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Effectiveness and Practicality of Integrated Biology Student Worksheet with Values of the Qur^an and As-Sunnah on Digestive System Material
Siti Robiah, Zara Faraniza

Universitas Islam Riau


Abstract. his study aims to see the effectiveness of the faith, and taqwa Integrated Biology student worksheet in Class XI MIPA Students of Serirama YLPI High School in Pekanbaru. Type of research development with ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews, learning outcomes tests, performance and portfolio, and questionnaire techniques. The data analysis technique used descriptive and inferential analysis. The research subjects of class XI MIPA 1 were 23 students. The results showed that the psychomotor learning outcomes of students were 87.70 categories well, and the results of the practicum worksheet biology test faith by students 89% the category well. the results of the study concluded that the integrated Biology worksheet IMTAQ in the Material Structure and Organ Function in the Digestive System is effective used by Students.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Worksheet Biology, Values Al-Qur^an and As-Sunnah

Topic: Biology Education

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