Analysis of The Self-Efficacy Level of Students at SMAN 1 Singosari
Widyarti Azzahra1b), Susriyati Mahanal1a*), Siti Zubaidah1c)

1) Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang No 5 Malang, Indonesia .


Students in this Industry 4.0 era need to be prepared with high competitiveness namely a great enthusiasm and optimism, developing their potential and abilities, especially self-efficacy and good cognitive abilities. Self-efficacy is essential in the education sector as it can affect cognitive processes, motivation, action, and achievement of student. Students with high self-efficacy are more diligent and do not give up easily when faced with failure and difficulties. This study is a survey research that aims to determine the level of self-efficacy of students at SMAN 1 Singosari, Malang district. The population in this study were students of 11st class SMAN 1 Singosari which consisted of 7 classes with a sample of 32 students. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The data collection technique used a self-efficacy questionnaire from Gafoor & Asraf and interviews. The data were analysed by quantitative description, namely calculating the scores obtained from the results of the questionnaire. The results showed that students^ self-efficacy was in the low category with an average of 48.00, which means that students^ self-efficacy at SMAN 1 Singosari needs to be trained. 71.87% of students are in a low category, 28.12% are in the medium category and 0% are in the high category. Students^ self-efficacy is low because the learning process has not been empowered and the learning model used by the teacher has not been able to train students^ self-efficacy.

Keywords: Self-efficacy- students.

Topic: Biology Education

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