The Effectiveness of RICOSRE-Flipped Classroom in Improving Students^ Digital Literacy
Hardianto (a), Susriyati Mahanal (a*) ,Siti Zubaidah (a), And Deny Setiawan (a)

a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang Jl. Semarang 5 Malang, Indonesia 65145


Digital literacy is a skill that every student should master in order to be able to properly analyze and compare various information obtained from different sources. Unfortunately, field data showed that high school students mostly had poor digital literacy. Digital literacy can be improved using innovative learning methods, one of which is the RICOSRE integrated flipped classroom (RICOSRE-FC). This study was conducted to determine the effect of the RICOSRE-FC method on high school students^ digital literacy in biology learning. This quasi-experimental study was performed using pre-test post-test nonequivalent control group design. The independent variable was the learning method consisting of the RICOSRE-FC model and conventional learning, while digital literacy was the dependent variable. The population of this study was all students of class XI SMAN MIPA in Soppeng, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, from which three classes of XI MIPA SMAN 1 and three classes of XI SMAN 2 were randomly determined as samples. The experimental classes were taught using the RICOSRE-FC model, the positive control were taught using RICOSRE model, while the negative control classes learned using conventional learning method. Pre-test and post-test scores were measured using a modified digital literacy questionnaire from Wan (2012) scored using a five-point Likert scale: strongly disagree (STS), disagree (TS), abstain (TB), agree (S), and strongly agree (SS). One way test ANCOVA and LSD tests were also performed to analyse the data, which results indicated the presence of significant influence of learning method on students^ digital literacy. The RICOSRE-FC method had higher corrected mean score of 81.341 compared RICOSRE model of 72.990 and conventional learning of 66.785, showing that RICOSRE-FC could potentially improve students^ digital literacy.

Keywords: RICOSRE-FC- Digital literacy

Topic: Biology Education

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