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Application of 3D Resistivity Method on Detecting Groundwater in Kalisangkrah Hamlet Field, Sumberoto Village, Donomulyo District, Malang Regency
Reta Lola Oftaviana, Yoyok Adisetio Laksono, Siti Zulaikah

department of physics universitas negeri malang


Ground water is a major need for human daily life. Groundwater needs tend to increase so that new water sources are needed. However, the increase in development causes the land for water drilling to decrease. This study aims to identify the presence of groundwater as a source of clean water in drought-stricken areas, namely in Sumberoto Village, Donomulyo District, Malang Regency. The method used is the geoelectric method of resistivity of the Wenner-Schlumberger configuration. The data was processed using Res2Dinv software to produce resistivity contour in 2D. The data is then processed into 3D resistivity contours using Rockworks software. Based on geological maps and 3D resistivity contours, the area can be estimated to have 2 layers of soil consisting of clay and limestone. The reciprocity value obtained is 10 ohm meter - 300 ohm meter at a depth of 25 meters, thus indicating that the area has a low groundwater potential.

Keywords: Groundwater, Geoelectricity, Wenner-Schlumberger Configuration, Donomulyo

Topic: Environmental Engineering

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