antiproliferative effects of combined cisplatin and ginger extract on triple negative breast cancer cells (a) Sadia Anwari, (b) Praseetha Prabhakaran
a) Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Kabul University, 1001, Kabul, Afghanistan. anwari1995[at]
b) Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science, UTM, 81310, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. praseetha[at]
Triple negative breast cancer is a diverse disease that typically affects younger women and has a higher rate of motility than other types of breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to determine the antiproliferative effects of combined cisplatin and ginger extract on TNBC cells. MTS assay, caspase 3 assays kit , and isobologram analysis were used to investigate the growth inhibitory effect of CISGE, the ability of CISGE to induce apoptosis, and the interaction between cisplatin and GE. On MDAMB231 cells, cisplatin, GE , and combined of cisplatin and GE were tested. Cisplatin, GE, and CISGE inhibited cell viability in a dose-dependent manner. The phenotype of solo cisplatin treated cells was differentiated, whereas the phenotype of GE treated cells was apoptotic. When compared to single dosages, the combination of CISGE enhanced apoptosis considerably, with apoptotic rates of 1.52 and 1.77 percent, respectively. In addition, the combination of CISGE had a strong synergistic impact on MDAMB231 cells. Finally these findings imply that the CISGE therapy strategy could be an effective anticancer agent for TNBC
Keywords: triple negative breast cancer, cisplatin, ginger extract