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Effect of Various pH on Urease Production from Newly Isolated Gram-negative Bacteria
Izzatul Islami, Nadhifah Astari Putri, Danu Risqi Yudiargo, Fellycita Kartika Afriliona, Fida Alya Putri Rimansa, Frida Ayu Wahyuwati, Karimatul Millah, Endry Nugroho Prasetyo*

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Urease (urea amidohydrolase, is a nickel metalloenzyme capable of hydrolyzing carbon-nitrogen bonds in linear amides, such as urea, and producing ammonia and carbon dioxide. Urease applications can be found in the medical industry, food, and biosensors. Variations in pH, ranging from acidic to alkaline, affect cell physiology and protein conformation that can have an effect on urease production and activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum pH of urease production from Gram negative bacteria isolated from urban sewer. The production and activity of urease were assayed using the Bradford and Nessler method respectively. The result showed that the urease activity was achieved at 1500 Unit/ml in alkaline pH after partial purification using ammonium sulphate salting out technique.

Keywords: activity, Gram-negative bacteria, pH, production, urease

Topic: Biotechnology

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