Development of Teaching Materials for Folklore (Hikayat) in Digital Form for Students of Class X SMA Negeri 1 Stabat Langkat Regency
Utami Widya Putri (a*), M. Oky Fardian Gafari (b), Wisman Hadi

Indonesian Language And Literature Education Study Program Of Postgraduate School of Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia 2022


This study aims to determine the results of the development of teaching materials of folklore (hikayat) in digital form for students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Stabat Kabupaten Langkat. This type of research is a development research based on the Brog and Gall development model. With test subjects consisting of students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Stabat Langkat Regency. This research has the implication that the product developed will provide a practical contribution, especially in the implementation of the learning process for teachers as additional teaching materials to facilitate the material being taught can be independent or classical. Furthermore, for students to improve the quality of learning, especially in folklore (hikayat) material activities.

Keywords: teaching materials, folklore (saga), digital media (moodle).

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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