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151 Physics Education ABS-100

Assessment of the Learning Environment for Basic Electronics Courses Using the WIHIC Instrument
Nehru (a), Sri Purwaningsih (a), Cicyn Riantoni (b*)

a) Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.

b) Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Dinamika Bangsa Jambi, Indonesia.
*Corresponding author: cicynriantoni12[at]gmail.com


This article reports a profile of the learning environment in a basic electronics class. The research subjects were 134 students of physics education at Jambi University who had passed the basic electronics course. This research used survey method. Students^ perceptions of the basic electronics classroom environment were measured using the Indonesian version of What Is Happening In This Class (WIHIC). The results of this study indicate that there are several problems that need attention in learning basic electronics, namely 33.6% stated that the lecturer did not attract the attention of students specifically in learning- 29.9% of students stated that they rarely get help when experiencing difficulties in learning- 34.3% of students stated that the lecturer had never changed or arranged the class so that they could communicate with each student specifically, and 53% of students stated that ideas or opinions expressed in learning were rarely used in discussions. In addition to these results, there are still some findings described in this article. This study makes an important contribution to explaining why students achieve less than desired levels in learning basic electronics

Keywords: Learning Environment- Basic Electronics Courses- WIHIC Instrument

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152 Physics Education ABS-103

Development of STEAM-based project book to increase students^ creativity
Menza Hendri (a), Dian Pertiwi Rasmi (a*),

a) Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: dianrasmi[at]unja.ac.id


The background of this research is the problem of implementing learning which is carried out by blended learning. There are many difficulties in delivering learning caused by teaching materials that do not meet the needs of these students. Creating a STEAM-based project book (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) to increase student creativity will be very helpful in the independent learning process. The independent learning process is useful for understanding concepts and training students^ creativity in completing physics learning projects independently. This research is a development research (Research and Development) using the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The research instruments used were validation sheets, interviews, and questionnaires. Product trials were conducted at SMAN 3 Jambi City and SMAN 11 Jambi City. The results showed that the feasibility assessment by the material expert, the feasibility assessment by the media expert, and a questionnaire on the students^ perceptions of the product reached very good criteria and the product was feasible to use. The results of the assessment of student responses to the STEAM-based project book using a questionnaire overall are 3.5 with a very good category. Based on the results of the assessment, it can be concluded that the project book based on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) is used to increase student creativity and can be used as a learning resource.

Keywords: Project Book- STEAM- Creativity

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153 Physics Education ABS-105

Validation of Scaffolding in STEM-Based Open Inquiry Learning Design
Rusdi (a), Maison (b) and Cicyn Riantoni (c*)

a) Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
b) Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
c) Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Dinamika Bangsa Jambi, Indonesia.

*Corresponding author: cicynriantoni12[at]gmail.com


This article reports the results of research in the form of expert validation of scaffolding design in STEM-based Open Inquiry learning. The expert validators in this study were 3 lecturers from the Malang State University, Bengkulu University, and Jambi University. The validation process used an open-ended questionnaire. The results of the validation in this study were analyzed qualitatively by reducing the data obtained from 3 expert validators. The results of the validation in this study indicate that five important parts must be considered in designing learning based on the concept of scaffolding in STEM-based Open Inquiry learning, namely (1) the STEM concept in open inquiry must be designed as a whole, not separate things- (2) The role of lecturers must be minimized in the learning scheme- (3) The initial orientation stage in open inquiry does not contain complete information, but information that triggers students to think- (4) The whole series of learning activities are carried out by students- and (5) the type and form of delivery of scaffolding must be predicted according to the needs of students. The results of this study provide an important contribution to designing scaffolding learning in STEM-based open inquiry.

Keywords: STEM- Scaffolding- Open Inquiry

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154 Physics Education ABS-109

Indrawati(a*)M Huda(b*)I Mudakir (c*), A S Budiarso(d*)

a) lecturer of postgraduate master of science education at University of jember Jalan Kalimantan No. 37 Sumbersari Jember 68121 indrawatisutarto.fkip[at]unej.ac.id
b) postgraduate student of master of science education at University of jember Jalan Kalimantan No. 37 Sumbersari Jember 68121 physicshuda[at]gmail.com
c) lecturer of biology education at University of jember Jalan Kalimantan No. 37 Sumbersari Jember 68121 mudakir.fkip[at]unej.ac.id
d) lecturer of science education at University of jember Jalan Kalimantan No. 37 Sumbersari Jember 68121 singggiharis.fkip[at]unej.ac.id


Abstract. The characteristics of students in the 4.0 industrial revolution era which will lead to the 5.0 society era require many abilities that must be possessed, especially to solve problems and Computational Thinking skills. Students^ Computational Thinking (CT) skills must be trained with the right learning approach and using learning models that can improve CT. The aim of this article is to describe the learning effectiveness of students in using the Computational Based Learning (CBL) learning model in improving Computational Thinking abilities in learning physics in high school. This study followed a pretest, posttest, and posttest delay with a quasi-experimental design. A total of 35 students (aged 16-18 years) were divided into a quasi-experimental group. Pretest, and posttest Pro Test With Truth by using paired t test inferential statistics. The result of the paired sample t-test is 0.000, meaning that there is a significant change after the implementation of the Computational Based Learning (CBL) learning model. Based on this result, it is recommended to use the Computational Based Learning (CBL) learning model as one of the learning models used to improve Computational Thinking (CT) skills in senior high school

Keywords: The Effectiveness, The Computational Based Learning (CBL) Learning Model, Computational Thinking Ability, Learning Physics

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155 Physics Education ABS-115

Identification and Remediation of Misconceptions on Newtonian Mechanics by Using a Recitation Program in Senior High School
Briliantama Akbar Taufiq (a*), Endang Purwaningsih (a), and Arif Hidayat (a)

a) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang *briliantamaakbartaufiq[at]gmail.com


This study aims to determine the level of students misconceptions on the topic of Newtonian mechanics and remediate misconceptions using a recitation program. This research is a qualitative research descriptive. The subjects of this study consisted of 25 students totaling 25 people. The data collection instrument used was in the form of choice 4 option questions using the Certainty of Response Index (CRI) criteria and respondents reasons. Meanwhile, to remediate misconceptions using a recitation program. The results showed that there were misconceptions that occurred in students with the average percentage of results obtained before remediation, namely, students who experienced Understand Concept (UC) as much as 15.4%, students who experienced Not Confident (NC) as many as 7%, students who experienced Not Understand Concept (NUC) as much as 30%, and students who experience misconceptions (M) as much as 44.8%. After remediation the average percentage of the results obtained, namely students who experience Understand Concept (UC) as much as 30%, students who experience Not Confident (NC) as much as 13.6%, students who experience Not Understand Concept (NUC) as much as 27%, and students who experience misconceptions (M) as much as 25.6%. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the use of the recitation program can reduce misconceptions that occur in students. The researcher suggests that the application of the recitation program in learning is quite effective in minimizing the occurrence of misconceptions in students. The teacher should strengthen the initial concept to students so that students do not experience prolonged misconceptions. For further researchers, it is recommended to further identify the misconceptions that occur in other physics topics, considering that there are so many physics topics that experience misconceptions such as the topic of dynamic electricity.

Keywords: Misconception, Newtonian Mechanic, Recitation Program

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156 Physics Education ABS-129

Minimize student misconceptions about Newton^s third law with unstructured problems in modeling instruction
Purbo Suwasono, Hotramaida Munthe, Eleeyah Saniso

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UM


Abstract. There are still many misconceptions related to Newton^s Third Laws. There have also been many solutions that have been carried out to erode misconceptions related to Newton^s Third Laws. Mostly, the solution for eradicating misconceptions is done by using the current curriculum-based modeling learning. Meanwhile, students have misconceptions that are obtained based on their daily experiences related to Newton^s Third Laws. Because the difference in perception has an impact, students^ misconceptions are still carried over to the structure of their brains. Thus, it is necessary to learn modeling based on unstructured problems. The chosen modeling learning is Modeling Instruction which is designed based on unstructured problems. The aim of this research is to minimize students^ misconceptions regarding Newton^s Third Laws by using Modeling Instruction. The research method is a mixed method experimental design type. The experimental design used is one group pretest-posttest. To see the increase in the pretest to posttest scores, the Paired t test statistic was used. To find out how much misconception is minimized, the Cross Tabulation statistic is used. The results showed that the significance value was 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there was an effect of using modeling instruction learning with unstructured problems on students^ understanding of concepts. The number of misconceptions that were minimized was 65.45%, and the misconceptions that still persisted were 10.91%. The number of students choosing the correct option but the reason is wrong or without a reason is 23.64%.

Keywords: modeling instruction, minimization of misconceptions, unstructured problems, Newton^s Third Laws

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157 Physics Education ABS-139

Analysis of Dynamic Fluid Problem-Solving Ability in Prospective Physics Teacher
Mukhammad Ibnu Adam1, a) Ahmad Ridlotul Adha1,b) Nur Layly Alfina1,c) and Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa1, d)

1Departement of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia


This research is focused on analyzing the problem solving ability of Malang State University students who have taken basic the Fundamental of Physics I course, especially fluid dynamics. The research method used is mix methods model explanatory sequential Where in the method and design used mix qualitative methods to support quantitative data. Identification uses an instrument in the form of 7 item questions with rubrics or stages of Doctor-Heller problem solving. The results showed the percentage of the Usefull Descripion was 76.10%, Physics Approach was 52%, Specific Application of Physics is 49.09%, Mathematical Procedure is 40.00% and the last is Logical Progression is 24.94%. In the grouping of problem solving abilities, 9.09% or 1 student is in the expert problem solving ability category, 18.18% or 2 students are in the proficient category, 27.27% or 3 others are competent, and 18.18% or 2 students others are in the Advance beginner and there are still students who are classified novice by 27.27% of the remaining respondents. The student^s ability to work on sub-topic items showed that the percentage on the principle of continuity of the relationship between flow velocity and cross-sectional area was 61.81%, the application of the principle of continuity was 58.18%, Bernoulli^s equation on the relationship between flow velocity and fluid pressure was 39, 64%, the relationship of flow velocity, cross-sectional area and height of 45.82%, application of Bernoulli^s principle to leaky tanks or Toricelli^s theorem of 56.73%, application of Bernoulli^s principle to venturimeter tubes of 38.91% and application of Bernoulli^s principle to pitot tubes by 37.82%. This study only focuses on case studies of students^ ability to solve problems according to the Doctor-Heller indicator with interviewees who have difficulty solving problems on novice abilities, suggestions for future research researchers can interview all subjects related to obstacles that occur when doing or

Keywords: Doctor-Heller Problem Solving Ability, Students.

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158 Physics Education ABS-150

Are Feedback and Reinforcement Questions in The Recitation Program Able to Improve Students^ Concept Mastery?
Handy Faishal Rahim, Teddy Amin Romansyah, Arif Hidayat*, and Sutopo

Departement of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang, Semarang Street No 5, East Java, Indonesia, 65145


This study aims to identify the improvement of students^ conceptual mastery through a multi-representation-based recitation program accompanied by feedback and reinforcement questions. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative, carried out on 84 students of the S1 Physics Study Program, the State University of Malang. They took the Basic Physics course for the 2020/2021 academic year. The recitation program is multi-representational and multi-context-based, which contains reinforcement questions and feedback used by students outside of lecture hours to help master the concepts obtained in class. The results showed the mastery of concepts of momentum and impulse students increased, indicated by the transition of student^s answers and the average of students from 30.8 to 52.8. The increase in students^ mastery of concepts is shown in questions in the context of determining impulses in related problems and the conservation of momentum in related problems. The multi-representation and multi-context presented in the recitation program and pretest and posttest questions affect students^ mastery of concepts in solving problems.

Keywords: Recitation Program- Student^s Improvement- Concept Mastery

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159 Physics Education ABS-152

How Are The Student^s Difficulties in Mastering Concepts in Using Recitation Programs With Feedback and Reinforcement Questions?
Handy Faishal Rahim, Teddy Amin Romansyah, Arif Hidayat*, and Sutopo

Departement of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang, Semarang Street No 5, East Java, Indonesia, 65145


This study aims to identify difficulties in mastering the concepts of momentum and impulse through a multi-representation-based recitation program accompanied by feedback and reinforcement questions. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative, carried out on 84 students of the S1 Physics Study Program, the State University of Malang. They took the Basic Physics course for the 2020/2021 academic year. The recitation program is multi-representational and multi-context-based, which contains reinforcement questions and feedback used by students outside of lecture hours to help master the concepts obtained in class. The results showed that students still had difficulty mastering the concepts of momentum and impulse, as indicated by the reduction in correct choices in the questions presented. Student^s difficulties in mastering the concepts of momentum and impulse analyze the relationship of energy with the law of conservation of momentum and analyze impulses as changes in momentum. The multi-representation and multi-context presented in the recitation program and pretest and posttest questions can identify students^ difficulties in mastering the concepts of momentum and impulse.

Keywords: Recitation Program- Student^s difficulties- Concept Mastery

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160 Physics Education ABS-160

Analysis of College Students^ Conceptual Understanding on Work and Energy Topic in Various Representations
Danny Firmansyah, Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa, Amira Setiyani, Cahyani Intan Ramadani

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang, 65145, Indonesia


This study aims to determine students^ conceptual understanding of work and energy in various representations. The research method used in this study is a mixed method with a sequential explanatory design. The data in this study were quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. The research subjects consisted of 45 physics students at Universitas Negeri Malang who had taken the fundamental of physics course I. In this study, 10 multiple choice questions were used on the work and energy topic presented in various representations. The results showed that the understanding of concepts in the work and energy topic in various representations was still relatively low, which was indicated by the average score of students only reaching 42.22. The lowest concept of understanding occurs in the sub-material of work and kinetic energy, which is presented in a mathematical representation. Some of the errors experienced by students in the concept of work include: (1) students assume that gravity is the same as the tensile force on the block, (2) work is an ordinary product of force and displacement, and (3) do not pay attention to the meaning of the multiplication symbol between vector quantities. While in the concept of kinetic energy, the errors experienced include: (1) students use equations in the form of conclusions without starting from the variables raised in the problem and (2) assume that kinetic energy is only influenced by mass, so that they do not consider the speed of the two objects.

Keywords: Conceptual Understanding, Work and Energy

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161 Physics Education ABS-161

Conceptual Understanding Exploration of Prospective Physics Teacher on Hydrostatic Pressure Topic
Dima Syafaa Nabila, Alfina Rosita Dewi, Syifak Ayu Hariyono, and Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa*

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 5, Malang, 65145, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to explore the conceptual understanding of prospective physics teachers on hydrostatic pressure topic. The method used is a mixed method with an explanatory design, which consists of a quantitative analysis stage and followed by a qualitative stage. The subjects of this study were 71 physics students at Universitas Negeri Malang who had taken Fundamental of Physics I. The research instrument consisted of 7 checkbox multiple choice questions and interview guide. Quantitative data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the average score of students concept understanding was 9.70. There are 2 out of 7 questions with a correct percentage of less than 5%. The first problem related to the concept of barometric hydrostatic pressure, obtained 33 variations of answer choices. The most common error found is that students assume that atmospheric pressure and pressure in a vacuum are the same. On the other hand, in the problem of comparing the pressure at the bottom point of a container containing a liquid with different volumes and air condition over water, there are 17 variations of answer choices, many prospective physics teachers assume that the hydrostatic pressure is proportional to the volume of the liquid.

Keywords: conceptual understanding- hydrostatic pressure-

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162 Physics Education ABS-163

Analysis of Momentum and Impulse Misconceptions of College Students Using Four-Tier Diagnostic Tests
Amira Setiyani, Danny Firmansyah, Cahyani Intan Ramadani, and Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa

Departemen of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang Street No 5, East Java 65145, Indonesia


This study aims to find out the misconceptions on the momentum and impulse concept. The research method used in this study was a mixed method. The subjects of this research are students majoring in physics class 2019, 2020, and 2021 who have taken the fundamentals of physics course I with a total sample of 44 students. The instrument used is 15 four-tier multiple diagnostic tests. The research data was obtained based on the pattern of student answers on the four-tier multiple choice test. The results showed that students^ understanding of concepts on momentum and impulse materials using the diagnostic four-tier diagnostic test was still relatively low, as seen from the percentage of students who understood the concept of 30%, partially understood the concept of 46%, positive concept of 5%, wrong negative concept of 10%, and misconceptions of 9%. Some misconceptions experienced by students on the concept of momentum and impulse include: (1) students assume that only mass affects the magnitude of momentum, (2) assume that the total momentum of an isolated system of objects is not constant, and (3) assume that the collision process on a smooth surface will move all objects.

Keywords: Misconceptions, Momentum and Impulse

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163 Physics Education ABS-166

Development Of Android-Based Physics Interactive E-Module Completed With Scaffolding Problems In Applying The Concept Of Light Waves
Alvia Quthrotun Nada *, Edi Supriana, Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa, and Purbo Suwasono

Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang.
Jalan Semarang, 5, Malang, East Java, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to develop and determine the practicality of an Android-based Interactive Physics E-Module equipped with questions with scaffolding in applying the concept of light waves. This study uses a research and development model or Research and Development (R&D) with the 4D method. The 4D stages include Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. However, this research only reached the development stage, because it was only carried out until product trials which included validation tests and practicality tests. The subjects of this study were high school students of class XI majoring in science at SMAN 1 Paciran Lamongan who were taking light waves. From the validation test by the validator, the average percentage of results for media and material validation is 90% with very valid criteria. This shows that the material presented is in accordance with the curriculum so that it can support student learning. In the validation test results of practice questions with scaffolding, the average percentage is 97% and the percentage of evaluation questions is 96% with very valid criteria. This shows that the practice questions and evaluation questions that have been made are suitable for students to use in studying light waves and are worthy of being included in the developed E-Module. From the results of the practicality test, an average percentage of 85% was obtained with very practical criteria. This shows that the product developed is very practical and suitable to be used to support physics learning in understanding the concept of light waves, both used independently and in school learning.

Keywords: E-Module, Android, Light Waves, scaffolding

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164 Physics Education ABS-170

Students Conceptual Understanding Level in Momentum and Impulse: Based on Resource Theory
Handy Faishal Rahim, Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa, Arif Hidayat*, Sutopo

Departement of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang, Semarang Street No 5, East Java, Indonesia, 65145


This study aims to identify the level of understanding and resources that students activate. This research is a type of descriptive research. The study used a survey method by distributing 9 multiple-choice questions. The focus of the study is the topic of momentum-impulse. The research was conducted on 72 physics students who had taken the Fundamental of Physics I course. Data analysis was carried out by determining descriptive statistics and categorizing students^ level of understanding based on the reasons given. The level of concept understanding includes Sound Understanding (SU), Partial Understanding (PU), Partial Understanding with Specific Misconceptions (PUSM), Specific Misconceptions (SM), and Not Understanding (NU). Based on the analysis of the research results, the average score of students^ conceptual understanding was 49.38. Furthermore, the average levels of understanding are 12.12% for Sound Understanding, 17.75% for Partial Understanding, 25.77% for Partial Understanding with Specific Misconceptions, 28.86% for Specific Misconceptions, and 14.51% for Not Understanding. The most misconceptions experienced by students are determining the impulse as the slope of the curve on the F-t graph.

Keywords: Conceptual understanding, momentum and impulse, resource theory

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165 Physics Education ABS-171

Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills of Prospective Physics Teacher Students on Kinematics Topic
Cahyani Intan Ramadani, Danny Firmansyah, Amira Setiyani, Bakhrul Rizky Kurniawan, Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5, East Java 65145, Indonesia


Critical thinking skills are important to be developed for students to face the world of 21st century education. This study aims to analyze students^ critical thinking ability on kinematics topic. The research was a mixed method. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research subjects were 24 physics students, Universitas Negeri Malang who had taken Fundamental of Physics I course. The research instrument consists of 7 essay questions that include critical thinking indicators of formulating problems, inducing, deducting, evaluating, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that students^ critical thinking skills were in the sufficient category with an average score of 48.10. Indicators of critical thinking ability that have not been mastered by students, namely in deducting and evaluating. This can happen because students have not been able to solve complex problems and do not fully understand the concepts that students have in the kinematics material.

Keywords: Critical Thinking Skills- Kinematics

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166 Physics Education ABS-172

College Students Conceptual Understanding Analysis of Vector Addition and Subtraction on Problems in Various Representation Formats
Syifak Ayu Hariyono, Dima Syafaa Nabila, Nur Layly Alfina, and Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa*

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas
Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang, 65145, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the understanding of the concept of vector addition and subtraction operations. This study uses a mixed method research method with an explanatory design. The research subjects in this study were 37 physics students at Universitas Negeri Malang who had taken Fundamental of Physics I course. The instrument used was 18 multiple choice questions for vector addition and subtraction operations with various representations, namely visual, mathematical, and verbal. The analysis used is descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate the average score obtained by students is 76,13. This indicates that the students conceptual understanding ability is high. The lowest concept understanding of students is in solving problems in verbal representation. This is due to several reasons, including the following, (1) students experience confusion in changing the question sentence into a mathematical form before performing the requested operation, and (2) students often forget the vector direction aspect in performing the requested calculation operation.

Keywords: Conceptual Understanding- Vector- Various Representation

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167 Physics Education ABS-176

Identification of Physics Students Misconceptions on Rotational Motion Topics Using Four Tier Instrument
Alfina Rosita Dewi, Dima Syafaa Nabila, Andrea Faktur Rohman, M. Reyza Arief Taqwa

Universitas Negeri Malang


This study aims to identify students^ misconceptions about rotational motion by using a four-tier diagnostic test. This research was a mix method research with sequential explanatory research design. The samples of this research were 26 Physics students of Universitas Negeri Malang who have taken Fundamental of Physics 1 course. We used simple random sampling technique. The instrument consist of 10 four-tier tests with four levels. Data analysis was carried out by grouping the results of the data obtained into four groups, including misconceptions (M), understanding concepts (UC), not understanding concepts (NUC) or errors (E). Besides that, interviews were also conducted to obtain more serious and in-depth information about the material that experiences the highest misconception. The highest misconception experienced by students in the concept of rolling motion as pure rotation is 53.84% with the category of high misconception. Based on the results of interviews with 3 students who indicated misconceptions about the concept of rolling motion as pure rotation, they were confused about comparing the angular velocity and linear velocity of two related wheels.

Keywords: Misconceptions, Rotational Motion, Four Tier Instrument

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168 Physics Education ABS-179

College Students^ Difficulties of Momentum-Impuls Concept in Mathematical Representation Problems
Handy Faishal Rahim, Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa, Arif Hidayat*, and Sutopo

Departement of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang, Semarang Street No 5, East Java, Indonesia, 65145


This article aims to describe students^ difficulties with momentum-impulse in mathematical representation problems. This research is a descriptive study conducted on 186 physics department students who have taken the Basic Physics I course. The research instrument consisted of 7 reasoned multiple choice questions that measured the conceptual understanding of momentum and impulse. All questions are presented in a mathematical representation format. The questions used are valid questions according to experts, and based on the results of the empirical test, they are feasible based on the criteria of validity, reliability, discrimination index, and level of difficulty. Data analysis was carried out by determining descriptive statistics. The reasons for student answers are used as supporting data to determine the difficulties that occur in students. The results showed that many students had difficulty when solving the momentum-impulse problem in a mathematical representation format. The average score of students^ conceptual understanding is 44.78. The difficulties experienced by students include (1) using kinematics knowledge to determine momentum and impulse, (2) interpreting integral operations, and (3) interpreting momentum as a vector quantity.

Keywords: Students^ Difficulties-Momentum-Impuls-Mathematical Representation

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169 Physics Education ABS-185

Analysis of Student Problem Solving Skills through the Use of Free Diagrams on the Topic of Particle Dynamics
Nur Layly Alfina, Jauhar Rosanah, Mukhammad Ibnu Adam, and Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa*

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas
Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang, 65145, Indonesia


This study aimed to determine the mastery level of free-body diagrams (FBDs), problem-solving skills, and the relationship between FBDs and problem-solving skills. This research was conducted on 24 students of physics at the Universitas Negeri Malang. The design of this research is explanatory sequential. The method used in this research is mixed methods by combining quantitative research and qualitative research sequentially. Quantitative research was conducted by means of a test in the form of five essay questions of particle dynamics, while qualitative research was conducted through interviews with students. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Kendall^s tau-b correlation test. The results showed that the average use of free-body diagrams (FBDs) was 30.27%, the average problem-solving ability was 49.30%, and the use of FBDs had a correlation with students^ problem-solving skills with a correlation coefficient of 0.002. This value indicates a correlation between FBDs and students^ problem-solving skills on the topic of particle dynamics.

Keywords: free-body diagrams (FBDs)- problem solving ability- particle dynamics

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170 Physics Education ABS-198

The Effect of Blended Learning based on Discovery Learning on Students^ Concept Understanding on Work and Energy Materials
Zuyyinah(*), Agus Suyudi, Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, States University of Malang


This study aims to see the effect of blended learning based on discovery learning on students^ understanding of the concept of work and energy. In this research, quantitative research is used, namely using Quasi Experimental Design with Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design research design. The sampling technique used cluster random sampling in order to obtain class X MIPA 1 as the experimental class and X MIPA 2 as the control class. The data on the results of the average implementation of learning in the experimental class is 90.48% and the average control class is 89.13% which can be said that the learning is carried out very well. Data were analyzed by non-parametric test, namely Mann Whitney U Test. The results showed that the value of Asymp.sig. (2-tailed) of 0.044 <0.05 which can be concluded that Ha is accepted. Thus, it can be said that there are differences in students^ understanding of concepts between using a blended learning model based on discovery learning and students^ understanding of concepts using conventional learning models. Because there is a significant difference, it can be said that there is an effect of the blended learning model based on discovery learning on students^ understanding of the concept of work and energy. The difficulty that still occurs to students after the learning process is that students still have difficulty comparing the amount of work using the concept of the relationship between work and kinetic energy.

Keywords: Blended Learning, Discovery Learning, Understanding of the Concept, Work, Energy

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171 Physics Education ABS-202

Computer-assisted Recitation Program: A Study Focused on Students^ 1D Kinematics Conceptual Understanding
Ahmad Ridlotul Adha,a) and Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa b)

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang Street No 5, East Java 65145, Indonesia


We have developed a Computer-assisted Recitation Program (CaRP) and tested it. The program consists of 60 multiple choice questions with feedback made in 3 packages. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of CaRP. This research is quantitative research with a quasi-experimental design. The experimental design used is a one-group pretest-posttest design. The program was given for 3 weeks, by giving 1 recitation package at each meeting (there are 20 questions for every package). The study was conducted on 36 Physics Education students^ who enrolled in the Fundamental of Physics I course. The pretest-posttest questions consisted of 15 reasoned multiple-choice questions. Data analysis was performed by determining descriptive statistics, paired sample t-test, N-gain, and d-effect size. The research found that the program significantly improved students^ conceptual understanding with an N-gain of 0.55 and a d-effect size of 1.67. These results indicate that the provision of recitation programs can improve students^ conceptual understanding of 1D Kinematics, especially in interpreting the negative sign of acceleration and determining the distance traveled by an object moving in a different direction.

Keywords: computer assisted recitation, 1D Kinematics, Conceptual Understanding

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172 Physics Education ABS-204

Correlation of Free-Body Diagrams to Problem Solving Ability on the Topic of Particle Dynamics
Dimas Dafa Rizkianto (a), Mega Putri Kurniawati (a), Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa (a*)

a) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Malang
Jalan Semarang no. 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia


Free Body Diagrams (FBDs) is a device used to abstract force vectors in Newtonian mechanics which can provide an overview of students^ ability to perform force and vector analysis. Problem solving skills are one of the skills that are needed when identifying, determining and solving problems by using creative thinking, literacy, and logic. Previous research indicated that students had difficulties when solving problems, especially in vector and force analysis which then had a negative impact on the use of newton^s law concept. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview of problem-solving ability, fbds quality, and the correlation between FBDs quality scores and problem solving ability. In this study, a descriptive quantitative method was used. The research data was obtained by providing instruments in the form of 5 FBDs essay questions and 5 problem-solving essay questions to physics students in UM who have taken the topic of particle dynamics. The research carried out produced data in the form of the average FBDs ability by students of 38.04%, the average problem solving ability of 65.14%, and the good quality of FBDs correlated with good problem solving ability with a percentage of 23%.

Keywords: Problem solving, Freebody diagrams, expert - novice, Particle dynamics

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173 Physics Education ABS-209

Analysis of Students^ Problem-Solving ability on Newton^s law of gravity topics
Jauhar Rosanah,Andrea Faktur Rahman,Syifak Ayu Hariyono,Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas
Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang, 65145, Indonesia


This research is a descriptive study that aims to describe the problem-solving ability of students on the topic of Newtons Law of Gravity. The population in this study was 13 physics students at the State University of Malang using a random sampling technique. The research instrument consists of 5 description questions. The data obtained from the research were analyzed by looking for the percentage of each indicator along with its average and problem-solving ability of each question. Based on the analyzed data, the average percentage of each indicator on the problem-solving ability question is 82.30% for identifying problems, 66.69% for planning the solution, 65.35% for executing the plan, and 46.15 % for checking and evaluating. The average score for each problem-solving was also obtained, namely question 1 of 65.38, question 2 of 74.61, question 3 of 73.07, question 4 of 50, and question 5 of 56.15. We found that many students had difficulties in determining the magnitude of the resultant gravitational force on 3 mass objects. Students have difficulty in identifying interactions between objects with mass and difficulty in integrating knowledge about resultant vectors in solving problems. In addition, the lowest percentage indicator is the fourth in check and evaluation.

Keywords: Problem-Solving ability, Newton^s law of gravity topics

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174 Physics Education ABS-212

Appropriate Media Prototype in Inquiry Base Learning for Improve Problem Solving Skills and Mastery of The Concepts of Physics in High School
Edi Supriana1,a), Parno1, Agus Suyudi1, Hadi Bin Bunyamin2

1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Malang State University, Indonesia
2 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)


Abstract. The research goal is to describe the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the Appropriate Media Prototype (AMP) designed for inquiry-based-learning physics to improve problem solving skills and students^ mastery of the concepts of physics in high school.
The research methodology: a) The validity of the Appropriate Media Prototype is determined based on rational logic analysis evaluation through experts judgment given by three experts in media and doctor degree qualification in the field being studied- b) The practicality of Appropriate Media Prototype derived from the responses given by students and observation result given by observers during teaching and learning process- c) The effectiveness of the Appropriate Media Prototype is determined based on the normalized gain score average obtained to improvement the students^ problem solving skills and their mastery of physics concepts.
The results obtained from the study are: a) The validity of AMP designed, based on the assessment of rational logic analysis experts, obtain an average score of 3.8 in the valid category. b) The Practicality of AMP designed, based on the percentage responses of students obtained 98% and the percentage of observation result obtained 95.7%, AMP designed in a practical categories and can be used properly. c) The effectiveness of AMP designed to improve problem solving skills obtain an average normalized gain score of 0.87 in the high category with Minimal Criteria Completeness (MCC) 100%, to improve students^ mastery of concepts obtain an average normalized gain score of 0.78 in the high category with MCC 89,1%.
Conclusions of the study showed that AMP designed valid, practical and effectively can improve the problem solving skills and mastery of concepts students.

Keywords: Appropriate Media Prototype, Problem Solving Skills, Mastery of The Concepts.

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175 Physics Education ABS-220

Identify students^ physics performance in wave and optic topic: Rasch analysis
Nena Setia Nurani- Khusaini

Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Malang


This study aimed to identify students performance in a physics topic, wave and optic, in a school in Indonesia. 70 students participated in this project and were tested with 15 items. Rasch analysis was employed to identify the student ability and the item difficulty. It has been found that level of intensity is the most difficult one, and Dopler effect is the easiest one. The study also found that the majority of the students found that this topic is above their ability which can be seen in the wright map. A further similar project is suggested to be conducted to get better information regarding student ability and item difficulty on physics.

Keywords: student ability, item difficulty, Rach analysis, physics

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176 Physics Education ABS-221

^Look Into the Mirror, Not Outside of the Window^: Illuminating Culturally Responsive Teaching for Better Rural Physics Education
Izzah Mardhiya Mohammad Isa, Muhammad Abd Hadi Bunyamin, Fatin Aliah Phang Abdullah

School of Education,
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM
Skudai, Johor, Malaysia


Rural physics education often put the major spotlight to implement many policies to improve students^ performance including physics subjects. However, the performance of rural students is rarely proportional to the superiors^ efforts, as learners frequently struggle to comprehend physics concepts and phenomena. The imaginary concept of physics influences students^ epistemic beliefs regarding the irrelevance of physics to real life. Thus, it is time to give the audacity to rural students and teachers on what and how they want physics to be taught and implemented. Scholars advocate funds of knowledge (FOK) conceptual lens in the culturally responsive teaching (CRT) framework to make physics lessons meaningful. However, little is known about how teachers bridge students^ rural FOK that is relevant to physics for students^ engagement during learning. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted an ethnography multiple case studies for a year in three different rural districts of the poorest state in Malaysia, which is Sabah. We conducted interviews with outstanding physics teachers, collected artifacts of relevant materials, and visited students^ homes for participant observation, interviews, and artifact collection. The cross-case data were analyzed thematically using the constant comparative method technique. The findings reported that understanding the value of rural FOK, high expectation, mutual trust, and probing students to let them speak indicated how students and teachers wanted physics to be implemented to bridge physics with students^ life for a better engagement. The findings will contribute to the current literature on FOK and help educators plan their physics lessons to be more culturally relevant and FOK-based to make sense of physics while capturing the policy makers^ attention for a new vantage point to upgrading the physics curriculum into culturally aligned and rural-friendly.

Keywords: Funds of Knowledge, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Rural, Physics Education

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177 Science ABS-15

Wa Ode Asryanti Wida Malesi*, Don Jaya Putra

Universitas Musamus


The landscape of Merauke District is swampy area and peat land. This area was formed as a result of continuous sedimentation for millions of years which has lasted until now. As a sedimentation area, the content of lime and other dissolved substances in groundwater in Merauke District is high. This study aims to determine the level of concentration of electrical conductivity (EC) solutes and acid-base (pH) indicators in groundwater. The research sample is groundwater originating from 11 sub-districts in Merauke district with sampling technique using cluster random sampling technique. The results of testing in the laboratory showed that groundwater in Samkai had the highest EC value (2929 &#956-S). Meanwhile, the lowest EC level was found in Karang Indah (707 &#956-S). In the pH indicator, the largest pH value was found in Kamundu with an indicator value of 9.5 and the lowest pH indicator value was found in Seringgu Jaya sub district with an indicator value of 7.23. The test found that all water samples were alkaline (pH>7) and the EC value was relatively high. By the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that groundwater sources in Merauke District, Papua Province have a fairly large level of viscosity. In addition, the pH indicator shows high level of basicity.

Keywords: Electrical conductivity, base, Water viscosity, Merauke

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178 Science ABS-34

Utilization of LAPAN-A2 Satellite Digital SpaceCam Imagery for Natural Disaster Monitoring
Agus Herawan, Patria Rachman Hakim, Ega Asti Anggari, Agung Wahyudiono, Moedji Soedjarwo, Elvira Rachim

Research Center for Satellite Technology-BRIN


Natural disasters have a major impact on life, so efforts are needed to reduce these impacts. One of the efforts made is by monitoring disasters via satellite. The LAPAN-A2 satellite is a micro satellite with one of its missions as an earth monitoring satellite. To support this mission, this satellite carries a payload of video cameras and digital cameras, or SpaceCam. One of the interesting objects that can be monitored using satellites is natural disasters. This paper will describe the monitoring of natural disasters that has been recorded using the LAPAN-A2 satellite digital camera. The results show that the LAPAN-A2 satellite has managed to record several catastrophic events such as volcanoes and floods.

Keywords: LAPAN-A2, Digital SpaceCam, Disaster, Volcano, Flood

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179 Science ABS-56

The k-Metric Dimension on Amalgamation Vertex between Cycle Graph and Star Graph, Cycle Graph Corona Path Graph, and Path Graph Corona Cycle Graph
Dewanti Purna Witular (a*), Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi (b)

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami no. 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia


Let G be a simple connected graph with the vertex set V(G) and the set edge E(G). The set S \subseteq V (G) is called the k-metric generator on G if and only if every two different vertices in G are distinguished by at least k elements in S, in other words for every two different vertices u, v \in V (G), there are at least k vertices w_1, w_2, w_3, . . . , w_k \in S such that d(u, w_i) \neq d(v, w_i), for every i \in \{1, 2, . . . , k\}.The k-metric generator with the smallest cardinality is called the k-metric base and the cardinality of the k-metric base is on call the k-metric dimension of the graph G denoted dim_k(G).
The conclusion of this research is the k-metric dimension on amalgamation vertex between cycle graph and star graph is dim_{2}(C_{n}*S_{m})=n(m-1). The k-metric dimension on cycle graph corona path graph is dim_{2}(C_{m}\odot P_{n})=m \times n with m \geq 3 and 2 \leq n \leq 3. The k-metric dimension on path graph corona cycle graph is dim_{2}(P_{n}\odot C_{m})=n \times m with n \geq 2 and 3 \leq m \leq 4.

Keywords: k-metric dimension, amalgamation, corona, cycle graph, star graph, path graph

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180 Science ABS-61

Synthesis and Characterization Fe Doped BaBi4Ti4O15 Plate-Like Prepared via Molten Salt Method
Dwi Nurcahyaningtyas,1, *) Anton Prasetyo,1, *)

1) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Jl. Gajayana No. 50, Malang, 65144, Indonesia.
a) Corresponding author: dtyas236[at]gmail.com- anton[at]kim.uin-malang.ac.id


The four layer Aurivillius compound BaBi4Ti4O15 is reported can be applied as photocatalyst material with band gap energy of 3.2 eV as result will work in ultraviolet light range. The strategy to decrease the band gap energy is doped with metal element like Fe atom. In this research, we synthesized Fe doped BaBi4Ti4O15 (BaBi4Ti3.95Fe0.05O15- BaBi4Ti3.90Fe0.1O15- BaBi4Ti3.85Fe0.15O15- and BaBi4Ti3.80Fe0.2O15) with the purposes to decreases its band gap energy. The diffractogram of samples showed Fe doped BaBi4Ti4O15 compound was succesfully formed and no impurity phase with space group A21am. Micrograph scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed plate-like morphology particle and still found aglomeration occurs. The result calculation of Kubelka-Munk showed that Fe doped can decrease band gap energy of BaBi4Ti4O15.

Keywords: BaBi4Ti4O15, Fe dopant, band gap energy, molten salt method.

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