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1 Biology Education ABS-17

Field Guide Book of Birds in the Shore Area as Independent Learning Resource
Maulana Khalid Riefani (a,b*), Mochamad Arief Soendjoto (c**), Nurul Hidayati Utami (b)

a) Doctoral Program, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Teknika Selatan, Sekip Utara, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
b) Biology Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Brigjen Hasan Basry, Kayutangi, Banjarmasin 70123, Indonesia *maulanakriefani[at]ulm.ac.id
c) Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Ahmad Yani Km 36, Banjarbaru 70714, Indonesia,**masoendjoto[at]ulm.ac.id


Control of the learning material needs to be supported by the availability of learning resources, learning tools, and choosing the right strategy. The surrounding environment can be used as a learning resource that provides real experiences for students. The direct interaction of students with learning objects can increase knowledge and motivation to students. One of the environments that can be used as a learning resource is the shore area and the organisms that use it (like birds). This study aims to describe the feasibility birds^ field guide book. Research and development using the 4D model. The feasibility of field guide book is obtained from Expert appraisal and Developmental. The field guide book are very appropriateness and very good for the readability. Development products have been made attractive, easy to understand and use. Based on an ideal score, this field guide book is suitable for use. The results show that the field guide book is very appropriateness and very feasible to explain of human Musculoskeletal system. Pictorial booklets get positive responses from students. The development of pictorial booklets made the learning process more meaningful.

Keywords: Research and development, field guide book, birds, shore area, learning resources

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2 Biology Education ABS-30

Effectiveness and Practicality of Integrated Biology Student Worksheet with Values of the Qur^an and As-Sunnah on Digestive System Material
Siti Robiah, Zara Faraniza

Universitas Islam Riau


Abstract. his study aims to see the effectiveness of the faith, and taqwa Integrated Biology student worksheet in Class XI MIPA Students of Serirama YLPI High School in Pekanbaru. Type of research development with ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews, learning outcomes tests, performance and portfolio, and questionnaire techniques. The data analysis technique used descriptive and inferential analysis. The research subjects of class XI MIPA 1 were 23 students. The results showed that the psychomotor learning outcomes of students were 87.70 categories well, and the results of the practicum worksheet biology test faith by students 89% the category well. the results of the study concluded that the integrated Biology worksheet IMTAQ in the Material Structure and Organ Function in the Digestive System is effective used by Students.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Worksheet Biology, Values Al-Qur^an and As-Sunnah

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3 Biology Education ABS-36

Development of E-Pub-Based-E-Modules in Plant Structure and Development Subject to Train Undergraduate Students Information Literacy Skills
Murni Sapta Sari, Dwi Darmayanti, Sulisetijono

Universitas Negeri Malang


The information used to solve the problems can be obtained from various internet sources, but not all of them can be verified. A person needs to master information literacy to search, find, evaluate and use information appropriately. Therefore, an E-Pub-based e-module with a guided inquiry model was developed which was expected to enhance student^s information literacy. The objective of the study is to produce valid, practical, and effective E-Pub-based e-modules in the plant structure and development subject. The development model used is the ADDIE instructional design. The E-Pub-based e-module was tested on thirty one undergraduate students of Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Malang. There are quantitative data and qualitative data in this study to determine the changes of student^s information literacy skills. The results of n-gain score test of information literacy is 0.68 which is included in the moderate effectiveness criteria. The advantages of the E-Pub-based e-module are integrates guided inquiry syntax, there are videos of observations regarding the anatomical structure and morphological structure of leaves, and lastly can be used in various electronic devices.

Keywords: e-module, electronic publication (epub), information literacy

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4 Biology Education ABS-49

Development of E-Comic Based on Problem Based Learning Human Movement System Material to Train Problem Solving Skills and Students Cognitive Learning Outcomes in SMA Islam Almaarif Singosari
Dinar Arsy Anggarani (a*), Murni Sapta Sari (a), Umi Fitriyati (a)

(a) Biology Department, Faculty Mathematic and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang
Jalan Semarang, 5, Malang, East Java, Indonesia


The problem solving skill index of Almaarif Singosari Islamic High School students is in the low category which is 39,1% and 39% of Almaarif Singosari Islamic High School students^ cognitive learning outcomes are below of the KKM which is 75. This study aims to produce an e-comic based on Problem Based Learning that is valid and practical for human movement systems. E-comic is used to practice problem solving skills and improve student cognitive learning outcomes in class XI SMA Islam Almaarif Singosari. The development of e-comic using Lee and Owens (2004) model. Material validation test results obtained a percentage of 100% (very valid) and media of 98% (very valid). Practicality test results of the by biology education practitioners obtained a percentage of 97,64% (very practical). Practicality test by students results, in the one-to-one trial stage obtained a percentage of 90,74%, the small group trial obtained a percentage of 91,11%, and the field trial obtained a percentage of 91,48%. The three stages classified very practical category. This e-comic can be developed on other basic competencies to improve learning outcomes and other 21st century skills. Development can be continued with implementation to determine the effectivity of the media.

Keywords: e-comic, problem based learning, human movement system, problem solving skills, cognitive learning outcomes

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5 Biology Education ABS-50

The Development of e-Flipbook Multirepresentative Augmented Reality in Biology Cells to Enhance Technology Literacy and Student Learning Outcomes
Zahra Firdaus 1,b ), Deny Setiawan 1,a), Sunarmi 1,c), Puspita Pebri Setiani 2,d)

1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang Jl. Semarang 5 Malang, Indonesia 65145

2 Departent of History and Social Education, Faculty of Social Science and Humanity Education, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang, 14th B Simpang Arjuno Street, Indonesia, 65119

a) Corresponding author: Setiawan.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
b) firdausszahra[at]gmail.com
b) sunarmi.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
d) puspitapebrisetiani[at]budiutomomalang.ac.id


Biology cell learning has difficulties teaching microscopic objects, which causes students not to understand the concept of cells. Therefore, a learning media solution is needed to facilitate the learning process. This research aims to develop and test the practicality of electronic flipbook multirepresentative augmented reality based on a website in learning discovery learning biology cells to practice technology literacy and student learning outcomes. This research was conducted at SMAN 3 Malang, whose object of study is class XI students. This research includes the development of the Lee & Owens development model, which consists of Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. In the analysis stage, the results are in the form of need assessment and front-end analysis. The design stage produces material and media designs. The development stage produces a website-based AR electronic flipbook on cell biology material with 100% material validation, 100% media validation, and practicality by teachers getting 93.4% results. The implementation stage was performed with a pre-test score of 34.3 and a post-test score of 73.8. The data obtained in the normal test with the basis of decision making in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, the significance value of 0.087> 0.05, so it can be concluded that the data is normally distributed so that it can be used for paired T-tests. The result showed a significant value of (2-tailed) 0.000 <0.005 between the pre-test and post-test, meaning there is a difference between them. The evaluation stage is carried out to evaluate the effects of media implementation. So that, it can be inferred media can increase student learning outcomes and technological literacy in biology cell learning.

Keywords: electronic flipbook, augmented reality, cell biology, technological literacy, cognitive learning outcomes, discovery learning

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6 Biology Education ABS-53

The Development Of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Electronic Module On Human Digestive System Materials To Improve Critical Thinking Skill And Cognitive Learning Outcomes Of Class XI Students Of Malang National High School
Tasha Nada Alrafifah (a), Sofia Ery Rahayu (a*), Nursasi Handayani (a)

(a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, State University of Malang, Jln. Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia


Biology learning competencies which should be possessed by high school students in the 21st century are the ability to think critically and think at higher level. These competencies can be achieved through the provision of learning materials in the form of electronic modules. The aim of this research and development was to develop an electronic module for human digestive system material in order to improve students^ cognitive learning outcomes and train critical thinking. The model implemented in this research and development was ADDIE model. The subjects of this study were class XI students of Malang National High School, while the validators involved in this study included material experts, media experts, learning device experts and field practitioners. The electronic module which had been developed was then validated by the validator. Furthermore, the module was tested on students with the stages of one to one trial, small group trial, and field trial. The results of the validation of the electronic module of the human digestive system which has conducted by material experts, media experts, and field practitioners are 100%, 99%, 99% respectively. Meanwhile, the results of the validation of the syllabus, lesson plans, pre-test and post-test, as well as the evaluation of students^ cognitive learning outcomes are 95%, 93%, 89%, and 89% respectively with very valid criteria. In addition, the results of the module trial to students in the one to one trial, small group trial, and field trial stages are 92%, 94%, and 88%, respectively which is included in the practical category. Based on the results of the validation and testing of the module, it shows that the electronic module of the human digestive system is very valid and practical to use in learning biology activities.

Keywords: electronic modules- problem based learning- critical thinking- cognitive learning result

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7 Biology Education ABS-54

Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, and Metacognitive Ability: Preliminary Investigation of Biology Teacher Candidates at Siliwangi University
Dani Ramdani(a,b), Herawati Susilo,(a*) Suhadi (a), Sueb(a), Hidayah Mohd. Fadzilm (c)

a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia
b) Department of Biology, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Siliwangi, Jl Siliwangi 24 Tasikmalaya 46115, Indonesia *herawati.susilo.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
c) Department of Mathematics & Science Education Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya, Jl. Pofesor Diraja Ungku Aziz, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


This research is a preliminary study conducted to describe the critical, creative and metacognitive thinking profile of students of the Biology Education undergraduate program at Siliwangi University. This research was conducted on 105 students who are active undergraduate students in the biology education program at Siliwangi University. The instrument for measuring critical and creative thinking uses a written test while the metacognitive use the metacognitive awareness inventory (MAI). After getting the data, then the data was analyzed quantitatively and descriptively. The results showed that the average score of critical thinking was in the sufficient category, creative thinking was in the poor category and metacognitive was in a good category. This study interprets the three abilities in the East Priangan area and can be used as a basis for consideration to determine the next step in activating critical thinking skills, creative thinking, and metacognitive. The rubrics for critical thinking, creative thinking, and assessment are based on each of the indicators described in this article

Keywords: Critical thinking, creative thinking, metacognitive, preliminary investigation

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8 Biology Education ABS-57

The Development of Learning Media Based on The Local Potential: The Need Analysis for Making a Traditional Ritual Module for Biodiversity Materials
Nuris Fattahillah1, Siti Sriyati2, Amprasto3

1Masters Program of Biology Educarion, Indonesia University of Education, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Department of Biology Education, Science Education University, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Department of Biology Education, Indonesian Education University, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Indonesia has the third highest biodiversity status in the world after Brazil and Colombia. Indonesia^s wealth should be maximized by being used for the biology learning process. However, this variety of biodiversity has not been used optimally in learning, even though plants have advantages in producing scientific discoveries. Biodiversity also causes students to have difficulty in studying plant material, the solution to this problem is to use local wisdom so that students can understand the material well. This study aims to determine the activities and constraints for teachers, obstacles for students and provide an overview of learning media design as an alternative solution. In this research, qualitative descriptive analysis was conducted by collecting 15 biology teachers and 32 students as respondents. The results of the teachers^ questionnaire show that learning using local potential is still not enough, which is about 93% of teachers do not use local wisdom in classroom, 86% of teachers only use pictures as the media and 93.75% of students consider that the materials about plants are quite difficult so they do not understand when receiving learning in particular, more specifically in the chapter about biodiversity. The teachers^ response shows that 100% of the teachers strongly agree to use local potential in learning. The development of this learning media will be expected to provide a solution to the problems that occur to students in the matter of biodiversity, namely the biodiversity module based on local potential of traditional rituals.

Keywords: Biodiversity, Local Potential, Module

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9 Biology Education ABS-59

Environmental Concern and Eco-Conscious Consumer Behavior Preferences among High School Students in Archipelago Region
Saparuddin (a*), Aswal Salewangeng (b)

a) Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Malang
Jalan Semarang 5, Kota Malang, 65145
b) Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Khairun
Jalan Yusuf Abdulrahman, Gambesi, Kota Ternate


Effective and long-term efforts to foster an environmental attitude in the use of natural resources and their conservation are in the form of increasing environmental concern and cultivating an ecologically conscious (eco-conscious) consumer behavior. These two aspects needs to be cultivated early on in high school students who are the young generation consumptive society. This study aims at: 1) reveal the level of environmental concern and eco-conscious consumer behavior preferences in high school students, 2) find out the difference between environmental concern and eco-conscious consumer behavior preferences in high school students based on gender, class and major, and 3) determine the relationship between environmental concern and eco-conscious consumer behavior preferences in students. The 4-poin Likert scale questionnaires were used to collect data on environmental concerns and eco-conscious consumer behavior preferences. The respondents involved were 275 high school students in Karimun Regency, Riau Islands. The results showed that the average level of environmental concern of high school students is moderate based on gender, class and major groups. There is no difference in environmental concern based on gender and class, but there is a significant difference in environmental concern based on majors. The average level of the overall eco-conscious consumer behavior preferences of students is moderate and there is no difference in the three groups of students. A moderately positive relationship between environmental concern and ecologically conscious consumer behavior preferences is shown in high school students. Recommendations from this study emphasize the urgency to increase environmental concern and eco-conscious consumer behavior in high school students who are the youth generation in the archipelago region as an effort to preserve the environment, especially the coastal and marine environment.

Keywords: environmental concern- eco-conscious consumer behavior- eco-conscious character- environmental education- coastal youth

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10 Biology Education ABS-72

ECO-PHOREST An Innovative and Low-Cost Teaching Aids of Photosynthesis and Aerobic Respiration from Eco-Friendly Waste Material
Heru Setiawan

Biology Teacher in SMA Global Mandiri Jakarta, Jakarta Garden City, Cakung, Jakarta Timur, and Master of Education Student in Biology Education Study Program, FPMIPA, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung


The purpose of this research is to design and implement ECO-PHOREST (Eco-Friendly Photosynthesis and Aerobic Respiration Teaching Aids as low-cost and innovative teaching aids for Biology by using waste material. The research was conducted in SMA Global Mandiri for Small scale trials and in some Senior High schools in DKI Jakarta during the academic Year 2021/2022. Research and Development (RND) was used as a method to create the teaching aids in some steps including Analyze, Design, Development of Product, and Implementation. According to the validation by experts, the teaching aids are valid and feasible to use. The result of the small-scale and large-scale trials showed that ECO-PHOREST as an innovative teaching aid got a positive response from students and Biology teachers. The teaching aids can also improve students understanding of the concept of Photosynthesis and Aerobic Respiration. The use of waste materials to create teaching aids can reduce production costs and reduce environmental pollution.

Keywords: ECO-PHOREST, Photosynthesis, Low cost, teaching aids

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11 Biology Education ABS-76

An Investigation into Prospective Biology Teachers^ Science Argumentation: Do they already been mastering it?
Maisuna Kundariati, Herawati Susilo, Balqis

Universitas Negeri Malang


Argumentation is an assertion where the premises are stated as a means of justifying a conclusion. Assessing prospective biology teachers really needed due their role as an educator. Educators means guiding students mastering skill from the learning activities. So prospective biology teacher should be master 21st century skill including science argumentation. This study aimed to investigate level of argumentation, the use of evidence on scientific argumentation, and to distinguish single and an extended questions on scientific argumentation achievement. An empirical study was conducted using the responses from 59 prospective biology teachers in a survey design. The result shown that prospective biology teachers^ scientific argumentation skills are mostly at level 2 (Q1 = 69,49%- Q2 = 66,10%) consisting of claims and data. While the level 1 argument (Q1 = 22,03%- Q2 = 8,47%) only consists of simple claims and level 3 argument (Q1 = 8,47%- Q2 = 20,34%) consisting of claim, ground, and rebuttal. Prospective biology teacher use of personal opinion to support claims (Q1 = 50,85%- Q2 = 49,15%) and use conceptual data to support claim (Q1 = 37,29%- Q2 = 40,67%), and use of specific data to support claims (Q1 = 11,86%- Q2 = 10,17%). Furthermore, there is significant different between single and extended questions toward prospective biology teachers argumentation achievement. The argumentation skills of prospective biology teachers were better in the extended question (Mean = 44.75) while the single question was lower (Mean = 37.29). This finding may be as considerations to put in action toward science education, which developing and enhancing scientific argumentation.

Keywords: Science Argumentation, Prospective Biology Teacher

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12 Biology Education ABS-85

Development of The Raden Sekar Forest Handout Using Problem-Based Learning on Ecosystem Materials
Sueb Sueb, Fadilah Eka Wulandari

Universitas Negeri Malang


Education is essential for helping students realize their full potential to stay up with the times. There is a process of teaching and learning in education. The learning process involves instructional resources, with handouts constituting one sort of such item. Handouts are learning activities based on various relevant sources to aid students in comprehending the primary subject matter to be studied so that they may attain the desired fundamental abilities. This research intends to design a viable handout for the Raden Sekar Forest, Madiun Regency, using Problem-Based Learning on Ecosystem Materials for class X. The study was conducted utilizing research and development (R&D) techniques, and the development research model employed was ADDIE, which consisted of 5 processes but only required 3: (1) analyze, (2) design, and (3) develop. The study^s outcomes include the evaluations of the three validators, with a validity percentage of 90.83 % for material expert validators, 99.30 % for teaching design expert validators, and 96.87% for educational practitioner expert validators. The average of the three percentages yields a percentage level of 95.66 % for a very good category. These results showed that the created handouts may be utilized as a component of the curriculum for teaching senior high school students about ecosystems.

Keywords: Raden Sekar Forest Handout, PBL

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13 Biology Education ABS-93

The Relationship Between Technology Literacy and Environmental Litracy Towards Strengthening Profile of Pancasila Students SMAN 1 Tumpang
Ainur Rofiqi(1,b), Mimien Henie Irawati Al-Muhdhar(1,a*), Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,c), and Amrih Utami(2,d)

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia, Jln Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia
2) SMAN 1 Tumpang, Jln Kamboja 10 Tumpang, Malang, 65156, Indonesia


The era of globalization has a significant impact on life, so there is a need for technological literacy so that humans can keep up with the changing times. The era of globalization also has an impact on environmental changes that make humans lack environmental literacy. In addition, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology applies the profile of pancasila students in the latest curriculum so that students can realize the value in Pancasila. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between technological literacy and environmental literacy in strengthening the profile of pancasila students. This research is a survey research with a correlational design. The population is 350 students with a sample of 105 students. The instrument for collecting technological literacy data uses a Technology Literacy Survey based on Greenstein, while environmental literacy uses the Middle School Literacy Survey. The results of the technological literacy score of 68 are included in the sufficient category, while the results of the environmental literacy score of 270.58 are included in the moderate category. The results of the analysis using Pearson Correlation obtained a significance value of 0.098> 0.05 and a Pearson correlation of 0.162 meaning that there was no relationship between technological literacy and environmental literacy to strengthening the profile of pancasila students. Many teachers have not been able to optimize mentoring for character education in learning and only focus on positive achievements. So it is necessary to strengthen character education oriented to the profile of pancasila students that can be applied to learning by integrating material charged with technological literacy and environmental literacy.

Keywords: Technology literacy, environmental literacy, profile of pancasila students

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14 Biology Education ABS-94

The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Combined with Think Talk Write (TTW) by using Biology Electronic Module (BEM) to Ptomote Student Creative Thinking Skill in Grade X of SMAN 6 Barru, Indonesia
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar(1,a*), Siti Nurhikmah Mustadjuddin(1,b), Fatchur Rohman(1,c), Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,d), and Iswati Sakra(2,e)

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia
2) SMA Negeri 6 Barru, Jl. Pramuka No.83, Kabupaten Barru, 90712, Indonesia


Creative thinking skill has an important position in preparing initiative and productive generations. Someone is creative when she/he has more organized actions, has mature innovative plans and is able to consider the impact or other problems that will arise. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) combined with Think Talk Write (TTW) by using Biology Electronic Module (BEM) in promoting students creative thinking skill. This research is a pre-experimental design by using one group pretest-posttest design. The study participants consisted of 33students in the tenth grade in Natural Science Program of SMAN 6 Barru, Indonesia. The instruments used to measure the students creative thinking skill were essay tests. The results of the tests were measuredby using n-gain test. The score of pretest was 55.32 and score of posttest was 75.30. The result of n-gain test was 0.43. It means that it isin the medium criteria. This studies finding showed that PBL combined with TTW had effective effect to promote students creative thinking skills.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning (PBL), Think Talk Write (TTW), Biology Electronic Module (BEM), Creative thinking skill

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15 Biology Education ABS-95

Correlation Between Digital Literacy and Environmental Literacy of 11th Grade Students of SMAN 1 Batu
Shinta Amrul Khoirina(1,b), Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar(1,a*), Muhamad Arjuna Salim(1,c), Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,d) and Mohammad Qodri (2,e)

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
2) SMA Negeri 1 Batu, Jln. KH Agus Salim 57 Batu, Indonesia


The rapid development of technology, information, and communication requires students to master digital literacy. In addition, the rapid development of technology also affects environmental conditions, so it is necessary to master environmental literacy to understand and interpret environmental conditions, as well as build students awareness of environmental issues. This study aims to determine the correlation between digital literacy and student environmental literacy. The population in this research includes students of 11thgrade students of SMAN 1 Batu. The research sample amounted to 102 students with the sampling technique used was purposive random sampling. Data were collected through digital literacy questionnaires, environmental literacy questionnaires, and environmental literacy tests. The data were tested for normality and homogeneity prerequisites, then analyzed using the Pearson Correlation statistical test. The results obtained show that the average digital literacy score of students is 105.1 included in the high category, and the average student environmental literacy score is 162.7 included in the medium category. The results of the Pearson Correlation analysis obtained a significance value of 0.002 < 0.05 with a correlation coefficient of rcount = 0.307. A high level of digital literacy will make students more critical in accessing technology and digital media. Digital literacy includes the process of finding, using multiple sources, evaluating, and using the information to produce original products, with the maximum application of digital literacy, which is expected to support students^ environmental literacy in providing knowledge, understanding, and building an attitude of caring for the environment. The data obtained shows that there is a positive relation between digital literacy and environmental literacy of 11th grade students of SMAN 1 Batu, but the relation between the two literacy levels is low.

Keywords: Digital Literacy, Environmental Literacy, Digital information

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16 Biology Education ABS-97

The Relationship Between Problem Solving Skills and Environmental Literacy of Class X Students at SMAN 8 Malang
Mimien Henie Irawati AL Muhdhar(1,a*), Ardelia Delinda(1,b), Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,c), and Wiedia Carullina Purwanti(2,d)

1) Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, State University of Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang, Indonesia
2) SMAN 8 Malang, Jl. Veteran 37 Malang, Indonesia


Environmental literacy is an individual^s ability to build an understanding of the main concepts based on phenomena and apply knowledge to improve environmental problems. Environmental literacy focuses on real behavior, not just knowledge about the environment. Problem solving skills are one of the skills in the world of education that include the process of identifying problems, considering options, and making informed choices. This study aims to determine the relationship between problem solving skills and environmental literacy of class X students at SMAN 8 Malang. The population in this study includes all students of class X at SMAN 8 Malang. The research sample was taken randomly among as many as 112 students of class X majoring in Mathematics and Natural Sciences at SMAN 8 Malang. The instrument used is a test of problem-solving skills based on Greenstein and an environmental literacy test based on the Middle School Environmental Literacy Survey. The results showed that the average problem solving skills score of students was 1.9 in the medium category and the average environmental literacy score was 279.3 in the medium category. Data analysis using Pearson Correlation obtained a significance value of 0.112 > 0.05. The correlation test shows that there is no relationship between problem-solving skills and environmental literacy of class X students at SMAN 8 Malang. The results of the correlation test which are not significant indicate that further research is needed to determine the relationship between problem solving skills indicators and environmental literacy indicators.

Keywords: Problem solving-skills, knowledge of ecology, behavior towards the environment

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17 Biology Education ABS-98

Analysis of Technological Literacy and Environmental Literacy of SMAN 1 Batu Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period.
Muhamad Arjuna Salim(1,b), Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar(1,a*), Shinta Amrul Khoirina(1,c), Racy Rizky Abdillah (1,d), and Qohammad Qodri(2,e)

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia
2) SMA Negeri 1 Batu, Jln. KH Agus Salim 57 Batu, Indonesia


Learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic are a challenge for education in Indonesia. Education which was originally able to take place more simply (offline), is now being carried out at home through online learning. Even in some areas there are implementing blended learning models. This has an impact that is received by students. In addition to these challenges, demands related to literacy are a factor that cannot be ignored at this time. The importance of technological literacy and environmental literacy has the ease of using technology and being able to overcome the impact of technological developments in this era, one of which is identifying issues related to environmental problems and efforts to overcome them. This study aims to determine the level of technological literacy and environmental literacy of class XI students of SMAN 1 Batu during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the relationship between technological literacy and environmental literacy of class XI students of SMAN 1 Batu during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is survey research with a correlational design. The sample used in this study amounted to 105 students of class XI, and the sampling technique used was purposive random sampling. The instrument used was a technological literacy test sheet adapted from Greenstein (2012) and an environmental literacy test adapted from MSELS (2011). The results obtained showed that the average technological literacy score of class XI students of SMAN 1 Batu was 144.8 in the high category (Proficient), and the average environmental literacy of class XI students of SMAN 1 Batu was 274.9 in the middle category. The results of the Pearson Correlation analysis obtained a significance value of 0.001 <0.05, so it can be seen that the two variables have a relationship, with a positive, and a weak degree of relation.

Keywords: Technology Literacy, Environmental Literacy, Covid-19, Pandemic Period.

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18 Biology Education ABS-101

Ghaida Sekarlita Fadha (a), Widi Purwianingsih (b), Rini Solihat (b)

a) Pakuan University
Jl. Pakuan, RT. 02/ RW.06, Tegallega, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16129

b) Indonesian Education University
Jl. Dr. setiabudhi No.229, Isola, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154


The e-module is one of many learning resources currently in use partly because of its ease of use and access. Before the use of an e-module in learning, a process of validation is needed to ensure its worthiness. The study aims to test the skills of an e-module based on a socio-scientific issue on environmental materials and to design features to facilitate argumentation skills and decision-making. The research is a quantitative descriptive, using an instrument with a validation assessment sheet. The validation process is by 2 people, which are content/matter experts and media experts/the e-module application. Validation measures are based on content ratio analysis (CVR). Based on the validator assessment of e-modules based on socio-scientific issues on environmental materials, in terms of materials obtained 62% valid categories, while in a media/ application of 70% valid categories. Based on the results of the validation of e-modules based on socio-scientific issues are declared valid and should be used with improvements to some components in material terms on the feasibility of content and the conceptual exclusion aspect. Whereas in a media aspect that is the pedagogic aspect of learning and the standard aspect of the content.

Keywords: E-Module, socio-scientific issues, environmental materials, argumentation skills, decision making.

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19 Biology Education ABS-102

The Effectiveness of RICOSRE-Flipped Classroom in Improving Students^ Digital Literacy
Hardianto (a), Susriyati Mahanal (a*) ,Siti Zubaidah (a), And Deny Setiawan (a)

a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang Jl. Semarang 5 Malang, Indonesia 65145


Digital literacy is a skill that every student should master in order to be able to properly analyze and compare various information obtained from different sources. Unfortunately, field data showed that high school students mostly had poor digital literacy. Digital literacy can be improved using innovative learning methods, one of which is the RICOSRE integrated flipped classroom (RICOSRE-FC). This study was conducted to determine the effect of the RICOSRE-FC method on high school students^ digital literacy in biology learning. This quasi-experimental study was performed using pre-test post-test nonequivalent control group design. The independent variable was the learning method consisting of the RICOSRE-FC model and conventional learning, while digital literacy was the dependent variable. The population of this study was all students of class XI SMAN MIPA in Soppeng, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, from which three classes of XI MIPA SMAN 1 and three classes of XI SMAN 2 were randomly determined as samples. The experimental classes were taught using the RICOSRE-FC model, the positive control were taught using RICOSRE model, while the negative control classes learned using conventional learning method. Pre-test and post-test scores were measured using a modified digital literacy questionnaire from Wan (2012) scored using a five-point Likert scale: strongly disagree (STS), disagree (TS), abstain (TB), agree (S), and strongly agree (SS). One way test ANCOVA and LSD tests were also performed to analyse the data, which results indicated the presence of significant influence of learning method on students^ digital literacy. The RICOSRE-FC method had higher corrected mean score of 81.341 compared RICOSRE model of 72.990 and conventional learning of 66.785, showing that RICOSRE-FC could potentially improve students^ digital literacy.

Keywords: RICOSRE-FC- Digital literacy

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20 Biology Education ABS-104

Validity and Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning-Based Ethnobotany Electronic Encyclopedia of Students^ Digital Literacy
Emilia Umrotin(1,a), Dwi Listyorini(1,b*), Abdul Gofur(1,c), I Wayan Sumberartha(1,d)

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia


Abstract. Integrated learning has been pushed into the mainstream of education with the help of digital technology. Today^s digital tools make it easier for teachers and students to access learning resources flexibly. One needs to have a certain level of digital literacy to use technology effectively in learning. Digital literacy for learning is knowing how to operate technology and having the right information management to build skills or psychomotor abilities based on experience and practice gained from interacting with the environment critically. The analysis of the needs of students of the Department of Biology at the UIN Malang shows that students^ digital literacy level is still relatively low. Learning resources in the form of certain electronic encyclopedias are still not used. Using valid electronic learning resources and appropriate learning models can improve digital literacy. So, this study aims to describe the validity and determine the effect of electronic encyclopedias on students^ digital literacy in ethnobotany courses. This study uses a research design of One Group Pretest-Posttest Design on 17 students. The validity of the electronic encyclopedia was analyzed using the validation sheet instrument of material experts, teaching materials experts, and field practitioners. The effectiveness of the electronic encyclopedia was analyzed using SPSS on the N-Gain Score and Paired Sample T-Test with a significance level of 5%. The results showed that the material expert^s assessment was 93.8%, the media expert^s assessment was 99%, and the practitioner^s expert assessment was 96.9%. In the results of the SPSS analysis, the value of g>0.7 and the value of p = 0.00<a (0.05). So that the PjBL-based ethnobotanical electronic encyclopedia is valid to be used as a learning resource and effectively improves students^ digital literacy. The electronic encyclopedia of ethno-botany can also be used for further research, such as measuring other 21st century skills.

Keywords: Electronic Encyclopedia, Project-Based Learning, Digital Literacy

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21 Biology Education ABS-106

Development of Electronic Modules on the Subject Ecosystems and Environmental Changes Based on Problem Based Learning Assisted by Augmented Reality Macrozoobenthos in Bedadung River, Jember Regency, East Java.
Devi Alvionita1b, Ibrohim1a*, Sueb1c

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
a*) Corresponding author: Ibrohim.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
b)Electronic mail: Devialvionita.da[at]gmail.com
c)Electronic mail: Sueb.fmipa[at]um.ac.id


The impact of changes in technology, information, and communication (ICT), is currently playing a tremendous role in the education system. Changes in student learning patterns, which are influenced by technology, are one of the big challenges that need to be addressed immediately. Related to this problem, development research was carried out that aims to develop technology-based teaching materials that meet valid and practical requirements. This research consists of five stages, which refer to the model of Lee and Owen (2014), these are assessment and analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptive quantitative from the results of validation, trials, and practical results of teaching material. Qualitative data were analyzed descriptive qualitative obtained from suggestions and comments from validators, biology education practitioner, and students. The trial and implementation of teaching material were carried out at MAN 1 Jember from May to June 2022. The results showed that teaching materials validity reached 100% from material experts and media experts in the very valid category, reaching 93% of biology education practitioners in the very valid category, and reaching 97% of the trials in the very valid category. The results of the practicality test reached 88.1% in the very practical category. From this research, it can be concluded that the electronic module for ecosystems and environmental change learning based on PBL and assisted by augmented reality is valid and practical, which can be used in subsequent research.

Keywords: Electronic Module, Augmented Reality, PBL, Bedadung River, Environment

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22 Biology Education ABS-107

Vyna Rohmatika (a), Ibrohim (a*)

(a) Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang.
Jalan Semarang, 5, Malang, East Java, Indonesia


Science education in the 21st century aims not only to improve students^ mastery of knowledge but must be oriented to its use to solve problems in daily life. This research and development objective is to develop and produce the inquiry learning-based electronic module on human respiratory system material to train scientific literacy and student learning outcomes. The model implemented in this research and development followed Lee and Owen^s model (2004), which consists of five stages: assessment/analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Research and development are carried out from November 2021-May 2022. Research and development results show that the validity of teaching materials and media, respectively, are 100% and 97.1%, while the practicality test, according to student questionnaires, is 89%. This research shows that the inquiry learning-based electronic module in biology learning resulted in an increase in students^ scientific literacy scores from 76.5% to 90.1%. The average cognitive learning outcome was 90.1, with a class completeness rate of 93%. The inquiry learning-based electronic module of the human respiratory system as a learning material and media is declared valid and practical so that it is suitable to be used to train scientific literacy and cognitive learning outcomes.

Keywords: electronic module, inquiry learning, scientific literacy, cognitive learning outcomes.

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23 Biology Education ABS-112

The Development of Probem Based Learning E-Module Based on The Identification of Student^s Misconceptions Through Three Tier Diagnostic Test in Plant and Animal Tissues
Annisa Fauzia Rahmah, Herawati Susilo, Murni Sapta Sari

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang No.5 Malang, 65145, Indonesia


This study aims to develop an e-module based on Problem Based Learning based on the identification of misconceptions about plant tissue and animal tissue. This research is a development research using the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). This study involved students of class XI MIPA 1 and XI MIPA 2 SMAN 8 Malang. The instrument used is a validity and practicality test instrument. The results of the research on the validity of the material expert, the validity of the teaching material expert, and the validity of the e-module field practitioner, obtained a very valid category and could be used in the learning process. While the results of the practical test by means of a one-to-one trial, small group trial and field trial, the developed e-module is categorized as very practical, which means that the e-module can be used by students in the learning process at school.

Keywords: E-Module, Misconception, Problem Based Learning, Plant Tissue, Animal Tissue

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24 Biology Education ABS-113

The Relationship Between Creative Thinking Skills and Cognitive Achievement Through Project Based Learning Integrated by Interactive Web
Feni Eka Wulandari (a*), Murni Sapta Sari (a), Dwi Listyorini (a), Racy Rizky Abdillah (a)

a) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang Street 5, Malang, 65145, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between creative thinking skills and cognitive achievement of senior high school students on the Plantae topic through Project Based Learning integrated by interactive web. The design of this study was a correlation study. The population of this study was 10th grade Mathematics and Natural Sciences in SMAN 1 Kepanjen. The sample was taken randomly as many as 34 students. The data of creative thinking skill and cognitive achievement were obtained by pretest and posttest. The data analyzed with Pearson Product Moment Correlations showed a significance value of 0.001<0.05 with 0,561 Pearsons correlation coefficient. The result of this study showed that the relationship between students^ creative thinking skills and cognitive achievement were categorized as high with a significant relationship on the Plantae topic through Project Based Learning integrated by interactive web.

Keywords: Creative Thinking Skills- Cognitive Achievement- Project Based Learning

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25 Biology Education ABS-116

Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills of SMAN 7 Malang Students
Olivia Nabilla Maharani(1,b), Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar(1,a*), and Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,c)

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia


Critical thinking skills are an important ability possessed by students to support 21st-century learning. This research aims to analyze critical thinking skills of students skills in terms of critical thinking skills indicators according to Ennis 1996, focus, reason, inference, situation, clarity, and overview. The type of research was descriptive qualitative. This research was conducted on October 24, 2021, at SMAN 7 Malang. The research subjects were students of class XI MIPA SMAN 7 Malang. The instrument used to analyze critical thinking skills is an essay test. The achievement of critical thinking skills of students still needs to be improved, this is indicated by a test result of 63,01 in the medium category, a focus indicator got the result of 44.69 in the low category, reason indicator got a result 56.06 in the low category, inference indicator got result 78.03 in the high category, situation indicator got result 53.78 in the low category, the clarity indicator got result 74.24 in the high category, and overview indicator got result 71.21 in the medium category. This is because students still have not maximized their thinking potential to make a decision. The results of this study can provide initial conditions to teachers and researchers regarding the level of critical thinking skills of students. This is because students still have not maximized their thinking potential to make a decision. Problem based learning model is based on various problems that require authentic inquiry, namely investigations that require real solutions to contextual problems. Based on the results, an integrated problem based learning e-module is needed that can improve critical thinking skills of students skills in accordance with the 21st-century learning criteria.

Keywords: Critical thinking skills, FRISCO, 21st century

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26 Biology Education ABS-117

Student Collaboration Skills Through Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Assisted by Concept Maps
Raihanah Nur Agustanti (a), Herawati Susilo (a*), Dwi Listyorini (a)

a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang


This study aims to compare student collaboration skills through concept map-assisted PBL with mind map-assisted PBL. This type of research is pseudo-experimentation. The research population is students of the Department of Biology, State University of Malang who took the Plant Physiology course in the first semester of the 2021/2022 academic year with a sample of 59 students. Data analysis using Independent Sample T-Test. The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant difference in student collaboration between the two classes, the sig (2-tailed) score obtained was 0.000<0.05 then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that PBL with learning aids in the form of concept maps is good for increasing student collaboration.

Keywords: collaboration skills, Concept map-assisted PBL

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27 Biology Education ABS-118

Development of Mobile Apps to Support Flipped-Project Based Learning for Class XI Students
Novela Memiasih 1c), Sueb 1b), and Ibrohim 1a*)

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
a*) ibrohim.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
b) sueb.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
c) novelamemi4[at]gmail.com


The Project Based Learning (PjBL) model can be integrated with Flipped Classroom, both of these combinations will provide meaningful learning for students. One of the technologies that can support Flipped-Project Based Learning is mobile apps which is named ^IOXO^, because it is more practical and interesting, so that students can learn independently outside the classroom. The theme of the problem in the mobile apps is related to the pollution of the Lekso River due to cow dung waste. This research uses Lee & Owen development model which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation stages. Trial and implementation carried out at Senior High School 1 Kesamben. The instruments used in the research were material expert validation sheets, media teaching materials sheets, biology education practitioners sheets, readability sheets for trial and student response questionnaires. The types of data in this research are quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data were obtained from the results of the validity of material experts, teaching materials media experts, biology education practitioners, trials, and practicality from student response questionnaires. Qualitative data were obtained from suggestions and comments from material experts, teaching materials media experts, biology education practitioners, and students. The results of the validation of mobile apps from material experts, media experts, and biology education practitioners obtained values of 100%, 98%, and 98%. Meanwhile, from the results of student questionnaires after using the mobile apps, 90% of students stated that the application was very practical. From the results of individual trials, small groups and large groups respectively obtained values of 98%, 96%, 96%. Thus, it can be concluded that the ^IOXO^ mobile apps are valid and practical to support learning on the topic of ecosystems and environmental change in high school.

Keywords: Mobile apps, flipped, project based learning, biology

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28 Biology Education ABS-119

The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Model with VARK Approach on Biology Students Communication Skills
Siti Annisaaul Kariimah, Herawati Susilo, Utami Sri Hastuti

Universitas Negeri Malang


Communication skill is an ability to convey the results of observations or knowledge possessed through oral, written, and gestures. The results of the needs analysis on the ability of communication skills through observations of undergraduate students of Biology Education, State University of Malang who are taking the Plant Physiology course are low. Based on the results of the needs analysis, it is proven that learning does not empower communication skills, because learning does not facilitate student learning styles. The solution to overcome these problems is to apply problem-based learning with the VARK approach (Visual, auditory/ aural, read/ write, kinesthetic). The purpose of this study was to prove the effect of the Problem-based Learning (PBL) learning model with the VARK approach on students^ communication skills. This type of research is a quasi-experimental. Data collection techniques with observation. The research sample consisted of 58 students consisting of two groups, namely the experimental group using PBL with the VARK approach and the control group using only PBL without the VARK approach. Data analysis used independent sample t-test to determine the effect of the learning model. The results showed that the value of Sig. 2-tailed 0.002 < (0.05), the results of the analysis prove that the research hypothesis is accepted, while the mean difference shows that the experimental class is 15.69 higher than the control class 14.07. So, the PBL model with the VARK approach has a positive effect on the communication skills of biology students.

Keywords: Problem-based Learning with VARK approach, Communication Skills, Biology Students

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29 Biology Education ABS-120

Analysis of The Self-Efficacy Level of Students at SMAN 1 Singosari
Widyarti Azzahra1b), Susriyati Mahanal1a*), Siti Zubaidah1c)

1) Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang No 5 Malang, Indonesia .


Students in this Industry 4.0 era need to be prepared with high competitiveness namely a great enthusiasm and optimism, developing their potential and abilities, especially self-efficacy and good cognitive abilities. Self-efficacy is essential in the education sector as it can affect cognitive processes, motivation, action, and achievement of student. Students with high self-efficacy are more diligent and do not give up easily when faced with failure and difficulties. This study is a survey research that aims to determine the level of self-efficacy of students at SMAN 1 Singosari, Malang district. The population in this study were students of 11st class SMAN 1 Singosari which consisted of 7 classes with a sample of 32 students. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The data collection technique used a self-efficacy questionnaire from Gafoor & Asraf and interviews. The data were analysed by quantitative description, namely calculating the scores obtained from the results of the questionnaire. The results showed that students^ self-efficacy was in the low category with an average of 48.00, which means that students^ self-efficacy at SMAN 1 Singosari needs to be trained. 71.87% of students are in a low category, 28.12% are in the medium category and 0% are in the high category. Students^ self-efficacy is low because the learning process has not been empowered and the learning model used by the teacher has not been able to train students^ self-efficacy.

Keywords: Self-efficacy- students.

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30 Biology Education ABS-121

Analysis of Science Literacy of 11th Grade Students at SMA NASIONAL Malang
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar(1,a*), Salwa Nabilah Afifah(1,b), Nursasi Handayani(1,c), Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,d), and Novia DewiRahmawati(2,e)

1) Department of Biology, Mathematics and Science Faculty, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5 65145 Malang, Indonesia
2) SMA Nasional Malang, Jln. SudancoSupriadi 50 Malang, Indonesia


Scientific literacy is an individuals ability to understand scientific concepts and processes and apply them to solve problems in everyday life. This study aims to analyze the scientific literacy of class XI IPA SMA Nasional Malang based on three main indicators of scientific literacy according to PISA 2018. This research was conducted on December 12, 2021, at SMA Nasional Malang. The population in this study included 62 students of class XI IPA SMA Nasional Malang with a sample of 31 students. The instrument used in this research is a scientific literacy test in the form of an essay based on three main indicators of scientific literacy according to PISA 2018, including explaining phenomena scientifically, interpreting data and scientific evidence, and evaluating and designing scientific investigations. The results showed that the scientific literacy of class XI IPA SMA Nasional Malang students on the indicator of explaining the phenomenon scientifically obtained an average value of 56.45 including the low category. The results of research on indicators of evaluating and designing scientific investigations obtained an average value of 42.34 including the very low category. The results of research on indicators of interpreting data and scientific evidence obtained an average value of 50.00 including the low category. The causes of the low scientific literacy of students include: a lack of mastery of material concepts, classroom learning that has not applied a scientific approach, and students lack of analytical skills toward scientific phenomena. Based on this, it is necessary to use problem based learning (PBL) e-module containing scientific literacy to help train students scientific literacy. Students who use PBL e-module containing scientific literacy can build their knowledge independently and develop scientific literacy because the PBL learning model is based on constructivism theory.

Keywords: Scientific literacy, PISA, competence of science

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