role as a model organism in the laboratory, Drosophila melanogaster act as pests in agriculture. The purpose of this true-experimental study was to determine the effect of Allium sativum as a repellent for D. melanogaster. The process of making repellents using the maceration method while testing the effectiveness of repellents using Y pipes. Concentration of A. sativum (10, 20, 30, and 40%) and pipe length (35 cm and 50 cm) were positioned as independent variables while the number of flies perched was positioned as dependent variable. The results of the two-way analysis of variance test showed that the difference in the concentration of A. sativum had a significant effect on the number of perch of D. melanogaster while the length of the pipe had no significant effect. The best concentration was shown at a concentration of 40% with a repulsion percentage of 87.5%. The results showed that Allium sativum had potential as a repellent for D. melanogaster.

Keywords: fruit fly, natural insecticide, natural pesticide, pest repellent

Topic: Zoology

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