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Urease Production of New Isolated Acidophilic Bacteria at Different pH Levels
Danu Risqi Yudiargo, Nadhifah Astari Putri, Fellycita Kartika Afriliona, Fida Alya Putri Rimansa, Frida Ayu Wahyuwati, Izzatul Islami, Karimatul Millah, Endry Nugroho Prasetyo*

Gedung H, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia


Urease is an enzyme produced by ureolytic microorganisms which hydrolyzes urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide as final end products. The activity of urease can be determined by measuring the amount of ammonia produced. Ammonia levels can be detected using the Nessler method as urease activity. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of pH variation on urease production by new isolated acidhophilic bacteria from urban sewer. The variation of the pH was set between 4 to 7 in 40 degree Celcius incubation temperature while stirring at 150 rpm. The result showed that the highest activity of urease was achieved in the pH 5 by 1500 U/ml.

Keywords: Activity- Bacteria- Enzyme- pH- Urease

Topic: Biotechnology

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