Early Exploration of The Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) in Ternate Island by Using Morphology Approach Nurhasanah 1,2,a), Karuniawan A 1, b), Sundari 2) and Hidayah L.2)
1 Department of Agricultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran
2 Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Khairun
a)Corresponding author : nurhasanah[at]unkhair.ac.id
Abstract: Ternate island was one of Wallace^s lines for the center of biodiversity in the North of Molucca. One unique name of plant related to Ternate island was the butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.). Here, we explored butterfly pea in Ternate island by using the morphology approach. All plant was collected directly on the field based on information obtained from the local community before it was analyzed descriptively. In our study, we found eleven accessions spread among the island. There were three types of plants: wild, domestication, and cultivation. The leaf morphology is elliptic, ovate, and acute, with the number of leaflets from five to 7. The flower^s characteristic bears the blue and dark blue color of petals- petals consist of one large petal as the vexillum and two pairs of petals in the middle of the large petal. It has a diadelphous stamen with vary number of anthers, a single pistil with a higher position than stamen, fused of 5 sepals. The fruit has a linear-oblong shape. Inside the fruit, there is various a number of seed from 3 to 10 in one pod. Seed shapes are kidney or square.
Keywords: Exploration, Clitoria ternatea, Morphology, Ternate Island