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Origin of land snails Lissachatina fulica in Indonesia based on CO1 gene of mitchondrial genome
Lora Purnamasari,1Meilisha Putri Pertiwia), Tantry Agnhitya Sari, Achmad Alfian, Jajang Miharja, Achmad Farajallah

IPB University
Jl. Agatis Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia


The IUCN committee has categorized bekicot (Achatinidae, Lissachatina fulica) as the top hundreds of the World Worst Invasive Alien Species. This species is widely distributed including in Indonesia and also host of some parasites. Thus, this non-native species is kind of pests, agriculture pest in specific. This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity of land snail, Lissachatina fulica in Indonesia. We used the sequence of CO1 gene of mitochondrial genome to trace the origin of L. fulica in Indonesia. The samples were obtained from various cities in Indonesia. Then, the leg muscle was biopsied using a needle number 18 and being used as a sample for the source of DNA molecules. In result, 19 samples got haplotype identified from 56 polymorphic sites. Moreover, genetic haplotype diversity is 0,846 0,0052 and nucleotide diversity is 0,02979 0,01288. In addition, it has 0,000 0,424 for genetic distance and 0,73439 for fixation index. This value of fixation index indicates multiple re-entry of L. fulica in Indonesia. In conclusion, L. fulica genetic diversity in Indonesia is high and the phylogeography analysis forms 2 main clades which can differentiate among sites.

Keywords: genetic diversity, Indonesia, land snail, Lissachatina fulica

Topic: Zoology

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