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New Isolated Strain of Thermophilic Bacteria for Promising Urease Producer
Endry Nugroho Prasetyo(a*), Garnish Septiani Fidarliyan(a)

a) Gedung H, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia


Urease is an hydrolysing enzyme which is produced by ureolytic microorganisms that convert urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. Microbial derived urease has wide applications in biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, construction, and geotechnics. Various ecosystems such as soils, oceans and different geological formations can be a good source of urease producing microbes. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize rapidly urease producing thermophilic bacteria from the volcano crater. Sixteen urease producing bacterial isolates were screened and selected using qualitative urease activity assay. Three isolates were expressed high level of urease activity as determined by a chromogenic assay. The isolates were further characterized with regard to their biochemical, morphological and enzymatic profile properties. The results of this research were mostly classified as Bacillus which are able to grow up to temperature 60 degree Celcius. Various subtrates were as well utilized to produce different activity of urease. The highest urease activity was achieved at 3000 U/ml which was produced at temperature 50 degree Celcius.

Keywords: thermophilic bacteria- urease- biochemistry- volcano crater- ureolytic

Topic: Biotechnology

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