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Germinated Red Rice and Kefir Milk: Functionality and Potency in Food Product
Florencia Angel Meliana(a), Catarina Aprilia Ariestanti (a*), Tri Yahya Budiarso (a)

a) Duta Wacana University, Faculty Biotechnology


Red rice is an Indonesian local food that contains bioactive compounds such as phenol and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA), can act as antioxidant. Thus, it has a potency to be developed as an ingredient to produce functional food. Kefir milk is a product contains lactic acid bacteria and yeast and can act as probiotics. The aim of this study was to see the effect of kefir milk added with germinated red rice flour on LAB and yeast, antioxidant activity, and its phenol and GABA content in the end product. Red rice was germinated under 28 and 34 degree celcius in order to increase the antioxidant, phenol, and GABA content. Total LAB and yeast colonies were counted. Antioxidant capacity was done using 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Total phenol and GABA content were measured using Spectrophotometry UV-Vis technique. Results showed that kefir milk combined with germinated red rice-flour can enhance the growth of LAB and yeast. Antioxidant capacity was increased up to 59.95% with phenol and GABA content of 3.577 mg/100mlGAE and 47.329 mg/100g respectively. The results indicated that addition of germinated red rice-flour in kefir milk can enhanced its functionality. Hence, it has a potency as functional food ingredient.

Keywords: Antioxidant, GABA, Germinated red rice, Kefir milk, Phenol

Topic: Biotechnology

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