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Identification of Leachate Flow Using Resistivity Method of Wenner-Schlumberger Configuration at Mrican Landfill, Jenangan District, Ponorogo Regency
Hanif Izzuddin Zakly, Yoyok Adisetio Laksono, Daeng Achmad Suaidi, and Siti Zulaikah

Departement of Physics


The Mrican landfill in Jenangan Subdistrict, Ponorogo Regency is a type of controllerd landfill with an area of 1.7 ha and an average waste per day of 70 tons. The Mrican landfill at this time was declared overloaded. The study was conducted to determine the distribution of leachate water using the Wenner-Schlumberger configuration geoelectric method with the estimation of the leachate water resisiivity value below 10 Ohmm. The research that has been carried out using 4 passes, track 1 with a track length of 100 m and sepation between electrodes of 10m obtained a small recissivity anomaly of 6.75-7.45 Ohmm. However, on track 1, the location is located away from the landfill location so it is suspected that it is only surface water. On track 2 with a trajectory length of 200 m and a sepation between electrodes of 20 m, a small recissivity anomaly of 6.8-9.45 Ohmm was found . The result is also suspected to be leachate water does to track 2 passes through a pile of garbage. On track 3 with a track length of 100m and sepation between electrodes of 10 m, a very small resistivity anomaly of 1.92-5.45 Ohmm is leachate water with a depth of more than 24.8 m. On track 4 with a track length of 100 m and a sepation of 10 m, an anomaly of a small resistivity of 3.46-6.29 Ohmm with a depth of more than 24.8 m was leachate water from the Mrican landfill. A small resistivity of 1.92-6.8 Ohmm which is suspected to be leachate water from the Mrican landfill collected on the southeast side of the landfill with the direction of the leachate water concentration tending towards the east out of the waste center with a total volume of 1,375,785.25 cubic meter.

Keywords: geoelectric, leachate, wenner-schlumberger, Mrican landfill

Topic: Environmental Engineering

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