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121 Mathematics Education ABS-64

Development of Curved Three-Dimensional Shape Learning Media Ethnomathematics Based Using Augmented Reality
Ira Ika Damayanti1, a), Annisa Ayu1, b), Umi Indah Sariah1, c), Mustaqfiroh1, d), Intan Ayu Oktaviani1, e), and Farida Nursyahidah1, f)*

1Mathematics Education Department, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia

f) Corresponding author: faridanursyahidah[at]upgris.ac.id


Geometry is crucial to be learned in Mathematics, one of which is in the material of curved three-dimensional shapes. However, many students are still found to have difficulty in learning the material, which affects their creative thinking skills which are still not optimal. Therefore we need an innovative media development using the right context, one of which is using Augmented Reality Ethnomathematics based. This study aims to develop ethnomathematical-based media using Augmented Reality which is oriented to creative thinking skills. This research is a type of development research with the ADDIE model. This article will discuss the results at the analysis, design, and development stages. The subjects in this study were ninth-grade students in one of the junior high schools in Semarang. Data collection in this study used a questionnaire method by analyzing the Augmented Reality learning media based on Ethnomathematics. The data from the validation results from the experts were analyzed using the mean formula to be able to find out the average media validity score. The analysis results show that the average score of Ethnomathematics-based media validation using Augmented Reality oriented to creative thinking skills is 4.65 with very good qualifications and material validation is 4.57 with very good qualifications. So, ethnomathematics-based media using Augmented Reality which is oriented towards creative thinking skills can be declared valid and have very good qualifications. The development of this media can then be implemented in the classroom to determine the potential effect on students^ creative thinking skills and is expected to inspire educators to develop media by involving cultural exploration.

Keywords: ethnomathematics, learning media, three-dimensional shape, augmented reality

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122 Mathematics Education ABS-69

The Exploration of Students^ Numerical Literacy Ability Based on Cognitive Style in Solving High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Problems
Sugianto(1,a), Edy Setiyo Utomo(1,b)

Departemen of Mathematic Education, STKIP PGRI Jombang


This study aimed to explore the numerical literacy ability of junior high school student based on their cognitive style in solving HOTS problem. Numerical literacy referred to any aspects of estimating, calculating, comparing, and defining patterns, kinds of reasoning, and interpreting information. It was a qualitative research with an exploratory approach. The subject consisted of two 8th junior high school student selected based on cognitive style. It applied GEFT (Group Embeded Figures Test) test, Numerical Literacy Test and interview guidelines as the supporting instrument. Time triangulation was used for data validity. Data analysis techiques involved data reduction, exposure, interpretation and conclusion. The results showed that the field independent subject was able to identify detailed information, diagnose problems by data information, present and estimate calculations in a sequential and systematic ways, perform data comparisons by bar charts, define the correlation of each variable, interpret data presentation statically, and evaluate the results with causality by data information. Meanwhile, the field dependent subject identified problems globally, presented the comparison forms of calculations separately with no specific information on each variable. She presented the data using a line diagram with neither detailed calculations nor the pattern of data information. Moreover, she did not evaluate the answer. This research was useful as reference for teachers to develop their students^ literacy skills that are integrated with STEM, critical and creative thinking, in addition to the development of mathematics education curriculum.

Keywords: Numerical Literacy-Cognitive Style- HOTS Problems

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123 Mathematics Education ABS-79

Statistical Literacy of Mathematics College Students in Solving Problems Relating to Graphics
Marinda Rosita Sari, Cholis Sa^dijah*, Sukoriyanto

*Corresponding author: cholis.sadijah.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
Universitas Negeri Malang


Statistical literacy is an important ability that every individual must possess to face challenges in the 21st century and be a good citizen. Statistical literacy is the capacity to understand, interpret, and communicate data in the form of tables and graphs. This study is a qualitative descriptive study that tries to describe college students^ statistical literacy when solving graphics-related problems. The research participants were divided into groups depending on their initial statistical abilities: high, moderate, and low. Three students were chosen from each category to have their work results examined based on statistical literacy features such as understanding, interpreting, and communicating data. The results showed that students with high initial statistical abilities could understand, interpret, and communicate data well, provide logical reasons, and evaluate data critically. Students with moderate initial statistical abilities can understand the data well but still have difficulty interpreting and communicating data and providing logical reasons. Meanwhile, students with low initial statistical abilities have not correctly understood, interpreted, and communicated data. There are many errors in answering, and they have not been able to provide arguments that can support their answers.

Keywords: Statistical Literacy, Problem solving, Graphics

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124 Mathematics Education ABS-83

Nurul Audhifa Utami, Cholis Sa^dijah*, Tjang Daniel Chandra

*Corresponding author: cholis.sadijah.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
Universitas Negeri Malang


Mathematical representation is one of the fundamental ability that used in mathematics to build the connection between abstract idea with logical thinking to understand and solve mathematics problems. The level of student representation ability will affect the way students convey the idea of solving mathematics problem. This is shows how important this ability in mathematics. But in fact, the ability of mathematical representation is felt to be less comprehensively mastered. It is indicated by the large number of students having difficulty to convey their idea in solving mathematics problems. This paper describe students^ abilities in mathematical representation to solve math problems. The indicators for mathematical representation ability in this research classifies namely verbal representation (written text)- visual representation (picture, diagram, graph, or table)- and symbolize representation (mathematical statement, numerical/algebra symbol, mathematical notation). Subject of this research is students at MTsN 2 Bukittinggi grade VIII. The results showed that 22 out of 34 students have difficulty in conveying their ideas to solve math problems while the rest feel quite good on it

Keywords: Mathematical Representation, Problem Solving, Creative Representation

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125 Mathematics Education ABS-92

Building Mathematical Literacy Habitus through PBL or CTL based on Ethnomathematics on the Lodok of Manggarai Culture
Sebastianus Fedi (a*), Zaenuri (b), Scolastica Mariani (b), Stefanus Budi Waluya (b), Iqbal Kharisudin (b)

a) Department of Mathematics Education, Doctoral Degree Programs, Semarang State University (Unnes), Gedung A Kampus Pascasarjana Jl Kelud Utara III, Semarang 50237.
Telp. 62248440516, WhatsApp Telegram: 085742728359, Indonesia.
b) Lecturer at Semarang State University (Unnes), Gedung A Kampus Pascasarjana Jl Kelud Utara III, Semarang 50237. Telp. 62248440516, WhatsApp Telegram: 085742728359, Indonesia


Abstract. Mathematical literacy is the ability to translate, formulate, solve and validate real problems into mathematical models. An appropriate learning model is needed so that students learn and are able to build mathematical literacy habits so that they are educated to deal with real problems in their environment. Lodok is a brilliant idea from the ancestors of the Manggarai culture which resulted in a system of dividing agricultural land in the form of circular sectors with the center corner of the circle being the reference for the area of agriculture that is owned by someone. Lodok can be used as an object of study in ethnomathematical-based learning innovations. The learning model that is suitable for this innovation is Problem Based Learning or Contextual Teaching and Learning.

Keywords: Mathematical Literacy, Lodok, Problem Based Learning, Contextual Teaching and Learning

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126 Mathematics Education ABS-138

Analysis of Problem-Solving Ability of High School Students in Jambi
Resyarusyda Parandrengi, Lathiful Anwar*, Cholis Sa^dijah

*Corresponding author: lathiful.anwar.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
Universitas Negeri Malang


One of the abilities that are needed in this century is the problem solving ability. The problem-solving stage according to Polya consists of understanding the problem, planning the problem, solving the problem according to the plan, and re-examining the results obtained. This study is a qualitative descriptive study aiming to describe students^ mathematical problem solving skill in solving analytical circle problem. The participants of this study were grade-12 students, aged 17-18 years, of one of public senior high school in Jambi city, Indonesia. The participants represented three levels of problem solving abilities: low, medium and high. The results showed that students with high problem-solving ability could understand, plan, complete, and re-examine the results obtained in a good, thorough, precise, and organized manner. Students with moderate problem solving ability could understand and plan problems well, but still had difficulty in solving them because they had not mastered the material well and re-examined the results obtained even though the solution is not right. Students with low problem solving ability had not been able to solve, plan, solve, and re-examine correctly, because the students had limitations in understanding problems and did not know what to do.

Keywords: Problem solving, Analytical Circle, mathematical abilities

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127 Mathematics Education ABS-149

Designing Digital Math Trail Environment Assisted by Augmented Reality Using Mathematical Modeling Learning Approach
Muhammad Ghozian Kafi Ahsan, Adi Nur Cahyono, and Iqbal Kharisudin

Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang


21st century learning requires skills in producing students who master 21st century skills. One of the skills that must be possessed by students in learning mathematics in this century is the skill to solve mathematical problems in the real world. One approach to solving problems in the real world is to use mathematical models or better known as mathematical modeling abilities. The need to create a good environment in learning mathematical modeling so that students can hone their mathematical modeling skills. Therefore, by creating a digital learning environment assisted by Augmented Reality technology can make learning mathematical modeling more meaningful. The purpose of this research is to create a digital mathematics learning media with a math trail approach assisted by an Augmented Reality application. This study uses a design research approach with 1 complete cycle from the preliminary design stage, experimental design, and retrospective analysis. In the preliminary design stage, a prototype of a website-based learning media has been created with the page address mathinmaps.net. Furthermore, the media is validated by experts and gets a very good rating. The next stage, the media was tested on several teachers and students to find out how to use the media. Teachers and students gave positive responses and inputs to improve the quality of the media created. The last stage is to analyze qualitatively the results of the preliminary design and experimental design stages. At the retrospective analysis stage, it was found that the media would be better if there were more real problems that students had to solve. In the future, this media will be able to be tested in large classes to test how the learning trajectory of math trail-based learning with augmented reality is to improve mathematical modeling abilities.

Keywords: Math Trails, Augmented Reality, Mathematical Modedlling

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128 Mathematics Education ABS-156

Pre-service Mathematics Teachers^ Engagement in Model Eliciting Activities (MEA): A Case Study in Synchronous Online Classroom
Diesty Hayuhantika,1, Cholis Sa^dijah*,1, Susiswo,1, Tjang Daniel Chandra,1, Abdul Halim Abdullah2

1) Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang, Indonesia

2) Department of Science, Mathematics, and Creative Multimedia Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

*Corresponding author: cholis.sadijah.fmipa[at]um.ac.id


This paper reports a finding that focused on pre-service mathematics teachers^ engagement when solving Model Eliciting Activities (MEA) Task in small group setting. Learning is carried out synchronously online through Zoom Cloud Meetings Platform. Data were obtained based on observations of interactions during learning that were recorded on a recording zoom and supported by the results of interviews and filling out engagement questionnaires. A group consisting of 2 students who engaged actively and 2 students who were passive were studied in depth for their involvement with reference to Goldin^s Engagement Structure framework. The results indicated that when faced with the MEA Task, the group members showed various Engagement Structures that led them to succeed in completing the MEA task. This study also found a new Engagement Structure, namely ^Together we can^ which triggers the activation of the Engagement Structure in passive students so that they become active in class discussion sessions. The results of this study provide an overview of collaborative learning activities mediated by technology to solve mathematical problems that foster productive engagement.

Keywords: Engagement, Model Eliciting Activities, Synchronous

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129 Mathematics Education ABS-165

Students Error Analysis In Solving Vector Problems Based On Newman Theory
Nidaul Azizi (a), Rustanto Rahardi (a), Santi Irawati (a*)

a)Mathematics department, State University of Malang
Jl. Semarang 5, Malang, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to describe the types of errors that students make in solving vector using Newman Error Analysis (NEA). The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Questions were given to 35 students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Gunung Tuleh. The data collection techniques in this study were the results of students^ written tests and the results of interviews related to the results of students^ written tests. Based on the results of the research conducted, it is known that there are no students who experience reading errors on all questions while encoding error in answers are the mistakes that most students make. This happens because when students make mistakes in understanding, students will automatically make mistakes in understanding, transforming, processing skill and encoding error. The mistakes that students make are based on their lack of understanding of the concept of vector. Because if students understand the existing concepts correctly, they will be able to solve various existing problems. So that teachers are advised to provide meaningful learning for students so that students do not easily forget the concept of a material. From this research, it can be concluded that the types of errors that students make are understanding, transforming, processing skill and encoding error.

Keywords: Error Analysis, Vector, Newmans Error Analysis

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130 Mathematics Education ABS-197

A Comparative Analysis of Problem Types in Indonesian Mathematics Textbooks : The Topic of Circles
Fadhliya Syam Mastura (a*), Al Jupri (b), Suhendra (b)

a) Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Indonesia University of Education
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b)Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Indonesia University of Education
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The aim of this study is to analyze the problems, seen from open-ended/closed-ended type and problem solving type in the topics of geometry presented within the textbooks. This research is based on the analysis of textbooks with geometry topics. The research method used in this study is content analysis using a qualitative approach. The results of analysis of three school mathematics textbooks published by three different well-known publishers (Center for Curriculum and Bookkeeping, Balitbang, Ministry of Education and Culture, Erlangga, and Yudhistira) showed that close-ended types of problems are more dominant in all textbooks and less than 20% problems in textbooks are problem solving type. A more complete discussion will be elaborated in this article.

Keywords: Comparative study- Mathematics textbooks- Textbooks analysis- Problem types- Circles

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131 Mathematics Education ABS-200

Learning Obstacle of Construction and Congreeting Materials Based on Didactic Situation Theory in Class IX Students
Vanya Aridanthy (a*), Dadan Dasari (b), Sufyani Prabawanto (b)

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


This research is motivated by the existence of learning barriers where students cannot follow the lesson well which is marked by the presence of certain obstacles in achieving learning outcomes, especially mathematics. This study aims to obtain learning obstacles based on didactic situation theory in similarity and triangle congruence learning in junior high school. The subjects of this study were students of class IX SMP Negeri in Padang. This research is a qualitative research. The data collection used is a written test and interviews. The data analysis technique is based on the didactic situation theory view and other theories that support it. Based on data analysis, the identified learning obstacles were obtained based on the results of student answers, interviews, and analysis of textbooks used in learning. Learning obstacles found include: (1) Many students are wrong in the procedure for naming triangles and are wrong in calculating the ratio of the sides of two similar triangles, (2) Students do not interpret the concept of parallelism as two triangles that have sides. side-by-side comparison. match and do not know to place the corresponding sides, (3) Students do not master the prerequisite concepts and make mistakes in basic arithmetic operations, (4) Students cannot solve the problem of congruence concepts and triangle congruence related to the triangle inequality theorem.

Keywords: Learning Obstacle- Construction and Congreeting Materials

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132 Mathematics Education ABS-203

Learning Obstacles of Student in Understanding The Concept of Lines in Three Dimensional Material
Anggi Juliana (a*), Didi Suryadi (b), Dian Usdiyana (b)

a) Department of Mathematics and Natural Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi
No. 229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia
b) Department of Mathematics and Natural Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi
No. 229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the learning obstacles experienced by students in understanding the concept of lines in three dimensional material. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Identification of learning obstacles is carried out using praxeology which includes type of task, technique, technology, and theory based on the results of the analysis of student and teacher books as well as previous research. The results of the study show that the learning obstacles that occur in students are didactical obstacles and epistemological obstacles. The didactical obstacle identified is the lack of emphasis on alternative solutions that can be used to solve several types of problems. The identified epistemological obstacle is that the problems presented are focused on the cube which causes limited solutions.

Keywords: Learning Obstacles- Praxeology- Line Concepts

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133 Mathematics Education ABS-205

Geometry thinking level of students in Polyhedron Material Based on Theory of Van Hiele
Diarti Utami Putri (a*), Elah Nurlaelah (b), Al Jupri (b)

a) Mathematic Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr Setiabudhi No 229, Indonesia
b) Mathematic Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr Setiabudhi No 229, Indonesia


based on the theory of van Hiele students must go through the stages of geometric thinking correctly and sequentially. There are five stages of geometry that should be passed by students, namely Level 0 (Visualization), Level 1 (Analysis), Level 2 (Informal Deduction), Level 3 (Deduction), Level 4 (Rigor). This study aims to identify the level of thinking of junior high school students on polyhedron material based on the theory of van Hiele. this research method is qualitative research. The subject of this research is 30 junior high school students in Bengkulu. Data collection was carried out using tests, interviews and documentation. From the results of the study, it was found that students were at the pre-0 level (Pre-Visualization) to level 2 (Informal Deduction).

Keywords: learning obstacle, Van Hiele, Geometry

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134 Mathematics Education ABS-214

Students learning obstacles on the topic of triangle based on mathematical understanding ability
Lafita Rahmi, Suhendra, Kartika Yulianti

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Triangle is one of the most important topic in geometry and used in other topics of learning mathematics. But in fact some students faced obstacles in learning this topic. This study aims to obtain a description of students learning obstacles on the topic of triangle based on each indicator of mathematical understanding ability. This research was qualitative with a case study design. The research subject was given test dealing with triangle that arrange based on indicators of mathematical understanding ability. The test involved 27 students of grade 7th of a junior high school in Padang Pariaman, 10 of which also participated in the interview. The data were analyzed using the stages of data collecting, reducing, and analyzing to get conclusion. The results of this study can be used to design an instructional material to anticipate the learning obstacles that will be faced by students and can improve students mathematical understanding ability on the topic of triangle.

Keywords: Learning Obstacles, Triangle, and Mathematical Understanding Ability

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135 Mathematics Education ABS-216

Students obstacles of junior high school on learning quadrilateral
Winda Dwinovita, Rizky Rosjanuardi, Suhendra

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Quadrilateral is one of the most important in geometry, but in fact some students faced obstacles in learning this topic. The purpose of this research was to obtain a description of students learning obstacle, specially on quadrilateral. This research was a qualitative research with a case study design. The subjects in this research were 29 students of grade 7th of a junior high school in Padang Pariaman, West Sumatera. There were 10 students selected to participated in the interview. The data were collected by using observation, test, interview, and documentation. The results showed that there are students learning obstacles, which include ontogenic obstacle, didactical obstacle, and epistemological obstacle. The result of this study can be used to design an instructional material to anticipate the learning obstacles that will be faced by students.

Keywords: Learning obstacles, Quadrilateral

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136 Mathematics Education ABS-224

The Creative Thinking Process of Prospective Students Based on the Level of Self-Efficacy in Solving Contextual Mathematics Problems in Online Learning
Endang Suprapti (a*), Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono (b*), Manuharawati (c*), Ratno Abidin (d*)

a) Graduate Program, State University of Surabaya
Jl. Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
b) Graduate Program, State University of Surabaya
Jl. Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
c) Graduate Program, State University of Surabaya
Jl. Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
d) Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya
Jl. Raya Sutorejo No.59, Dukuh Sutorejo, Kec. Mulyorejo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60113


Being a creative individual certainly requires a positive attitude of self-confidence to achieve it, as well as the belief that individuals who have creative ideas can solve problems. This study aims to describe the creative thinking process of prospective teacher students based on the level of self-efficacy in solving contextual mathematical problems. Explorative descriptive research with a qualitative approach that will be used in this study. Research subjects were selected from mathematics education students based on self-efficacy. The results showed that students with high self-efficacy and low self-efficacy went through every creative thinking process. The creative thinking process carried out by subjects with high self-efficacy and low self-efficacy differs in several aspects including: synthesizing ideas, building ideas there are differences in choosing the right way, planning for the application of ideas there are differences in the application of problem solving methods, and applying ideas in generating solutions there are differences in the analysis.

Keywords: Creative Thinking, Mathematics Contextual Problem, Self-efficacy

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137 Physics Education ABS-3

Problem-Based Learning Worksheet with STEM Integrated for Light and Optics
Habiddin Habiddin, Muhammad Fajar Marsuki, Fifi Suaidatur Rofik

Universitas Negeri Malang


In this study, we developed a STEM integrated of Problem Based Learning worksheet in the topic of light and optics. Feedbacks from physics staff within the university had obtained before the product was implemented in the real physics teaching of the topic. student^ critical thinking was measured after teaching to assess the effectiveness of the worksheet.

Keywords: teaching instrument, learning media, physics teaching, critical thinking

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138 Physics Education ABS-6

The Identification of Teaching Pattern of Physics Teacher in 11th Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gowa
Aspina Sihabuddin, M. Agus Martawijaya, Helmi, Mutahharah Hasyim

Universitas Negeri Makassar


This research is qualitative descriptive research that aims to find out the teaching patterns of physics teachers and learning theories that support the teaching patterns of physics teachers. physics teachers are selected from interviews with learners, there are three physics teachers in the target school, but researchers only take one teacher to observe the process in teaching. This teacher is a favorite teacher of learners in providing material on physics subjects. This type of research is case study research. Researchers conduct data collection techniques with three types of observations, namely observation, recording of processes at the time of learning, and interviews with the teacher concerned. The results of the study showed that the teaching patterns of students^ favorite teachers are readiness, stimulus, explain, reward, reflection, recitation. Based on this pattern, researchers explained the relationship between teacher behavior and learning theory. The theory of learning that supports is the view of the theory of learning behaviorism, cognitivism, humanism, and gestalt theory.

Keywords: The teaching phase, the teaching pattern, learning theory.

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139 Physics Education ABS-29

Development of Problem Based Learning-Based Educational Game on Straight Motion Material
Bakhrul Rizky Kurniawan (a*), Dewi Setio Putri (a), Sabrina Nabila (b), Fiona Putri P. M. (a), Anggun Simaremare (a)

(a) Department of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Malang Jl. Semarang No.5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
(b)Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang Jl. Semarang No.5, Malang 65145, Indonesia


Straight motion is a fundamental physics material for studying further materials such as work and energy. However, there are still many students^ misconceptions in straight motion. So it takes a learning media with a problem-based learning approach to remediate students^ misconceptions. Learning media is packaged in an attractive way like games that have become part of today^s society. This study aims to develop an educational adventure game, Ngalam-Zone, which is an integrated problem-based learning model that is feasible based on a validation test. This type of research uses a 4D model (define, design, development, disseminated), which only reaches the development stage. The research instrument was a material and media validation questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is the media feasibility test. The results of the feasibility of the learning media, based on the material validation test 82.66%, the media validation test by the first validator 93.33% and the second validator 88.22%.

Keywords: educational games- ngalam-zone- physics- problem based learning- straight motion

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140 Physics Education ABS-31

Development of Computer Assisted Formative Feedback with Isomorphic Multiple Choice Questions for Static Fluids
Bakhrul Rizky Kurniawan*, Intan Tri Istianingrum, Sentot Kusairi

Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Malang, 65145 Indonesia

*E-mail: bakhrul.rizky.fmipa[at]um.ac.id


This study aims to develop a computer-aided formative feedback product on static fluid material by utilizing isomorphic multiple choice questions. This research is a development research using the ADDIE model which involves one physics lecturer and one physics teacher as expert validators, as well as 36 students. The research resulted in a product containing isomorphic multiple choice questions with feedback that can help students understand the concept and learn independently. Isomorphic multiple choice questions are presented as the main question and feedback is in the form of several supporting questions related to the main question. The main questions in this product consist of 9 isomorphic questions which are divided into three packages with details of each package consisting of three questions that have the same indicators. Based on the results of the validity tests and practicality tests that have been carried out, the formative feedback product can be said to be feasible to use so that it can be an alternative to help the process of understanding concepts and students^ independent learning.

Keywords: formative feedback, isomorphic, static fluid

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141 Physics Education ABS-45

The Effect of The ADI Model with STEM Approach and Formative Assessment (ADI-STEM-FA) For Increasing Students^ Concept Acquisition on Heat Material
Nadya Dewi Arofah Mochsif (a), Parno (a*), Lia Yuliati (a)

a) Faculty of Physiscs, Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang No.5, Sumbersari, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65145


Heat material closely related to everyday life and it is one of the main materials of physics learning in class XI. However, students still do not understand it optimally. Meanwhile, the use of the ADI-STEM-FA model to improve concept acquisition in heat materials is still rarely done. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to increase students^ concept acquisition in heat material through ADI-STEM-FA learning. This study uses a mixed-method with embedded experimental design. The research was conducted in Malang with 54 students in class XI senior high school, which were distributed to 27 students in the experimental class and 27 students in the control class. The experimental class was taught through ADI-STEM-FA learning, which emphasizing practical activities, doing group arguments, and making prototypes of simple stove technology. When the control class was taught through everyday conventional learning. Students^ concept acquisition was measured by 8 multiple choices reasoned of concept acquisition with a reliability of 0.665. The results of the Independent Sample T-Test showed that the ADI-STEM-FA model had an effect on increasing students^ concept acquisition. This result supported by the N-Gain value in the experimental class which is higher than the control class. The experimental class has an N-gain of 0.54 (medium category) with 12% of students had misconception, while the control class has N-gain 0.38 (medium category) with 13% of students had misconception. The effect size results show a score of 0.78 which is included in the medium category. In future research, it will recommend adding an ^Art^ and a ^Religious^ aspect to the STEM approach in order to obtain a better increase in concept acquisition.

Keywords: Physics education- Argument Driven Inquiry- STEM- Formative Assessment- Concept Mastery

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142 Physics Education ABS-46

Profile of Students Scientific Creativity in Archimedes Principle
Zahrotul Ula Irma (a*), Sentot Kusairi (a), Lia Yuliati (a)

a) Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Cakrawala No.5, Sumbersari, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 6514, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to investigate the scientific creativity level of high school students in Archimedes^ Principle. The relationship between scientific creativity and conceptual understanding is also investigated. 57 eleventh-grade high school students were involved as participants. A scientific creativity test and conceptual understanding test on Archimedes^ Principle were used. The rubric for assessing scientific creativity refers to four indicators: fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. The results showed that students^ scientific creativity in Archimedes^ Principle was at a quite creative level for all indicators of scientific creativity. Fluency scores were found to be strongly positively correlated with originality scores and flexibility scores were moderately positively correlated with elaboration scores. It was also found that students^ conceptual understanding can reflect their scientific creativity. Analysis of student responses in each indicator of scientific creativity and the relationship between scientific creativity and conceptual understanding will be discussed further.

Keywords: scientific creativity- archimedes principle- conceptual understanding

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143 Physics Education ABS-51

Exploration of Personal Pedagogical Content Knowledge (pPCK) through Narrative Inquiry: pPCK Profile of Experienced Teachers (Guru Penggerak) in Physics Subject
Arifa Ni^matul Fitri (a*), Endang Purwaningsih (a), and Edi Supriana (a)

a) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang Street No.5, Malang, 65145, Indonesia


This study aims to reveal the unique and personal PCK of experienced teachers in physics, known as Personal Pedagogical Content Knowledge (pPCK). Aspects of the teacher^s pPCK were collected through teachers^ experience stories in planning and teaching parabolic motion. The research method used is a narrative inquiry approach. The narrative inquiry approach allows researchers to explore the entire experiences of the teacher regarding their teaching and learning and the knowledge used to teach a particular material. Experienced teachers are also a new term in Indonesia, so there is still a lack of research that focuses on exploring the knowledge of these teachers. Data were collected through mixed questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and analysis of lesson plans. This research is important because, by explaining pPCK in a narrative form, it can reveal clearly the PCK components possessed by experienced teachers. The PCK component is a sign that experienced teachers are professional teachers so that the teaching experience and learning planning of experienced teachers can be adapted by teachers or pre-service teachers for learning in their classrooms. The study revealed that experienced teachers were professional teachers. The teacher^s experience in planning and teaching parabolic motion is in accordance with the five PCK components proposed by Magnusson. The PCK component is formed from the pPCK components owned by the teacher. This research can add to the literature on experienced teachers^ pPCK by providing examples of the documented pPCK of experienced teachers^ physics subjects.

Keywords: Pedagogical Content Knowledge- pPCK- experienced teachers- narrative inquiry

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144 Physics Education ABS-58

The Use of Orang Kayo Hitam Comic to Increase Students Learning Outcomes
Haerul Pathoni- Alrizal- Wella Meliza

Universitas Jambi


This research is based on the low physics learning outcomes of senior high school students in grade 10th. The purpose of this research is to improve learning outcomes in Newton law material by using comic media based on Jambi Province folktale entitled Orang Kayo Hitam. The study was conducted at SMA Negeri 9 Kota Jambi grade 10th in 2022. The type of research is classroom action research (CAR) which consists of three cycles. One cycle consists of four stages of activity namely, planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The result showed that the number of students who achieved the KKM score in the first cycle is 44%. In the second cycle is 56% and in the third cycle is 78%. From the result of the study, it can be concluded that the use of comic media based on Jambi folktale Orang Kayo Hitam can improve student learning outcomes.

Keywords: comic- folktale- classroom action research- learning outcomes

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145 Physics Education ABS-70

The Content Validity of Huma Betang Character Measurement Instrument on Physics Learning for High School Students in Central Borneo
Pri Ariadi Cahya Dinata (a*), Yoan Theasy (a), Desy Kumala Sari (b), Supardi (c), Supahar (c), Adam Amir Kirana (a), Agita Damasti Nurullita (a)

a) Physics Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Palangka Raya, Palangka Raya 73111, Indonesia
b) Physics Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Musamus, Merauke 99611, Indonesia
c) Physics Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia


The huma betang is a life philosophy of the Dayak tribe in Borneo, which contains the values of togetherness, unity, cooperation, diversity, and mutual respect. Those values are integrated into learning in schools, including physics learning. However, instruments that can be used to measure the character of huma betang have never been constructed until now. Therefore, this study aims to produce an instrument that is feasible to measure the huma betang character of students in physics learning. The type of research used is the Oriondo-Antonio model of research and development. In this article, the discussion focuses on the content validity of the huma betang character instrument obtained through expert judgment. The instrument developed contains the four pillars of huma betang, which are hapahari (kinship), handep (mutual help), belom bahadat (civilized living), and hapakat kula (deliberation). These four pillars are translated into 40 statements assessed by seven validators through validation sheets. Validation data were analyzed using formula of Aiken to determine the validity level of each item. With a validity standard of 0.93, it was obtained 37 valid items and three invalid items. Furthermore, the valid items need to be tested on students to determine their measurement of empirical validity and reliability.

Keywords: content validity, huma betang, character measurement instrument, physics learning

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146 Physics Education ABS-75

Development of Moodle-Based Formative Feedback of Temperature And Heat to Overcome Learning Difficulties for High School Students
Rika Andini a), Sentot Kusairi b)*, Khusaini c)

Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Malang, 65145 Indonesia


This research aimed to create Moodle-based formative feedback products for temperature and heat topics to help students through overcoming problems in these topics. The ADDIE method was used to develop the product, which involve three validators and 26 students. From this research, a Moodle-based formative feedback product was developed which was declared valid, could be accessed anytime and anywhere and could be monitored by the teacher. According to student responses, the average percentage of formative feedback products^ practicability is 85%. The five difficulties that students had were solved, according to the effectiveness test^s findings. The Moodle-based formative feedback product that was developed can be an alternative to help high school students who have learning difficulties with the topic of temperature and heat.

Keywords: Formative feedback- Learning difficulties- Moodle- Temperature and heat

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147 Physics Education ABS-77

Analysis of Students^ Conceptual Understanding in Determining the Direction of Rotational Kinematics Quantities
Andrea Faktur Rahman, Jauhar Rosanah, Alfina Rosita Dewi, Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang Street No 5, East Java 65145, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the students^ conceptual understanding of kinematics. We focus on identifying students^ abilities in determining the direction of kinematic quantities, namely (1) angular and linear position, (2) angular and linear displacement, (3) instantaneous angular and linear velocity, (4) average angular and linear velocity, and (5) angular and linear acceleration. All questions are based on a case of uniform circular motion. The study was conducted on 53 students of S1 Physics Education who had taken basic physics courses. This was descriptive research conducted on 53 undergraduate students of Physics Education who have passed the Fundamental of Physics I course. The research instrument consisted of 10 multiple choice questions and an interview guide. Data analysis was carried out by determining descriptive statistics. The results showed that the average score of students^ understanding of the Rotational Kinematics concept was 33.58 (medium category). We found that many students had difficulties in determining the direction of rotational kinematic quantities. In addition, students are actually better at determining the direction of translational kinematics quantities. Based on the results of the interviews, students were confused in determining the direction of rotational kinematics quantities and assumed that the direction of the quantities was the same as the direction of rotation. Based on the results of interviews, students assume the direction of rotational quantities is the same as the direction of rotation.

Keywords: Conceptual Understanding, Rotational Kinematics

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148 Physics Education ABS-84

Indonesian Physics Teachers^ Perceptions and Attitudes towards Thought Experiments in High Schools
Hartono Bancong,1,a*) Nurazmi,1,b) and Sirajuddin2,c)

1) Physics Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Makassar, Makassar, 90221, Indonesia.
2) Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Makassar, Makassar, 90221, Indonesia.

Corresponding author: hartono.b.b[at]unismuh.ac.id


Thought experiments have a crucial role in the discovery of physics theories. However, to apply thought experiments effectively in the classroom, teachers must have adequate pedagogical knowledge and skills. This study aims to explore the perceptions and attitudes of high school physics teachers towards thought experiments. In this study, we involved 30 physics teachers from different schools in both urban and rural schools. The data were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis show that physics teachers have a high awareness of the importance of thought experiments in physics learning, especially atomic theory and relativity, and perceive themselves to lack skills regarding the pedagogical aspects of thought experiments. Teachers also show positive attitudes and beliefs about teaching thought experiments. However, teachers still recognized the challenges of implementing thought experiments in the classroom. The teacher suggests that thought experiments be carried out collaboratively so that students can share ideas with each other. Furthermore, technology media such as virtual reality may be the ideal answer for assisting students in visualizing an imaginary environment when doing thought experiments in the classroom.

Keywords: attitude- perception- physics teacher- thought experiments

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149 Physics Education ABS-88

Contemporary Physics Topic Interest of Students in Primary School
Ales Prsin (a), Jerneja Pavlin (b*)

a) Primary School Fran Albreht Kamnik, Solska ulica 1, 1241 Kamnik, Slovenia
b) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Kardeljeva ploscad 16, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Similar to many other countries, physics is considered an unpopular subject in Slovenian primary schools. Students participate in the compulsory subject of physics in the 8th and 9th grade of primary school (at the age of 13-15). It is believed that the popularity of physics is strongly influenced by the choice of the topic covered in class. Informal conversations suggest that students could learn more about the current findings of physics in regular physics classes. Therefore, the aim of our study was to find out which topics not covered in physics classes (but are possible according to the subject^s curriculum) students find interesting, whether they want to learn about contemporary physics, whether they want to learn about contemporary physics as part of the elective subject, whether gender or interest in science influences the choice of topics students find interesting, and how students respond on being taught the most interesting in physics topic at school. 136 8th and 9th grade students from a particular primary school in Slovenia participated in our survey. Of the seven proposed topics briefly presented to the students (radioactivity, liquid crystals, physics in medicine, astronomy, energy sources, how things work, hydrogels), radioactivity proved to be the most interesting. Most students would like to learn more about the findings of contemporary physics, while one in three students would like to take an elective subject. Female students put physics in medicine at the top and male students put radioactivity. Students found school lessons on radioactivity interesting. Research shows how to bring physics closer to students. It is worth encouraging teachers to use the introduction of contemporary physics topics in physics classes. The results indicate that students want to learn about content on contemporary physics and that such topics are more attractive to them than content in regular physics classes.

Keywords: contemporary physics, interest, primary school

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150 Physics Education ABS-99

Explanatory Studies of Student Problem Solving Approaches in Physics
Menza Hendri (a), Dian Pertiwi Rasmi (a), and Cicyn Riantoni (b*)

a) Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
b) Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Dinamika Bangsa Jambi, Indonesia.


Problem-solving ability is one of the key components that students must have in studying physics. This study aims to explore information about the approach used by students in solving physics problems. This study uses a mixed method with an explanatory model. The research subjects were 152 physics education students, from Jambi University, Indonesia. Data was collected using tests and interviews. The test was conducted using essay questions, while the interview was conducted using an open interview sheet. Data analysis was carried out by coding based on the characteristics found from the test answers and student interviews. The results showed that there were four categories of approaches used by students in problem-solving, namely (1) students who in problem-solving depended on the variables in the problem and without using concepts- (2) students who in problem-solving depend on the variables in the problem, but pay attention to concepts- (3) students who in problem-solving always describe the context of the problem in the problem and apply the concept- (4) students who solve problems by trial and error.

Keywords: Problem Solving- Approach- Physics

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