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Extract of Coffee Pulp as Biopesticide for Spodoptera litura L caterpillars in mustard Plants (Brassica juncea L)
Dewi Puspita Sari, Harlita, Umi Fatmawati, Meti Indrowati, Slamet Santosa

Doctoral program, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Indonesia

Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher and Training Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta Indonesia


Coffee pulp contain flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and saponins that can be used as an alternative to vegetable pesticides for caterpillars on mustard plants.This research aims to determine the effect of coffee pulp extract on mortality and feeding activity of Spodoptera litura caterpillars on mustard plants.This study used an experimental methods and Completely Randomized Design through 2 test stages,namely a preliminary test using probit LC50 and the main test which consists of 2 tests, namely the mortality test and eating activity. The data from the caterpillar mortality test were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis and the feeding activity test was analyzed using one-way ANOVA SPSS 25 test. The results of the research in the preliminary test obtained LC50 concentration of 15%. The results of main tests showed that the highest mortality of caterpillars was at a concentration of 25% extract with a P0 of 100% and the lowest mortality was at a concentration of 0% with a P0 of 0%. The highest caterpillar feeding activity was at a concentration of 0% with a percentage of eating activity at 100% and the lowest feeding activity occurred at a concentration of 25% with a percentage of eating activity at 10%

Keywords: biopesticide, coffe pulp, caterpillars, mustard leaf

Topic: Zoology

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