Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things Using Microcontroller Renaldi Dwi Saputra, Haidar Ali, Saparullah, Sunaryono, Sukarni, Muladi, and Nandang Mufti
1. Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang 65145, Indonesia
2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang 65145, Indonesia
3. Centre of Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy, Universitas Negeri Malang 65145, Indonesia
Water is a crucial element for all life on earth. The fact that the earth is made up of 71% water is undeniable. But actually, only about 1% of the remaining fresh water can be consumed by humans. This little water faces various threats such as human activities, industry, and various other activities that pollute the environment which causes the health quality of the water to be threatened, so it is necessary to have a device that can guarantee water quality in a safe condition so that it does not become a source of disease for living things. Water quality monitoring devices can be built using the ESP32 microcontroller and sensors such as temperature, TDS, EC, salinity, and turbidity programmed via Arduino IDE. The data monitored are sent and stored to a MySQL via the internet. Then the stored results are displayed through the NodeRed user interface. Sensors are calibrated according to the characteristics of each sensor and then validated with a standard Hanna Instrument 98194 Multiparameter measuring instrument. The results show that the sensor measurement results have an R-square value above 85% which indicates that the system built shows results that are calibrated with standard measuring instruments
Keywords: Water Quality, IoT, Microcontroller, Smart System