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1 Biochemistry ABS-17

Nurul Elviah1a) Subandi1b) Muntholib1c) Rina Rifqie Mariana* 2d) Budi Wibowotomo2e) Ummi Rohajatien2f)

1(Departemen of Chemistry, faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 5 Malang, East Java Indonesia, 65145)
2 Departement of Culinary Education Study Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 5 Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 65145)


The most prevalent of DM is 2 type that caused by insensitivity cell receptor to insulin. This 2 type of DM can cause by a lack of chromium (Cr), a vital part of the receptor. Thus, the replacement habit of using white crystal sugar by sugarcane juice as a sweetener is assumed to significantly decrease DM prevalence, due to higher Cr and secondary metabolites content of sugar cane juice than white crystal sugar.
The aims of this research are to analyze the mineral (Cr, K, and Ca) and secondary metabolites contents of sugarcane juice, as well as white crystal sugar. Mineral contents were determined using the ICP method, while the secondary metabolites were analyzed qualitatively using a phytochemical test and quantitatively as TFC.
The results had shown that all of the sugarcane juice samples (type PS: 881, 882, and 092) has higher chromium contents (0.3 - 0.2 - and 0.2 ppm) than crystal white sugar has (0.013 ppm). The content of K and Ca of the samples juice also higher than the same minerals content of white crystal sugar has. More over the phytochemical test also disclosed that sugarcane juice contained flavonoid (0,09%), alkaloid, and saponin, whereas white crystal sugar did not.

Keywords: Sugarcane Juice, Crom, anti diabetes, Secondary metabolites

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2 Biochemistry ABS-32

Evaluation of Total Phenolic and Antioxidant Activity in Agung Banana Peels During Ripening Process
Luthfi Syarifa Rasyidatu Hasnanda (a), Abdul Gofur (a), Yunita Rakhmawati (*a)

a) Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia


Agung Banana is one of the banana cultivars originating from Lumajang and one of the primary commodities in East Java. Banana is one of the climacteric fruit so the ripening process of the fruit affects changes in color, sugar, phytochemical content, and antioxidants. Agung bananas can be utilized at various levels of ripening, but the peels have not been used optimally. Banana peel has the potential as a source of natural antioxidants because it contains phenolic compounds that can reduce free radical activity. This study aimed to determine the total phenol and antioxidant activity of the Agung banana peel at several ripening levels. Total phenolic compounds in the Agung banana peel extract were analyzed using the Folin-Ciocalteu method, while the antioxidant activity was analyzed using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil method. The results showed that the level of fruit maturity significantly affected the total phenol and antioxidant activity of the Agung banana peel. The ripeness of bananas that are getting ripe is directly proportional to the higher levels of total phenol and antioxidants. Further research of other phytochemical compounds in the Agung banana peel is needed before development for food diversification.

Keywords: Antioxidant Activity- Phenol- Agung Banana- Ripening Stage

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3 Biochemistry ABS-37

Flavonoid Content and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) Seed Extract in Different Level Polarity of Solvent
Novi Silvia Hardiany1*, Fadilah2, Filda Vionita Irene de Lima3, Syarifah Dewi1, Irah Namirah4

1Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
2Department of Medical Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
3Magister Program of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
4Doctoral Program of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia


Coriander seeds are widely used as anti-pain, anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperglycemia and anti-hyperlipidemia in the traditional medical field. As an antioxidant, coriander seeds are also able to reduce the formation of free radicals due to the presence of polyphenolic compounds. In several studies it is known that coriander is capable of being a good radical scavenger in extracts in various solvents, however different solvents probably produce different phytochemical component. This study aimed to analyze the phytochemical components and total antioxidant activity of coriander seed extract in different level polarity of solvents. Maceration and extraction of coriander seeds was carried out using polar (ethanol), semipolar (ethyl acetate), and nonpolar (n-hexane) solvents. Phytochemical analysis, total flavonoid content, and total antioxidant capacity were performed on each extract. Statistical analysis was conducted using one-way ANOVA test. Phytochemical test showed that all extracts contained flavonoids, terpenoids and alkaloids. Glycosides are only found in ethyl acetate and hexane extracts. Ethanol extract had the highest flavonoid content compared to ethyl acetate extract and n-hexane extract. In addition, the highest total antioxidant capacity was found in the ethanol extract compared to the ethyl acetate extract and n-hexane extract, which was statistically significant. In conclusion, flavonoid content and total antioxidant capacity in Coriander seed extract is influenced by polarity of the solvent. Ethanol solvent for Coriander seed extract produce the highest flavonoid content and total antioxidant capacity.

Keywords: Coriander seed, flavonoid, total antioxidant capacity

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4 Biochemistry ABS-55

Optimization Production and Characterization of Fish Protein Hydrolysate (FPH) from Lemuru Fish Head Enzymatically With Papain
Jannatul Firdaus (a), Evi Susanti (ab*), Suharti (a)

a) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5 Malang 65154, Indonesia
b) Biotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5 Malang 65154, Indonesia


Lemuru fish head have potential as Fish Protein Hydrolyzate (FPH). This study aims to determine the optimum conditions of FPH production, characterization, antibacterial and antioxidant activity of FPH. This study consists of five stages, namely (1) Isolation of crude extract, (2) Test of protein content and papain enzyme activity, (3) Optimization of FPH production method, (4) Characterization of FPH, and (5) Test of antibacterial and antioxidant activity of FPH. The results showed that the optimum method of FPH production was the incubation time for 90 minutes with the optimum amount of papain enzyme of 30 microliters in 8 ml phosphate buffer. The resulting characterization includes protein content of 28,76%, fat content of 0.224%, ash content of 60,89%, and water content of 24,54%. The protein hydrolyzate profile obtained by the SDS PAGE method contained bands with a molecular weight of about 10 to 25 kDa. FTIR results show that there are hydroxyl, carbonyl, and amide functional groups. Protein hydrolyzate can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli bacteria at a concentration of 1000 ppm by producing an inhibition zone diameter of 8.05 mm. The IC50 value in the sample is 261,637 ppm which can inhibit DPPH free radicals.

Keywords: antibacterial, antioxidant, characterization, lemuru, papain.

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5 Biochemistry ABS-58

The Effect of Additional Organic Matter on The Content of Nitrogen, Fosfor, and Kalium in The Manufacture of Liquid Organic Fertilizer
Ratna Juwita1*, Muhammad Alfian Mizar2, Indra Kurniawan Saputra1, Bayu Satriyo Wibowo3, Dhea Amalia Putri Diva1, Endang Wahyuni1, Hanif Nabila Rahmi1, Nurlayla Astarin3 , and Alfrida Parma Fadmasari3

1Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia


The production of fresh fruit processing produces skin waste which can cause environmental pollution if not processed properly. This organic waste can be used as liquid organic fertilizer (POC) which contains nutrients, especially nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). The use of POC can help improve soil structure and quality. The advantage of POC is the nutrients contained are more easily absorbed by plants than solid organic fertilizers. In this study, POC was made from several types of organic waste, namely star fruit skin, pineapple, and papaya. The method of making POC with the fermentation process was carried out for one month and samples were taken on days 7, 14, 21, and 29 to analyze the nitrogen content by Kjeldahl method, phosphorus and potassium by UV-vis spectrophotometry method. This study aims to identify the levels of NPK in the waste of star fruit, pineapple, and papaya combined with household waste such as: animal bones, animal blood, wood ash, and azolla microphylla. In this study, the best POC was produced with a fermentation time of 7-14 days with the addition of azolla microphylla it could increase the nitrogen element in plants.

Keywords: POC, NPK, fermentation

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6 Biochemistry ABS-79

Allicin Promotes Wound Healing In A Diabetic Rats Model By Reducing Inflammation
Agik Priyo Nusantoro (1-2) ,Kuntaman (3), and David Sontani Perdanakusuma(4)

1. Doctoral Program of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Moestopo Road No. 47, Surabaya 60285, Indonesia 2. Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Kusuma Husada, Jaya Wijaya Road No. 11, Surakarta 57136, Indonesia
3. Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Moestopo Road No. 47, Surabaya 60285, Indonesia 4. Department of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Moestopo Road No. 47, Surabaya 60285


INTRODUCTION The condition of diabetes mellitus causes postponed wound healing where the inflammatory phase of the wound-healing process becomes prolonged due to excessive inflammatory reactions. Allicin is a natural active substance discovered in garlic with antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and various benefits. Allicin is often applied to experimental animals to treat certain diseases through intragastric or intraperitoneal administration, but whether Allicin is effectively administered topically as an excision wound medication in a diabetic rat model. The study aimed to see the effect of Allicin provided in a topical form to reduce inflammation and accelerate wound healing. METHOD. Twenty (20) male Wistar rats were modelled for diabetes with Streptozotocin induction. Rats with glucose levels >250mg/dl were considered diabetic rats which were excised in 1cm x 1cm size and divided into two groups. The control group obtained a placebo, and the treatment group received an allicin concentration of 10mg/ml. Both formulas were applied topically once a day for seven days on the excision wound gradually. Both groups were terminated on the third (3rd) and seventh (7th) days to observe inflammatory cells. RESULT AND DISCUSSION. The observation of inflammatory cells used haematoxylin & eosin (H&E) staining on the third (3rd) day in the treatment group with allicin, and the control group with placebo obtained no significant difference. Meanwhile, on the 7th day of post-wound care, the treatment group with allicin and the control group with placebo encountered significant differences in the number of inflammatory cells. The treatment group with allicin revealed a reduction in the number of inflammatory cells. Meanwhile, the control group with placebo presented an improved number of inflammatory cells. CONCLUSION. Allicin applied topically to excision wounds of a diabetic rat model assisted the promotion of the wound-healing process in a diabetic rat m

Keywords: Wound healing, Allicin, Inflammation, Diabetic rats

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7 Biochemistry ABS-82

The Effect of Cornstarch on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Edible Spoons on MOCAF Based
Aisyah Khoirunnisa^1, Yunita Rakhmawati2, a), and Frida Kunti Setiowati 3

1-3Department Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia


Abstract. Disposable plastic products are widely used in the cutlery industry, one of which is plastic spoons. The use of single-use plastic spoons contributes to the problem of environmental pollution due to plastic waste in Indonesia. The habit of using disposable plastic cutlery, one of which is plastic spoons, in the community needs to be reduced and eliminated. The solution that can be applied as an effort to reduce the use of disposable plastic spoons is the use of edible spoons. Edible spoons are disposable spoons that can be consumed, ecofriendly, and biodegradable. This type of research is experimental research with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method. The factor tested was the variation in the number of additions of cornstarch with 4 levels of treatment and 6 replications. Based on the data obtained, the results of the fracture strength, melting time, and moisture content were analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). Determination of the best treatment is done using the Exponential Comparison Method (MPE). The result of the best edible spoon product is K2, where the optimum amount of cornstarch addition is 40 grams.

Keywords: sendok plastik, edible spoon, MOCAF, maizena

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8 Biochemistry ABS-86

Effect of Processing Method on Carotenoid Content and Antioxidant Activity in Candi Banana (Musa paradisiaca)
Yunita Rosiana Delvi Sholikhah, Sri Rahayu Lestari, Yunita Rakhmawati*

Universitas Negeri Malang


Bananas are one of the plants that are widely cultivated by the community because they are rich sources of macro, micro and antioxidant nutrients. Candi bananas have a dark red skin color and there are red spots at the base of the fruit. This banana in each bunch has more than 17 pieces with the number of combs 5-7 combs. The antioxidant content in bananas includes carotenoids, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, dopamine, polyphenols. Carotenoids are antioxidant products as tetrapen pigments that show yellow, orange, red, and purple colors. Antioxidant activity is the ability of antioxidants to capture free radicals contained in a compound. The study aimed to explain the differences in carotenoids and antioxidant activity in Candi bananas which were processed by frying, steaming, and roasting. Research is included in experimental research. Candi banana processing methods are done by frying, steaming, and roasting. Carotenoid test was measured by spectrophotometric method. Antioxidant activity test was measured by DPPH method (1,1-diphenyl-2picrihydrazil). The results of the carotenoid test showed that the carotenoid content sequentially in the fresh, fried, steamed, and roasted treatments was 7.34- 14.83- 16.71- 20.05 g/g. The antioxidant activity test obtained IC50 values sequentially in the fresh, fried, steamed, and roasted treatments of 289.65- 179.94- 139.14- 434.72 ppm.

Keywords: Keywords: candi banana, food processing analysis, carotenoids, antioxidant activity

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9 Biochemistry ABS-93

Ethanol Extract of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizome as Hepatoprotector in Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) that CCl4 induced to Malondialdehyde (MDA) Concentration by Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) Test and Protein Profile by SDS-PAGE.
Hamida Nurlaila1, a), Fahmi Dimas Abdul Azis1, b), and Umi Narsih1, c)

1 Undergraduate of Clinical and Community Pharmacy STIKes Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan


CCl4 is a xenobiotic compound that could be entered into body by digestion and ingestion system. Its trigger to produce ROS until lipid peroxydation, that is followed by increasing of malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration and cause alteration profile of liver protein band. This research are aimed to determine of malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration and the profile of liver protein band in rats that CCl4 induced. This research used male rats that divided into four groups, that were negative control, positive control (CCl4 induced) and therapy groups (400 and 800 mg/kg BW of Curcuma xanthorrhiza rhizome ethanol extract). Malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration was analyzed by TBA test, its result was 2.042, 3.493, 2.911, and 1.678 mg/L successively. The profile of liver protein band was analyzed by SDS-PAGE, its result was liver protein bands with the molecular weight are 63.55 and 43.88 kDa in positive control was disappear. However, both proteins reappear in therapy groups. Thereby, both 400 and 800 mg/kg BW of Curcuma xanthorrhiza rhizome ethanol extract is able as hepatoprotector which known from decreasing of malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration and reappearance both liver protein bands with the molecular weight are 63.55 and 43.88 kDa.

Keywords: CCl4, ROS, Lipid peroxydation, Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizome, Malondialdehyde, Protein Profile, TBA Test, SDS-PAGE.

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10 Biochemistry ABS-105

The Chemical and Physical Characterization of Peel-off Gel Face Mask Through Moringa oleifera seed and Lavender oil Formulation
Ajeng Ayu Pratiwi, Aghits Laily Rizqiyah, Amiiroh Nur Hidayati, Nadya Nur Oktaviani, Hendra Susanto, and Moch. Sholeh

Universitas Negeri Malang


Skin aging is a dermatological problem in the elder stage and or late adulthood. The anti-aging formula was addressed to slow down the effects of aging. The peel-off gel face mask is one of the cosmetic preparations for anti-aging therapies. Moringa seed oil and lavender oil have anti-aging potential. In this study, a peel-off gel facial mask was prepared from Madura variant Moringa seed oil (MOSEIL) with a combination of lavender oil as an anti-aging skin cosmetic. Three formulations are formulated by 5% Moringa seed oil concentration, 7.5%, and 10%. Lavender oil is added as much as 2% to each recipe. Physical tests were carried out to determine the dosage formula with the best physical properties. The formulation results showed that the Madura variety Moringa seed oil with a combination of lavender oil could be formulated in a peel-off gel face mask. Based on the results of physical tests, formula 2 with 7.5% MOSEIL supplementation has the best chemical and biological properties. Therefore, additional tests, including an irritation test, anti-aging effectiveness test, and antibacterial test for this formula, are required to improve the quality of those products for this study.

Keywords: Madura variety Moringa seed oil, lavender oil, skin anti-aging cosmetics, peel-off gel face mask

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11 Biochemistry ABS-106

The Novel Formulation of Moringa oleifera Seed Oil and Virgin Coconut Oil as Body Lotion: a Preliminary Characterization
Aghits Laily Rizqiyah, Amiiroh Nur Hidayati, Ajeng Ayu Pratiwi, Nadya Nur Oktaviani, Siti Imroatul Maslikah, Hendra Susanto, and Moch. Sholeh

Universitas Negeri Malang


Moringa plants have antioxidant activity and can potentially prevent dry skin and provide anti-aging effects. Another antioxidant source within virgin coconut oil also can be used as anti-aging cosmetics materials. Notably, body lotion is a crucial cosmetic with a watery texture and functions as a source of moisture for the skin. The purpose of this study was to formulate body lotion from Moringa seed oil of Madura variety ( 6%, 8%, and 10% concentration) combined with VCO ( 3%, 4%, and 5%). Interestingly, the primary findings of this study showed that all formula has a thick texture, white and yellowish color, a distinctive white rose odor, and a homogeneous composition. Also, the products have acid pH, a viscosity value of 6630 mPas-2224 mPas, a dispersion value of 4.8-7.4 cm, and an attachment time of 3-10 seconds. In brief, the body lotion formula (6% Moringa seed oil and 3% VCO) has a general standard or characteristics for skin treatment. However, it is recommended for further study to measure the conduct stability, irritation, and antimicrobial activity to provide comprehensive data on this formula before mass production.

Keywords: Moringa oleifera Madura var. seed oil, Virgin coconut oil, Cosmetic anti-aging, Body lotion

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12 Biochemistry ABS-112

Fortification of Noodles and Breastmilk Complementary Food in Fulfilling Food Nutrition with Moringa Leaf Powder (Moringa oleifera)
Qori Dini Ayu Febriyanti, Dinatul Islamiyah, Ainul Mardiah, Artika Muliaty Tindaon, Moch. Sholeh, and Hendra Susanto

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia


Increasing the nutrient content of noodles and breastmilk complementary food can be done by adding Moringa leaf flour. Moringa leaves are one of the foodstuffs that are rich in nutritional content, so they have the potential to be used in the manufacture of nutritious foods. This study aimed to determine the nutrient content in noodles and breastmilk complementary foods fortified with Moringa leaves powder. The method of testing the nutrient content was done using the proximate and XRF tests. The results showed that adding Moringa leaves flour could increase noodles^ protein, fat, ash, Ca, and Mn levels. The F1 formula in noodle making is the best treatment in terms of nutritional content and organoleptic acceptance with a content of 13.53% protein, 2.65% fat, 10.63% water, 1.84% ash and 71.35% carbohydrates, 4.9 %P, 21.1% K, 29.0% Ca, 4.6% Fe, 0.7% Ni, 1.8% Cu, 0.8% Zn, 1% Yb, 4.7% Re, and 31.3% mo. Furthermore, Moringa leaf powder supplementation could increase breastmilk complementary foods^ protein, fat, water, ash, and Ca content. In addition, formula F2 was the basic option with 7.8% protein, 1.20% fat, 11.66% water, 2.12% ash, and 439 mg Ca. Hence, further exploration for the next formulation can be addressed following SNI criteria to improve the quality of both complementary foods.

Keywords: Moringa leaf flour, noodles, breastmilk complementary food

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13 Biochemistry ABS-147

Cytotoxic Activity of Mixture from Cymbopogon nardus, Curcuma aeruginosa and Curcuma zanthorrhiza^s Essential Oil Against MCF-7 Cells
1 Rizki Fitria, 2 Djarot Sasongko Hami Seno, 3 Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto, 2.4 Waras Nurcholis

1 Department of Chemistry, Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia
2 Department of Biochemistry, IPB University, Indonesia
3 Department of Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology, IPB University
4 Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center, IPB University, Indonesia


Plants produce a variety of secondary metabolites, one of them in the form of essential oils that contain a variety of volatile compounds and are useful for humans. Cymbopogon nardus, Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb and Curcuma zanthorrhiza are contain volatile compounds from essential oils that can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. This research aimed to explore the antiproliferative activity of a mixture of C. nardus, C. aeruginosa Roxb and C. zanthorrhiza^s essential oils with different ratios against breast cancer Michigan Cancer Foundation (MCF-7) cells in vitro. There were four formulations made: Formulation 1 (C. nardus and C. aeruginosa), formulation 2 (C. nardus, C. aeruginosa and C. zanthorrhiza), formulation 3 (C. aeruginosa and C. zanthorrhiza) and formulation 4 (C. nardus and C. zanthorrhiza). Antiproliferation test was carried out with total cells method using trypan blue and cells were calculated using a microscope. The results showed that the Inhibitory Concentration 50 (IC50) value of each formulation was 162.3 ppm- 160.1 ppm- 168.3 ppm and 148.7 ppm, respectively. Inhibition percent of these formulas against Vero normal cells were 10%- 14%- 6.8% and 4.3%, respectively. The best formulation that can be potentially developed as an inhibitor for cancer cell proliferation was formulation 4.

Keywords: antiproliferation, breast cancer, essential oils, formulation, MCF-7

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14 Bioconservation ABS-4

Correlation of Epifauna and Vegetation Diversity in Rice Field Ecosystem, Sumbersari Malang City
Suhadi 1,a), Azizah Nur R 1,b), M. Shofi Amrilah 1,c), Setya Dwi. R 1,d), Lintang Guritno. C. W 1,e), Izzati Nurul. I 1,f) , Eka Rizky 1,g) and Gayuh Purba W 1,h)

1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia


The components that make up the ecosystem include flora and fauna. The presence of flora affects the diversity of communities within the epifauna that form interactions with each other. Its role is very important concerning human activities to increase productivity according to their needs. Flora, especially vegetation affects the composition, structure, and growth patterns in the community. Epifauna helps in determining the cycle of soil material so that the decomposing process runs faster. The rice field samples used were in Sumbersari sub-district, Lowokwaru district, Malang city, which has residential areas around it. Dry and quadratic sampling methods were used to take the sample of vegetation and epifauna. The results of identification found 25 types of plants and 21 types of epifauna with a level of diversity: 3.23254. The value of equity: 1.06175 and the value of species richness: 4.33358. The results of INP analysis showed that the score of Oryza sativa L is 0.87741 while Mikania micrantha (L.) Kunth ex H.B.K, is 0.01502. In conclusion, the diversity of epifauna and plants in the rice field ecosystem showed a negative relationship

Keywords: epifauna, vegetation, rice field

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15 Bioconservation ABS-16

Citizen Science Participation to Accelerate Reinwardts Flying Frog (Rhacophorus reinwardtii Kuhl & Van Hasselt, 1822) Data Acquisition in East Java
Mochammad Yordan Adi Pratama, Fatchur Rohman, Agus Dharmawan, and Mitalarasti

Universitas Negeri Malang


Globally, citizen scientists are becoming more involved in the collection of biodiversity data. Green tree frog (Rhacophorus reinwardtii) specimen inventories, which were expensive and time-consuming, were typically used to gather information on the species^ occurrence. Without diminishing the significance of the specimen, citizen science can be used to collect information on the existence of green tree frogs in different parts of East Java by using images of green tree frogs. As part of the Our Amphibian Reptile Observation Movement^s efforts, this endeavor was carried out (GO-ARK). Increased data collection was achieved through active citizen science engagement. 16 people who participated in this project provided more than 19 pictures of green tree frogs, which were processed to create records of the species^ presence. Future opportunities were increased by this endeavor.

Keywords: participation, citizen science, Reinwardts Flying Frog, East Java.

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16 Bioconservation ABS-47

The structure of the plant community in the Reclamation Area of PT Adaro Indonesia Revegetated in 2014-2017
Maulana Khalid Riefani (a,b*), Mochamad Arief Soendjoto (c**), Didik Triwibowo (d), Fazlul Wahyudi (d), Dodik Choiron (d), Yudha Pahing Perdana (d)

a) Doctoral Program, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Biologi Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Jl. A. Yani Km 36 Banjarbaru 70714, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
d) PT Adaro Indonesia, Tabalong, Indonesia


Two of the major activities carried out by mining companies. First, reclamation of ex-mining areas with correcting procedures and revegetating the area with plants recommended by the government or other plants that function in maintaining biodiversity. Second, monitoring the development and growth of vegetation along with the impact of revegetation. Evaluation relates to the growth and dynamics of vegetation. Monitoring data is used to standardize the success of reclamation and revegetation. The research aims to measure the abundance, diversity, evenness, and richness of plant species in the reclamation area. Monitoring will be carried out on 8 - 15 March 2021 in the reclamation area of PT Adaro Indonesia. Observations were made on four permanent plots (TTP-LW5, TTP-LW4, Wara-LW2, PRG-HW2). Survey with plots of 5 x 5 m and 20 m x 20 m. The results were analyzed using the index species abundance (D), species diversity index (H), species evenness index (E), and index species richness (R1). In the monitoring period in 2021, we identified 19 species (9 families) of woody plants and 38 species (20 families) of understorey plants. Abundance of Paraserianthes falcataria and Acacia mangium (woody plants), and Asystasia gangetica (understorey plants) are among the tallest. The diversity index of woody plants and understorey plants included medium category (1 H&#8242- 3). The species richness index of woody plants is in the low category and the distribution (evenness) is moderate to high. Understorey plants have a low to moderate species richness index, while the evenness is low to high.

Keywords: woody plants, understorey plants, reclamation, revegetation, coal mining

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17 Bioconservation ABS-56

Study of Bird Community and the Potential of Avitourism Attraction in Wana Wisata Coban Rondo, Malang District, Indonesia
Alief Sella, Fatchur Rohman, Sofia Ery Rahayu, and I Wayan Sumberartha

Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia


Bird conservation in Indonesia is only concerned with conservation areas that have been determined by the government, while birds also live outside conservation areas. Developing avitourism activities is one strategy to preserve birds outside of conservation area. Wana Wisata Coban Rondo has a diversity of birds that have the potential to attract avitourism. This research aimed to determine the species, study community, and the potential of birds in the waterfall and highland ecosystems as objects of attraction for avitourism. Data collection was carried out by the cruising method. Analysis of the data used Shanon-Wienner diversity index, evenness index, richness index, frequency of species, relative abundance index, and descriptive analysis. Bird species consisting of 38 bird species with high diversity index of 3.15, a bird evenness index of 0.87 and high species richness index of 6.64. Based on the potential attractiveness of avitourism, 3 species of raptors were found, 7 species of endemic birds, 1 species of endangered bird, 6 species of chirping birds and 9 species of birds with interesting morphology. Coban Rondo has a lot of potential and considered for developing avitourism.

Keywords: Bird, avitourism, conservation, coban rondo

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18 Bioconservation ABS-61

First Report of Genus Smilax at Sumber Pawon Forest, Kediri, East Java
Iska Desmawati1, a), Siti Fatimah1, Indah Trisnawati1)

Biology department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Biodiversity plays an important role for mankind because of the availability of raw materials for food, industry, and medicine. One of them comes from the liana plant of the genus Smilax. Smilax is a genus of plants that can be used as bioprospecting medicinal plants. Based on the phytochemical analysis, the genus Smilax contains abundant steroidal saponins. Steroidal saponins show the ability of biological activities such as cytotoxic, hemolytic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial activities. However, the species diversity of the genus Smilax and its role as medicinal plants is still considered to be lacking information, especially in the Sumber Pawon Forest area, Kediri, East Java. This research was conducted to determine the species composition of the genus Smilax in Sumber Pawon forest area, Kediri. This research was conducted for 5 months. Redundancy analysis (RDA) used to determine the distribution of species from the Smilax genus. Based on the research, found 6 species of the genus Smilax, namely Smilax ovalifolia, Smilax weniae, Smilax glauca, Smilax celebica, Smilax pseudochina and Smilax luculenta. The types of Smilax that have been tested for their chemical content and benefits based on journal review are Smilax ovalifolia and Smilax celebica.

Keywords: Smilax, Sumber pawon forest, Kediri, Species

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19 Bioconservation ABS-74

A review of predator diversity on cocoa-mirid bug (Helopeltis spp.) and some potential weeds as the refugia
Anggia Azizah (a), Irfan Mustafa (a), Zulfaidah Penata Gama (a), Amin Setyo Leksono (a*)

a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Brawijaya
Jalan Veteran, Malang, 65145, Indonesia


Helopeltis spp. is one of the most detrimental pests on cocoa. One of method to reduce the population of Helopeltis spp. is by increasing the diversity and abundance of natural enemy. Refugia technique becomes a potential way to enrich the diversity and abundance of predator. This review discusses the research on diversity of predatory insects and some plants that have the potential to become refugia. Some species from Formicidae family like black ants (Delichoderus thoracicus), red ants (Oecphylla smaragdina), also some spiders from Araneidae such as Araneus diadematus, Leucauge decorate, Pardosa sp. are commonly mentioned as domination. Some weeds are visited by those predatory insects such as Ageratum conyzoides, Lantana camara, Synedrella rhombifolia, and Lindernia crustacea in ricefield, park and corn plantations. Further research on the potential of the plants in this review need to be developed in cocoa plantation scale.

Keywords: Biocontrol- Theobroma cacao- Predatory insects- Refugia

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20 Bioconservation ABS-85

Identification of Tree Health at the Biology Campus, FSAD, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS)
Kristanti Indah Purwani, Dini Ermavitalini, Nafisatul Livia

Departmen of Biology , Faculty of Sains and Analitical Data, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS)


The campus of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya has since 2011 implemented a commitment to carry out the ITS eco campus which has now turned into an ITS smart eco campus, making the campus area an environmentally friendly area and a place for plant conservation. Plants are said to be healthy if the plants can carry out their functions. physiological function. The increasing presence of air pollution, human activities, biological factors and the age of trees in the Department of Biology, FSAD, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) can result in a decline in tree health. The decline in tree health can be seen from the level of damage. Assessment of tree damage can be done by observing tree morphological structures. This study was conducted to identify the number and distribution of tree health levels around the Biology Department Building. The research was conducted descriptively using an inventory with the roaming method. The health status of trees in the ITS Biology Department which was studied found that the most common type of tree damage was leaf damage, namely there were 4 points found or reached 50% on the research plot, and the second type of damage, namely leaves changing color (not green) there were 4 points. reaching 40%, and the type of damage to liver rot, fruiting bodies (fruit bodies), and indicators of advanced weathering, namely there is 1 point of finding or 10%. This shows that tree damage in the ITS Biology Department is quite large and requires further handling.
Keywords-identification, inventory, tree health,

Keywords: identification, inventory, tree health,

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21 Bioconservation ABS-100

Erona Wafaretta, S.Si, M.Agr. (a), Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D. (a), Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, S.Si., M.App.Sc., Ph.D. (a), Wenny Bekti Sunarharum, S.TP., M.Food.St., Ph.D (b)

a.) Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Brawijaya University.
b.) Food Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Agricultural Technology of Brawijaya University.


Poncokusumo District is one of the locations for liberica coffee cultivation in East Java. Liberica coffee products in Poncokusumo District have not been managed optimally because they are seen as less promising economically. Even though the size of the Poncokusumo liberica coffee fruit is larger than other types of coffee, which has the potential to be developed because it is unique liberica coffee cultivated in the highlands. This study aims to determine: (1) the geographical and agro-climate conditions of the location of liberica coffee cultivation in the Poncokusumo district, (2) the morphological characteristics of the fruit and beans of liberica coffee in the Poncokusumo district, and (3) the superiority of the morphology of the fruit and beans of liberica coffee in the Poncokusumo district. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method. The sample of the research location was chosen purposively (purposive sampling), namely Jajang Hamlet, Sumber Rejo Village, Poncokusumo District- and samples of liberica coffee plants were also determined intentionally based on the findings of three variants of liberica coffee plants in the field. Morphological data were taken randomly on 3 types of variants of 30 coffees each. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis, with data comparison techniques. This study found that (1) the geographical conditions of the cultivation location which include altitude and agro-climate generally have suitability, but the altitude tends to be higher, the annual rainfall tends to be high, and the air temperature tends to be colder, (2) the characteristics of liberica coffee fruits in Poncokusumo which includes the length and width of the fruit, tends to be smaller than the liberica coffee cultivated elsewhere, but in general, it still meets the standard for normal coffee fruits, and (3) the characteristics of liberica coffee beans which include length, width, and thickness, turn out to have a larger size than the liberica coffe

Keywords: fruit morphology, bean morphology, liberica coffee, liberica coffee garden

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22 Bioconservation ABS-137

The Impact of Climate Change on Leptobrachium haseltii in Coban Rondo, Malang
Farid Akhsani, 1, a), Muhammad Andry Prio1, b), Nur^aini Kartikasari 1, Riski Berliana, and Elsa

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University Negeri Malang, Indonesia


The phenomenon of Climate change has an impact on climate change in all countries, including Indonesia. Temperature changes impact habitat and stress fauna, one of which is the frog. Frogs are very susceptible to changes in temperature, which can cause the metamorphosis of tadpoles to fail. This study aims to determine the existence of the frog population and to see the microbiota profile on the skin of the Leptobrachium hasseltii frog as a bioindicator of climate change. This information can be used as an indicator to assess environmental changes caused by the increase in the earth^s temperature. Sampling was carried out on two habitats: ecotourism and conservation areas. Observations using the Visual Encounter Survey method during the rainy season. This study uses a combination of- analysis of Physic-chemical factors, morphological and morphometric data of frogs, and abundance of microbes. The results were that L. haseltii obtained only one individual in each habitat. The analysis of the abundance of microbes in forest and ecotourism habitats was 3.32 x 109 CFU/mL and 8.51 x 108 CFU/mL.

Keywords: L. haseltii-

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23 Bioconservation ABS-151

Green Paper Bag Innovation as A Solution for Handling Plastic Bag Waste That Transformed Into Plants
Icha Wulan Pramesty1), Halimatus Sa^diyah1), Lutfiatul Nur Khasanah2), Septianisya Ajeng Maqfirozaman3), Kartika Nanda Kinanthi4), Kennis Rozana1)

1)Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Malang, 2)Program Studi Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Malang,
3)Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Malang,
4)Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Negeri Malang

*Email: kennis.rozana.fmipa[at]um.ac.id


The problem is based on changing the bag to a paper bag, causing paper bags to pile up. This accumulation has attracted the attention of various parties because there are still many uses for paper bags but very little processing. With this, there is an opportunity for the PKM-K team, who were present as innovators, to make GP-Bags made from recycled paper waste and inserted plant seeds. The GP-Bag is expected to be able to overcome environmental problems and can provide solutions for people with a consumptive culture and love for the environment. Compared to Bagassa paper and paper bag competitors, GP-Bag has advantages such as being environmentally friendly, multifunctional, and, most importantly, being able to grow plants that are beneficial to the environment. With this high opportunity, it makes a high profit for the PKM-K team and has the potential to be continued until it can establish an industry. The procedure carried out in manufacturing begins with pre-production by preparing tools, raw materials, and initial knowledge of product manufacturing. Then, there is production, namely the start of making GP-Bag products. After that, it ends with post-production, such as packing and marketing as the central part of this activity. From this series of activities, it is hoped that high profits can be obtained to provide excellent opportunities for the team to continue to produce and develop the industry to be more significant.

Keywords: Paper recycle, Growth PaperBag, Paper Waste Solution

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24 Bioinformatics ABS-10

Assessing COVID-19 in Jakarta Using Modified SIR Model
Jerry Dwi Trijoyo Purnomo and Achmad Choiruddin

Department of Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Corona Virus Disease which is commonly referred to by the abbreviation COVID-19 is a disease that has hit the world in the past year so it is categorized as a pandemic. COVID-19 is a virus that interferes with human respiratory function, sufferers of this disease will experience respiratory problems and have a greater risk in patients who have a history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer. COVID-19 is spread through droplets of saliva or fluids that come out when coughing or sneezing from an infected person. The Indonesian government, especially DKI Jakarta, is not standing still in the face of the pandemic that is happening in Indonesia, while the actions taken by the government are issuing policies in the form of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM), and vaccinations. This research was conducted by describing the spread of COVID-19 in DKI Jakarta using the SIR (Suspected, Infectious, Recovered) model and examining the influence of government policies on the spread.

Keywords: COVID-19, Government Policy, SIR Model

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25 Bioinformatics ABS-11

Analysis of Factors Affecting Severity of Stage IV Breast Cancer Using Ordinal Logistic Regression at Dharmais Cancer Hospital
Andrew (a), Jerry Dwi Trijoyo Purnomo (b)

a)b) Department of Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Cancer is the deadliest disease in the world. Cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body that can damage normal cells in other parts of the body. One of the most common cancers is breast cancer. The severity of breast cancer is divided into 5 stages, from stage 0 to 4. For stage IV breast cancer, it has its own severity level based on where the metastases are formed. The order of severity of stage IV breast cancer from the most dangerous to the least is multiple metastases, brain metastases, liver metastases, lung metastases, and bone metastases. Until now, it is not known with certainty the factors that influence the severity of stage IV breast cancer. Therefore, research needs to be done to find out what factors affect the severity of stage IV breast cancer. This study uses the ordinal logistic regression method with the research unit being patients with stage IV breast cancer at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital in 2021. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the most patients with stage IV breast cancer at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital were patients with bone metastases, as many as 78 patients. or 40% of 197 patients. From the analysis results obtained four logit models with factors that affect the severity of stage IV breast cancer. The influencing factors are the duration of the illness and the status of the progesterone receptor. It is also known that the odds ratio for the long-suffering variable is 1.047 and the progesterone receptor status variable is 2.499.

Keywords: Breast Cancer- Staging- Metastases- Ordinal Logistic Regression- Odds Ratio

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26 Bioinformatics ABS-48

The Potential of Pegagan as a Natural Antivirus through a Bioinformatics Approach
Eko Susetyarini 1, a), Endrik Nurrohman 1, b), and Ahmad Fauzi1, c)

1 Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144)


During the pandemic era, the presence of natural compounds as antivirals is getting more and more attention. The purpose of this study was to examine the potential of natural compounds from pegagan as candidates for antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and their relation to immunity using a bioinformatics approach. Way2Drug PASS webserver was used to predict the potency of several active compounds from pegagan, i.e. madecassic acid, isothankunic acid, madecassoside, centellasponin B, centellasponin C, centellasponin D, asiaticoside, asiaticoside B, and asiatic acid. The results of the analysis show that gotu kola has potential as an antiviral. These results are supported by the potential of pegagan as an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, and NFKappa B inhibitor. Centellasaponin D (0.684) and Madecassoside (0.649) are the most potent compounds as antiviral.

Keywords: bioinformatics approach, drug candidates, in silico analysis, natural antivirals, natural compounds

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27 Bioinformatics ABS-62

Knowledge, Emotional Support, Information Support and SADARI: A Study on Adolescent Girls in Islamic Boarding Schools
Umi Narsih1, a), Homsiatur Rohmatin 1,b), Agustina Widayati 1,c), and Ahmad Taufiq2,d)

1 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan, Probolinggo, Indonesia
2 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia


The age distribution of breast cancer patients is currently changing. The likelihood of survival will increase if breast cancer symptoms and signs are identified as soon as feasible. Primary prevention strategies, such breast self-examination (SADARI) in adolescent girls, can be used to help control breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the knowledge, emotional support, information support, and self-breast examination behavior of adolescent girls in Islamic boarding schools. This study uses an observational design. Purposive sampling was used to select 75 respondents. Questionnaires were used for data collection. The findings indicated that only a small number of respondents had adequate knowledge of SADARI- however, adolescent girls did receive enough emotional support and information about SADARI from teachers, parents, and friends while the behavior for implementing SADARI was still lacking, so family and teacher support was necessary in the implementation of SADARI behavior for adolescent girls.

Keywords: knowledge- emotional support- information support- SADARI- adolescent girls

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28 Bioinformatics ABS-67

Effect of Trisindolina 1 on CD44 and CD123 in Cancer Stem Cell using in-silico method
Putu Indrayuma Kamajaya, Edwin Setiawan, Awik Puji Dyah Nurhayati

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Cancer stem cells (CSC) are a type of cancer cell that has similarities to stem cells. The general method used in cancer treatment usually involve administration of chemotherapy compounds such as doxorubicin, but due to the severity of the side effects of chemotherapy, it is necessary to have alternative compounds that have high cytotoxic activity with low side effects. This study was conducted to examine the anti-cancer potential of Trisindolina 1 with structure 5^-nitro-[3,3^:3^,3^-terindoline]-2^-ona in CSC by targeting biomarkers such as CD44 and CD123. The method used is molecular docking with an in-silico approach using PyRx with Trisindolina 1 against CD44 and CD123 biomarkers with doxorubicin as the positive control . The docking results showed that the Trisindolina 1 has Gibbs free energy value of -8.3 Kcal/mol compared to doxorubicin -8.4 Kcal/mol on CD44 and -9.5 Kcal/mol compared to doxorubicin -7.7 Kcal/mol on CD123. This result indicate that Trisindolina 1 had the potential as an inhibitor of the HER2 signalling pathway in CD44 and JAK2-STAT5 signalling pathway in CD123 thus stimulate apoptosis through intrinsic pathway in CSC.

Keywords: Biomarker, Cancer Stem Cell and Trisindoline 1

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29 Bioinformatics ABS-70

Compound Alpha Asarone from (Acarous calamus) As Caspase 3 Stimulant in Computational Studies
Ringga Satria Putra, Balqis, Rifqi Hilman, Iin Lailatul Khoirunnisa

University, Malang, Indonesia


The compound alpha asarone is a member of phenylpropene which is biosynthetic through the shikimate pathway in some types of plants. Acorus calamus or also known as jerango is one of the species of the acoraceae tribe that contains alpha asarone compounds, especially in the rhizoma section. This study aims to screening in silico by prediction biological activity and interaction with its protein targets. The alpha asarone compound was obtained from the PubChem and the protein target was obtained from the web protein database (RCSB PDB), that is Caspase-3. Prediction of biological activity using web Pass Online. The interaction of alpha asarone compounds with the Caspase-3 protein was obtained through docking using AutoDock Vina software in PyRx and Discovery Studio. Visualization of docking results is performed using PyMol. The results of predicting using Pass Online showed that alpha asarone was a Caspase-3 stimulant with a Pa value of 0.768. This suggests that the compound alpha asarone has the potential to be a cancer drug. The results of docking alpha asarone compounds with Caspase-3 proteins showed a binding affinity value of -5.2 kcal / mol. Based on the visualization of docking results, it shows that the compound alpha asarone binds to the amino acid leucine, with 2 hydrogen bonds spaced out of 2.8 and 2.9 angstrum.

Keywords: Acorus calamus, Alpha Asarone, Screening in silico

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30 Bioinformatics ABS-77

Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children with Type 1 Diabetes: Behavioral Patterns and Clinical Manifestation as Predictive Factors
Ana Fitria Nusantara, Ainul Yaqin Salam, Eva Sulistiana

Department of Nursing, Hafshawaty Institute of Health Science Zainul Hasan Islamic Boarding school


Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM type 1) is occasionally becoming more common in Indonesia. According to the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), as many as 1220 children in Indonesia had type 1 DM in 2018. Lack of family education on type 1 DM might be fatal for sufferers. Diabetic ketoacidosis is one of the most prevalent side effects (DKA). Children can die if they do not receive care in a timely manner. In order to forecast the likelihood of developing DKA, this study attempts to detect behavioral trends and clinical manifestations in kids with type 1 diabetes. A qualitative phenomenology-based research design was adopted for this study. Unstructured interviews were used to gather the data, which was then analyzed using the Van Manen method. The findings revealed that the individuals^ eating habits included consuming sugary drinks, buying prohibited items away from the house without their parents^ knowledge, and eating portions that increased over time. Weight loss, frequent drinking, shortness of breath, and diminished consciousness are clinical symptoms. The sooner the patient receives assistance to prevent a worsening of his condition, the sooner the symptoms and behavioral abnormalities can be recognized.

Keywords: Diabetic Ketoacidosis, behavioral pattern, Clinical Manifestation

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