Validity and Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning-Based Ethnobotany Electronic Encyclopedia of Students^ Digital Literacy
Emilia Umrotin(1,a), Dwi Listyorini(1,b*), Abdul Gofur(1,c), I Wayan Sumberartha(1,d)

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia


Abstract. Integrated learning has been pushed into the mainstream of education with the help of digital technology. Today^s digital tools make it easier for teachers and students to access learning resources flexibly. One needs to have a certain level of digital literacy to use technology effectively in learning. Digital literacy for learning is knowing how to operate technology and having the right information management to build skills or psychomotor abilities based on experience and practice gained from interacting with the environment critically. The analysis of the needs of students of the Department of Biology at the UIN Malang shows that students^ digital literacy level is still relatively low. Learning resources in the form of certain electronic encyclopedias are still not used. Using valid electronic learning resources and appropriate learning models can improve digital literacy. So, this study aims to describe the validity and determine the effect of electronic encyclopedias on students^ digital literacy in ethnobotany courses. This study uses a research design of One Group Pretest-Posttest Design on 17 students. The validity of the electronic encyclopedia was analyzed using the validation sheet instrument of material experts, teaching materials experts, and field practitioners. The effectiveness of the electronic encyclopedia was analyzed using SPSS on the N-Gain Score and Paired Sample T-Test with a significance level of 5%. The results showed that the material expert^s assessment was 93.8%, the media expert^s assessment was 99%, and the practitioner^s expert assessment was 96.9%. In the results of the SPSS analysis, the value of g>0.7 and the value of p = 0.00<a (0.05). So that the PjBL-based ethnobotanical electronic encyclopedia is valid to be used as a learning resource and effectively improves students^ digital literacy. The electronic encyclopedia of ethno-botany can also be used for further research, such as measuring other 21st century skills.

Keywords: Electronic Encyclopedia, Project-Based Learning, Digital Literacy

Topic: Biology Education

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