The Relationship Between Technology Literacy and Environmental Litracy Towards Strengthening Profile of Pancasila Students SMAN 1 Tumpang
Ainur Rofiqi(1,b), Mimien Henie Irawati Al-Muhdhar(1,a*), Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,c), and Amrih Utami(2,d)

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia, Jln Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia
2) SMAN 1 Tumpang, Jln Kamboja 10 Tumpang, Malang, 65156, Indonesia


The era of globalization has a significant impact on life, so there is a need for technological literacy so that humans can keep up with the changing times. The era of globalization also has an impact on environmental changes that make humans lack environmental literacy. In addition, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology applies the profile of pancasila students in the latest curriculum so that students can realize the value in Pancasila. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between technological literacy and environmental literacy in strengthening the profile of pancasila students. This research is a survey research with a correlational design. The population is 350 students with a sample of 105 students. The instrument for collecting technological literacy data uses a Technology Literacy Survey based on Greenstein, while environmental literacy uses the Middle School Literacy Survey. The results of the technological literacy score of 68 are included in the sufficient category, while the results of the environmental literacy score of 270.58 are included in the moderate category. The results of the analysis using Pearson Correlation obtained a significance value of 0.098> 0.05 and a Pearson correlation of 0.162 meaning that there was no relationship between technological literacy and environmental literacy to strengthening the profile of pancasila students. Many teachers have not been able to optimize mentoring for character education in learning and only focus on positive achievements. So it is necessary to strengthen character education oriented to the profile of pancasila students that can be applied to learning by integrating material charged with technological literacy and environmental literacy.

Keywords: Technology literacy, environmental literacy, profile of pancasila students

Topic: Biology Education

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