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The Content Of SLS In Orsentry Shampoo Bar To Determine The Level Of Foam Produced
Ajeng Daniarsih (a*), Dina Febriyanti (b), Devi Mariya Sulfa (c), Syalwa Dida Wuryanti (d)

a,b,c,d) State University of Malang, Department of Biology,
Jalan Cakrawala 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia


The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had a good impact on reducing air pollution, due to activities carried out at home or working from home. On the other hand, with decreasing levels of pollution, there is an increase in water pollution due to foam and chlorine produced from household products, especially cleaning agents. One of the cleaning products as well as beauty products with a high intensity of use is shampoo. This high level of usage has an impact on the health of users and the environment. This is related to the use of chemicals in products that have an impact on household waste pollution and the accumulation of plastic waste. The purpose of this study was to the bioavailability of Orsentry shampoo bar products made from ash-burning rice straw (merang). This study used an experimental method with ANOVA analysis using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) approach. Orsentry shampoo bar is expected to be a substitute for shampoo products with a low level of water pollution.

Keywords: water pollution, Orsentry shampoo bar, biodegradable

Topic: Environmental Engineering

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