The Development of Learning Media Based on The Local Potential: The Need Analysis for Making a Traditional Ritual Module for Biodiversity Materials
Nuris Fattahillah1, Siti Sriyati2, Amprasto3

1Masters Program of Biology Educarion, Indonesia University of Education, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Department of Biology Education, Science Education University, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Department of Biology Education, Indonesian Education University, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Indonesia has the third highest biodiversity status in the world after Brazil and Colombia. Indonesia^s wealth should be maximized by being used for the biology learning process. However, this variety of biodiversity has not been used optimally in learning, even though plants have advantages in producing scientific discoveries. Biodiversity also causes students to have difficulty in studying plant material, the solution to this problem is to use local wisdom so that students can understand the material well. This study aims to determine the activities and constraints for teachers, obstacles for students and provide an overview of learning media design as an alternative solution. In this research, qualitative descriptive analysis was conducted by collecting 15 biology teachers and 32 students as respondents. The results of the teachers^ questionnaire show that learning using local potential is still not enough, which is about 93% of teachers do not use local wisdom in classroom, 86% of teachers only use pictures as the media and 93.75% of students consider that the materials about plants are quite difficult so they do not understand when receiving learning in particular, more specifically in the chapter about biodiversity. The teachers^ response shows that 100% of the teachers strongly agree to use local potential in learning. The development of this learning media will be expected to provide a solution to the problems that occur to students in the matter of biodiversity, namely the biodiversity module based on local potential of traditional rituals.

Keywords: Biodiversity, Local Potential, Module

Topic: Biology Education

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