Development of Macromedia Flash-Based Learning Media Using The Student Team Achievement Division Learning Model to Improve Student^s Spatial and Resilience in 8th grader Of MTs Mardiyah Islamiyah
Putri Dahlena Pulungan, Faiz Ahyaningsih, Izwita Dewi

State University Of Medan


study aims to: (1) analyze the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of learning media based on Macromedia Flash that has been developed- (2) describe the improvement of students^ spatial abilities and resilience through the development of learning media based on Macromedia Flash- This research is a development research, with a 4D (four-D). The subject of this research is learning media with the subject of flat-sided space construction in class VIII of MTs Mardiyah Islamiyah. The results of : (1) The developed learning media had met the criteria of being valid, practical and effective- (2) the increase in students^ spatial ability was obtained from the increase in the average spatial ability indicator of students in the 1st and 2nd trials- (3) an increase in the average resilience of students between trials, from 87.5 in trial 1 to 91.3 in trial 2.

Keywords: Learning media development, Macromedia Flash, Student Team Achievements Division (STAD), ability spatial,resilience

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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