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Effect of Ocimum basilicum powder on the estrus behavior of the female Timor deer (Rusa timorensis) in Maliran
Dita Fitria Anggraeni 1, a), Sukarsono 1, b), Fuad Jaya Miharja 1, c), Husamah1, d), and Ahmad Fauzi1, e)

1 Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144)


Deer are included in the category of vulnerable to extinction. A decrease in the estrus period can reduce the birth rate in deer. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of basil powder (Ocimum basilicum) on the estrus behavior of female Timor deer in Maliran (Blitar, Indonesia). This true experimental design study involved 4 female deer with each treatment with basil powder 0mg/2.5L, 5000mg/2.5L, 6000mg/2.5L, and 7000mg/2.5L. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test showed that there was a significant difference in the behavior of urinating [H(3) = 34,204, p < 0.000], standing tail [H(3) = 33,325, p < 0.000], shouting [H(3) = 37,980 , p < 0,000], standing heat [H(3) = 41,412, p < 0,001], kissing other female [H(3) = 36,092, p < 0,000], walking around the fence [H(3) = 22,109, p < 0.000), and kissing other male [H(3) = 21.603, p < 0.001] given different doses. Basil powder with a dose of 7000mg/2.5L had the highest average on each behavior. The results of this study showed that basil powder was able to increase the average estrus behavior of female deer.

Keywords: deer population, estrus period, mating behavior, mating success

Topic: Zoology

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