Evaluate the energy needs of workers
Merry Sunaryo

Faculty of Health, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya


Nutritional status is one of the elements in determining the physical condition or physical quality of a person or certain community groups. Basically work is a physical activity that always requires energy that comes from intake. The more physical activity, the more energy needs. Workers are a group of people who need sufficient energy. This study aims to meet the energy needs of workers. This type of research is quantitative with a cross sectional design. The method used is observational. The results showed that most of the workers^ nutritional status was abnormal, namely obesity, overweight, and underweight. In terms of energy needs, most of them are still not in accordance with the energy activities carried out. So that the energy needs of workers do not match the energy intake consumed by workers. Suggestions that need to be done by workers are to do a calorie diet according to the energy needs and workload or type of activity of the workers.

Keywords: Nutrition, Energy needs, workers

Topic: Physiology

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