Development of E-Comic Based on Problem Based Learning Human Movement System Material to Train Problem Solving Skills and Students Cognitive Learning Outcomes in SMA Islam Almaarif Singosari
Dinar Arsy Anggarani (a*), Murni Sapta Sari (a), Umi Fitriyati (a)

(a) Biology Department, Faculty Mathematic and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang
Jalan Semarang, 5, Malang, East Java, Indonesia


The problem solving skill index of Almaarif Singosari Islamic High School students is in the low category which is 39,1% and 39% of Almaarif Singosari Islamic High School students^ cognitive learning outcomes are below of the KKM which is 75. This study aims to produce an e-comic based on Problem Based Learning that is valid and practical for human movement systems. E-comic is used to practice problem solving skills and improve student cognitive learning outcomes in class XI SMA Islam Almaarif Singosari. The development of e-comic using Lee and Owens (2004) model. Material validation test results obtained a percentage of 100% (very valid) and media of 98% (very valid). Practicality test results of the by biology education practitioners obtained a percentage of 97,64% (very practical). Practicality test by students results, in the one-to-one trial stage obtained a percentage of 90,74%, the small group trial obtained a percentage of 91,11%, and the field trial obtained a percentage of 91,48%. The three stages classified very practical category. This e-comic can be developed on other basic competencies to improve learning outcomes and other 21st century skills. Development can be continued with implementation to determine the effectivity of the media.

Keywords: e-comic, problem based learning, human movement system, problem solving skills, cognitive learning outcomes

Topic: Biology Education

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