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The Development Of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Electronic Module On Human Digestive System Materials To Improve Critical Thinking Skill And Cognitive Learning Outcomes Of Class XI Students Of Malang National High School
Tasha Nada Alrafifah (a), Sofia Ery Rahayu (a*), Nursasi Handayani (a)

(a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, State University of Malang, Jln. Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia


Biology learning competencies which should be possessed by high school students in the 21st century are the ability to think critically and think at higher level. These competencies can be achieved through the provision of learning materials in the form of electronic modules. The aim of this research and development was to develop an electronic module for human digestive system material in order to improve students^ cognitive learning outcomes and train critical thinking. The model implemented in this research and development was ADDIE model. The subjects of this study were class XI students of Malang National High School, while the validators involved in this study included material experts, media experts, learning device experts and field practitioners. The electronic module which had been developed was then validated by the validator. Furthermore, the module was tested on students with the stages of one to one trial, small group trial, and field trial. The results of the validation of the electronic module of the human digestive system which has conducted by material experts, media experts, and field practitioners are 100%, 99%, 99% respectively. Meanwhile, the results of the validation of the syllabus, lesson plans, pre-test and post-test, as well as the evaluation of students^ cognitive learning outcomes are 95%, 93%, 89%, and 89% respectively with very valid criteria. In addition, the results of the module trial to students in the one to one trial, small group trial, and field trial stages are 92%, 94%, and 88%, respectively which is included in the practical category. Based on the results of the validation and testing of the module, it shows that the electronic module of the human digestive system is very valid and practical to use in learning biology activities.

Keywords: electronic modules- problem based learning- critical thinking- cognitive learning result

Topic: Biology Education

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