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Development of Physics Teaching Materials with Guided Inquiry Model to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Students in Class XI High School
1. Jeneva Samosir 2.Motlan 3.Alkhafi Maas Siregar

Universitas Negeri Medan


The purpose of this study was to develop a guided inquiry-based teaching material to see an increase in student learning activities and at the same time improve students^ critical thinking skills. The place where the research was carried out was at SMA Negeri 2 Balige, which is located in Jl. Pelajar Soposurung Balige, for class XI students. The type of research is Research & Development (R&D). The research started from a preliminary study, analysis of student needs, literature study, and field observations, followed by designing a guided inquiry-based teaching material which was assessed by examiners of material experts and design experts as well as by school teachers and then tested on students. The results showed that the teaching materials developed were valid and suitable for use based on the very good assessment category by the examiners with a percentage score of 89.70% by the material expert team and 93.22% by the design expert team. Teaching materials are also practical which can be seen from the results of student questionnaires which state that these teaching materials meet the needs of students. The effectiveness of teaching materials can be seen from the impact of these teaching materials which can improve students^ critical thinking skills and student learning activities. Based on this description, the teaching materials developed based on guided inquiry are valid, practical and effective so that they can improve students^ critical thinking skills

Keywords: R&D research, guided inquiry, critical thinking skills

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Jeneva Samosir)

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