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31 Biology Education ABS-122

The Effectiveness of The Adiwiyata Audiovisual Media Based on Examples Non Examples Cooperative to Improve Problem Solving Skills, Creative Thinking Skills, and Environmental Literacy Of Students in 10th Grade SMAN 2 Malang
Mimien Henie Irawati Al-Muhdhar(1,a*), Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,b), Suhadi(1,c), Yayang Setya Wardhani(1,d), Lia Astuti(1,e), Intan Ayu Idha Wulandari(1,f), Feni Eka Wulandari(1,g), and Ruchimah Achmad(2,h)

1) Postgraduate Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5, Malang, Indonesia.
2) SMAN 2 Malang, Jl. Laksamana Martadinata No. 84, Malang, Indonesia


Education plays a role in creating a young generation with character and life skills. Based on the problem, problem-solving skills, creative thinking skills, and character to the environment in the form of environmental literacy of students need to be improved. Efforts that must be made to train students to have a sense of caring for the environment, to produce problem-solving solutions and creative ideas in the context of sustainable development are through the Adiwiyata Program. This study aims to test the effectiveness of Adiwiyata audiovisual media based on Examples Non-Examples Cooperative in improving the problem-solving skills, creative thinking skills, and environmental literacy of 10th students at SMAN 2 Malang. The research design used was pre-experiment one group pretest-posttest. The research population is all 10th at SMAN 2 Malang. The research sample was students of 10th MIPA 4 at SMAN 2 Malang which was determined by purposive sampling. This research was conducted in November 2021. The data analysis technique used a normalized gain score. The results of the N-gain test of problem-solving skills are 0.81 in high effectiveness category, creative thinking skills are 0.73 in high effectiveness category, and environmental literacy 0.59 in moderate effectiveness category, it can be said that there is an increase between pretest and posttest results. This can happen because all indicators of problem-solving skills, creative thinking skills, and environmental literacy are trained for students at every step of the Examples Non-Examples Cooperative model. Adiwiyata audiovisual media is packaged in the form of a website that has many features to help students improve problem-solving skills, creative thinking skills, and environmental literacy. The conclusion of this study is Adiwiyata audiovisual media based on ENE Cooperative is effective in improving problem-solving skills, creative thinking skills, and environmental literacy of 10th students at SMAN 2 Malang.

Keywords: The Adiwiyata audiovisual media, Examples Non Examples Cooperative, problem solving skills, creative thinking skills, environmental literacy

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32 Biology Education ABS-123

Development of Mobile Learning Based on Educational Games Using the SOLE Model of Cell Biology Materials by Training Technology Literacy to Enhance Students Cognitive Learning Outcomes
Amelia Ramadhani, a) Susriyati Mahanal, b) and Deny Setiawan c)

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang Jl. Semarang 5th
Malang, Indonesia 65145


Current technological developments are not matched by technological literacy skills so that they have an impact on students cognitive learning outcomes, especially in the current online education system. Therefore, learning media is needed that can help students understand the material and improve technological literacy and cognitive learning outcomes. Based on these problems, the purpose of this research is to produce a product in the form of mobile learning based on game education using the SOLE (Self Organizing Learning Environment) model of cell biology material to train technological literacy and improve cognitive learning outcomes of class XI students that are valid, practical, and effective. This research belongs to the type of research and development using the Lee & Owens model. Implementation is carried out using a pre-experimental design. Types of data obtained in the form of quantitative and qualitative data. The data collection instruments used material validation sheets, media validation sheets, learning device validation sheets, practicality sheets by practitioners, student response questionnaires, technological literacy observation sheets, as well as pre test and post test. The results of material validation are 100%, media validation is 95.5%, learning device validation is 98.6%. The results of the practicality test by teachers are 96.6% and the results of practicality by students are an average of 95.1%. By practicing technology literacy skills up to 90%, students^ cognitive learning outcomes as a result of the effectiveness test increase up to 70%. The results of the paired T test showed a significance result of 000<0.05, so that there was a difference between the pre test and post test data. Based on these results, this media can be used to improve students cognitive learning outcomes on cell biology material through empowering technological literacy.

Keywords: mobile learning, game education, SOLE, technology literacy, cognitive learning outcomes

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33 Biology Education ABS-124

Scientific Reasoning Skills (SRS): Promoting biology students^ scientific reasoning in plant physiology lesson using Problem-based Learning (PBL)
Maisuna Kundariati,1, b) Rahel Natalia Saragih Munthe,1, c) Maria Rosalia Ijung Anggur,1,d) Herawati Susilo,1,a) Balqis,1,e)

Biology Department, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, Universitas Negeri Malang, 65145 Universitas Negeri Malang


Scientific reasoning skills are increasingly relevant for making informed decisions in everyday lives. As a part of 21st century skills, it necessary to promote it into science course, especially in biology lesson. This study aims to develop scientific reasoning skills of biology education students in the plant physiology course. Quantitative descriptive research method. The research was conducted in September-December of the 2021/2022 academic year at the State University of Malang. The implementation of learning is carried out in a hybrid way using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model. Classroom learning is done by implementing lesson study, to improve each learning process. The research instruments were chapter design. Lesson design, lesson plan, and essay test of scientific reasoning skills which refers to the rubric of scientific reasoning by the AACU (2010). The scientific reasoning achievement of students in the Plant Physiology course has increased from the initial, middle, and final tests. The average achievement of scientific reasoning on the initial, middle, and final tests, respectively, is 54.17- 63.13- and 72.56. The n-gain score of the scientific reasoning skills of students is 0.65 in the medium category. Meanwhile, the achievement of students^ scientific reasoning on the Topic or Argument Selection indicator is 0.58 in the medium category- Existing Knowledge, Research, and/or Views of 0.75 in the high category- Analysis of 0.64 with the medium category- and Conclusions, Limitations, and Implications of 0.57 in the medium category.

Keywords: Scientific reasoning, Biology Student, Problem-based Learning, Plant physiology

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34 Biology Education ABS-125

Digital Literacy Practice in Mobile Learning Based on PBL in Humans Heredity Materials to Enhance Students Cognitive Learning Outcomes
Atika Erviana,a) Susriyati Mahanal,b) and Deny Setiawan,c)

1) Biology department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Malang
Semarang Street, 5th, Malang 65145 East Java, Indonesia


This Research and Development aims to produce PBL-based mobile learning (Problem Based Learning) material for heredity in humans that is valid, practical, and effective by digital literacy practice to enhance students^ cognitive learning outcomes. The development model is based on Lee & Owens with four stages, namely analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation. Product validity is validated by material experts, media experts, and learning experts. The practicality of the product was assessed from biology education practitioners and student responses. The effectiveness of the product is assessed from the implementation to students with a pre-experimental design. Data were collected using validation sheets for validity testing, practicality sheets for biology education practitioners, student response questionnaires, worksheets, pretest and posttest. The results of the validation test by material experts, media experts, and learning experts are 100%, 100%, and 98.96%, respectively. The results of the practicality test by education practitioners showed 97.86%, while the results of student responses through one-to-one trials, small group trials, field trials, and conduct pilot tests were 92%, 92.6%, 90.9%, and 90.5%. By practicing digital literacy up to 81%, students^ cognitive learning outcomes as a result of the effectiveness test increase up to 62%. The results of the paired t-test showed a significance result of 000<0.05 so that there was a difference between the pretest and posttest data. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the mobile learning developed was very valid, practical, and effective by digital literacy practice so as to enhance students^ cognitive learning outcomes. This media deserves to be used as an alternative media in biology learning.

Keywords: mobile learning, PBL, human heredity, digital literacy, cognitive learning outcomes

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35 Biology Education ABS-126

Development of Mobile Learning Media Based on Core Model (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) in Circulation System Materials to Enhance Students Technology and Information Literacy
Laila Maula Hasanah a), Siti Zubaidah b), and Deny Setiawan c)

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang Jl. Semarang 5th
Malang, Indonesia 65145
a) Electronic mail: lailamaulahasanah.official[at]gmail.com
b) Electronic mail: siti.zubaidah.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
c) Corresponding author: setiawan.fmipa[at]um.ac.id


The rapid development of technology changes aspects of education to become technology-based accompanied by information overload as a result of increasing access to information. This causes students to have skills in using technology and processing information, including technological literacy and information literacy. The research aims to produce mobile learning media based on the CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) model on circulation system materials to train students technological literacy and information literacy that are valid, practical, and effective. The research and development method uses the Lee & Owens model. The research was conducted through validation by material experts, media experts, learning device experts, field practitioners, and student responses. Based on the results of the validity test by material experts obtained by 100%, media experts 100%, and learning device experts 98.8%, while the results of practicality tests by field practitioners obtained 90.9%, individual trials 96.7%, small-scale trials 93.1%, and large-scale trial 93.1%. The effectiveness test is carried out by implementing a pre-experimental design. The results of the different test on technological literacy resulted in sig. 0.00> 0.05, so there is a difference between pre and post technology literacy data. In addition, the media is able to train information literacy up to 85.3%. Based on these results, it is known that the CORE-based mobile learning media that has been developed has met the valid, practical, and effective categories in improving technology literacy and information literacy through biological learning of circulation system materials.

Keywords: mobile learning, CORE model, circulation system, technology literacy, information literacy

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36 Biology Education ABS-132

Reading Questioning Answering (RQA) for The Empowerment of Students^ Creative Thinking Skills
Nindiana Choirunisa^,1, a) Iqbal Bilgrami Biruni, 1, b) Elya Ruslina2, c) Mohammad Taufik Aji Fahruli,1, d) Dewi Karomika,1, e) Racy Rizky Abdillah,1, f) Yanang Surya Putra Hardyanto,1, g) Ucik Agusti Wulanningsih,3, h) Aninda Yulianti Rahmana ,4, i) Mohammad Ali Sofyan5, j)

1)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang street 5, Malang City, 65145, Indonesia.
2)SMAN 9 Kota Malang, Puncak Borobudur Street 1, Malang City, 65142, Indonesia
3)SMAN 6 Kota Malang, Mayjen Sungkono Street 58, Malang City 65136, Indonesia
4)SMAN 2 Sidoarjo, Lingkar Barat Gading Fajar Street 2, Sidoarjo City, 61271, Indonesia
5)SMA Progresif Bumi Shalawat, Sekolah Progresif Bumi Shalawat, Kyai Dasuki street 1, Sidoarjo City, 61223, Indonesia


The Industrial Revolution 1.0 to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has impacted various aspects of human life, including education and learning. One of the impacts in the world of education that is currently increasing is the trend of empowering thinking skills in students, including creative thinking skills. In biology learning, creative thinking is closely related to generating innovative ideas, formulating new solutions, and expressing oneself uniquely. When students are capable of thinking creatively, students have an excellent opportunity to solve various problems, design independent work steps, and evaluate solutions that have been implemented. One of the efforts to empower students^ creative thinking is by implementing innovative learning models such as RQA (Reading, Questioning, Answering), which is carried out at a particular time. This study aims to determine how implementing the RQA empowers students^ creative thinking skills. This research using a quasi-experimental method involves two research subjects: students in the control class and the experimental category at SMAN 9 Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Students^ creative thinking data in the form of pre-test and post-test scores obtained from essay tests using the rubric of Assessing Creativity: A Guide for Educators by Treffinger et al. The pre-test and post-test data were then analyzed through prerequisite tests and ancova hypothesis testing. Based on the tests, it was found that the RQA learning model has the potential to significantly empower students^ creative thinking skills with a 5.85% increase and a significance value of 0.00 (&#951-p2= 0.183). According to this potential, it can be stated that RQA is one of the learning models that can be used as an alternative to empower creative thinking skills in students

Keywords: RQA, creative thinking

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37 Biology Education ABS-140

Enhancing Scientific Argumentation Skill of Biology Students Through Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model Assisted by Lesson Study
Dita Astriningrum 1,a) Herawati Susilo 2,b), Balqis 3,c) , and Anggi Klaritasari 4,d)

Universitas Negeri Malang


Plant Physiology course involves a deep contextual understanding because it is close to everyday problems. These problems require students^ ability to make applicable and relevant solutions. Solutions are obtained from making scientific arguments that do not only contain a personal point of view but are supported by justifications for scientific concepts so that they can be accepted. In learning, students discuss in small groups and work together in finding solutions. This study aims to determine the increase in scientific argumentation skills of Biology students in the Plant Physiology course through the application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model assisted by Lesson Study. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with 29 third-semester students as research subjects. The implementation of PBL research assisted by lesson study is carried out in five cycles. Data were obtained through analysis of scientific argument scores from discussion activities as measured by an assessment rubric. The results showed that the achievement of the argumentation level experienced an increase in the percentage in each cycle. In the first cycle of scientific argumentation, the highest student level 2 was 83%, then at the end of the cycle students were able to reach levels 4 and 5 with a percentage of 34% and 17%, respectively. This research concludes that there is an increase in students^ scientific argumentation skills through the application of PBL assisted by Lesson Study.

Keywords: Scientific argumentation, Problem Based Learning model, Lesson Study

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38 Biology Education ABS-141

Improving Cognitive Learning Outcomes Using the PBL Model in Plant Physiology Courses
Wa Ode Nurhawa,1, a) Herawati Susilo,2, b) Muntholib 3, c) Racy Rizky Abdillah 4, d)

universitas negeri malang


This study aims to analyze the improvement of cognitive learning outcomes using the PBL model. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. This research was conducted at the State University of Malang on biology students who are taking Plant Physiology courses in the odd semester. The research sample was chosen randomly, which consisted of 32 Biology offering I students. The study was conducted in August-December 2021. The data collection method was carried out by test using description questions. The instrument used in the study to measure cognitive learning outcomes was using pretest and posttest questions. To see the improvement, the N-gain score test was carried out. Based on the results of the study, the N-gain value of cognitive learning outcomes was 0.41 in the medium category. Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded that the PBL model improves student cognitive learning outcomes.

Keywords: problem based learning, cognitive learning outcomes, plant physiology

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39 Biology Education ABS-142

Learn from Covid-19 Pandemic: Biology Teacher Perception about Their Professionalism and its Development during Online Learning
Ahmad Kamal Sudrajat, Ibrohim, Herawati Susilo, Murni Sapta Sari

Universitas Negeri Malang


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed various aspects of education, including teachers^ perceptions of professionalism. This study aimed to determine the teacher^s perception of professionalism and its development during the pandemic. A case study was conducted to determine the teacher^s perception. The research was carried out from June-July 2021. The research participants were 29 teachers who were members of the Malang Regency Biology MGMP. Furthermore, four teachers with different backgrounds (1 senior teacher teaching in public schools, one senior teacher teaching in private schools, one junior teacher teaching in public schools, and one junior teacher teaching in private schools) were selected to enter the program. Interview process. Data collection was carried out through surveys and structured interviews with teachers. The survey data were analyzed quantitatively. The interview data were analyzed qualitatively using the content analysis method. The data obtained are included in four dimensions: Controlled professionalism, Compliant professionalism, Collaborative professionalism, and Activist Professionalism. The results showed that most of the teachers had considered themselves professional teachers. The case study results show that teachers have entered the dimensions of Compliant and Collaborative Professionalism. The results showed that 55% of teachers considered themselves professional, 38% considered themselves unprofessional, and 7% answered maybe. The results of the interviews indicate that teachers already have the awareness to improve their professionalism.

Keywords: Covid-19, Online Learning, Perception, Professionalism

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40 Biology Education ABS-144

Analysis of Students Creative Thinking Skills in Biology Subjects at Senior High School 2 Lambandia
Tri Maniarta Sari (a*), Mega Puspika (a), Saparuddin (a), Ernawati (a)

a) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sembilanbelas November Kolaka University, Jalan Pemuda, Kolaka 93561, Indonesia


Education is an important component in building a smart generation. To build this generation, 21st century skills are needed, one of which is students^ creative thinking skills. Students^ creative thinking ability is the ability to generate new ideas or ideas in producing a way in problems, even producing new ways as alternative solutions. This study aims to describe students^ creative thinking skills in biology subjects at Senior High School 2 Lambandia, East Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The subjects of this study consisted of 59 students in grades X, XI, and XII at Senior High School 2 Lambandia. The instrument used is a test in the form of a description and interview guidelines. The results showed that, out of 59 students in grades X, XI, and XII at Senior High School 2 Lambandia, the results of the students^ creative thinking ability test were obtained- (1) The percentage on the fluency indicator is 64% (2) the percentage on the flexibility indicator 69% (3) the percentage on the authenticity indicator 66% (4) the percentage on the detailing indicator 66%. Conclusion creative thinking abilities of students in grades X, XI, XII At SMA Negeri 2 Lambandia need to pay attention to what is explained by the teacher, because students^ abilities are still classified in the low category.

Keywords: Creative Thinking Skills- Student

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41 Biology Education ABS-146

The Effectiveness of Adiwiyata eModule based on Reading Mind Mapping CIRC to Improve Creative Thinking Skills, Adaptability Skills, and Environmental Literacy Students of X Class at SMAN 2 Malang
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar(1,a), Yayang Setya Wardhani(1,b), Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,c), Intan Ayu Idha Wulandari(1,d), Lia Astuti(1,e), Suhadi(1,f), and Ruchimah Achmad(2,g)

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas NegeriMalang, Semarang 5 Street Malang 65145, Indonesia
2) SMAN 2 Malang,Laksamana Martadinata Street84 Malang 65118, Indonesia


Creative thinking skills can significantly have positive influence, such as generating new ideas and using ideas differently, which can be applied to conservation or solving environmental problems. Based on research, some students need to receive training in adaptability skills in environmental learning, because adaptability is important for the adjustment of new situations in the external environment, such as school and workplace. Environmental literacy is the first step in preparing generation that cares about the environment, and adaptive in the midst of incessant environmental changes, continuous efforts to improve the aforementioned 21st century skills can be integrated into Adiwiyata learning. This study aims to test effectiveness of Adiwiyata eModule based on Reading Mind Mapping (Remap) CIRC in improving creative thinking skills, adaptability skills and environmental literacy. The study began with a pretest of creative thinking skills, adaptability skills, and environmental literacy followed by learning with the Adiwiyata eModule based on Remap CIRC and then given posttest on these three variables. The research subjects were students of 10th MIPA 3. The instruments used are Adiwiyata eModule, creative thinking skills tests, adaptability skills tests, and environmental literacy tests. The data analysis technique is used normalized gain score. The results showed that the effectiveness of creative thinking skills through ngain score of 0.70 was classified as moderate tended to high, the effectiveness of adaptability skills obtained an ngain score of 0.31 classified as moderate, and the effectiveness of environmental literacy obtained an ngain score of 0.34 classified as moderate. The conclusion is the effectiveness of Adiwiyata eModule Remap CIRC in improving creative thinking skills is classified as moderate to high, adaptability skills is classified as moderate, and environmental literacy is classified as moderate for 10th students at Student at SMAN 2 Malang

Keywords: e-Module, adiwiyata, CIRC, creative thinking, adaptability, environmental literacy

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42 Biology Education ABS-147

The Effect of Using Problem-oriented Project-based Learning in Biology Electronic Module to Empower Problem Solving of High School Students
Yanang Surya Putra Hardyanto, Ibrohim, Sueb

Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang


Improving the quality of human resources through education and environmental issues that occur are 21st-century life challenges that must be resolved. The implementation of 21st-century education is expected to integrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes as well as mastery of information and communication technology, balanced by increasing problem-solving. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has also affected the implementation of learning activities, resulting in the ineffectiveness of teaching and learning activities in schools. Facing this, it is necessary to learn biology with the main characteristics of project-based learning, focus on essential materials, and have the flexibility for teachers to carry out learning. To deal with this, research is needed in the form of developing electronic teaching materials in the form of e-modules to facilitate online learning activities in schools and problem-oriented project-based learning (POPBL) biology learning models to facilitate the application of learning activities following the demands of the educational paradigm. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the POPBL-based e-module by comparing the differences in the level of problem-solving between students who study biology using and those who do not use POPBL-based e-module. The research was a quasi-experiment using a non-randomized control group pretest-posttest design. The sample in this study was 72 students divided into experimental class and control class. ANCOVA results show a significance value of p= 0.000 < &#945- (0.05) for problem-solving, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of using a POPBL-based e-module. The corrected mean value of problem-solving in the experimental class is greater than in the control class. So it can be concluded that biology learning using POPBL-based e-module has a higher potential in improving students^ problem-solving skills compared to conventional learning.

Keywords: e-module, problem-oriented project-based learning, problem-solving

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43 Biology Education ABS-148

Development of Ecosystem and Environmental Change Electronic Modules Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) Containing The Diversity of Macrozoobenthos in Jangkok River, Lombok
Siti Nurhaliza, Sueb*, and Ibrohim

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang No. 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia


Due to students^ relatively heavy usage of electronic devices for studying, the development of electronic learning resources like electronic modules (e-modules) can currently be a solution to the learning process in the digital era. This study aims to develop the ecosystem and environmental change e-module based on PBL that is valid and practical. This kind of research is defined as research and development (R&D) by modifying the Lee and Owens (2004) model, which has 5 stages: assessment and analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Data collection uses expert validation sheets to collect data on the validity of the e-module and student response questionnaires to determine the practicality of the e-module. The data was obtained descriptively in the form of percentages and adjusted to the criteria of validity and practicality according to Akbar (2013). This study was carried out in SMAN 1 Lingsar, West Lombok Regency, between February and June 2022. The results showed that the ecosystem and environmental change e-module based on PBL developed fulfilled very valid criteria with a percentage of 100% by material experts, 95% by media experts, and 90% by biology education practitioners expert. The results of the student^s response test showed that the e-module developed fulfilled practical criteria with a percentage of 85% by students. It can be concluded that the ecosystem and environmental change e-module based on PBL has proven to be feasible and can be used in the learning process.

Keywords: Electronic Module, PBL, Macrozoobenthos

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44 Biology Education ABS-151

Feseability and Effectiveness of The Ecosystem Services e-Module Based OIDDE Learning to Improve Environmental Attitude of Senior High School Students
Pratika Desy Anggraeni (1*), Fatchur Rohman (1), and Agus Dharmawan (1)

(1) Master Program of Biology Education, Department of Biology, Mathematics and Science Faculty, State University of Malang, Indonesia
* pratika.desy.2003418[at]students.um.ac.id


Focusing on the Driving School Program (PSP), namely the development of holistic student learning outcomes that include competence and character. One of the characters that need to be developed is the environmental care sub-value in religious character. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. The aim is to test the feasibility and effectiveness of the Ecosystem Services e-Module Based OIDDE Learning on students^ environmental attitude. The results of the analysis show that the developed e-module is very valid, practical, and effective. The n-gain score of 0.41 indicates the effectiveness of the medium e-module in improving students^ environmental attitude.

Keywords: e-module, environmental attitude

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45 Biology Education ABS-154

Learning Protein Materials in Computer-Based Biochemistry Courses
Anggi Klaritasari*, Hendra Susanto*, Balqis*

University Of Malang (UM)


The purpose of this development research is to produce teaching materials in the form of problem-based learning-based bioinformatics e-modules for biochemistry courses that meet the requirements of validity, practicality and effectiveness. The materials used are amino acids and proteins, which are molecular devices that are essential in biological functions. The research method used is protein modeling and Lee & Owen development model which consists of five stages. The results of the validation test by media experts, material experts and field practitioners sequentially obtained a percentage of 100%. The results of the practicality test obtained a percentage of 93%. The results of the effectiveness test obtained an effective value in the medium category. The conclusion of this development research is that the bioinformatics e-module that has been developed has met the requirements of validity, practicality and effectiveness and can be used without the need for revision.

Keywords: e-module, PBL, Biokimia

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46 Biology Education ABS-157

Assessing Secondary Students^ Problem-solving Skills in Biology Context
Zia Aulia Zaidin Putra,1, b) Herawati Susilo,1, a) Hadi Suwono1,c), Ibrohim1,d)

Biology Department, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, Universitas Negeri Malang


Problem solving skills is essential to be mastered by students in order to make sure they able to handle various similar problems or different problems satisfactorily. Students should be independently finding solutions, produce knowledge that is truly meaningful, and provide concrete experience. The aims of the research to analyze secondary students^ problem solving skills in biology context. This research is a quantitative descriptive study conducted in September 2021 at three secondary schools in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Measurement of problem-solving skills using an essay-shaped test instrument that is integrated with problem-solving indicators according to Ge & Land (2004). The instruments were validated by expert appraisal. Result of this study were student problem solving is low, as indicated by the average problem solving of SMA Negeri 1 Kubung students that obtained a score of 1.9 of the ^learning^ category and a score of 47.5 of the ^very poor^ category. Students of SMA Negeri 1 Gunung Talang obtained a score of 1.7 at the ^learning^ category and a score of 42.5 at the ^very poor^ category, then students of SMA Negeri 1 Bukit Sundi obtained a score of 1.6 at the ^currently studying^ category and a score of 40 at ^very poor^. The average creative thinking of the three schools is 1.7 which at the category of ^learning^ and the value of 40 at the category of ^very poor^. Based on the result, students haven^t mastered problem-solving skills yet, therefore it^s essential to promote this skills in biology learning.

Keywords: Biology, Problem-solving Skills, Secondary Student

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47 Biology Education ABS-159

How to foster Higher Order Thinking Skills in Plant Biology Classroom? An Investigation to Deal with Indonesian New Curriculum for Senior High School
Umi Fitriyati (a*), Rifka Fachrunnisa (a), Wachidah Hayuana (a)

a) Universitas Negeri Malang


Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is one of the requirements that must be owned by an innovative learning. In its development, teachers are required to be able to choose the right learning strategies, not only in planning and assessment, but also in the learning process. This paper explores the lesson plans made by teachers in developing learning that empowers HOTS on plant material in senior high school. The research approach is qualitative research with descriptive methods. There are eight pre-service teachers involved in this development research. From the results obtained, there are four learning approaches developed including the scientific, concepts, environmental, and STEM approaches. The learning models developed also vary, including Discovery Learning, Project Based Learning (PjBL), Problem Based Learning (PBL), and Cooperative Learning. The development of these approaches and models are expected to be an inspiration for biology teachers to develop plant material learning in high school, especially in facing the new challenges of the implementation of a new curriculum in Indonesia called Kurikulum Merdeka.

Keywords: Higher Order thinking Skills, Learning Approaches, Learning Models, Kurikulum Merdeka

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48 Biology Education ABS-162

The Effect of Adiwiyata eModule Based on Inquiry Social Complexity (ISC) on Self Efficacy and Environmental Literacy of Eleventh Grade Students at SMAN 2 Malang
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar(1,a*), Siti Marirotuz Zahro(1,b), Intan Ayu Idha Wulandari (1,c), Lia Astuti(1,d), Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,e), Yayang Setya Wardhani(1,f), Suhadi(1,g), and Ruchimah Achmad (2,h)

1) Postgraduate Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5, Malang, Indonesia
2) SMAN 2 Malang, Jl. Laksamana Martadinata No. 84, Malang, Indonesia


Awareness to protect and preserve the environment must be built from an early age. The educational path is the right means to involve all school members in instilling environmental care behaviors and attitudes through the Adiwiyata program. A persons environmental literacy is formed from the interaction of cognitive (knowledge and skills), affective (including self efficacy) and behavior. Self efficacy is a person^s assessment of his ability to be able to achieve certain goals. The formulation of the research problem is is there any effect of eModule Adiwiyata based on Inquiry Social Complexity (ISC) on self efficacy and environmental literacy of eleventh grade students at SMAN 2 Malang?. The research hypothesis is that there is a significant difference between selfefficacy and environmental literacy of students at SMAN 2 Malang before and after being given the ISCbased eModule Adiwiyata treatment. The research design used was preexperimental with one group pretest posttest design. The study began with a pretest then was given the ISC based eModule Adiwiyata treatment for five lessons and ended with a posttest. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. Data analysis using paired T test with a significance level of 0.05. The results of the paired T test for selfefficacy and environmental literacy are known that the value of Sig. (2tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05. There is a significant difference between self efficacy and environmental literacy on pretest and posttest scores. This difference can occur because students are given the ISCbased eModule Adiwiyata treatment five times, so that students skills increase. From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the ISCbased eModule Adiwiyata has an effect on the selfefficacy and environmental literacy of eleventh grade students at SMAN 2 Malang.

Keywords: self efficacy, environmental literacy, Adiwiyata, Inquiry Social Complexity (ISC).

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49 Biology Education ABS-167

The Effectiveness of Adiwiyata Electronic Module Based on Cooperative Model in Improving Social Attitudes, Communication Skills, and Environmental Literacy Students of Class XI Semester 2 at SMAN 2 Malang
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar(1,a*), Lia Astuti(1,b), Intan Ayu Idha Wulandari(1,c), Yayang Setya Wardhani(1,d), Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,e), Suhadi(1,f), and Ruchimah Achmad(2,g)

1) Postgraduate Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5, Malang, Indonesia
2) SMAN 2 Malang, Jl. Admiral Martadinata No. 84, Malang, Indonesia


Learning that contains environmental education, can improve understanding of environment. The Adiwiyata program can expected to create comfortable conditions in learning and emergence of environmental responsibility in context of sustainable development. The purpose of this research is to test the effectiveness of Adiwiyata Electronic Module Based on Cooperative Model in improving social attitudes, communication skills, and environmental literacy students of class XI semester 2 at SMAN 2 Malang. The research design that used is Pre Experimental with One Group Pretest Posttest design. The population of this research is all students of class XI at SMAN 2 Malang. The sample of this research is students of class XI MIPA 4 at SMAN 2 Malang which are determined by purposive sampling. This research was conducted in November 2021. Data analysis that used to test the effectiveness of social attitudes and environmental literacy is N Gain, while the analysis of communication skills uses descriptive analysis. The results of N Gain analysis on social attitudes as big as 0.45 (medium effectiveness), the results of the N Gain analysis on environmental literacy as big as 0.39 (medium effectiveness), and descriptive data analysis on communication skills show that the Adiwiyata Electronic Module Based on Cooperative Model there is a tendency to improve communication skills as big as 92.5% (very good). This matter can occur due to indicators of social attitudes, communication skills, and environmental literacy being trained at each step of learning with a cooperative model. The Adiwiyata Electronic Module Based on Cooperative Model is made based on website and has many features. The conclusion of this research is the Adiwiyata Electronic Module Based on Cooperative Model is effective in improving social attitudes, communication skills, and environmental literacy students of class XI semester 2 at SMAN 2 Malang.

Keywords: Electronic module, cooperative model, social attitudes, communication skills, environmental literacy

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50 Biology Education ABS-169

Perspectives on the Need for Digital Teaching Materials for Empowering Critical Thinking Skills and Problem-Solving in the Era of Merdeka Belajar
Nadya Rizky Nuzul Ramadhanti, Fatchur Rohman*, Sulisetijono

Biology Education, Master of Departement Biology Education, FMIPA UM


The era of Merdeka Belajar is an independent condition for educators and students to gain learning experience and knowledge to develop their potential and overcome problems in life. This concept is a response to the needs of the education system in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 to prepare graduates with 21st-century skills in the form of knowledge skills, including critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Educators must develop students^ knowledge skills by facilitating students to become more active, creative, and independent. The learning process cannot be separated from the role of teaching materials that bridge knowledge between the material being taught and real-world situations in everyday life. The need for mastery of technology in learning can be applied to digital-based teaching materials because they are considered practical, self-contained, can be accessed anywhere, and have an interactive appearance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the need for digital teaching materials to empower students^ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Collecting data using a questionnaire following the Need Assessment and Front-end Analysis stages from Lee & Owen. The population of this research is the second-semester biology education students of UMM. The results obtained indicate that critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students relatively raise aspects of data use and analysis as well as aspects of identifying solutions that are only limited to the surface and are not structured. Thus, it is necessary to develop digital-based teaching materials that can accommodate the empowerment of critical thinking skills and student problem-solving about 21st-century learning skills. E-module is a form of presenting self-study materials that are systematically arranged and presented in electronic format, where every learning activity is programmed to achieve learning objectives. The development of e-modules will support Merdeka Belajar era.

Keywords: Merdeka Belajar, Digital Teaching Materials, E-module, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills

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51 Biology Education ABS-174

The Effectiveness of the Adiwiyata Electronic Module Based on Multi Model in Improving Technological Literacy, Collaboration Skills, and Environmental Literacy Students of Class X Semester 2 at SMAN 2 Malang
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar(1,a*), Intan Ayu Idha Wulandari(1,b) Lia Astuti(1,c), Racy Rizky Abdillah(1,d), Yayang Setya Wardhani(1,e), Suhadi(1,f), and Ruchimah Achmad(2,g)

1) Postgraduate Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5, Malang, Indonesia
2) SMAN 2 Malang, Jl. Admiral Martadinata No. 84, Malang, Indonesia


The environment is the source of life for living things. The education program launched by the government to increase environmental awareness is the Adiwiyata Program. The purpose of this research is to test the effectiveness of Adiwiyata Electronic Module Based on Multi Model in improving technological literacy, collaboration skills, and environmental literacy student of class X semester 2 at SMAN 2 Malang. The research design that used is Pre Experimental with One Group Pretest Posttest design. The population of this research is all students of class X at SMAN 2 Malang. The sample of this research is the students of class X MIPA 1 at SMAN 2 Malang which are determined by purposive sampling. This research was conducted in November 2021. Data analysis used to test the effectiveness of technological literacy and collaboration skills is descriptive analysis, while the analysis of environmental literacy uses N Gain. The results of descriptive data analysis on technological literacy and collaboration skills show that the Electronic Module Based on Multi Model there is a tendency to improve technological literacy as big as 94.5% (very
good), collaboration skills as big as 95% (very good), and the results of N Gain analysis on environmental literacy as big as 0.37 (medium effectiveness). This matter can occur due to indicators of technological literacy, collaboration skills, and environmental literacy being trained at each step of learning with multiple models including Problem Based Learning, Discovery Learning, and Project Based Learning. The Adiwiyata Electronic Module Based on Multi Model is made based on website and has many features. The conclusion of this research is the Adiwiyata Electronic Module Based on Multi Model is effective in improving technological literacy, collaboration skills, and environmental literacy students of class X semester 2 at SMAN 2 Malang.

Keywords: Electronic module, multi model, technological literacy, collaboration skills, environmental literacy

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52 Biology Education ABS-175

The Effect of Project-Based Sustainable Food House Regional Program Module Implementation on Problem Solving Skills
Sueb*, Hamim Thohari Mahfudhillah

*Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, sueb.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
MTsN 9 Jombang, Indonesia, hamimtm[at]gmail.com


Sustainable Food House Regional Program (SFHRP) is a program with purpose to meet the needs of vegetables at the household level to realize self-sufficiency. In order SFHRP program can continue to run optimally is to make students become cadres of the SFHRP who have good problem solving skills. To improve students^ problem solving skills is by integrating SFHRP topics in learning with the help of project-based SFHRP modules. These modules are print-based teaching materials that contain descriptions of the SFHRP program and project-based activity sheets. This research was conducted to determine differences in the problem solving skills of students who follow the learning assisted by the SFHRP module and those who do not. This study was quasi-experimental with a nonrandomized control group pretest-posttest design. The normality of data is tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, while the homogeneity using Levene^s Test F Equality of Error Variance. If the data are normal and homogeneous, then analyzed by covariance analysis. The conclusion from this research that there is difference in the score of problem solving skills owned by students receiving different learning models at the end of post-treatment and the initial score of problem solving skills owned by students impacts the final score of problem solving skills.

Keywords: Sustainable Food House Regional Program, Project-Based Learning (PjBL), Module Problem Solving Skills

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53 Biology Education ABS-177

Problem based-Learning: Uses of Mind Mapping for Improving Prospective Biology Teachers^ Collaboration and Communication Skills in Plant Physiology Course
Rahel Natalia Saragih Munthe,1, b) Maisuna Kundariati,1, c) Maria Rosalia Ijung Anggur,1, d) Herawati Susilo,1, a) Frida Kunti Setiowati,1, e)

Universitas Negeri Malang


This study aims to determine the implementation of Lesson Study-based Problem-based Learning (PbL) models to improve collaboration and communication skills of prospective Biology teachers^ using of mind mapping tasks. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The study population was students of the Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Malang who took the Plant Physiology course in the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year with a sample of 30 students. Data analysis using Permendikbud (2013). The research instrument using observation sheet of collaboration and communication skills adapted from Greenstein (2012). Based on the results of the Lesson Study analysis, there are significant differences in prospective Biology teachers^ collaboration and communication skills in the two cycles, namely the average collaboration skills of 3.19 in the first cycle and 3.33 in the second cycle. However, the prospective Biology teachers^ communication skills increased from 3.24 in the first cycle to 3.34 in the second cycle. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that PbL using mind mapping as a learning tool is good for improving collaboration and communication for prospective Biology teachers^.

Keywords: Collaboration and communication skills, mind mapping tasks, PbL

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54 Biology Education ABS-178

Developing of Science Learning Media integrated Problem-based Learning to Improve Technology Literacy Skills for Junior High School Students
Jamilatul Laili (a), Siti Zubaidah (a*), Hendra Susanto (a)

a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl.Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia


The research aims to produce science learning media using a valid, practical, and effective problem-based learning integrated Moodle web to improve the technological literacy of junior high school students. Learning media development using the stages of Lee and Owens (2004) includes assessment/analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. At the implementation stage, it used a quasi-experimental research design with the type of pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. We conducted this research at Al Rifa^ie Gondanglegi Modern High School, Indonesia. The implementation uses two classes: class VIII A as the experimental class (PBL with science learning media using PBL-based Moodle web) and VIII B as the control class using the PBL learning model. The validity test results of media, materials, and science education practitioners were 98.13%, 100%, and 99.37%, with the three categories being very valid. The results of individual, small group, field, and conduct pilot tests were 84.10%, 83.93%, 89.79%, and 86.32%, with very practical categories. The effectiveness test results using a single ANCOVA test with p 0.00 < 0.05 showed that the science learning using the PBL-based Moodle web significantly affected technological literacy compared to students who were taught only with PBL. Science learning media using the Moodle web that has been developed can be used by science teachers. Furthermore, the PBL-based Moodle web can also be formed from other subjects to improve the technological literacy skills of junior high school students and various other 21st-century skills.

Keywords: Literacy skills- Science learning media- PBL-based Moodle

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55 Biology Education ABS-180

Development of Water Quality E-Module Based on Physical, Chemical, and Biological Parameters Based on Problem Based Learning
Mitha Safitri,1, Sueb Sueb,1, a) and Susriyati Mahanal

Universitas Negeri Malang


Abstract. The unavailability of teaching materials related to contextual problems causes learning activities to be less meaningful and interesting for students, so it is hoped that there will be innovations in teaching materials. This study aims to produce a valid and practical e-module for use in learning. This research is a research and development using quantitative descriptive method. This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Payakumbuh. The research subjects were 30 students. The results of the validity assessment were obtained from material experts, media experts, and biology education practitioners. The results of the e-module practicality assessment were obtained from teachers and students. Based on the results of the material expert^s assessment, the developed e-module was declared very valid with a score of 5, the results of the media and teaching materials expert^s assessment of the e-module obtained very valid criteria with a score of 5, and biology education practitioners declared it valid with a score of 4.9. While the practicality by the teacher is included in the practical category with a score of 4.78, and the assessment by students is in the practical category with a score of 4.47.

Keywords: e-module, valid, practical, contextual, problem-based learning

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56 Biology Education ABS-181

The Relationship between Science Literacy Skills and Scientific Explanation on Creative Thinking Skills through Remap STAD Learning Model
Ferry Irawan (a), Siti Zubaidah (b*)

a) Universitas Musamus Merauke Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Rimba Jaya 99611, Indonesia
b) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl.Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia


Scientific literacy skills play a significant role in helping students clarify basic concepts, build relationships between concepts and reason, and evaluate any information they get. If students have scientific literacy skills, they are expected to facilitate their practice of scientific explanation skills in scientific activities. It is expected that scientific literacy and explanation skills are interrelated to improve students^ creative thinking skills. This study aimed to identify the relationship between scientific literacy skills and scientific explanation skills in empowering creative thinking skills through the Remap-STAD (Reading Concept Map Student Team Achievement Division) learning model. This study was a quasi-experiment using a non-equivalent pretest-post-test control group design. The sample in this study involved 85 eleventh-grade students in the Natural Sciences majors at SMAN 4 Malang in the 2019/2020 academic year, three classes that were known to have equality. Scientific literacy and creative thinking skills were assessed using an essay test, while scientific explanation skills were assessed using the science as inquiry assessment rubric developed by Julie Luft. We also used multiple regression tests to analyze the data. The results showed that: (1) There was a significant relationship between scientific literacy skills and creative thinking skills. (2) There is a significant relationship between scientific explanation skills and creative thinking skills. (3) There is a significant relationship between scientific literacy skills and scientific explanation skills that have an integral effect on creative thinking skills. The interrelationship between scientific literacy skills, scientific explanation skills, and creative thinking skills can be shown in the regression equation Y= 0.315*X1+0.998*X2+30.110. The findings concluded that Remap-STAD improved students^ scientific literacy skills, scientific explanation, and creative thinking skills, which

Keywords: Science literacy- Creative thinking skills- Remap-STAD

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57 Biology Education ABS-184

The Regulation of Gene Expression Conceptual Understanding of Undergraduate Biology Students
M Iqbal Najib Fahmi (a), Hidayati Maghfiroh (a), Wachidah Hayuana (a), Hikmah Buroidah (a), Maya Agustin (a), Nindiana Choirunisa^ (a), Deny Setiawan (a), Siti Zubaidah (a*)

a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl.Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia


Genetic advancement is crucial as it supports science and technology and touches all aspects of human existence. Therefore, materials such as the regulation of gene expression become essential to be comprehensively reached by undergraduate biology students. However, this material is complex and requires good visual representation. Therefore, undergraduate biology students need more effort to understand it. This study aims to determine biology students^ understanding of the concept of regulation of gene expression. We used qualitative research methods to analyze the understanding of the regulation of gene expression in biology students taking the Genetics II course from February to April at the State University of Malang. The first stage conducted material analysis and developed the Regulation of Gene Expression Concepts Assessment (RGECA) test instrument. Then, the data was obtained according to the level of understanding with the help of Microsoft Office Excel for Windows. The results showed that the RGECA instrument was valid and reliable, so we can use it to demonstrate the understanding of undergraduate biology students. Furthermore, the answers given by students show that biology students have a good understanding of the regulation of prokaryotic gene expression but a bad understanding of the regulation of eukaryotic gene expression. Most undergraduate biology students have difficulties understanding post-transcriptional modification, RNA splicing, and DNA methylation. The results of this study can be used as a basis for improving the quality of genetic learning.

Keywords: Genetic advancement- Gene expression- Genetic learning

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58 Biology Education ABS-186

The Effect of Eco-Friendly Website Environmental Change Materials Integrated Discovery Learning on Students^ Environmental Literacy
Sueb Sueb1a), Nira Yulika Rahmaulana,1

Universitas Negeri Malang


Abstract. Awareness and sense of responsibility of an individual to the environment can be done through environmental education or environmental education (EE). Environmental education is defined as a process to build people in the world who are aware of and care about the environment as a whole and everything related to it. This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of learning media on environmental literacy skills. The research subject is class X Mathematics and Natural Sciences SMAN 7 Malang with a non-equivalent quasi-experimental research design control group pretest posttest design. Data analysis technique with Quade Rank test. The results obtained a significance value of p of 0.043 < 0.05. Therefore, there is a difference in environmental literacy learning outcomes (pretest-posttest) between students who were taught using the website for environmental change materials in the experimental class students and students who were not taught using the website for environmental change materials in the control class students.

Keywords: eco-friendly website, environmental literacy, discovery learning

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59 Biology Education ABS-188

Improving The Understanding of High School Students in Biology Based on Qur^anic Through Augmented Reality Visualization
Mochammad Rizal Ramadhan (a*), M Iqbal Najib Fahmi (b), Samudra Mutiara Hasanah (c)

a) Arabic Department, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, 65145
b) Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, 65145
c) Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, 65145


The current reality showed that the innovation of biology based on Qur^anic learning media used in schools was still in the form of printed books without a touch of technology. The current development of augmented reality technology can be used to make it easier to visualize microscopic material and provided a comprehensive tafseer of the material. This study aims to develop augmented reality-based learning media to improve the understanding of high school students in biology based on Qur^anic material. This type of research is development research using the ADDIE method, which included of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The feasibility of this media was obtained from the validation results of media experts, material experts, teachers, peer reviewers, and implementation to 50 high school students. The result of media development is in the form of a book that can be connected to a smartphone and can visualize 3D augmented reality objects on biology based on Qur^anic material. Specifically, the results of media validation was 87.27% (very feasible), material validation was 89.65% (very feasible), peer reviewers and teachers^ responses were 82.85% (very feasible), and high school students^ responses were 86.2 % (very feasible). Based on the results of the implementation carried out on 50 high school students, a significance value of 0.000 was obtained, which means there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores, so it can be concluded that students experienced an increase in material understanding after using the developed media. Based on this, this learning media has a positive impact to be applied and can increase students^ understanding in biology based on Qur^anic learning.

Keywords: Augmented Reality- Biology- Qur^anic- Understanding

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60 Biology Education ABS-189

Marheny Lukitasari, Nadhieva Avionyta, Syamsiyatuz Zahro, Jeffry Handhika, Wassilatul Murtafiah

Biology Education, PGRI Madiun University
Jalan Setiabudi 85, Madiun 63118, Indonesia


Kahoot is a web-based interactive learning application media that can be used to create online quizzes and games. Kahoot makes the online learning process more interesting and able to bring up students^ thinking concepts that trigger arguments. Along with the development of technology, the argumentation takes the form of a digital format which is then called the Digital Argumentation (DA). Biology learning aims to encourage and improve students^ analytical skills which are Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) by actively conveying arguments. This study aims to analyze the identification of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) based on digital argumentation through the use of the Kahoot application in online learning. This research uses qualitative research with qualitative descriptive research methods. The sample in this study is class X MIPA 2 SMAN 1 Nglames with a total of 30 students. The research data taken is HOTS capability data by giving HOTS-based questions on ecosystem materials and digital argumentation data (DA) through google class based on the selection of answers after working on questions through Kahoot. The analysis was carried out using SPPS, namely Pearson correlation analysis. The results showed that the person correlation value was 0.895 > r table and the significance value was 0.000 < 0.05, meaning that there was a relationship between students^ digital argumentation skills (DA) and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).

Keywords: Higher Order Thinking Skills, Digital Argumentation, Kahoot Application

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