Exploration of the Phytotoxicity Potential of Oxalis Weed: Inhibition of Germination of Mustard Seeds (Brasica rapa var parachinensis) by Oxalis latifolia Ethanol Extract. Rahmi Masita, Ailia Nur Fadlilah, Aura Putri Agatha
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang
Pest control, especially weeds, is a major challenge in sustainable agriculture. As a competing crop for agricultural crops, weed control requires careful herbicide selection and application strategy. Herbicide reduction in sustainable agriculture can be done through interactions between plants or allelopathy in plants. In this study, Oxalis latifolia weed was extracted using ethanol as a solvent and tested for its inhibitory activity on mustard greens (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis). The ethanolic extract of O. latifolia was dissolved in distilled water at a concentration of 20 mg/ml and 33 mg/ml. Germination inhibition test was carried out on petri dishes lined with filter paper and 20 green mustard seeds were placed per petri dish. The extract and control treatments (aquades) were repeated 3 times each and were observed for 3 days. The results obtained showed that the extract of O. latifolia inhibited 100% of green mustard seed germination. This high inhibition value still needs to be studied further to determine the mechanism and minimal inhibition concentration.